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  • Electric kettle iron component molding or something?

    I have an electric kettle. Plastic case and inside is the metal loop that heats up the water. Recently, the metal part has black and white circular things on it. Is that mold? If it is, how can I get rid of it? I would not have thought that the metal, the thing that gets super hot to boil water, could mold but there's this weird stuff on it.

    1 AnswerEntertaining7 years ago
  • PS3 game recommendations with replay-ability?

    What are some games with good replay-ability for the PS3? I guess I'm asking for games where I can play them for more than their story or campaign. An example would be Demon's Souls and MGS4 since you had many ways to deal with a situation and can go through the same thing in a different way that you get to decide on. I like games like that where you don't walk through scripted situations so if there are any ( RPGs especially ) that allow for player freedom, that'd be lovely.

    2 AnswersPlayStation7 years ago
  • skype picks up youtube, how to stop this?

    when I skype with people, they can hear my youtube videos and itunes. Is there a way to prevent or isolate skype so that it can't pick up other forms of audio except for my mic?

    I wear headphones and that's the only output from my speakers. My mic is independent from the headphones.

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • How much longer will PSN for the ps3 last?

    I'd like to buy a game with an emphasis in the multiplayer component such as Battlefield, CoD, or another game called Starhawk. I just don't know if it is worth an investment with the new generation of consoles already out. I'm just concerned that if I buy a multiplayer emphasis game, it will become obsolete when the ps3 is not maintained by PSN any longer.

    Does any one know roughly how much longer the ps3 will have PSN and multiplayer for games?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Fund hack and slash for PS3?

    Because of school and whatnot, it's hard to sit and devote x amount of hours into a game at a time.

    What's a good hack and slash for the PS3 which I can quickly get into then leave at the drop of a hat?

    I've looked at some titles like Dante's Inferno, Neir, Bayonetta, DMC ( specifically 3 and 4 ), and God of War. I've also seen other titles like the Dynasty Warriors and Ninety Nine Nights but I'm not sure what's good or easy to get into while retaining entertainment for more than a week or with extra game options off the initial story mode.

    Anyone who's played any of these games or a combination, what's the general opinion? I'm not really interested in any new releases like Bayonetta 2 or a new God of War since I'm poor and I've already heard good things about these older titles.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • youtube comments aren't showing, how to fix this?

    Hold all your astonishment, but google must have freaked youtube up once again.

    This time, every video I access, the comments are hidden. The only way I can see them is to stop the video and go into a new page. Dismissing any invective I could possibly say towards these updates, how do I make the videos automatically show comments?

    The comments are hidden behind a safety mode which I never turned on. Consequentially, I've tried looking for this magic button of magical proportions and turning it off, but to no avail. Anyone knowledgeable in this, where's the place safety mode is hidden in and what's the procedure to kill it?

    3 AnswersYouTube7 years ago
  • checken lost her neck feathers?

    I have a few chickens. One of which is a Giant Black. This one in particular just recently lost all of her neck feathers. Only the stubs are left on the neck. Everything else about her seems fine but I'm worried.

    What could the problem be?

    I've looked online to address the problem, most of which point to the possibility of lice or other chickens pulling out the feathers. I live in Nevada so I highly doubt lice is an issue because of how cold it is. In addition, if the hen had lice, I'd think the rest would have lice too which would mean all my chickens would loose their neck feathers. This is focused on only one hen. Also I doubt that this one is on the bottom of the pecking order and receiving harassment because I have younger chickens which are still assimilating into the older chicken's group.

    A little more information, they are all free roaming and I feed them a combination of grain, store bought food mix, and vegetables thrown out by markets.

    4 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • Tales of Graces f or Xillia for PS3?

    A more lengthened way to ask the above question is this: if I get Graces f because it's cheaper, is it worth passing Xillia by? I'm really disliking the selling prices on new games and want to wait for a price drop on Xillia.

    Back to the question, compared to Xillia, does Graces f hold it's ground >= Xillia?

    My biggest concerns are characters and game length. I can't say I care too much about the story since the characters will make the story good or bad depending on how good they are...

    Anyone who has played the two games, can you compare them in terms of quality? I've played Vesperia and loved the game because the characters were not pathetic pansies for more than a single skit/ cut-scene. I've also played Final Fantasy 13. The character named Hope, I wanted him to die of plague and fall into a hole to suffer alone and cold. Seriously, THAT type of character makes me hate games even if everything else is good.

    So, if either game has a character like Hope of FF13, please state it and to the extent I'd have to put up with that character's ****.

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Can I hear a Japanese CD on a US music player?

    There's a CD I'm interested in buying that's Japanese origin. It will ship from Japan.

    The thing is I'm not sure my computer or CD player can recognize the format since it was made in Europe or the US ( I'm 129% sure it's actually made in China but I bought it in the US ).

    So does anyone know if I can buy a Japanese CD and throw it into my Acer computer or a generic CD player and have the machine not laugh at it's formatting and eat my CD alive?

    It it is important, the computer program I run to listen to music is itunes or microsoft's default music player while the CD player is something I bought from Best Buy a year ago. It's not a fancy Sony quality machine...

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Is The Last of Us good GAMEPLAY wise?

    I'm overly positive that I'm going to get people telling me to "buy the game" and "It's amazing" so I'm going to come right out and say I don't give a rat's *** about general opinions. I watch reviews on youtube for that. I don't plan to buy the game until a price drop and as far as spoilers are concerned, I already voluntarily know how it ends.

    What I want to know, past the hype of "such a touching story" and whatnot, is if there's actually a game to play on the disk. From the video reviews I've seen so far, it looks like a giant interactive movie. I'm curious to know if there's sustainable gameplay to back up it's title as a "video game."

    Please understand I am asking a very specific question here. I am asking about the gameplay and nothing else. I try to do research on my purchases and this is the last issue I'm questioning. If you can answer this question but fear ruining the experience through spoilers and giving away important info, refer to the top paragraph on how I already know the damn story. What I don't know is the ratio of "play" over "display" if that makes any sense.

    If I sound jaded and irritated, it's because I feel like half the people who will click on this question only came to tell me to just buy the game or other things mentioned above. No offence meant to anyone in particular.

    1 AnswerPlayStation8 years ago
  • Tales of Xillia question?

    I enjoy the tales series for many reasons. One of which is it's ability to make you invested in the universe.

    That said, I have watched some reviews of the game and one of the big things that caught my attention was a lack of an overworld replaced my quick travel.

    That was one of the things I liked about the series where you can grind while heading towards an objective or town. I'm concerned that the quick travel option makes the game linear, more so than other entries in the series.

    But for the people who have played the game, is it a problem which could take away from the experience? I don't know, I like Tales but I don't like what I have heard with the map overhaul. I guess if I could have opinions on whether or not it's worth forking over money. I'm just trying to find more information on the game so anything you have is appreciated- overworld map related or not.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • League of Legends IP currency question?

    The in game currency, influence points, I don't understand it.

    Some games I make bank and some games pennies are tossed my way. Example: a game of beginners coop v. ai going 7/0/5 netted me 24 ip but the same gametype with the same champ while going 1/2/3 granted me 186 ip. Both matches bots lost if that means anything.

    This phenomenon occurs in other game modes as well such as the land grab mode where I get 27 ip in one game while another very similar in length and victory giving me 207 ip.

    Is there a specific action that gives ip more than others? I gather game length and being victorious matters along with the k/d/a but it just looks bizarre and makes little sense.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • PSN and free games question?

    I've never bought PSN since I never really game online except for some instances. But I've seen a lot of full game titles free if you sign up for it.

    My question is as follows, if I pay for PSN and download the game, do I always have to be online and logged into PSN? Say I bring my console to a friends place who does not have internet so I can't connect online, will the free downloaded games be locked from me?

    Also, if I decide I don't want to continue PSN, will I still be able to play the downloaded games or will they be locked from me?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • PS3 games, anyone play the Atelier Chemist series?

    I'm planning to buy a PS3 since my xbox red ringed and because there are a ton of awesome looking games for the console exclusively. I already have my eyes on The Last of Us, Tales of Xilia when it comes out, and Killzone 3, among other titles.

    One game or game series I have seen was the Atelier series. The one where you are a chemist and mix stuff. I've seen video reviews from different people ( ign, gamestop, and smaller youtube reviewers ) which all seem to have a mixed opinion on the games.

    Anyone who has played or owns any of the Atelier games, what is the general opinion? Also, which game in the series would you say stands above the others?

    I enjoy RPGs and adventure games like Dragon Age and Tales of Vesperia. I hate, with a passion, FF13 and Lost Odyssey. It's not the turn base that bothered me, I love that because you can sit and think things through. I hate Lost Odyssey because of the whiny, backwards thinking kids and I hate FF13 because of it's laborious landholding through the entire game and pseudo free world roaming open expanse. Is the Atelier games like any of the games mentioned?

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Free and good screen capture program for Windows 7?

    I need a program which can record what I do on my Windows 7 computer. The laptop has a built in mic. What programs are free and without annoying popups and unnecessary toolbars?

    I've seen some different ones on the internet but I don't exactly know which are trustworthy and whatnot.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • PS4, pay for internet, PS3 pay too?

    So I've heard that the PS4 will require a subscription to gain the full online services. I don't really care for this and instead am curious if this means that if I buy a PS3, I'd have to pay for online game matches? Essentially what I'm asking is if I buy a PS3, the internet is free right now. But once the PS4 comes out, the console will charge a fee. I don't see it anywhere, but do you think that that fee will be given to PS3 aswell? Yeah, PSN is used for PS3 and PS4 but I'm still asking anyways because I want a PS3 because I'm sick of paying 60 dollars a year for the right to play with friends with my xbox. I'd hate to buy a last generation console primarily to use its free online services only to be forced to pay like xbox LIVE.

    K, I have followed the E3 stuff for a while so I know you only need to pay to play PS4 games competitively. So please do not side step my initial question.

    4 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Squirles, are they omnivores?

    So I'm out in my backyard and I see a squirle dragging half a dead bird along the fence. It dropped the carcase when I approached it.

    So, do squirles actually eat meat? I know that is not what they are associated with eating meat but I dunno. Are they... Opportunists/ scavengers which go for anything edible or do I have a special, escapped DARPA project meant to hunt down unfriendly people?

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • My xbox broke, this my excuse to get a PS3?

    I'm a little crazy over RPGs and the reason I bought a 360 was to play games like Tales of Vesperia and Eternal Sonata (I'm aware this game is also on the PS3).

    One thing lead to another and four years later, the white brick finally croaked. I've looked at ebay, amazon, and gamestop for replacements which are pretty steep in price.

    Consequentially, I'm thinking of getting a PS3 (still expensive but less so from what I've seen) since the system has a crap ton of amazing looking RPGs like the Atelier Ayesha Alchemist series, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, and the upcoming Tales of Xillia. I do play other things like shooters and stuff, CoD, Gears of War, and F.E.A.R as examples.

    I'd be getting the PS3 for games such as Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots, Kill Zone 3 ( and 4 if it comes out) along with the RPGs...

    I also would like to replay PS2 games (Final Fantasy series, Spiro the Dragon, Persona, etc) so I'd want one of the old models for backwards compatibility...

    I'd be giving up my friends on the white brick along with some fun games for the 360, and I'm afraid that gamestop would look at my collection and give me 50 dollars for nine or ten games plus a "system failed" 360, with a smile of course...

    I'm a college student without a job. My financial range is that of a homless person but at least I get to leach off my parents somewhat.

    Personal opinion, ladies and gents: To not suck my family too dry, would a console swap be worth it or should I fork over the money and buy a new 360 and hope to god it does not mess up my disks?

    Secondary question: does the PS3 have the same disk scratching issues as the xbox?

    3 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • raising chickens, injury question?

    So I own some chicks about three weeks old and my dog got into their coop. One thing lead to another and one of the chick's leg is injured.

    I can't tell if it is broken or what, but when the bird lies down, it juts the leg out in front of its body.

    I notice that with its injured leg, it's toes are limp and are together which is opposite the other leg in which the toes are spread out. When I message the injured leg to get it to open, it's leg is completely limp with no resistance.

    There's no visible damage; no torn skin or broken bones from what I can feel. But the chick still can't use the leg. Other than that, the chick seems fine. I have to help it drink and eat though since it can't move well with the leg.

    Anyone who owns chickens and chicks, do you know what might be the problem? Could it be a torn ligament? Also, it this reversible as in the leg can heal to the point of having motor functions once again? At least to the point of the chick being able to stand again?

    It has been three days since the initial injury and there is no visible improvement. Anyone have any ideas?

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Raising chickens, injury question?

    So I own some chicks about three weeks old and my dog got into their coop. One thing lead to another and one of the chick's leg is injured.

    I can't tell if it is broken or what, but when the bird lies down, it juts the leg out in front of its body.

    I notice that with its injured leg, it's toes are limp and are together which is opposite the other leg in which the toes are spread out. When I message the injured leg to get it to open, it's leg is completely limp with no resistance.

    There's no visible damage; no torn skin or broken bones from what I can feel. But the chick still can't use the leg. Other than that, the chick seems fine. I have to help it drink and eat though since it can't move well with the leg.

    Anyone who owns chickens and chicks, do you know what might be the problem? Could it be a torn ligament? Also, it this reversible as in the leg can heal to the point of having motor functions once again? At least to the point of the chick being able to stand again?

    It has been three days since the initial injury and there is no visible improvement. Anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersInjuries8 years ago