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Lv 2815 points

Miranda Rose

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  • Attachment image

    What color are my eyes?

    6 AnswersOptical4 years ago
  • Boyfriend lied...about lying about lying, etc.?

    Boyfriend told me he slept around a lot when we first started dating. I was okay with it, even though it wasn't my favorite thing to hear. He's brought it up casually in conversation before, briefly mentioning a time he had sex or something. But now after two months of dating he started messing with me, saying that he lied about sleeping with those people and he was actually a virgin. But then he'd take it back really fast and make a joke out of it (like you'll never know) and then he finally told me that he wasn't kidding and that he was a virgin. He gave me this long serious story and then he says he was joking. He did sleep with those people. Then he said he lied about joking because he was afraid I would leave him for being a virgin. 1) I don't know what to believe and 2) am I wrong for being angry that he lied to me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Thinking about dying my hair blue but worried it won't match my clothes?

    I wanted to dye the bottom layer of my brown hair blue, but I'm worried that it will look bad with certain colors now such as maroon which just so happens to be my favorite color for clothes right now :) can partially colored hair still look elegant and go with everything?

    2 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • Pressure-volume gas law question?

    The question is asking how the pressure-volume relationship would differ between a syringe filled with a mixture of gases and a syringe filled with a pure gas. I figured the only difference would be density being directly proportional to the total pressure, but I suppose the pure gas could have the same density as the mixture? Any other ideas/is this idea okay?

    1 AnswerPhysics6 years ago
  • How do I become a girl someone would want a relationship with?

    I am known as the quiet and sweet girl everyone loves. I get to know a guy, and then we go out on dates and eventually end up having sex. They see only me and we date for a while, but they are NEVER interested in a relationship. I don't understand. Is it a coincidence that no guy wants a relationship with me, or am I the problem? It's really starting to get to me. And I know everyone's probably going to tell me not to have sex with them, but it's kind of hard not to when they are practically your boyfriend but without the label.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What is a good first coffee drink from Starbucks?

    I've never had coffee before! My parents drink it black and I hate the smell, so I don't think I'd be too crazy about straight coffee right away... That being said I want to learn to love it! So what kind of coffee drink from Starbucks would you suggest getting if you don't want a strong coffee taste?

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Can someone give me a DC comics movie lineup?

    I have never seen those superhero movies before, so I need an order of which to watch first! Thanks!

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • I think I might be 3 months pregnant, can someone just give me an opinion until I have the opportunity to take a test?

    I go home from school friday. I will be able to take a test then. I had sex around mid June - beginning July. I think I might be pregnant. Symptoms:

    No morning sickness

    Tired, but I'm always tired!

    I noticed my areola getting larger...I thought

    Major heartburn, which I had never had in my life and now it's frequent

    I used to have very little appetite, but now I'm hungry all the time

    Frequent urination. Used to be able to hold it in, now I feel like I have to go so much

    I've had a few headaches. I never get headaches.

    I missed my period one month, and got it the next two months but it wasn't normal (I've heard some women experience "periods" throughout pregnancy.) My cycle is usually very predictable - never misses

    I just looked up what vaginal discharge during this stage of pregnancy should be like, and I have that kind and it hasn't changed...(thin, milky white, occasionally brown/pink, mild odor, etc.)

    That's all I can think of. Does it sound like this could be pregnancy? Because some of this is all very weird that some of these things are related to pregnancy but I feel like I'm missing major pregnancy symptoms (I think it would be weird that I'm one of the few women who have a "period" during pregnancy, and I have not had any morning sickness whatsoever, etc.)

    I just want someone to make me feel less anxious!! I swear I'm going to take a test ASAP!

    But let's just say I WAS pregnant (hypothetically)...would being 3 months be dangerous since I haven't seen a doctor??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • I need opinions! Should I cut my hair short again or let it grow?

    Basically I have a lot of hair and I'm a small person. I prefer to wear my hair in buns and braid it and I have these bows that I adore. But I HATE wearing my hair down when it's long, because I look like cousin it.

    But if I cut it, I can wear it down and it won't take as much time to get ready. I've had my hair short before and I loved it, but I grew it out because I missed being able to do all of the hairstyles I did with longer hair. What's more important - wearing your hair down and not really being able to do anything with it, but it looks really good and takes little effort OR keeping hair long and not being able to wear it down but having the ability to wear braids and buns and bows?? :) haha the ultimate hair question.

    4 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • I'm an 18 year old female, 5'3" and I weigh 104 lbs as of this morning. Is this healthy?

    I have been gaining weight. I was at 98 lbs.

    Actually, I was at 108 lbs, but I have an eating disorder and dropped 10 lbs over the summer, but I'm doing better and I'm trying to get my weight back up. My mom still thinks I'm way too skinny. She wants me to get up to 115 lbs. I think that's ridiculously high for me. I've never been over 111 ever.

    I seem to be stuck at 104 lbs though. Is this healthy enough?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • I've never seen any superhero movies, but I want to! Where should I start?

    I feel like there are so many superhero movies out that I don't know the names of or anything, and all these new ones and sequels! Can someone make a list of the major superhero movies I should check out? Thank you!!

    5 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • I'm worried I might be pregnant?

    If I am, I am around 9-11 weeks. About two months ago I skipped my period. I got it the next month in July, and I got it in August, and now it is September and I got it again. The thing is, it has been fairly light, though it does last for the whole week like normal. I heard some women experience period like bleeding throughout the ENTIRE pregnancy, not just during implantation. This is what is making me worry, because I have been experiencing other pregnancy symptoms such as frequent urination (I usually NEVER use the bathroom, but now it feels like I always have to go.) and I've had nausea and I have been getting heartburn frequently even though I have NEVER experienced it in my life before. Could I be pregnant??

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • I'm a college student recovering from an eating disorder and I need some support/advice?

    Basically I just started my first year of college. I've always had a general eating disorder, but I've gotten help for it and I slowly got better. I'm 5'3" and at a healthy/stable weight I was around 108 lbs. Problem is, since June I've lost 10 lbs. I'm now 98 lbs. It's a mixture of anxiety and stress and change and the idea that one of my biggest fears is gaining the freshman 15. Now that I've reached double digits it's only gotten worse. I was just watching what I ate and made sure I didn't eat unhealthy. But I started losing weight and now I am starving myself on purpose because I feel like I have to. I can't get back up to triple digits. I think I need help, but there is no way I can get to my counselor and I don't have transportation anyway. I really don't want to tell my friends either, mainly because I don't have many yet and I don't want them to think I'm bothersome or strange. I just don't know what to do. I wish I could eat normal, but I just can't.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Madeline or Maddie?

    I'm 18. As a kid I went by my full name all of the time (pronounced Mad uh lyn) but now a lot of people naturally call me Maddie. I am going to college in a few days. What should I tell people to call me? I like them both. What do you prefer?

    8 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Going to college, should I go by real name or nick name?

    Real name is Madeline (pronounced Mad-uh-lyn) and people sometimes get it mixed up with the way it looks (Mad-uh-line). I'm going to college in a few days. My whole family calls me Maddie, but no one else does (not my friends or kids from high school). Also, my real name is kind of a mouthful and I honestly say it weird. I jumble it all together. Don't get me wrong, I love my name... I just don't know if I want to be called that anymore. Usually when I introduce myself I say "I'm Madeline, or Maddie. Whichever you prefer." What name would you guys prefer? What if I don't look like a Maddie? Idk this is a dumb question haha

    11 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • I was raped and I am not okay?

    It happened back in December. I guess I just pretended like it didn't happen and I forgot about most of it. Recently I've started having nightmares and I started to remember what really happened as I started falling asleep. Now all of a sudden, I am terribly upset. I feel gross and used and I feel like it's partly my fault for putting myself into the situation. I felt like I could've done something but I don't know what. I've only told a few people, but none of them really care. I am so alone and I feel like I shouldn't feel the way I do because it's just sex. I mean really, how hard is it not to get raped? But he hurt so bad and he used me! I feel like I am nothing. I already had depression and I used to be very suicidal and into cutting but I got over it. I feel like it's all coming back now though. Honestly I just want to die. It's bothering me too badly and no one understands. I don't even understand. I can't be helped. I can't tell. It won't go away so maybe I should.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is this considered rape?

    There was a boy I had been giving rides to school because he was with me after I was in a car accident and I owed him. I barely knew him. The fourth day I gave him a ride he asked me to stay over at his house for a little while. I said I would because he had just gotten dumped and he seemed really nice and all. Well he started kissing me, which I didn't mind. Please note that I DID NOT like him. I wasn't even attracted to him. I barely knew the guy. But I let him kiss me because I didn't want to hurt his feelings especially since I thought he was feeling vulnerable. But then he started undoing my belt and I froze. I started having major anxiety and I couldn't talk. I was scared and didn't know what to do. He started having sex with me and it he was hurting me really bad (I was NOT a virgin.) Tears started falling out of my eyes. I wanted to tell him to stop. I wanted to leave but I couldn't find the words. Then I thought it was over but he got up and grabbed another condom. Eventually I started bawling and then he stopped. But look he never asked. And other than kissing him I never acted like I wanted that. I was only 17 and barely knew the guy! I was so scared. But I never said no or stop. Is that considered rape?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need help. I had sex but didn't say yes and it's been messing with me?

    A while ago I went over to a boys house. I barely knew him but he helped me after I wrecked my car and I felt obligated to give him rides and hang out when he asks me over after school. Well I went over and I really didn't expect or want to have sex. I barely even knew him. But he started to do stuff and I couldn't say no. I have really bad anxiety and I just felt really scared and he was hurting me. He finished but then immediately grabbed another condom and a little while later I just started crying. He stopped after that but he admitted later that he was using me for sex.

    Ever since then I've had problems with sex. One guy asked if I wanted to and I couldn't form words I just kept stuttering. Then another guy I actually did have sex with twice I ended up crying both times because I just started feeling so anxious. Then another time I was kissing a boy and he started undoing my belt and I just froze and felt so scared but I couldn't tell him to stop. What is going on?? Please help me...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I need opinions on legally changing my name?

    My name is Madeline, pronounced "Mad-uh-lyn" and I was named after my great grandmother, who I never met but people tell me I am a lot like her. I love my name, but I hate the way it is spelled because it is often pronounced wrong by people and I understand why they would think it was "Mad-uh-line." But I would almost feel bad about changing it because I was named after someone...thoughts?

    5 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • I made a mistake and now my boyfriend is holding it over my head?

    He isn't even my boyfriend. We were just starting to date and he never made it exclusive. He left for four months and I slept with his best friend, but that was after his best friend told me that I was just another girl my "boyfriend" was seeing and that he didn't care about me. I didn't plan on sleeping with the guy but I got upset and that was his BEST FRIEND so I thought he knew something I didn't.

    I told the guy I'm seeing, and he's giving me another chance. But now he is acting different and constantly holding it over my head.

    I'm a really nice person, I don't hurt other people on purpose, ever. I realize I made a mistake, and I would do anything for him to forgive me, but he just won't let it go and it's constantly making me feel like ****. But I feel like I can't tell him this because I deserve to be told all of this and feel like a crappy person, even though I know I'm not I just did a bad thing. WE WERENT EVEN TOGETHER I DIDNT KNOW HOW HE FELT ABOUT ME

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago