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Lv 43,167 points

Brian W

Favorite Answers27%
  • Pre employment background check?

    I interviewed for a job that went well and went to immediate background check. It has now been one week and still heard nothing from the employer. I just passed a background check for another job that I am starting Monday, but the pay is really low. That background check came back after two days. The job I interviewed for is twice the pay and much better job. My question is why is there a delay in background check? I just passed one few weeks ago, passed another back in Feb, another in June 2013, and another in Nov 2012. I guarantee I do not have a criminal history, just pulled my own credit and driving history and show nothing substantially changed. I also have a gaming card for the state to work in casinos which is impossible to obtain if you have ANY criminal past. I also was truthful in employment history and education history. I have only 3 jobs since 2005.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • How to respond to female coworker playing hard to get?

    I have confirmation that a female coworker likes me and is interested in me, but she is playing hard to get. Before anyone tells me not to date a co worker, let me explain that we work for two different companies(I work for IT outsourcing company, she the company that contracted my company), we work in two different departments and can go several days or more without seeing each other. I normally do not like to chase to date, but there is something about her that makes me want to fight for her, she has the "it" factor to me.

    I sent her an email and I will not say verbatim what the email said, but it in I played my own mind game. She either was going to say yes to going out, no, or ignore it. She ignored it and by doing so validated her playing hard to get. I basically flipped the script to gauge her interest. I sent the email so I can have a written record of me pushing her for an answer or I will pursue her and that email was her way to say "NO" not interested so she cannot report me for harassment. By her ignoring the email I validated that she is playing hard to get and has not said NO, despite my several references to me telling he she can say no and I will not pursue and will discontinue the interest.

    So my question is how do I act now that I know she is interested and playing hard to get? My plan is to just act like business as normal, and say hi in passing or cafeteria and kind of ignore her a bit, but still show my interest here and there.Let me remind everyone out there that SHE was the one who initiated the contact and the flirting and we have been flirting for two months before I asked her out.And I have so much evidence that she likes me that if this was a jury trial this would be a slam dunk conviction. And despite her ignoring my email she still sends body language signs that she is interested.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Not sure what to make of this?

    I have a confusing situation at my work, it is kind of lengthy to get the full story, so here goes. I work in a large company and I work in the IT department that is outsourced to a separate company. I noticed that a certain female that I assisted her with some company issues. When I first noticed her I thought of her as a normal worker that needs computer assistance. The next day she flagged my attention and waved and smiled at me from at least 10-12 feet away as I was stationary and she was walking down the hall, the following day she thanked me again for the help(it was basic issue). For the past two months she has been throwing compliments to me, caught her glancing at me in the cafeteria, and a consistent flirt during the whole two months. We have made solid eye contact multiple times in the cafeteria as well. If I do not notice her in the room, she makes sure she says hi so I do notice her. When she eats lunch she almost always sits either within earshot or eye sight of me(another clue).There are many more potential signs of interest, but I won't mention them all.If there was a jury trial based on signs of interest this would be a slam dunk conviction simple as that.

    I was picking up that she is interested, so while I was helping her with a printer issue(which there was nothing wrong with the printer RED FLAG), I mentioned we should go for drinks after work sometime, she said "yeah sure".I let a week go by before formally asking her out(to gauge her body language.. She works in an open office were there are ALWAYS people around, so I send my invite via email.

    Here is where is gets massively confusing. She did not reply to my invite to go out. I let three days go without mentioning anything. I sent her am email saying that if you were not interested please let me know, apologized if there was mixed signals. I reiterated that if she was not interested to just let me know, I can graciously accept a thanks, but no thanks, not interested, I am busy, etc. I have had my fair share of rejections. She does not reply to that email either. So I let a week go by thinking to myself is she not interested?, did I do something wrong?. She has not said yes or no or a maybe. Flat out ignored me. I sent another email a week later. In this email I said that I liked her and found her attractive and I only asked you out because I thought she was interested, based on my extensive evidence. I also said that since I am not getting no response I will have to assume she is not interested. I have conceited the fact that I need to move on, but this is bugging me. I need to know what I could have done differently so I know for next time. I gave her multiple opportunities to say she is not interested, if she needs more time, needs to know me more. I even threw out maybe just lunch by ourselves one day at work. And she ignored that.

    She has ignored me to the point that I have nothing else to work with. But my gut tells me there is something there. The thing that does not make sense if that she was the one that initiated the flirting, compliments, and the opportunity to give me a sign that she may be interested.And the ignoring ONLY started after I asked her out.

    So my question is why would she ignore me that badly considering that she was the one that initiated the contact beyond normal business? I considered maybe she is shy, but not sure shy ones initiate flirting and throwing out a bunch of signs. I have seen here several times since and I have ignored her back. I have a feeling that after several weeks she will miss my attention. Any you help figuring this out would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What is going on here?

    Here is the scoop, I went out with a female colleague(we work in two entirely different departments and rarely see each other everyday), I have since asked her out for a second date, but she has ignored me. I sent her an work related email and ignored that as well. Why has she all of the sudden ignored me? Our first time out was just drinks after work and we had good conversation. I got good body language from her and flirtatious vibes as well.

    Keep in mind that I asked her out after two months of flirting and observing her body language and attitude towards me. I am the type that will never ask a woman out unless I have enough evidence to suggest she is interested. I never ask women out just after one or two hellos or smiles. In the two months before I asked her out we both flirted, smiled at each other. She asked for me assistance for a printer issue that appeared to be working just fine, she almost always sits either in direct view of me and in ear shot. She also has given me a few compliments and declared me a computer "expert"(I am good but no whiz). She has given me high fives, and appeared to be assisting me fix a legit printer issue. I am the IT guy and work with lots of woman and I have NEVER seen anyone of them help me in any way. And before I asked her out initially I mentioned to her that we should go for drinks sometime, and she did not seem opposed to going out. I am not the brightest bulb on the tree when it comes to dating but I know that there is something there. But why is she ignoring me? And how to I proceed, because I like her but don't want to seem to pushy or creepy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What is going on? Playing hard to get?

    Here is the scoop, I went out with a female colleague(we work in two entirely different departments and rarely see each other everyday), I have since asked her out for a second date, but she has ignored me. I sent her an work related email and ignored that as well. Why has she all of the sudden ignored me? Our first time out was just drinks after work and we had good conversation. I got good body language from her and flirtatious vibes as well.

    Keep in mind that I asked her out after two months of flirting and observing her body language and attitude towards me. I am the type that will never ask a woman out unless I have enough evidence to suggest she is interested. I never ask women out just after one or two hellos or smiles. In the two months before I asked her out we both flirted, smiled at each other. She asked for me assistance for a printer issue that appeared to be working just fine, she almost always sits either in direct view of me and in ear shot. She also has given me a few compliments and declared me a computer "expert"(I am good but no whiz). She has given me high fives, and appeared to be assisting me fix a legit printer issue. I am the IT guy and work with lots of woman and I have NEVER seen anyone of them help me in any way. And before I asked her out initially I mentioned to her that we should go for drinks sometime, and she did not seem opposed to going out. I am not the brightest bulb on the tree when it comes to dating but I know that there is something there. But why is she ignoring me? And how to I proceed, because I like her but don't want to seem to pushy or creepy?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Does this coworker like me?

    Here is the situation, I am in IT that is contracted through another company, so technically I do not work directly with the same company. I have noticed that this employee and I seems to almost always just happen to "notice" each other in the cafeteria, and there is always eye contact. She always smiles and even from across several tables, she makes it a point to make a facial expression like she is happy to see me. She seems to always sit either in direct view of me of within ear range, even though there maybe multiple tables to sit at. I don't see this person everyday so I could go several days to a week or more without happen to bump in to her(I am constantly walking from department to department) so it is impossible to predict where I would be at any given time. Also my lunch time can be delayed due to working on a problem, Just this past week I had to go to her office because she did put in a ticket for the IT to look at a printer. I purposely took the ticket because I like her as well and wanted the attention from her. I always perform my job with professionalism because I do have to deal with GM's, VP's and managers. So I treated her like any other person, but kept observations of her. Keep in mind she directly deals with VP and high level management, so she usually keeps everything very professional. So it is very hard to get a vibe from her sometimes.She needs a part for a printer. I looked up the part for her and her department is responsible for making the purchase. After emailing her this information she replied with the following, "You are the BEST!", I replied by saying thank you and a smiley emoticon(all of her emails up to this point has NEVER had any emoticon) and she replied with "Your very welcome!" and added her own smiley. So she reciprocated my smiley. And over the past month or so on another project she complimented my on doing a good job, even though the job was basic for me. This type of contact with this person has been ongoing for the last two months, she always either smiles and says hi to me or waves at me if she can't verbally say hi.I have had suspicions that she likes me and it was somewhat confirmed with she reciprocated the smiley when she has never used one before. I know what some people might say with dating coworkers but we work in two different departments and I could be transferred to any one of they company's other properties either wanted or unwanted. Also note that there is a manager where is wife is working there so I don't think there would be a problem. Also another thing to think about, she replied to the email regarding the part for the printer yesterday, but did not reply to my last one that I sent that contains the smiley and the personal note. Instead she replied using the next one before that. I was thinking why?, I normally reply by using the last email sent which is on the top of the list in the inbox. I could only come up with because she did not want some one to see a flirtatious email(she has an open office not one surrounded by walls. She did not delete the entire conversation and start a new email. I am speculating here by that is possible she likes me and it is mutual but does not want the word to get out so she did not reply to the smiley email to eliminate anyone passing by see it and rumors start. She is not wearing a ring and based on my IT skills I can confirm she is not married and is 37 and I am 35. Are these signs that she likes me and is into me? I come into contact with lots and coworkers and NO ONE has the connection like we seem to have.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago