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  • Guys back away?

    Is that annoying?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Major anxiety!! Guy I've been talking to online turned out to be...?

    A guy from my past who caused some drama. It was almost a year ago though, and I'd forgotten mostly about it. I'd been talking to this one guy almost every day for several months. Turns out it's the same guy! He gave me a different name.

    Not sure what to do. At one point I liked him, then hated him, now... I don't know. We've said some pretty intimate things to each other and shared some very personal pictures up until now. We only shared face pics today. We were supposed to finally meet in two days after talking since February.

    I'd like to talk to him in person about it. Not sure if he recognized me--didn't act like he did, but it'd be strange if he didn't. Not sure I want to get together as a date. Would it be weird to go talk to him about it person at the restaurant he manages that I'm often nearby?

  • How do I tell this guy I know he's gay?

    Met a guy at the gym. Totally nice and very attractive. I wasn't hitting on him or anything, I just asked him about these wrist straps he was wearing and if they helped a lot. But I kept thinking he looked familiar. When he said his name, I checked favorites in a gay dating app and there he was. He then told me that we should play racquetball sometime and we exchanged numbers.

    We were actually supposed to go out a few months ago and agreed to a day, but he never logged back in. From the way he talks, he says he's into girls. But he doesn't know who I am.

    What should I do?

  • If someone is attractive is it easier to see them as a jerk?

    When someone is super attractive, do you think they get labelled as being insincere? Some people even have told me they shy away from really good looking people because they make them uncomfortable.

    I don't understand this. If you find someone attractive, you go for it, I always thought.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I'm still upset at this guy, should I talk to him?

    I met a guy through a dating app, call him Larry. We decided to just be friends after getting to know each other a little. Though we kept making plans, he kept disappearing. I was dating other people and one, call him Bob, was getting really possessive and just all around freaking me out. So I ended it with that guy.

    Turns out Larry was on the app making up a bunch of trash about me to Bob. I thought we were on friendly terms because there was never any kind of drama. Larry freaked out on me and called me a liar and did everything he could to expose me--since not everyone knows I'm gay. I had to close my Facebook because he linked phony pictures to it (which came up in a Google search), change my number because he gave it out on the dating app (and kept harassing me for months), and even found my address and left me letters on my door. I moved out of my own condo for a couple months and even tried to file a restraining order.

    I decided to just let it go and if it bothered me a few months later, I'd revisit the situation. But it's been quite for awhile, no word from Bob, and... I still want to know 1) why he would make stuff up about me when I never did anything to him, and 2) what he said. It messed up my life for awhile. I know Bob's version of what Larry said, but it's all so bizarre I don't know what to make of it. When I asked Larry he denied it and then blocked me. So, after Bob found out where I lived, I sent Larry a letter telling him I wasn't angry, I just needed to know what Bob was talking about. He didn't respond. The only problem: I only know where Larry works, not where he lives. He's a restaurant manager. Everyone tells me I have to right to know and some wonder why I haven't gone down the Larry's restaurant and kicked his ***. Some days I feel like going in there and asking and think that is sometimes the only way I'll ever get closure.

    Any advice?

  • How do I move on from someone?

    First off, I'm gay so don't let the screen name confuse you into thinking I'm a girl :). I didn't know him very well either. That's the kicker. He came along when I never thought I'd find someone after a really rough experience, and when he held my hand... I was in. I was so careful this time around and cautious and I never fell so quickly in my life--usually takes me a few weeks to really know if I like someone that way. He has some weird issues though and things just didn't work out. Done everything I can possibly think to do. I date other people, go out with friends more, divert my mind when I find myself longing, took up new hobbies, focus on the things I didn't like about him, exercise more, throw myself into my work, broke off all contact, etc.

    I still think about him. I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'll just hurt for awhile, but it's been a couple months. It just feels so pathetic.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • When should I go see this guy who trash talked me?

    A bit complicated. Was on a dating site. Met a guy I really liked, but we agreed to be friends. We were never close though, but we stayed in touch. Then I met someone else who turned out to be a little crazy and unstable so I ended it. The crazy guy tried talking to a couple guys I knew under a fake name, and for some weird reason, the one I thought I was friends with made up a bunch of stuff about what happened between us that wasn't even true--at least according to the crazy guy.

    I naturally got mad at the friend, but once I found out crazy guy was behind everything (he was originally telling me stuff under a fake name too) I reached out to that friend and said no hard feelings. But now the crazy guy is harassing me again and I am freaked out. He did a lot of bad things to me and he said he did them because I lied, which I never did.

    I attempted to contact the friend but didn't hear back, so I sent a letter to the friend and said I'd be coming down to his restaurant to talk about things when I get a chance. I told him I wasn't angry, I just needed to know his side so I can get some clarity as to why this guy won't leave me alone. I am going to be down that way tomorrow, but the whole thing has just given me so much anxiety I don't know if I should just go in there or wait until things have settled more.

  • Is it possible to not get over someone?

    I've done all I can to get over this person: dated, gone out with friends, enjoyed just being single, trips, hobbies, new hobbies, focus on the negative aspects, etc. Sad thing is, I didn't know him all that well, but it was one of those instant things. I've gotten over people in the past I knew much better, and I tell myself that, but this may be "the one that got away." I'd never felt like this before. I know it wasn't anything I did at least. Is it possible to never really forget someone but still meet someone new?

  • Send a letter or see him in person?

    So... I met a guy online. We went out once, stayed in contact after. Come to find out, he said some stuff to another person I'd dated on there that wasn't true. This person really did everything he could to try and humiliate me to people (fake nudes online, fake dating profile that listed my number). He said he did it because he thinks I lied based on what the other guy told him. It's been a few months, and this crazy guy is still hounding me. I want to know the first guy's side of the story so I can get some clarity. He won't text me back, but I do know he works at a restaurant across from the one I frequent. Or I could just mail a letter first saying what happened and that I will probably drop in. What should I do?

  • How weird would it be if a dropped in on a friend at his work?

    We went out once (met online), but talked for about a week before. Got along very well, but decided to just be friends. We kept saying we would hang out after, but things kept coming up, and he was going through a hard time. Then there was some drama between us, though we did smooth it over. He manages a restaurant, and every week I'm with my buddies at another right across the street from his. I've thought about dropping in and saying hey one night afterwards, but I haven't really heard from him in awhile and I don't know if it would be creepy since we only hung out once a couple months ago. Naturally, I'd call or text him and tell him I might be coming dropping in after I see my friends. One time he did say I was free to come down anytime, but that was forever ago, and before we even met. I need some new friends in my life and he's someone I actually respect a lot, but it feels different since we went out--and I worry it might still be awkward between us.

  • If you forgive someone, should you reach out first?

    So, a friend betrayed me. It wasn't big, but we haven't spoken. I let the dust settle and have decided to forgive my friend because I think he's just going through a hard time. We weren't friend very long actually, but I would like to let him know the the past is the past and it's cool. People tell me I should wait for him to contact and apologize first otherwise I'm just being a doormat.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Why would someone block you if they were in the wrong?

    I dated someone but we've remained decent friends. Turns out, they were making up a bunch of lies about me. I called them on it and suddenly they blocked ME on Facebook.

    Obviously, it robbed me of the satisfaction of doing it myself, but if I'm at fault for something, I never even think to de-friend a person.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How do I ask this guy if he wants to go out again?

    Our first date went fine. A blind date. Not a total spark, but I had just gotten dumped a week before and wasn't high on the confidence level. I've been dating around, but I want to see if he would like to try another date now that it's been awhile. We've stayed decent friends though, but he's a flake with friends.

    1) Call him. Not sure if he'll answer. We haven't actually spoken in some time.

    2) Go visit him at work. He manages a restaurant and told me once (before we even met) that anytime I wanted to come down for a free meal, I could. I am in that area sometimes and could text him and tell him I might swing by, if he's around. But might not be the best place to talk to him about something like that. And popping in at his work might make me feel weird, though I do love that restaurant.

    3) Text him. He asked me out via text the first time, so not a huge deal.

    4) Facebook message him. This feels less personal to me, but some people told me the opposite.

    Any advice?

  • What is more personal: a text or FB message?

    There is a friend I want to ask out. We dated once on a blind date, but I was too nervous and not ready to date again after getting dumped just a week before. We've stayed in touch over the last month, and I'd like to ask them if they'd want to go out again now that things are more relaxed.

    My first choice is a phone call, but that just doesn't seem to happen in dating anymore, sadly. Is a text or a FB message a better way?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it dumb to ask for a second chance after a blind date?

    Met a guy online. We hit it off and ended up talking and texting non-stop for about a week. That actually kind of made things worse because it created a lot of pressure when we met. I'd just gotten dumbed about a week before and had little confidence going in. I told myself he wouldn't like me and not to let on. Naturally, he said he didn't feel a spark. Still... the date went... okay. Actually, I really liked him. But I was uncomfortable.

    It's been about a month and I've been dating around more. But I still think about him. We've stayed friends and keep saying we'll hang out--but I HAVE discovered he's a bit of a flake with people (something to think about, I know). I'm not gonna beg, but I'd like to say that I just wasn't ready to date when we met but I'd like to take him out again. Bad idea?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Thoughts on what to text?

    I need help with a text I want to send a guy I like. We went out a month ago, but I just wasn't in a good place to be dating because it had been less than two weeks since a terrible breakup. I had zero confidence and sorta checked out emotionally on our date. He said he didn't feel much of a spark from me, and I understood. We've actually been okay friends. We keep saying we need to hang out again.

    I've been dating since and been having fun with friends, so I feel more like my old self again. But I still think about this guy. I want to tell him I'd like to take him out on another date and that I just had a lot of things on my mind before. How do I say things so that I don't come off weird? I'm the type who would rather do it in person, but this guy responds more to texts (like most people these days).

  • How do I let him know I want to try another date?

    Okay, met a guy and fell hard for him. Unfortunately, I had no confidence at the time because it had been just over a week since a horrible experience and came off pretty uncomfortably. I didn't want to admit I could fall so quickly. Naturally, he said he didn't feel much of a spark (even though he did hold my hand and kissed me). I understood since I was pretty confused at the time. I've dated a lot since (been a little over a month) and have been having a lot of fun in life... but I still think about him. So much. Never have I felt like this about someone.

    We've been friends, but haven't really hung out since. We keep saying that we're going to but never do. I think this guy is awesome and I'd love to be his friend. I was thinking we could just see if anything develops from that. But this kind of limbo makes it kind of hard to move on. Time has passed and I feel more like myself again and I wanna see if he's willing to try another date. I just don't know how to ask him this... I kinda wanna explain that I just wasn't ready to open up. But how? I don't want to sound like a freak or anything.