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♥Hey i'm Jennifer and everyone is entitled to my opinion! =p My Alien name is Jesaw Saose, lol. D.O.B 12th July 1995. I live in Melbourne Australia and I'm a Christian. I'm Homeschooled. I love poetry and music. I also looove animals! I think the guy who invented the snooze button is a legend. And I'm wayy over due for a mental health check up =p CGFE stands for Catholic/Christian Girl For Ever =) Every1 I know means the WORLD to me because they have changed my life just for being my friends ♥♥ Fave quote "If your going through hell, keep going" And "Missing someone is what makes them a gr8 memory" =) Facebook Twitter 360 ♥

  • Windows 7 Disc drive only playing audio discs but not games or movies?

    I haven't played anything in my disc drive for a while, like a few years or so but back when I did games, movies and cds all worked fine but for a few days now i've been trying to get a game to work but the disc drive can't seem to read it. I've tried several different games, thinking there was maybe something wrong with the one I wanted to play but none of them worked either.

    Then I tried to play a few movies, and it couldn't read them either. Then I tried a cd and that worked fine. I tried using a disc cleaner, and the disc drive was able to read that as well so why aren't games and movies working?

    I have roxio burn on my computer and when I put the discs in, I click on the roxio icon and it reads the disc and the disc starts spinning for a few seconds but then stops again. I'm not sure what else to try. Any idea what could be wrong?

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Random swollen lymph nodes on my body and now a bump on my head. Help? I'm really starting to get worried!?

    So, quite a while ago, maybe 2 years ago, I posted a question about feeling a small, painless lump in my jaw which I could wriggle around a little and was told it was a swollen lymph node, and then I found another lump just like it under my left rib. I still have both of those little lumps and they've never bothered me, but just recently I've found another lump exactly the same under my other rib, the right one, which was a little noticeable and sore at first but now it doesn't bother me anymore but something else is really bothering me right now and i'm not sure if it's the same problem. Just today, I was scratching the back of my head and noticed a small lump on the back of my head, it's on the right side on the large boney part on my skull thats right next to my spinal cord, but it's not the same as the other lumps I have. It doesn't move around like the others do and it's kinda sore, well not really sore, but like, when I press down on it, it's painful and now, even though I haven't touched it, it's still aching a little.

    I'm really getting worribed about why all these lumps are showing up. Does anyone know what they could be? especially the one of my head because i'm pretty sure the others are just swollen lymph nodes and they're not bothering me but the one of my head really is.

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • I think I may be dyslexic...?

    Over the years, I've heard about dyslexia and the symptoms of it and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I have dyslexia.

    I can't really write properly, like at all, so I only type on my computer. Also, I think in pictures and feelings all the time, like I can explain things really, really well to myself using pictures and emotions but then if I have to explain it out loud to someone else, I have no idea how to put it into words. Also, when I type/write I get distracted really easily and I have to re-read some sentences sometimes to make sense of it, even things that, at any other time, I'd have no trouble understanding. Occasionally, I get numbers mixed up as well, but that's very rare with me. Like sometimes, I'll see the number 5 but I end up mistaking it for the number 2. I also get really stressed out when writing things, and not things like school work, I mean things that I shouldn't even be stressed about. For eg, I like writing stories/poems/songs etc, but I always end up stopping non stop and getting stressed for no reason.

    I also zone out and daydream when ever I need to concentrate. For eg, when I went to public school (I'm home schooled now) I would be doing my school work in class, but I'd just keep zoning out for no reason and then when I went back to my work, I'd have to re-read everything to understand what it was about, but then I would get confused again and keep re-reading even the simplest things because I had trouble understanding what they meant. I also have weird memory, I easily remember things like faces, experiences and locations but I can almost never remember things like facts and school work. For eg, I remember many times back in primary school when we would be doing either math or history or something, but only moments after learning something, I'd forget it. As a result of this, I only know simply Maths, like Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication (Also bod-mas) but that's about it, I don't know or understand anything else even though I know i've learned it.

    I found this page online and theres a whole list of symptoms of Dyslexia and I'm really shocked at how many of them I ticked off in my head.

    I've experienced almost every symptom on that list at one point or another.

    Am I dyslexic?

    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • How to re-activate the touch pad on a Windows 7 Laptop?

    Last night the touch pad on my laptop stopped working and when I restarted the computer it still wouldn't work and a little window popped up saying that the touch pad had been de-activated. I had to plug in a mouse to use it. Because I went on mouse settings on the control panel and there were two settings under - Hardware. One said, HID compliant mouse and the other said Synaptics PS/2 port TouchPad. When I clicked on that one, nothing happened. So, can someone please tell me how exactly I can re-activate the touch pad? Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • How do I uninstall Internet Explorer 9 and return to 8?

    I recently updated to Internet Explorer 9 and I hate it, mostly the layout, it takes me forever to learn new layouts and I can't be bothered relearning how to browse the internet, lol. So how do I return to my old version of internet explorer?

    6 AnswersOther - Internet10 years ago
  • What time is the world suppose to end in 2012?

    First off all, I don't believe the nutcase doomsday theories. I'm just wondering, I know the world is 'apparently' going to end on December 21st 2012 *eyeroll* but what TIME exactly?

    p.s, I have no idea what category this belongs in so i'm just settling for Polls and Surveys....

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Audio problems on Windows 7?

    I always have my headphones plugged into my computer but just now, out of no where the sound started coming through the speakers even with the headphones plugged in. I put in a different pair of headphones, thinking there was maybe something wrong with the ones I had, but the other ones didn't change anything either. I'm not sure how to fix it, or what's even wrong, I was using my headphones only a few horus ago but now the sound won't come through them. Any ideas on whats wrong?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I can't maintain eye contact. And I don't know why.?

    For as long as I can remember, I've never been able to maintain eye contact. With people I don't know, its impossible, I find myself looking anywhere BUT their eyes. With people I do know, friends, family etc. I can maintain eye contact for a brief amount of time but it feels really awkward and I can't bring myself to keep looking, I have to look away.

    I know many others have this problem and i've read several other questions like this but the only answers anyone else had was "you're shy" or "most people who can't maintain eye contact come off as shift and untrustworthy" But surely there is a different reason why one would have trouble making eye contact. Like, some type of anxiety or something. Cause i'm not shy, nor shifty and not untrustworthy, but I hate that when people ask me about it, I have no answer for them. All I say is "I can never make eye contact with someone, I don't know why though" I need a better idea of whats going on. Any help?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I've started shaking for no reason! What could be wrong?

    Less than 10 minuets ago, I was relaxing on the couch and all I did was make a sudden movement to sit up and I started shaking. My hands are shaking uncontrollably and they feel weak, I feel weak at the knees as well. I don't feel sick or anything and i'm not in pain, so what could be causing this?

    I admit that my health isn't in great condition, I have a heart murmur but this has never happened before. I've haven't been scared by anything, and its 30 degrees here, so I'm not cold. Whats wrong??

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Need help identifying an insect (looks like a wasp)?

    So, my dad and I saw an insect the other week that we can't really identify, just out of curiosity.

    btw, if it helps, we're in Melbourne Aus. So I don't think its very tropical, although it seemed like the sort of thing you would see in a rain forest... So anyway, it looked kind of like an ordinary Wasp, yellow and bigger than a bee, but it was also kind of bigger than a wasp and it had a different look than a wasp.

    But, whats creepy is, it was actually dragging a dead spider, to eat, I assume (do wasps eat spiders?) but it actually seemed Intelligent! My dad was gonna kill it cause he didn't want it stinging anyone, but when he got close enough, it flew up and hovered above him until he backed away, then it went back down to the spider, then my dad went up to it again and it came back up again and started coming towards him until he backed away again! What the heck kind of insect could this be?? I didn't know insects were Intelligent but this thing seemed pretty dang smart.

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • I'm 15 and still get discharge every day!? Girls/Ladies!?

    I started my period almost 3 years ago but this past year i've started to get discharge again. Like, reeally bad. discharge, I have to wear a panty liner every freaking day that i'm not on my period. It doesn't smell, but its really gooey, (sorry for the details). Is this normal? I thought the discharge was only right before you first get your period. But apparently not...

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Windows media player won't play DVDs?

    I have Windows XP with media player 11, I think, it plays CDs but it won't play DVDs. It tells me I need to lower my screen resolution or color settings. But it still doesn't work after I do that. What could be wrong?

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Strong, uncomfortable pain in my left bicep.?

    This started less than 30 minuets ago and started really sudden, the side of my left bicep is aching an really sore, but when I press down on it, it doesn't hurt at all (at first i thought I pulled a muscle)

    Also, I noticed that the skin over the area that hurts feels thinner than it does on my right arms. I am a bit overweight so its easy to tell.

    I'm pretty worried about this, I don't know what it could be. I've noticed for months now, I have a few stretch marks on my biceps, but they are waaay worse on my left arm, they are barely visible on my right, the skin on my left is also more sensitive than it is on my right, I scratched it before (the pain was making me itchy) and now its all red.

    What could be wrong? I'm really worried, and I know that someone is eventually going to ask so i'll answer now. Yes I DO have a heart condition, a heart murmur to be exact. But i'm only 15.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • It reeally hurts to swallow!! HELP!?

    The back of my throat is sort of red and the left side, and when ever I swallow (and yawn) it hurts soo bad! It was like this a few days ago only on the other side and no where near as bad. This is so bad, at first I thought I might have a cut back there from eating something so I gargled salt water but it didn't hurt at all so I'm guessing threres no cut, it feels like a sore muscle would, a reeally badly stretched muscle that it, its terrible! What could this be

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • My left breast keeps aching?

    Lately i've had a few scares concerning my left breast, every now and then it starts to ache for a few seconds, around the top, i've also felt around and I know that at my age they're still growing (i'm 15) but it feels kind of weird, right in the center, behind my nipple, the usual lump (no not that kind of lump) is slightly bigger than the one on my right breast, but it doesn't hurt. Maybe that ones just growing slightly faster than the other one? I'm not sure, but i'm an extremely paranoid person so if anyone can give me some closure as to what could be wrong, i'd very much appreciate it.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is there anything that can ease sunburn pain?

    Today I was out in the sun all day and I got sun burnt on my forearms, chest and neck. I've been burnt waaaayy worse before, but this is still extremely painful, I have this gel type stuff that is meant to ease the pain, but it doesn't last long, I was wondering if there was anything else that could ease the pain, I've been told ice helps, but every time I put ice on, my burns go from scorching hot to freezing cold, lol. So any help? I'm dieing here!!

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to hate soo many foods?

    I've been like this for as long as I can remember. Basically every type of food tastes disgusting to me.

    I mean I eat, dairy stuff, wheat, and all those stuff. But for eg, I HATE fruit, and the only vegetables that don't make me want to puke is potato, peas, corn and broccoli.

    I also don't like any meat except for chicken and fish (if that counts as meat)

    Basically the only things I eat, are sandwiches, the veggies I mentioned up there, pasta, rice and cereal. Seriously, that can't be normal!! Do you think there might be something wrong with my taste spuds?

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Need help remembering the name of a Charlie Chaplin movie...anyone?

    I'm trying to remember the name of a Charlie Chaplin movie I saw a few years ago, I barely remember any details from it that could help but I'll try my best.

    I remember the main characters was Charlie Chaplin himself and some woman, at the start of the movie he was working in some factory and the woman, at one point stole some food for some kids I think and she got arrested for it. And through the rest of the movie, all I remember is that both of them are hiding from the police (I think) Does this help? I really need to remember the name.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to have so many phobias? Why could the reason be?

    I've been wondering this for SO long, I have so many phobias, most of them for no reason, and some of them came on without warning.

    I'm scared of, heights (including flying), needles, spiders, bugs, snakes, bones (I can't even feel my own rib bones without freaking out), overly loud noises, the dark, small confined spaces, elevators, clowns. And theres a few more i'd rather not mention. Some of these have reasons, but of them just came on without warning and I'm terrified of all of these things. What could the reason be? I don't recall in specific childhood moments that could have caused many of these, maybe the fear of clowns but thats it.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I can't breathe properly lately..?

    Lately I've noticed that I can't breathe in as far as I should. Usually when people breathe in real deep, they do it with ease, but when I take real deep breaths it feels like i'm straining myself.

    It feels kind of like my throat is closed a bit and the air isn't getting in.

    I have a heart murmur, could that be causing it?...or something else? In general, I can breath fine, its not like i'm panicking or anything, it just feels like I'm not breathing as well as I should.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago