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What can heel a wound in the leg?
My brother-in-law has a deep wound to his leg. He lives in Africa and the health service over there is very poor and they haven't got enough equipment. I want to help him as it is getting worse. I was thinking of the VAC Therapy but you can't buy it, only rent it. I heard about light therapy but I'm not sure about it. Does anyone know how much it will cost to stay in a private hospital to have his wound looked after. Maybe there are another ways I could help him, does anyone knows any machines for healing wounds that I could buy and send it to him and the nurse will look after it...etc. Be grateful for any help.
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoI would like to buy a VAC Therapy suction machine for wound healing.?
Does anyone know where I could buy it from. I don't mind if it's used or new. KCI medical can rent the machine but I can't rent it, I need to buy it. I'm from UK
3 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoI'm having colonoscopy tomorrow but no one has told me to take any laxatives?
I'm just a bit worried cos usually they tell you to take some laxatives the day before. (i'm having it done in the NHS hospital)
10 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoI have combination skin. I've got a lot of spots around my mouth and on my cheeks. The rest of my face is dry.
Can someone recomend me any products that u used and it helped u, plz.
10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoWhere can I buy Sheercover make-up?
Hi everyone, I've seen on the TV a sheercover make-up by Leeza Gibbons, it was a shopping TV, forgot the name..I want to buy it but don't know how to get it from...maybe any of u will know??:)
5 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoI'm 5 weeks 4 days pregnant...?
I started bleeding yesterday. Quite havily. I've done a pregnancy test and it was positive. I went to A&E and the blood test showed BHcg-23. They told me is inconclusive as less than 5-not pregnant, more than 25- pregnant. Today I am still bleeding. I feel the same like I felt before the bleeding. What could it be? Tomorrow I have appt at EPU. Anyone experienced that? what's the Hcg level at 5-6 weeks? Thanks
8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoWhat would u do, as a hospital staff, if u can smell burning but cannot see fire?
Would you raise the fire alarm?
11 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade agoAnother question for someone who works in care:-)?
Explain what practical methods are in place to ensure the safety of the patients in ur care
4 AnswersTrivia1 decade agoCan someone who works in the NHS hospital answer this question?
The location of fire alarms on the ward
The location of fire fighting equipment on the ward
Location of fire doors
Fire exits
Fire assembly points
Thx :-)))
Also: What would you do if u smell burning at work but cannot see fire or smoke?
3 AnswersTrivia1 decade agoMy husband had chicken pox more than a month ago but he still got spots around his body?
When will they start clearing?? Is it normal to have spots for such a long time?
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoI'm feeling strange for some time now. Can I be pregnant?
I had some episodes of sickness(different times of the day) usually unexpected(in matter of scnds I felt sick). Terrible back pain and in the lower abdomen. Very tender breasts, bigger and darker nipples. I use the toilet nearly every hour. My period was irregular in March and April. The april period was different as I didn't bleed much. I also feel cold and very tired all the time. At times I get crumps in my legs. Could I be pregnant?
12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy husband has chicken pox which I already had. Can I infect others with chicken pox?
I work in the hospital so I wouldn't want to infect others.
9 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago