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  • Mom of 17 year old will not let 21 see!?

    I have a really good friend I met at camp this summer but she was only here for two weeks. Long story short we have been talking a lot and I wanted to get together with her and a few other camp people. Her mom doesnt want me to see her. Please share any advice...thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • I like this girl but I'm going away for the summer then going to school in!?

    So after working with this girl from work for a few months we've become pretty good friends. Like we chat/text a lot and I finally sucked it up and asked her to join me and some friends for a movie last week. She accepted right on the spot. Now we chat even more and we're planning on hanging out; just the two of us. The problem is I'm leaving for the summer to be a camp counselor and she's staying home working the same job. (She might go to Mexico for a month though). Anyways, I really like her and would like to ask her on a date not just a hangout thing. The problem is that after I get home from camp in August I only have a week and half at home till I fly out to school in Florida (we live in Illinois). So, should I try to pursue a relationship before camp? After camp? Before college? Or should I just stay being friends? She is my first real interest and the only girl I've ever really considered dating. Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I invited my co-worker to join me and some of my friends to Iron Man 3 last Thursday night: success and it was the first time I asked her to hang outside of work. Now tonight I asked her if she'd be interested in shooting some hoops at the park this week: success. We text a lot. Do you think she's interested? I'm not too experienced with this stuff haha.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it weird for a 20 year old to go out with a 17 year old?

    Or is it illegal? There wouldn't be any sex obviously because that is illegal but what about just going out on a date?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is it weird for a 20 year old to go out with a 17 year old?

    Or is it illegal? There wouldn't be any sex obviously because that is illegal but what about just going out on a date?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • How do I get this girl's number?

    Okay, so I'm 20 and I'm really bad at talking to girls and flirting. I work at a local restaurant and this girl and her girlfriends comes in to my work quite often. I've chatted for a bit on a few occassions but nothing flirty at all. My co-workers keep telling me that she is flirting with me and that I'm just not picking it up. My co-workers also said that she's asked about me when I'm not there. She's really cute but I don't know the best way to ask for her number. Thanks for your help and any other dating/flirting/ advice is appreciated haha. Just an fyi, I was homeschooled until I hit college so I've only had two years of practice at it but I always get nervous...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Flirtatious co-worker is going to be at my other co-worker's Halloween party this Saturday night?

    I'm not too experienced with dating and such (I'm 20, she's 25) but my female co-worker has been flirting with me lately and I have been flirting back a bit. Like she'd make a light sexual remark (not towards me but would say it to me) and recently told me she broke up with her boyfriend. She started flirting before she even broke up with him. She likes to place her hands on me and I do the same once in a back, shoulders and such, nothing really bad. But now she told me she's gonna be at my co-workers Halloween party Saturday night and I've never been around her outside of the workplace. We can't go over the top because management will not tolerate sexual behavior and language, etc. I do get turned on when I'm around sometimes though and she's pretty fine. What should I do? Should I wait for her to make a move or should I make the first move and see where it leads? Thanks for your advice.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Flirtatious co-worker is going to be at my other co-worker's Halloween party this Saturday night?

    What should I do? She's 25 (I'm 20) and she just told me today that she broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. She started flirting with me while she was still dating him so this has been going on for quite a few weeks now. We work at a place that doesn't tolerate sexual dialogue and such so I don't know what she's really like outside of the work place. I'm not too experienced with girls flirting, etc but she likes to put her hands on me and make some light, sexual remarks...I catch her smiling at me a lot too. I flirt back a bit and place my hands on her back and shoulders sometimes and she never objects. I get turned on when I'm around her. So, what should I do on Saturday night?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Flirtatious co-worker is going to be at my other co-worker's Halloween party this Saturday night?

    What should I do? She's 25 (I'm 20) and she just told me today that she broke up with her boyfriend not too long ago. She started flirting with me while she was still dating him so this has been going on for quite a few weeks now. We work at a place that doesn't tolerate sexual dialogue and such so I don't know what she's really like outside of the work place. I'm not too experienced with girls flirting, etc but she likes to put her hands on me and make some light, sexual remarks...I catch her smiling at me a lot too. I flirt back a bit and place my hands on her back and shoulders sometimes and she never objects. I get turned on when I'm around her. So, what should I do on Saturday night?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What causes my voice to be high during parts of the day while lower during other parts?

    This is a really awkward question for me but I need answers. I'm a 20 year old male and when I'm around my immediate family I notice that my voice is on the higher side. But when I'm around my friends and co-workers it's always lower and sounds the way it should sound. I feel like I should be able to control it but I just can't. Even when I come home from breaks from school my voice changes when with my family, then lowers when back at school. Can you please help me out with this? Thanks for your answers.

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's in New York for the month and I got to say goodbye to her at church before she left yesterday...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't gonna be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church the next day and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). I also posted on facebook that I was gonna miss our group meeting due to work tomorrow night and she commented on the post and said that "they're gonna miss you terribly, I'm sure"...and to quote her "I know I do!" Also, when we went bowling (before she left for the month) with a group of friends she wasn't sure if she was gonna bowl or not. But after we all got there she called me (she could've called anyone in our group, there were 8 of us) and sounded really peppy etc. and said she was gonna come. And one time during the night she came up behind me, grabbed my shoulders, and starting shaking me in a humorous way but her boobs kept brushing up against the back of my head... One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why isn't YouTube working with Firefox?

    It works with Google Chrome but not Firefox. I've cleared my cache, cookies, and even re-installed everything and it still doesn't work. I even disabled all of my add-ons, tried safe mode, and updated my flash player. Anybody else have this problem or have a solution for me? Thanks!

    6 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • Would either Verizon or Sprint charge me for a data package if I already had a phone?

    I want to buy a Palm Pre Plus but don't want a data package. Will they force me to buy a data package even though I already bought the phone myself from another seller? Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's in New York for the summer and I got to say goodbye to her at church before she left yesterday...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't gonna be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church the next day and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). I also posted on facebook that I was gonna miss our group meeting due to work tomorrow night and she commented on the post and said that "they're gonna miss me terribly, I'm sure"...and to quote her "I know I do!" One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's in New York for the summer and I got to say goodbye to her at church before she left yesterday...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't gonna be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church the next day and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). I also posted on facebook that I was gonna miss our group meeting due to work tomorrow night and she commented on the post and said that "they're gonna miss me terribly, I'm sure"...and to quote her "I know I do!" One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's on her way to New York for the summer as I write this and I got to say goodbye to her at church today before she left...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church today and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's on her way to New York for the summer as I write this and I got to say goodbye to her at church today before she left...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church today and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Do you think she likes me?

    I've known this girl from church for since January and we get along really well. Like we get each other's sarcasm, jokes, references, quotes, etc and we always hang out in group settings. She's on her way to New York for the summer as I write this and I got to say goodbye to her at church today before she left...and right when we were about to part ways she just stood there with this smileish look on her face haha and gave me a big hug...I also mentioned to her that I wasn't be at group this week due to work and she said it's all good cuz she isn't gonna be there anyway (we both kinda laughed) and I was like, yeah, that's true. She also hugged me last week as we left group (she thought she wouldn't be at church today and those were the first 2 times she's ever hugged me) I also texted her and said I'd be praying that her trip goes well and she wrote back and said "you're so sweet" and another time when I sent her info on NY hotels she said "that's sweet" (not sure if she meant I was sweet or if the info was sweet haha). One last thing, she is 6 years older than me. What do you think? Thanks for your answers!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Have you ever flown with Virgin Atlantic or Virgin America before?

    If so, is it true that they only have young good looking women as flight attendants? Just wondering if it was true because I've heard stories going around.

    6 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • Is 3 hours enough time for a connection from an international flight to a domestic flight?

    Thinking of flying from Belfast to Chicago but the longest connection time for my United flights is about 3 hours and 10 minutes. I'd fly from Belfast to Newark and have 3 hours to change to my Chicago you think that'd be enough time? I haven't flown with connections before. Thanks!

    5 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago