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  • How much concern ,should americans have about the outsourcing of american jobs ?

    Have you ever had your job outsourced ? Should american politicians be giving american corporations tax cuts to cover moving american jobs ,out of america ? What kind of damges has job outsourcing done to the american working class !Which party do you think , is is giving tax cuts to corporations to move american jobs out of america ?

    7 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Do you all really think that this mess ,going on in America ,is really about race , liberals vs conservatives & that is it ? CONN JOB !?

    Working class Americans have fallen for the biggest conn since the civil war ! Rich folk tricked working class/poor Americans to fight for what was really in the interest of rich folk ,having people working for them that they didn't have to pay! There are some rich folk in America ,who have convinced us ALL that this mess in America is about liberalism,conservatism and race ! The mess is about MONEY ,POWER & CONTROL,its working so well ,because we are stupid enough to think that its about race ,race has always been the tool that they use to divide and conquer ! Out and out class warfare wouldn't work for them !Poor and working class people have them too outnumbered for that! While we're at each other's throats over race ,they are getting paid to take our jobs out of America by they bought and paid for politicians ! The only way for America to last ,is that we learn to get along ,atleast to the point ,that we can get their foot off of all of over economic necks! WE NEED TO SHOW ALL OF THESE CONN ARTIST THE DOOR OR ITS OVER FOR ALL OF US !They know that people acting racist and people reacting to that racism .....the 2 feed off on another and that is what makes the conn work !

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What do you think of the southern strategy ? Is there anything patriotic about it ?

    Lee Atwater ,of the republican party ,stated that the southern strategy is meant to appeal to white southern racist . Who benefits from this strategy and what good does it do for Americans to be divided down racial lines ? The encouragement and cultivation of racism in America can't be good for the nation . Why would anybody be so selfish as to try to win elections by encouraging hate ?The southern strategy belongs to the republican party,do they want the American people to hate each other ,more than they love America ?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • 2002 monte carlo next of impossible to start and some time falls dead while I am driving it down the street . anybody else had this problem?

    With all of the problems GM has been having with their car's ignition systems ,maybe the 2002 monte carlo needs to be included in their recall . Anybody ever had this problem with their 2002 monte carlo ? If so ,what did you do to fix it ?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Why do the American people keep letting politician lie to take america to war ?

    Even as the truth comes out about why politician took America to a war ,no one holds them accountable . If they lie about having sex or they break into the other party's headquarters ,they get impeached or resign at break neck speed !If they lie to go to war,even some working class Americans, defend them . Working class Americans are the ones being killed,by the thousands , in those wars! Why would they defend the lying politicians who caused all those working class American kids deaths ?

    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Do you believe that bush & chaney ,told the truth about their reasons for going to war in iraq?

    If your answer is yes ,what makes you believe he was honest about his reasons for going to war ? If you think that he was dishonest about his reasons for going to war . What make you believe that he just out and out lied to go to war in Iraq ?

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • what do you think of a policy that gives american companies subsidies & tax cuts ?

    American companies are getting subsidies and tax cut to TAKE american jobs out of america .Why would american politicians be more concern with job creation overseas, instead of in america ? What do you think of the politicians who gave american companies subsidies & tax breaks to take american jobs out of america ? Why do you think that american politicians would do something like this to america ? Americans who work ,pay taxes.With all this national debt that america has and these loud cries about spending,outsourcing needs to be stopped .

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Who do you think benefits the most from americans racial divide ?

    What part does divide and conquer play in a racially divided america ? Who do you think profits the most from americans being so divided ? What colors do you think, are the real colors of concerns, of those who encourage this racial divide , black,white,brown or green ?

    2 AnswersSociology8 years ago
  • What do you think should be done about politicians lying to go to wars?

    The vietnam war was started because of politician's lies .The iraq war was another war america went to because of politician's lies .The war in Afghanistan's ,another lie .Oil companies needed a tamed afghanistan so that they could put oil pipelines across that country.Should working class/poor people lose their lives in wars that politicians and corporation start for the corporations' benefits? Why do ordinary people have to fight and be killed for things that benefit the corporations and politicians who lie to start them ?How many more lives will have to be lost because of politicians lying to benefit american corporations ? When will the people,who have lost, their love ones in those lies to go to war, stand up for their lost loved ones and say enough is enough ? This will never happen again !

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do conservatives always complain about how racist the democratic party was when the same kind of people?

    who were once in the democratic party are now in the republican party ? The parties flipped after the 1964 civil rights act was signed into law! Southern democrats became southern republicans ! Aren't they talking about themselves when they talk about once racist democrats ?

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • What do you think about the SOUTHERN STRATEGY ?

    Is the southern strategy some form of psychological warfare on the people in america's southern states ? Is the southern strategy ,which the republicans have been using for the past 40 years ,used to play on the insecurities & fears of people in the south ? Poor and working class southerners have lost their lives, in a war, that those who use that southern strategy started under false pretenses .Southerners have lost their jobs, because of outsourcing and those who use the southern strategy to get southern votes, are in favor of giving american companies subsidies to take american job out of america .If republicans had any respect for america's southerners ,would they be using something called to SOUTHERN STRATEGY on them ? The southern strategy is psychological ,ISN'T IT ?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why is romney complaining about unemployment? After all , he made millions exporting those jobs .?

    Is this concern for unemployment a lie ? Is he just acting like he is concern to fool people into voting for him ?

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are republican politicians more accountable to grover norquist,than they are to the people who elected them?

    Why do republican politicians have to answer to grover norquist instead of the people who elected them ? If they do what grover tells them not to do ,they are in big trouble ! Who are they working for grover or the people who elected them ?

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • If Obama wants to destroy america ,then what was bush/chaney doing ?

    bush /chaney , lied to go to war with iraq and got a lot of young americans killed for those lies .There was clearly no threat to the U.S from iraq . The WMD that saddam had came from the reagan bush administration .He used WMD on iran during their war with them.He used what was left on the kurds. Millions of jobs were exported to china and bush said on national tv that outsourcing was good for the american economy .What is it that would make people think that President Obama is trying to destroy american ?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do you believe that oil companies should still be getting government subsidies?

    considering the price of gasoline today ,do you really believe that oil companies should be getting government subsidies ? Just last week a young lady who was getting $200.00 per month in food stamps even after she had won a lot of money in the lottery.People were justly outraged about her taking the food stamps after winning so much money! With the fast rise in gasoline prices ,the oil companies hit more than just the lotto , do you think they should still be getting the subsidies ?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can america solve the immigration problem without getting mexico on-board/?

    Illegal immigration is just a symptom ,the problem is the Mexican government ! There are legitimate reasons for illegal immigration,even though it is against the law.It cost lots of tax payer money to deport someone,so the american tax payer has a stake in the immigration problem being solves ! On pbs a story on immigration wants to demonize the american government for deporting people who should have never been here ,according to the immigration laws of america! The mexican government has an obligation to its citizens and they are not living up to any of their obligations to their citizens ! The mexican government encourages illegal immigration to america! The United States government needs to call on the mexican government about why its citizens have to illegally invade america !Its a shame that the mexican citizens can't make a living in their own country and the mexican government sees no reason to address this problem for so many years !On the other hand,if someone illegally immigrates to mexico ,They are deported at a higher rate than the mexican citizens are deported from america !The U.S government needs to put pressure on the mexican government to help solve this problem! Simply blaming the illegal immigrant is taking the easy way out and will never be a part of solving the american/mexico immigration problems! The american gov & the Mexican gov. are the only ones who can solve this problem !

    1 AnswerImmigration9 years ago
  • what or who do you think got those women to come out and tell all ?

    Why do you think that those women went public with the problems they had with herman cain only after he was leading in the polls? The woman who says that he had a 13 year affair with her is the most puzzling of them all .If he had been helping her,was she mad at him because he stopped ! How about the timing ,just when he was leading the polls ? It reminds me of the John McCain situation,just when he was leading in the polls ,it seems that someone in the g.w bush camp put out that McCain had fathered a mixed race child.McCain's chances of winning the republican nomination went out of the window,he never recovered ,even though it was a lie.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • did rick perry let the cat out of the bag ?

    During the bush ,McCain contest for the nomination for the republican candidate to run for president .Someone in the bush camp might have put it out that McCain had fathered a mixed race child .After that, the McCain campaign kind of went south. Bush ended up being the nominee . Do you think ,considering the fact that cain seems to be leading the pack,that someone in the republican contest brought these sexual harassment complaints to the public? What affect will these charges have on cain's campaign ? The women he was charged with harassing ,were they white women ?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago