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  • How to convince my parents to let me go to the gym?

    Hi, so I'm 17 years old asian girl, turning 18 years in old in a month time and I want to enter the Australian Defence Force.

    My parents support me wholeheartedly about my idea and I want to prepare myself for the army in terms of my physical abilities.

    Truthfully, I'm not a very physical person so now I'm starting to exercise here and there but I kinda want to take it to another level, which is gym.

    We have an elliptical machine in my house and I've been using it regularly, but I feel like I need to do more exercises than that and gym most likely would have a lot more equipment. I know my dad will go against me going to the gym because we have that machine and I don't know what to say. He's a stubborn man.

    So, help?


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Should I buy an iPad?

    Hi, so.. recently I've been thinking of getting myself an iPad. I'm not going to expect my parents to pay for it because I recently received Macbook Pro Retina from my dad for unknown reason (Grades most likely). So, I will pay the whole product myself.

    I've been researching on iPads and I'm attracted to it. I started reading ebooks and I need something light and easy to carry instead of my Macbook. I'm also thinking if I could get an iPad I might as well take advantages of its functions and what it offers such as apps and other features for school (I'm 17 years old and in my last year of high school) I'm aware that iPad is quite expensive that's why I'm contemplating on purchasing it.

    I'm not trying to brag, but this might be a useful information to judge on whether I need another technological device or not. Right now I have an all in one desktop pc, Macbook pro, and iPhone 4s. I actively use all these devices.

    Could you please give me an opinion on whether if I need this iPad?

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds7 years ago
  • How Do I Convince My Parents to Get Me an iMac?

    I’m a year 10 student from Sydney and I need an iMac.

    1. iMac is famous for its editing software, and the thing is, I want to be a graphic designer or let’s say anything that revolves around editing and I found out that the university that I wanted to go to uses iMac, so I think it will be easier for me to have the same computer. (like transferring files and stuff)

    2. I gave up on my iTunes. I have Windows XP and I use iTunes to sync my music into my iPhone, but I have to rely on my school’s macbook (Which is crap) to sync it because the iTunes on my computer doesn’t work. I tried everything. I searched up on the web how to fix it but it didn’t work, so I gave up.

    3. I have good grades, but I came from Asian family (traditional Chinese) and my dad is SUPER STRICT.

    4. I want to deepen my knowledge in graphic and editing, so I think using iMac is much easier than Windows.

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • How to convince my parents to buy me Macbook Pro?

    Hey! right now I have Windows desktop and thinking of getting a macbook pro because i am going to travel overseas to my hometown for one month and i want to get something portable. i want a macbook pro because of gaming, video editing and my adobe work and school work. (i'm 15 and i'm interested in technology and computers). My dad knows that I love computers and so he bought me a new computer which is what I'm using right now but unfortunately it's a desktop. I know that i have to have good grades to be able to get macbook pro so i'm aiming for straight A's for this semester. But is there any more way I could convince him to get me a macbook pro. I want to use Windows and Apple products together.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Good name for my Youtube Channel?

    Hi! I'm going to make a youtube channeland it's all going to be about kpop reviews (music and dramas) and funny videos

    Help? :)

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • I don't feel comfortable with my friends?

    Well... I just have a feeling that my close friends (let's just call them A and B) don't understand are the reasons:

    - I have a strict parents and I have a curfew at 6 p.m. and my mum will literally call me 100 times if I don't go home before the curfew but they don't understand that! Their parents aren't strict and they want me to be just like them! they expect me to go around shops which I'm not really into (like shoes and closthes and watever) when we already went window shopping yesterday and it was nearly my curfew time and it gets 30 mins by train from the shopping centre to my house (I went to the shopping centre to attend my friend's birthday party),

    -they also talk behind my back which i can hear clearly! about what i did that day that they think was stupid (which is not! they friking talk about me about me not liking to wear a skirt. Hey! I like skirts but it's just not a good time to wear skirts in a friking windy day, and they told me to wear a skirt and start to diss it after i wore it)

    -they think I'm nothing and treat me like s h i t because they think I'm stupid, weak and have no common sence. I know that I'm weak only emotionally but I'm really strong physically. I am not stupid and I know that, it's just that english is my second language and I lived in english speaking country for 3 years only ( i was 12, now i'm 15) when i did not know any english words or how to speak 3 years ago. (I used to live in Indonesia) but my 'friends' treat me like i can understand everything they are saying.. (NO.. I cant) and if I don't get them, they give me 'the face' where they roll their eyes and make a you-are-so-stupid look which pisses me off (but I don't show it, I hide my feelings to people that I feel uncomfortable with)

    -they hide secrets me like they create a barrier between me and my other 2 friends A and B share everything together and they only share things to me that are kind of general or not so important

    -whenever A or B said something offensive to me and I said something back, the other friend (A help B or B help A) will say something to me making me look like a stupid person (I'm not good and comebacks! >.<)

    -whenever I say something, they will diss it or ignore it

    -whenever i said 'hi' to them, they will mostly ignore me or think that i'm not there which is kind of rude and I hated that so much.

    -everytime we go out as 3 people (me, A and B) they are always together and leaving me out, they only talk to me to make fun of me or say things offensive. They wouldn't listen to my advice of doing something different instead of window shopping. Like on school holidays, they will call me every 4 days a week just to go out and window shopping and ended up not buying anything which is kind of stupid (I have a life too! and i want to do something exciting!)

    -they want me to go on social networking site and chat with them everyday until midnight (wait, past midnight) when all that they do is say offensive things to me but i can't say no or say something back because i've never had real friends before and I don't know on what's right and what's wrong about friendship and I don't want to lose friends.

    -they don't like things that I like and started dissing them (saying that it's bad or something or stop doing it, it's stupid). I like technology and computing and I love learning new things that interest me ( I love technology, and computing and I'm learning on how to make a html code) but they said that it's stupid and just go watch something or go shopping (I don't want to waste my parents' money too much)

    I think they are the only people that I'm uncomfortable with and I'm close friends with them, they had been doing this since we started being close friends (2 years ago) and just realised that I'm very uncomfortable with them now.. (I'm so stupid -_-) and I sit with them in a friendship group of 7

    I'm so sorry that you have to read this 'novel' but this is all they always do to me and I don't know what to do. please help me. Thank you so much:)

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How to convince my parents to let me go to boarding school?

    Hi! I live in Australia and i think that I need to go to a boarding school. I'm 15 y/o girl. My grades aren't too bad.. A's and B's but I'm still aiming for straight A's (asian parents -_-) I don't really have much self discipline and I wanted to go to a strict boarding school to improve my discipline (i would rather go to an all girls boarding school) but my parents wouldn't allow me.. It's not the money problem, they are just scared that I would become more of a rebel and bad.. since they think that there is no supervision in the school (like going home at midnight or something)

    so, is there any way for me to convince them?

    thank you:D

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • My Mom constnatly pisses me off! help me please?

    she's sooo annoying! she keeps making jokes that lets me down! last time my dad was teaching me maths and i couldn't understand what he's talking about and he got mad because i couldn't understand him? he started breaking my things and throwing them around also calling me stupid and worthless and he said that i don't need to go to school because i'm to stupid to. I know im not stupid, his way of teaching is just different, i didnt get him and suggested to teach me my way but he screamed at me and said that im too stupid to understand his teaching and that really let me down. and then the next day, my mum keeps making stupid jokes by calling me stupid and worthless and i don't deserve to be in a school, and she said i should be a cleaner and forget my dream to be a programmer. and when she laughs at her stupid jokes, it made me feel down and made me want to cry. what should i do?

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How do I convince my parents to let me do self defence?

    I've had been interested in all kinds of martial arts since i was really 7 years old and I've asked my family if I learn a martial art but they said no because:

    1. I'm a 15 yrs old girl

    2. I am quite strong but i don't know why

    3. they think that if i learn karate, i will hit them and stuff which i won't.. i just want to learn karate so i can protect my self if there is anything

    My parents are asian and they yeah... they are the typical asian parents who are really strict. All they want for me is having good grades and i've been working on it and I quite have a decent grade in which i will plan to improve but i need something to do because it is quite stressful to be studying all the time.

    i can take hard physical training. I am an obedient child, don't really complain. I listen to them well, do everything to reach their satisfaction.

    I go tutoring and go home at 7 p.m every tuesdays straight from school and i still study on the weekends and i am still willing to do more activities like karate. So what can i do?

    4 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Can you play the sims 3 on windows xp? URGENT! PLEASE HELP!?

    here is my computer's description

    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3

    Interl(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.29 GHz, 2.91 GB of RAM Physical Address Extension

    I heard you have to have a certain amount of MB for the graphic card.. but I don't know how to check how many MB my graphic card is.... where do you find out how many MB the graphic card is in my computer?

    4 AnswersPC9 years ago
  • Can I listen to music on spotify if I don't have internet ?

    I need to know if i can listen to music on my iPod from spotify If I don't have Internet and I'm a free user..

    2 AnswersR&B & Soul9 years ago
  • How to convince my dad to get me a new computer?

    well.. ive had my computer for only 3 years.. n my dad is a computer man so obviously he knows a lot about computers..

    n my computer has been getting a lot of viruses for the pas three years and now.. my monitor won't show anything although my desktop is working but it didnt make any 'beeping' sound..

    so.. my dad said that it is broken or he cant fix it... but he dont want to buy me a new one...

    i have a apple macbook given by my school but i can't put anything except school works so basically the laptop is useless.. and I really need a new computer for my personal files and studies not for school. so are there any ways to convince my dad to let me buy a new computer.

    By the way my dad is the typical super strict asian dad.

    so guys please help me .. thank you..

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • why does my mum suddenly gets angry? quick answers please? SHES PISSED?

    here's the story,

    it was in the morning when i turned on my computer to play game. My mum came in to my room to ask me if i can send her workmate an email and i said okay. because i was hurrying, i typed the email address wrong three times and she didnt look mad at all. And at lunch we just talk like usual. After lunch i came back to my room and continue my game, and she started slamming my door while screaming at me to stop my game. She started getting angry at me because of the email address thing.. and she wasn't even angry before. She started screaming while she was on the phone with my grandma. Because im a short tempered person, i shouted back at her. Then my mom said this to my grandma "hear that?! this is what she always do!" and she shouted at me about me getting a B in maths when i always get an A and she said that i'm too careless and she will smash my game. she also shouted at me about having no time to read books.

    Now is like school holiday and i haven't been relaxing for a long time (because i always spend my time studying and sleeping late to study on school days) so i want to do something fun once in a while. but i always read books and do educational things on school holidays too. it's just that she thinks i always stay in my room and play games. Now she's angry.. What should I do.

    btw im asian and so is my mum. and if i ignore her, she will scream at me for being inconsiderate. soo what should i do?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • How to stop worrying about grades?

    Im getting my report tomorrow and im freaking out.. ive been getting that doesnt satisfy my parents enough for the past 2 years and tomorrow they are telling me that if i don't get grades that they think is 'good' they will transfer me to another school and I dont want that! so im freaking out right now... but im sure i have been getting good marks for the past semester except history and commerce and those two subjects are freaking me out.. soo help?

    7 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • can an asian girl be a korean actress?

    Hello! I really want to be a korean actress but i can't speak korean at all. I'm half chinese and indonesian with tan skin. Do you think i have a chance?

    because i heard that you learn korean when you already have an agent. is that true?

    3 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years ago
  • How to stop worrying about grades?

    I've been working quite hard for the past semester and it kind off payed off. I've been getting good marks but not until I got this horrible mark in my history assignment and I'm getting really freaked out of my overall grades in my report. And because of the bad mark in history, it leads me to the scores i've been getting for the past term and wasn't quite happy with. SO.. how do i stop worrying about my grades and be positive?

    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • My friend thinks that i like her boyfriend?

    so.. i only met her bf once when she introduced him to me and we've talk a bit and we kind of getting along and stuff but we don't text each other and stuff. We've only talk once and that's it. So my friend thinks that i like her boyfriend because we kind of getting along and stuff and kind of leaving me out when she's talking about her boyfriend to my friends. And my friends and her are going out somewhere with her boyfriend and i wasn't invited! So... what should i do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • my apple earphones is playing up? help!?

    i bought my apple earphones with the controller yesterday and i worked perfectly fine. But in the next day (today) it started to play up. Like whenever i listen to my music on my laptop or ipod, it just automatically turned my volume down to mute and it's pissing me off. So, is there any way i could do to fix this or should i buy a new one..

    i remembered this morning i had my earphones in my pocket with my ipod and it was squished for one hour with my hips because i was watching a movie.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • my friend is angry.. help?

    well this is the story, me and my friend lets just call her C kinda always go home together because we catch the same bus. but today, my friend is coming over to my house and we just left quickly and we forgot her plus my other friend was chasing me so we kind of running away from her for fun and completely forgotten about C. when we were halfway to our stop, C called me asking where i was and i told her that i was halfway near our stop and she asked me why i didnt wait for her, i apologized and said that i forgot about her completely because we were leaving too quickly then she hunged up on me. when we saw her walking towards us with my other friend, lets just call her M. They were making their own world together and leaving us out. basically she was ignoring me. and we went on the bus, say goodbyes to M and C still ignores me. I mean i know i was at fault but people forget. its just once in a while, she was late when we were planning to meet up on weekend for 45 minutes, when she turned up i asked her why she was late and you should be on time and she said "well it's not my fault that i lived so far away!" where shes only 15 minutes away by train to our meeting place and i didnt get angry, well i kinda did but i didnt ignore her. i just told her to be on time next time. i called C at 7 p.m tonight.. twice and she didnt pick up and i know that shes always with her phone and she always ignore calls when shes angry at the person. so what should i do?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • My Parents Too Strict?

    I dont know why but i just have a feeling that they are too overprotective.. but my mum is the worst. im a 14 years old girl turning 15 in a month and i asked her for an ipod touch for my birthday and she said 'oh im not going to buy you an ipod touch because i don't want to get into trouble with your dad!" so i gave up on the idea because i know my dad doesnt want me to have things i could play games with. so i asked my mum for a new phone buy she said that she doesnt want to buy me it because of the same reason as before.. don't want to get into trouble with my dad so i gave up the idea AGAIN and asked her for a ipod classic but she said that she'll buy it for me if i have a good attitude. i believe that i have a good attitude because i always do my chores, i dont talk back to my mum maybe sometimes if shes being too unreasonable and when i had my mood swings, i always wash her dishes, do things she wanted me to like going to a freaking tutor on saturdays for a whole day and on the next day i had to spend time with her.

    My mum doesnt allow me to go to birthday parties because she never goes to birthday party when she was my age and she believe that i shouldnt because im her DAUGHTER! she doesnt allow me to go to sleepovers and concerts for no reason, she doesnt like my friends because she thinks that they give me bad influence but she doesnt even know them at all, she just said its her feeling, SHE HASNT EVEN MET THEM! she doesnt let me listen to music at home, im not allowed to play games until im in university, im not allowed to close my bedroom door, she checks my wardrobes and says that they are slutty because i have short shorts, i dont even have a mini skirt, she checks my internet history, my phone calls and my messages and she doesnt allow me to text people with slang language or teenage style language (like lol, omg, wat? hav, gud) she barges into my room if i close my bedroom for a bit to call someone or getting changed and she lectured me for small things like i went to the bathroom and she called my phone and it was in my bedroom, i didnt hear the phone and she left a missed call. when i get back to my room, she instantly called me again and started screaming to me for not picking up the phone, i told her that i was in the bathroom and she told me to bring my phone everywhere INCLUDING THE BATHROOM! WHAT THE HELL!! becasuse she was screaming and i had my mood swings i started talking in a menancing voice because she pissed me off and she said that i was giving her attitudes. well that's my mum now its my dad

    my dad is a little bit better than my mum, my dad is a computer man and i heard from my mum that hes really smart.. too bad i didnt inherit his brain. well, my dad have a high expectation towards me.. he wants me to have good grades in my school and finish highschool quickly by skipping grades like him but i know that there is no way that could happen but im still trying tho :D. so if i get bad marks he will started lecturing me for like 2 hours about studying hard and having a good job after lecturing he will confiscate my phone so i cant talk with my friends and my mom (thank the lord) and turn off my internet that means half of my life to me. after lecturing and confiscating stuff my mum will come into my room and add oil to the fire which is lecturing me harsher by calling me stupid and stuff. my dad also cares about my appearance which is he cares about my weight and he always calls me fat because i eat quite alot because i have high metabolism and he always buy stupid products for my skin and stuff. and both of my parents strongly oppose myself to dating or talking or befriending guys until im 21 y/o because they dont want me to get pregnant when im 17 and want me to focus on study

    im sorry this is long but i just need some opinions and advice on what should i do to make them less strict and less annoying! especially my mum!

    6 AnswersFamily9 years ago