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Lv 57,619 points


Favorite Answers24%
  • Anyone else think this?

    I've just been disappointed with this console generation. Just something about has really let me down. Like how Capcom canceled games like Megaman Legends 3 when it was so close to release and then said it was because the fans weren't interested. Not to mention they resorted to irritating tactics like charging money to use cheat codes and charging money for DLC when the content is already in the game.

    Maybe it's because of Nintendo of America neglecting their fans. When Operation Rainfall asked for three games, they basically blew them off. And despite the backlash that occurred, Nintendo still seemed to not care. I know we're getting Xenoblade but that's only because Gamestop agreed to co-release it, and I doubt we'll get the Last Story despite it looking spectacular.

    But what really bugs me is how gaming seems to no longer focus on the gamer. Look at all the commercials for games like Just Dance and Kinect Adventures. Sorry, but I don't consider those to be in the same league as games like Xenoblade, the Last Story, Valkryie Chronicles, or Ni no Kuni. It frustrates me that casual sports and dance games have little effort put into them yet they'll sell millions.

    My question to you is what do you think? Are you disappointed too? Should the gaming industry change in any way or should it stay the way it is? I'll pick an answer at random to receive the ten points. Thanks for reading my really long opinion and I look forward to hearing yours.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Questions about bubble tea?

    I'm doing research for my marketing class and I was wondering if...

    Have you had bubble tea before?

    If yes, would you like a bubble tea stand to open near you?

    If no, would you be interested in trying bubble tea?

    Thanks for your help, I'll pick an answer at random to get the ten points.

    7 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Which of these games should I buy?

    I have a DS, and I want to get a new game, but I can't decide between these two.

    Warioware DIY

    I've heard great things about the game, and there's downloadable content. but I'm not very creative and am not into the whole create your own microgames thing. I doubt I'd ever make any.

    Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey

    I am a huge SMT fan, and I've heard the game is like Nocturne, which I also loved. The problem is that I've heard mixed reviews about the game and I already have Devil Survivor anyway so it's not like I'm really missing out on anything.

    Which do you think I should get and why? Please leave more than just the game title. I'm asking for your opinion and if you don't give me a reason I won't give you the ten points.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Need help with youtube?

    Here's how to fix it.

    Use Moxilla Firefox. It'll still say, go upgrade, but at the top of the screen there will be a little bar. On the right it'll say upgrade now. Click that, agree to the terms, and then youtube should work again.

    And for my question so you can't report me, what's your favorite youtube video?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • Need help with youtube?

    Here's how to fix it.

    Use Moxilla Firefox. It'll still say, go upgrade, but at the top of the screen there will be a little bar. On the right it'll say upgrade now. Click that, agree to the terms, and then youtube should work again.

    And for my question so you can't report me, what's your favorite youtube video?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • Can you not post video responsed anymore?

    I wanted to post a video response to another vid, but I can't seem to figure out how. In the old format it was simply click on post video response, but not anymore.

    Can anyone figure out this new format?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • I feel like there is no hope left for me?

    I feel like my life is spiraling out of control and I'm having a mental breakdown. I am in this program where I leave the country for a year starting this June. But after meeting the people who I'd be with I know that I won't like them. They all know each other well and don't include me in the group at all. They only want to party and have fun instead of learning. I am a college student who turned down a great private room on campus and at this point I will be lucky to be in a dorm, and off-campus housing is too expensive for me.

    I feel like there is no hope for me. I was miserable throughout high school, had an awful first semester of college thanks to a lousy roommate who I fought with often, and now because of all the stress I'm going through right now things have only gotten worse. I seriously want to kill myself. I feel like I'm just going to be miserable if I decide to drop out of the program or not.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Did you guys notice the mistake in tonights Survivor?

    I noticed something strange. During a transition, they showed a lizard walking up a tree. But in the backround you could see a campground. But the tribe flag was purple, not red or blue.

    I guess purple must be the merged color.

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • On youtube can you do this?

    I'm just curious. When I make a video on my laptop at the very end it puts my name and the date. And for some reason it won't let me remove that. Can you trim videos on youtube?

    I don't think you can but still. Or is there a way for it to stop posting my name and the date. I have an HP pavilion entertainment pc and I've looked everywhere.

    2 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • I keep getting an error message on youtube, is this happening to anyone else?

    My laptop has been having problems on youtube. Whenever I click on a vid it says, an error occured, please try again later. It used to work usually after clicking refresh but now it's not working. Every day it gets worse than the last.

    Is anyone else having this problem, and how can I fix this?

    9 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • Can't sleep, need help?

    I'm now at college, and when my roommate gets drunk he snores really loud. I'm someone who needs complete silence in order to be able to sleep. How can I relax and zone out the noise. My air is on, I wear earplugs, but nothing helps.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Does Blackle really help save energy?

    Heard of Blackle? If not then here's a link.

    It claims that by using a black screen instead of a white one, it saves energy. But wouldn't a black screen require energy too?

    I'm sort of confused. Does blackle use less energy than google, or is it just a hoax?

    1 AnswerGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Big Brother 11, has Jordan secured her spot in the final two?

    Think about it. She has no votes in the Jury house. She'll only get Jeff's vote, and maybe America's vote, but that's it. So the winner is whoever takes her will win the competition. But hopefully it won't be GNATalie. She gets angry that Jordan was carried to the final five when she did the same thing.

    Here's what I think will happen.

    Jeff will go this week,

    Kevin next week,

    Natalie will come in third,

    Jordan will be the runner up,

    and Michelle will win.

    That's what I think will happen.

    And on a side note. Has anyone noticed that everyone in the final four is a member of a different clique? I know I'm jumping to conclusions, but the smartest decision is to get rid of Jeff so that they can sit next to Jordan on the finale.

    12 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Final Fantasy 3 ds, friend codes?

    Can you please add me so I can get the onion knight?


    Here's my friend code: 1419-5416-6219

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • bb11, Who else is happy that Chima's HOH?

    Because now Jeff can use the power.

    I can't wait to see the look on their faces when Jessie and Natalie get nominated. Hopefully neither of them win the veto.

    12 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • BB11, just when I started to like Russell (contains spoilers)?

    Which side is he on? On the live feeds he seems to be buying everything Jessie and Natalie tell him. I'm glad Michelle didn't use the veto, or Jeff or Jordan might have gone up. Hopefully Russell doesn't win the coup.

    So what do you think of Russell? Who's side is he on? And did you vote for Jeff to win the coup detat?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Big Brother HOH- your thoughts?

    Russell won. I'm sad. Jeff should have hung in there.

    10 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Big Brother 11, who do you think the four mystery houseguests are?

    I see

    Jessie (if he gets on, I'll be so pissed)

    Sheila (better than Jessie, but I still don't like her)

    I think Bryan (I really hope he gets on. He was so entertaining and then stupidly gave away his strategy and backdoored himself)

    And I think Bunky (meh, he's okay)

    But I'm hoping Bryan gets back in.

    6 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Big Brother 11- what do you think of the new house?

    I think it looks awesome. The US hosue has never been known for looking awesome, but I think this year they took a big step up. I actually thought I was looking at a UK house, since theirs always looks good.

    Hopefully the season can live up to the awesome house.


    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • I'm a celebrity, get me out of here- I just noticed something odd?

    I'm watching the finale, and I just saw something. It's raining pretty heavily at the studio, but when you watch the camp, all of them are completely dry. Then I noticed in the background that it is raining at camp too. Which means that there's a roof over camp. I'm sure it's to keep the cameras dry, but it sort of kills the purpose.

    Anyone else notice this?

    And who do you want to win?

    I'm rooting for Torrie frankly.

    9 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago