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  • Why are drugs illegal?

    It really does not make that much sense to me. It seems like the cost of keeping a these drugs out of hands of the public costs a lot more than if these people could get drugs legally. Alcohol and tobacco are legal and those are both drugs and seem to be not that much worse than other drugs if too much is consumed. I just don't get the reasoning behind it. Shouldn't we be allowed to make our own choices.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why do we need social security?

    Why do we need it? I mean the fund that are put into the social security fund do not gain any real interest. You could put the money in a drawer for 50 years and it would be worth as much as if you put it into social security. The system in built on the hope that the next generation will be bigger than the last which makes it very similar to a Ponzi scheme. Eventually it will collapse if our population growth goes negative or near negative like Europe. I mean it helps old people now but what about the people in the future. The fund is already out of money and has been going into negative territory since 2011. Do we just pray it holds up until we are dead and say **** future Americans?

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why do people say they hate capitalism when they mean fascism?

    I find that when most people say they hate capitalism they usually hate the part of our system that is fascist/socialist in nature. America technically is not really a capitalist free market country. An example would be when people complain about large corporations getting tax breaks and special incentives which is the complete opposite of what would happen in a capitalist system. Some people say that's one of the inevitable side effects of capitalism but by doing such things a country is technically no longer a capitalist country. So do people just hate capitalism because they believe that such an ideal system could not exist. But couldn't the same argument be used against socialism which also has never been done correctly?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do people think libertarianism is bad?

    The only thing I can find completely wrong about the whole philosophy is the part about who would build the roads. Also maybe the whole flat tax thing. But besides those two things they seem to have everything else right. It seems to me that it makes more sense than any other party because they have one goal with no exceptions to the rule unlike Democrats and Republicans. What is so wrong about letting everybody be happy? Why is it our job to tell other people what to do if it doesn't effect us personally? The least you could say is that they are better than the democrats or the Republicans. It might be good to start back tracking at this point now that fascism/socialism is beginning to fail.

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Why does the government make more policies to try and fix a failed policy rather than get rid of the policy?

    Prohibition of drugs>more cops and laws needed to arrest people>overcrowding of jails>letting criminals out early>making guns harder to get>...

    Welfare>abuse of welfare>corporate welfare because taxes are to high in order to pay for welfare>collapse of small business>more people on welfare>take money out of social security for welfare>tax increases to pay for both>...

    Social security>Medicare>dependence on both>raise payments>tax people more>...

    Increased war spending>people become dependent on war spending>increased war spending>we make a lot of enemies>increased war spending>...

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Why are liberals such greedy bigots?

    I am a libertarian not a republican so I am allowed to ask this question without being a hypocrit. I hate corporatism, the military-industrial complex, despise the prison-industrial complex and believe they are just another form of handouts and are more fascist rather than capitalist in nature. I am sorry to say "liberal" when what I mean is socialist but "liberals" are not liberal.

    These quotes give a good idea of what I mean by greedy bigots in that order.

    “I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” Thomas Sowell

    "Liberals seem to assume that, if you don't believe in their particular political solutions, then you don't really care about the people that they claim to want to help." Thomas Sowell

    10 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Do you think America becoming more socialist is a bad/good thing?

    America is becoming more socialist. This is a fact. Our total gov. Spending as a percent of GDP is over 40%. It has been increasing at a rate of about 6% every 20 years at a fairly consistent rate. Now that I have showed that America is becoming more and more socialist you can answer the question at hand rather than arguing whether America is becoming more socialist. By the way it started doing so at the turn of the century and did not grow any faster or slower because of the Great Depression so that's out too for those who would rather argue than answer the question.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why do liberals think Universal Healthcare is a right/freedom?

    Hello I had a liberal say to me "I can't believe we don't have Universal in the freest country in the world?" It made me realize that liberals don't hate freedom, they just don't know what the word means. I would like to here from liberals about why you think this way? Why would you do socialist things in the name of freedom?

    I would also like to here from the religious right and why they also support tyranny in the name of freedom. It seems to me if you were truly religious you would not be trying to play God.

    20 AnswersPolitics8 years ago