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  • Missed period, negative test?

    Today would of been my period but nothing. I took tests and their negative. I had sex jan. 11th and jan 14. Yes it was unprotected, I have 2 kids, and when I missed my period I took tests and it was positive on my first missed day. Am I testing to early? My last period was dec 23rd. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • 3 positives last night and 2 negatives today?

    I had the mirena iud since march 2012, last week I had pelvic pain and they did urine test and it was neg. Thursday my gyno removed my iud and immediately put on birth control patch. She scheduled a sonogram to check ovaries since I had pelvic pain today. Well Sunday I spotted red and passed a blot clot the size of a half dollar, spotting stop. Yesterday I spotted very little but stopped quickly. I tested last night and got three positive test. Told the tech who was doing my sono this morning. She said she didn't see pregnancy yet but might be early and clot might of been from mirena removal when rubbed up against uterus on way out. But she wasn't sure. So I bought more tests and the two I took today was negative. Did I miscarry? I'm not sure, cause not bleeding and clot was pretty big for even 3 to 4 weeks along. I'm currently waiting from a call from my doctor for the sonogram results. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Pregnancy9 years ago
  • 3 positives last night, 2 negatives today.?

    I was on the mirena iud since march 2012. Last Thursday I had it removed because of pelvic pain. Before I had it removed due to pelvic pain they did urine test to look for pregnancy they said negative. Anyways after removal I put on my birth control patch. My dr wanted to do sono to check my ovaries and such for this morning. Well last Sunday I spotted red and had a blood clot the size of a half dollar, stopped spotting. Then yesterday I spotted very little no clots. So last night just out of curiousity I took 3 tests all say positive. This morning I did sono, told the tech and she said she didn't see anything but could be too early but unsure. So I bought some more tests. Took 2 today and negative. I'm wondering if I miscarried but I'm not bleeding and tech acted like clot came from iud removal when scraped on the lines of my uterus. Idk. I'm waiting for my gyno to call me so we can talk. What do y'all think? Thanks in advance?

  • had my baby 2/19/11, and curious about my period.?

    She will be 8 weeks old this saturday. I bleed for two weeks after having her but have not had a period since. And i was wondering if this has ever happened to anyone else?

    More info. She is my second baby. With my son i bleed for two weeks then exactly 4 weeks later i had my period. so thats why im curious why different now.

    ALSO, my gallbladder was badly infected, and had that removed this past friday. i dont know if that could have any effect but sharing the info anyways.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 2 cm dilated, 75% effaced, contractions every 10 minutes.?

    Just curious what everyone's result is. This is my second pregnancy. Last night at 3:30am, i started having contractions, i didnt know for sure, but i had a dr appointment and waited then to ask. So she did a NST, and said i was having contractions every 15 minutes, 2cm, 75% effaced, and told me to walk to see if i can have the baby on my own this weekend before my appt tuesday. So...I am working on it lol. Now, i am having contractions every 10 minutes, so does it look like tomorrow i might be visiting the hospital or does it take longer? I was just curious cause i was induced in my first pregnancy, and i am hoping to go into labor on my own this time before she decides to induce on tuesday. Thank you for any advice, or even own experiences!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks pregnant, worried about what's coming.?

    This is my second pregnancy. My dr checked me the last 2 weeks. First check, (35 weeks) she said the baby was sitting way up high and i was closed. The second check (36 weeks), she said the baby was still sitting way up high and i was 1 cm dialated. She got the sonogram machine to see if the baby was head down cause she couldn't tell at all. She even asked about how the end of my first pregnancy (cause it was 2 years ago) to refresh her memory and told me to walk to see if the baby will come down.

    Now in my first pregnancy, i was dialating very little starting at 37 weeks, and she could feel my son and tell he was head down. But i was induced at 39 weeks cause my dr was concerned that i was going to need a c-section because my pelvis was small. But i actually was able to deliver him vaginally.

    So now i am concerned i am going to go down the c-section path since she is already concerned about the baby being up so high. I have been walking everyday, my legs are sore and im really out of breath because i am running out of room (as most mom's understand). I have an appointment with my dr tomorrow and plan to discuss what she thinks is going to happen so i can plan ahead. But i wanted to ask if any other mom went or is going through the same thing, or what do you think is going to happen?

    I just worry, i really don't want to have a c-section, but my main concern is my baby and i's health.

    Thank you for any answers.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 36 weeks pregnant, period like cramps?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant, and the last 2 nights (only at night) i get period like cramps. At first i thought maybe i needed to poop (sorry tmi), but im all good in that department. This is my second pregnancy, but in my first one i was induced so i have no idea about labor or pains like these. I only had period cramps when i was in high school (over 5 yrs ago) during periods, so this is totally new to me. Like i said it only happens at nights. I also visited the dr almost 2 weeks ago, baby is sitting very high, no dialation or effacement. Any thoughts or anything to help me get a clue on what's going on? I can't sleep because of them, and i will ask my dr when i see her tuesday.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mirena taken out monday?

    My husband and i have decided to try for another baby, i got the mirena taken out monday afternoon, and we had sex sunday (yes the day before the mirena taken out) and yesterday, today around 2pm i went to take a nap, and i woke up went to the restroom and seen i had some blood in my undies and saw a little clot in the toilet, so i stuck a tampon in thinking i started my period. Well, it stopped, i went to go change it when my husband got home and i didnt even need another tampon. I have no cramps, nothing, im not stressing, just curious what it could of been. And also, i was wondering for those who have had the mirena and taken it out, when did you concieve your child after having the mirena removed? Thanks for any answers or suggestions.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • have 1 son, planning on trying for another baby.?

    I had my son November 11, 2008. My husband and i are planning on trying for another one. I am going to call my gynocologist tomorrow to remove the mirena, how soon after mirena removal can pregnancy occur, and any tips on conceiving. when we concieved our son, we just moved in together and had sex like everyday. LOL Thank you to everyone who answers, i really appreciate it.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can i lose weight?

    Hello. I am almost 22 yrs old. I have 1 son, who i had almost exactly a year ago. And obviously i havent lost the weight. Heres my main problem. I cant excercise. I am permanently disabled and my foot cannot even let me stand for long periods of time. So i cant do any excercises on feet. I cut out sodas and that helped a little, but i have no clue what else to do, i am really working at eating healthy. What can you tell me that will help me, since i am a full time at home mom plus disabled.

    51 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Staph Infection in right knee?

    My husband's knee swelled up earlier this week and then it got hard like a rock, and then he was in pain. So i took him to the ER friday, and they said it was staph, gave him two antibiotics and said if it isn't better in 2 days to come back and it might mean he will have to have surgery cause it might of spread to the joint. Well, the redness is still there, it swelled up yesterday, and its starting to get stiff. But i have been making him stay off of it, and only get up to use the restroom or when we go to my parents. Since the appearance hasn't changed and now its getting stiff, what do you think? I have had staph before but i had it on a paralyzed foot so i have no idea what to think about this. Thanks for your answers. I truly appreciate it. Oh, and we tried to call the ER dr that saw him but she is not working today. (We went to ER cause my husband has no insurance).

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • I've been on the mirena since early Jan. 2009?

    Every since I have had what i call periods around the 24th of each month. This month nothing....I think that is odd. Im worried there is a possibility of being pregnant. I have a 7 1/2 month old. even before the mirena my periods were around the 24th. Ive also been really tired lately, my breasts seem bigger but not sore (i have big breast as it is). and my husband says ive been pretty moody. What do you think? My gyno just recently had her baby so i am unable to get ahold of her.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Had Mirena inserted Jan. 2009, positive tests?

    I had my son 11/11/2008. I got my mirena inserted Jan. 2009, Well my husband said i have been acting real hateful and my boobs got a bit bigger, just like it did when i was pregnant with my son. So he insisted on me taking a pregnancy test. and I kept thinking, NO POSSIBLE WAY. Well then i started having dreams about me being pregnant and then in 1 it said i was due jan 2010. So i was like ok, lets test. So i have probably 6 tests in my bathroom sink right now and they have a plus sign. Its not a thick line but its there. see it clearly. Is it true? Am I? I am scared but if its happening i will accept it. Is this possible? Can i be pregnant on mirena? (btw i took clearblue (non digital tests)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Black Cohosh herbal pills, do they work and how long does it take to kick in?

    My friend and I are both pregnant but she is already hit full term and they plan to induce her in a week if nothing has changed. She is not dialated at all. Anyways, she heard from a friend that Black Cohosh can help induce pregnancy, and she wants to try everything that might help induce before being induced. So, I was curious myself if it does work and how long does it take to work?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Had Extreme pain and bad hot flashes and no one can answer why?

    Ok. I am 34 weeks pregnant. I went to Sears with my man the other night. I walked in and all of a sudden I got an awful hot flash and extreme (and I mean extreme) pain all over my abdomen. It lasted like 3-5 minutes, and I couldn't stand it. I have high pain tolerance and i leveled this pain at a 9. I went to the hospital and they monitored me for 3 hours and said that i was not having any contractions and that the pain is just from the baby moving and to live with it and go home. (they did contact my doctor over the phone so i know that's what my dr told them to tell me). My son moved ALL the time and i have no pain whatsoever. My friends asked me if my stomach got hard and to be honest i don't remember cause the pain hit me so hard and i felt like i just wanted to collapse and it could make me like pass out. Is their any explanation to this? I go see my doctor monday and after researching in books and online the only thing that's close to what i experienced is False Labor Contractions, but yet I only had the pain all over my abdomen. Thanks for your answers and your time.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 33 weeks pregnant and experiencing some pain in my tummy..?

    I am 33 weeks pregnant, and tonight I started feeling like pains in my lower tummy area (which i mean like above pubic line) and little pains in areas of my tummy. The one above the pubic line is pretty constant, the others come and go. I don't feel my tummy tightening so not sure if Braxton Hicks. I was trying to decide to call my doctor or not. I also have very high pain tollerance (due to going through many surgeries since birth). I never felt these pains before, and i am unable to sleep at all right now. So I need some advice please on what you think it is, and what i should or shouldn't do. Thanks so much for your answers.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of small black ants???

    I moved into a trailor home and its been totally remoldeled and i dont know what happened. but I find small black ants in only one of the bath tubs...EW! Also, i have a trained pet rat that i always take care of and i clean him as much as possible. Well, he has ants in his cage, not on him, and they go after his carrots, but not his food dish or his bedding, or even him. Just crawl all over the cage and the carrots! Also I am pregnant so i need it to be okay around me too. What can i get thats safe and kill those little buggers!

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago