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  • What games can adults play at a baby's first birthday party?

    I'm having a party next month for my son's first birthday. I'm expecting about 30 adults and maybe 2 kids besides my own.

    I'm trying to come up with games adults can play for a prize.

    The party will be hosted at a sit-down restaurant and the party is scheduled to last 3 hours. This includes time alotted for eating dinner, dessert, and opening gifts.

    First, I'm thinking of having a jar full of candy. Whoever is closest to guessing how many pieces of candy is in the jar wins the jar.

    My other idea is to have a questionairre type game. I'll have a list of questions about the baby (how much did he weigh at birth? How old was he when he slept through the night? etc, etc) Whoever gets the most right wins the prize.

    What do you think of these games? Can you think of any other games adults can play?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this a paypal scam? If so, how does it work?

    I have an online store. I've been emailing back and forth with someone who lives in Australia since June, he's been asking about a few products. Finally, yesterday he said he was ready to order. A relative will be in San Francisco until monday and he asked me to ship the products to his relative's hotel room to avoid shipping times and charges associated with international shipping. He sent a paypal payment and I shipped the items this morning.

    Then a few hours ago, I got an email from a man in Israel who says his uncle will be in San Francisco and wants me to ship the items to him.

    Is this a coincidence some sort of scam? If so, how will it work? Will they just file a chargeback?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Have you ever used a private child support collection agency?

    My ex owes over $20,000 in child support for my children who are 8 and 6 years old.. My local child support office has already suspended his driver's license and put out a bench warrant, but he has never paid. He owns nothing, has no bank account, no job, and has never filed taxes. He has no visitation with the children.

    Ive looked into private collection companies that charge a cut for collection. I don't mind losing a little money to get what I'm owed, but I'm wondering if it works.

    How do they collect the money? I would like to know the experiences of anyone who has tried this.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where in south Orange County do kids eat free?

    We live in Laguna Hills. Eating out is expensive with 3 kids. When we lived in the Inland Empire, several local restaurants had "kids eat free" nights, do you know anywhere in OC where kids eat free?

    4 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Where can kids eat free in south Orange County?

    We live in Laguna Hills. Eating out is expensive with 3 kids. When we lived in the Inland Empire, several local restaurants had "kids eat free" nights, do you know anywhere in OC where kids eat free?

    3 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • How long without a period bofore seeing a doctor?

    I had an ovary and fallopian tube removed April 06

    I had a baby 7 months later in November 06

    I started having normal periods 2 months postpartum, January 07

    My cycles were 35 days apart, but regular for 4 months thenn stopped. I have not had a period since June 1.

    I know I am not pregnant (my husband had a vasectomy and I took a pregnancy test a few days ago just to make sure). I am breast feeding exclusively and I know that can delay mentruation, but I've never heard of it starting then stopping again.

    How long should I wait to go to the doctor, considering I have only 1 ovary and I'm not pregnant? I'm afraid I will be told to go on the pill to regulate periods and I really don't want to.

    Because I was pregnant during and after my surgery, I never got a feel for how my cycles would be and my doctor told me that most women have monthly periods because the remaining ovary does double the work.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy figs in south Orange County?

    I live in Laguna Hills and I would love to have some figs. I normally shop at Trader Joes, they don't cary figs. I've also tried Costco and my local Vons. Couldn't find the there either. Last year I bought them at Mother's Market, I haven't seen them there this season.

    4 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Question for owners of rental properties?

    What is the average credit score of people who apply to rent the home(s) you own? What other factors determine who you choose as a tenant?

    We have a credit score of 710, a perfect rental history, a secure income and applied to rent a home. We were told that about 20 others had also applied for the same home.

    A friend who owns a rental property said that most applicants have a credit score in the mid 600s, I'm just curious about the experiences of others who own renta property.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • My landlord didnt pay mortgage and house foreclosed- what can I expect?

    The home we rent was sold to the bank 3 days ago. Our landlord said he will return our August rent and security deposit.

    Now we're just waiting to hear from the bank.

    We already know our RIGHTS, but I'm curious to know the experiences of anyone else who has been through this. Our attorney said we could be contacted any day, or it could be months. We were also told some lenders will pay the tenants to move.

    Any personal experiences or insights would be great.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What diaper pail do you use for cloth diapers?

    I have been cloth diapering exclusively for 8 months. I use a blue and white Cosco diaper pail with a cloth liner inside. This worked great when his diapers were smaller, but now the pail fills up long before I'm ready to wash diapers.

    I know many families use a 13 gallon garbage can, but will this keep in odor?

    What diaper pails do you use? I'm concerned that diaper pails intended for paper diapers will have too small an opening for my diapers. Also, I do not want to have to use any type of disposable liner or bag for the diaper pail.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When is the best time to give infant gas drops?

    My baby started solids at 6 months. He is now 7 212 months old. I've waited 4 days before introducing a new food so I would be able to recognize any intolerance or allergies.

    He has not been able to tolerate any of the foods I have tried. I make my own baby food and because he was having such a tough time, I even tried the store bought jarred stuff to rule out contamination or preparation issues. No difference. I also gave him a Gerber teething biscuit and he vomitted it up about 30 minutes later.

    He's been sleeping through the night since he was 8 weeks, but any time I feed him solids, he wakes up at night angry and fussy. One days when he only nurses, he sleeps fine.

    I bought infant gas drops and I want to see if it makes a difference.

    My question-- should I give him the gas drops right after he eats, or wait until bed time?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I received a notice of over payment from California Unemployment Insurance?

    I received a notice of possible overpayment a few weeks after my benefits were up. The notice says my last pay check was about $2,000 more than it actually was. I've already called EDD and I was told just to send in a written dispute and supporting documents.

    I threw out all my pay stubs shortly after I received my W-2 in the mail. I called my old office, but they have gone out of business (the reason I was laid off). The receptionist said they moved out of the building months ago and left no forwarding address or contact information. I called the former CFO on his personal cell phone and he said he doesn't have access to any records, but he will see what he can do. He was very impatient with me on the phone, and I'm not sure whether I will hear from him.

    I'm eligible for an extension in a few weeks and I don't want this to cause a problem. Of course, I also don't want to be accused of fraud. I could pay the pverpayment, but that might be admitting guilt.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • My 7 month old can crawl, pull up (onto knees, not standing), and stand holding onto an object.?

    However, he can not SIT unassisted. If I place him in a sitting position, he will fall forward. He was born 4 weeks early, so I don't panic when he's a little behind, but it seems like his development is out of order. I have 2 older children who were already sitting at this age and did not crawl or stand until after they could sit.

    He has never been in a stroller, I have always worn him or my husband has worn him on his back. He has also had very strong legs since birth and started using an exersaucer since 3 months old. Of course, he is in a sitting position in his car seat.

    Anyhow, does this seem odd? Is it anything to bother the doctor over since he is developing normal in other ways?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago