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Lv 42,655 points

Aliii. ™

Favorite Answers9%

...You just have to live life to the fullest, laugh as much as you can, spend all your money, tell someone what they mean to you, tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someones hand, comfort a friend, pig out, fall asleep, watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, smile until your face hurts, don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love...& most of all live in the moment cause when you look back someday knowing you have no regrets its going to be what makes you smile ツ

  • What should you eat when you need to cut back on fiber intake?

    My grandma was told that she needed to cut back on her protein intake and I was going to make a list of foods for her that would be GOOD to eat and ones that would be BAD to eat.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Geometry Homework Questions. Please help!?

    If you can just answer ONE out of ANY of these, it would help me immensly :)

    #1: A triangle is inscribed in a circle. The smallest angle of the triangle mesaures 23* and one of the intercepted arcs of the circle measures 144*. Find the measure of the largest angle of the triangle.

    #2: Suppose a chord of a circle is 7.5 cm from the center of a circle. If the circle has a diameter of 21.4 cm, what is the length of the chord to the nearest tenth?

    #3: A 30-60-90 triangle is inscribed in a circle. If the length of the side opposite the 60* angle is 5 cm, what is the circumference of the circle?

    --- If you could give a little explanation to how you got the answer, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Adobe Flash Player Installation Issues?

    Everytime I try to get on YouTube to watch videos or anything that involves something "interesting" on the computer, it says that I need to download Adobe Flash Player in order for me to do what I want. I have tried time & time again to install it. I go through all of the steps and a box comes up at the end saying that the installation is complete. So, I went back to the other sites and it still keeps telling me to download it. I'm tired of wasting my time downloading it when it's not working properly. Is there anyway I can download it and know that FOR SURE it is downloaded? OR.. What can I do to fix this problem to make sure it gets downloaded fully & properly?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • I have an iPod problem that I don't know how to fix?

    Okay. So I have an iPod nano. When I plug it into my computer so that it can charge & sync and all that good stuff, a little box pops up that says "The iPod can not be synced. An unknown error has occurred. (13019)"

    My iPod charges and all but it will not put up the songs that I bought from iTunes on it for me to listen to. I guess my question is: What made the error & how do I get it to go away so that my iPod will sync normally?

    P.S: This has happened every time I've plugged my iPod in for about the past three weeks.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Boys & Friends?! Not the best combination! Help!?

    Alright. My friend Kristen has a uncle named Jason. He spent about 3 months at Kristen's house and I got to see him a lot and we kind of got attached. Jason is 15 by the way. Well yesterday, he had to go back to Illinois. But Kristen invited me to the airport to go with her and her family. Well the past weekend before that I went bowling with Jason on Friday, Saturday we went to the zoo, and then I went to the pool with him on Sunday. So we got to know each other pretty well. I knew that he liked me because everyone in the family heard him talking about me. So, when he was leaving to get on the plane I gave him a few hugs and told bye & that I would miss him. Well when we got back in the car, Kristen said that Jason told her that he wanted to kiss me. (I'm 13 and haven't kissed anyone) I just thought she was joking around and stuff because she knew I liked him and stuff... Well that night I was on FaceBook and Jason got on... I asked Kristen if I could just tell him a couple things.. And she said no and started bugging him about all the kissing and wanting to date me? And I kinda got upset about that because I just wanted to tell him that I was sorry for everything and that I mised him. But of course it didn't go that way. And then, she told Jason that he couldn't date her best friend and he was heart broken and so was I! I am totally lost on what to do in this situation. I probably won't get to see Jason until June 2010! :*(

    Here's what I need help on:

    *I still want to keep in touch with Jason because I really do like him.

    *But at the same time, I dont' want Kristen mad at me. But she has done enough to hurt me by telling Jason this stuff. I can understand that she doesn't want me dating her uncle, and I get that. But the thing that made me the most mad was that she told him off, when he didn't do anything and it hurt both of us. I need help.

    P.S: Sorry if this was too long :]

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I Need Help!! && Fast!! Please...? :]?

    Alright. I know this might be a little long but I need some help!

    Alright. I'm dating someone right now, and we'll call him, M. Today is M & I's 1 month anniversary (Woot! Woot!) But, when I turned my phone on this morning, my ex (We'll call him A) left me a text message asking me out. We have been talking and stuff (but I'm definitely not cheating on M) Anyways, I obviously went to my best friend for all of this and she said that I should go w. A. Well she is talking to him right now, and she asked him if he really loved me and he said that he really does. I will update later if something else happens, but I wouldn't count on it. Anyways, like I said, today is M's 1 month anniversary with me and I don't want to break his heart, but yet I miss everything that I had with A and all of our history together. Someone please help, and I'm sorry that my question details are so long but I really needed help. I don't want to hurt M but yet I don't want A to break my heart...again.

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Guys --x What do you look for in a girl?

    I just was wondering what different guys thought about what they look for in a girl.

    And if you could, but it in order from the first thing you want in a girl, and then in order :]


    ali :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guy Problems? ! [20 Characters?]?

    Okay, I know this is probably going to be medium-length, but I just want some advice here.

    Well, there is this guy that is like my best friend in the world, we talk on the phone at least 2 times a week for about an hour, and always talk at school. His name is Tyler. Yeah, and we do flirt quite a bit, I do have to say. And the other day he said that I was pretty! I was so...flattered! Sounds pretty good, huh? Well, then, my best 'girl' friend, McKenzi, is in love with him. I think even more than me, but I don't think that he likes her. [Sorry if I sound mean, but everyone else agrees w. me too!] And, she yells at me everytime I'm around him, and then when I tell her she doesn't own him, it gets pretty brutal! Haha. I just want him to know I like him, and I really do want to go out with him. [I went to his house about a month ago, and I don't think I have ever felt that certain way before. Honestly!] But, I don't want to cause any drama between me and Kenzi and everyone else that likes him!

    Haha. Thanks in advance. [Sorry that its so long!]

    3 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Cheerleading Try-Outs Questions?

    Okay. I am going to have cheerleading try-outs at the end of this school year and I am kinda nervous. I am going to be starting gymnastics in a couple of days, but I am not so sure what I am going to be learning there, and I know that doesn't help you out too much. And what can I do to be ready for it. Also, what can I expect at a cheerleading try out because this will be my first year trying out.?


    7 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • I Need Major Help! I Like This Guy But Don't Know What To Do!?

    Well, I like this guy, and his name is Tyler. He has been my best friend since like kindergarten. And I always sit on his lap, talk to him, and give him hugs all the time. People always ask me if we are dating and I say no, because we aren't. But, the more people say that, the more it makes me think that we would actually make a cute couple and I can actually see us dating. But, one of my best friends is madly, and I mean madly in love with him. She will look over at me and say, "He is so hot, Ali!" and I just tell her that she shouldn't be so obsessed with him because guys don't like that.. And I am not obsessed with him, we are just really good friends and all, and I am starting to like him but I don't want to hurt my friend, or make anyone mad.

    Please Help! </3

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If you had the choice...&Why?

    If you had the choice of choosing the [Pink] Blackberry Pearl, or the EnV2, which one would you choose, and why please?

    (Also, if you have one of those phones, tell me, please what you like and don't like about it.)

    [[Thanks in advance!]]

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Acne Problems?! Help Me Please!?

    Okay, well, latley, I have been breaking out a lot on my face [mostly my forehead, sides of my head(by my temples), on my nose, and in between my eyebrows (like right in the middle of my head!)]

    So, anyways, I need SOMETHING to fix this..I tried popping them, and then putting some Zap It  on it..And that didn't work.

    -&&-I want something safe, not injections or anything like that!

    ~*Thanks in Advance!~*

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Couple Science Questions?!?

    *Please be as discriptive as you can!*

    1) What is hayfever? And what can be done for those who have it?

    2) What is a cold and what causes coughs?

    3) Explain what causes hiccups.

    ~I need these questions answered fast..And if you can't answer them all, just answer the ones you can..Please!?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Questions About Twilight & Harry Potter!? {Easy 2/10 Points!}?

    Here are some fun questions to answer about the movies Twilight & Harry Potter!

    1) Twilight or Harry Potter

    2) Edward or Harry

    3) Edward or Bella

    4) If you have seen Twilight, what was your fav. scene?

    5) If you have seen -any- Harry Potter movies, what was the movie and what scene?

    *Easy 2 Points!* ~Even easier 10 points!~

    *x.o.x.o* <3

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does Anyone Know What Luke Bryan's Wife's Name Is?

    I have seen her on his video for "Country Man" and was kinda curious onto what her name is, & even if she is his wife, because on people's comments on YouTube, a lot of them said that she was his wife-->Just Checkin!<--

    4 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • What is this HTML code?¿?

    What is the HTML code for the TM thing, like I have seen it on everyone's MySpace and stuff..Please help me!?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Help me! Sick! (Need some remedies fast!)?

    A bunch of my friends/family have been sick...I hardly ever get sick so this is my question (&some more facts)

    I have been getting chills on my upper body, and my lower body is sweating...I get really really bad stomach pains/cramps (what ever you want to call it) Anyways, about 6 people got some symptoms like this before me, that I hang around with a lot, and I just wanted to know if any of you guys knew any remedies to get this pain to go away..And tell me if you think it may be something serious...

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • What is a good name for a boy Webkinz bottlenose dolphin?

    My sister just got one and she has no idea what to name it but she knows that she wants it to be a boy...

    7 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • Why do blondes have the reputation of being stupid/not smart!?

    I don't get it..I have a lot of friends that are blonde, and smart, everyone once in awhile they may repeat something, but that doesn't mean its a bad thing

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What is the point in kicking the football in a football game?

    I know this is going to sound really weird, but me and my best friend were playing Madden 09 and she came up with a somewhat good question, what is the point in kicking a football, why can't you just throw it..oh well i know it is kinda stupid and i kinda understand if you don't answer it..haha lol

    2 AnswersOther - Soccer1 decade ago