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I used to go by Goats On A Boat.
Everything on my laptop changed when I opened it this morning, what could have happened?
I was using my laptop last night and everything was fine. This morning, I went back on to find that the wallpaper was back to its original picture when I first bought it, Google Chrome disappeared, and all my downloads and documents are gone except for just one picture. I have to set up my iTunes again - it's as if I never had it on my computer and I have to re-download it. There's a small possibility my mom may have used my laptop this morning before she went to work but she doesn't know much about computers, she only uses it to check her e-mail and go on Facebook. What could have happened? I've had the same laptop for two years and nothing like this has ever happened. I find it really strange.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoDoes this ever happen to anyone else?
Once in a while, a word would be stuck in my head like "epithelial cells" or "academy" for example and sometimes even names, then later on in the day or the following day, I'll hear someone say the word or name or I'll find it online or something. I know it may just be a coincidence but it always happens with a word that's not usually used in daily conversation so I find it really weird. Does this happen to anyone else or is my brain just strange?
4 AnswersOther - Social Science8 years agoWhat could be wrong with my iPod Touch?
A couple weeks ago, I bought a new iPod Touch and everything was fine up until maybe 2 days ago. My messages are no longer sending to people (I'd send the message and it would read "Sending..." at the top as the bar moved along but then it would stop and eventually say, "Message not delivered." I doubt it's the wifi connection because I can still use the internet on it.
I did purchase a 2 year warranty with it though so I'll probably be able to get it fixed if it's something I can't fix myself, but just so I can save myself a trip to the store I bought it from, does anyone know how I can resolve this issue? How would I go about restarting it?
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years agoHow long will it take for my nose piercing to close up?
I got my nose pierced in March of 2010 and I got a corkscrew type ring so I was always too afraid of taking it out myself. Then this past Sunday morning, I was wiping my face with a paper towel, and it caught onto my nose ring, pulling it out. Since then, I haven't put it back in because it just freaks me out.
I haven't decided whether I should get a new one put in again (I'd probably go to the place I got it done at and ask them to put a new ring in for me) or if I should just leave it and let it close up over time though. :$
How long do you think it will take for my nose piercing to close back up again, if it's been 2 years?
6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years agoHOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?!?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhich laptop is best for a student going into college?
I will be starting college in the fall so I need to buy a laptop, but I'm really clueless as to which model/brand is best. I would prefer one that doesn't heat up quickly, is under $600, has good webcam/microphone quality, and is NOT a Mac.
Thank you. :)
10 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoWhat, for you, is the hardest part of driving a car?
Is it the parallel parking, backing up into parking spaces, driving on the highway, etc? Or is it all just a piece of cake for you?
24 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWould you be offended if your landlord put up signs in your house?
My mother and I are renting a basement in a house (we're poor, don't judge) and we've been living here for almost 10 years now. Our landlord and his family live upstairs. We know them pretty well (they babysat me when I was little) and we get along with them for the most part.
A few months ago, he asked if we'd be ok with paying an additional $20 in rent, my mom wasn't comfortable with it so she said no, and since then, it seems like he's been holding a grudge against us.
He hired some people to fix up our shower a few weeks ago and just recently, he had people renovate our kitchen. After the shower was fixed, he put a sign in the bathroom saying, "PLEASE KEEP YOUR BATHROOM CLEAN AND TIDY AT ALL TIMES". And after the kitchen was renovated, he put up a sign in there saying, "PLEASE KEEP YOUR KITCHEN CLEAN AND TIDY AT ALL TIMES." And he made sure we wouldn't be able to take the signs down by putting clear glass over them, drilling nails in to hold the glass up, and putting some type of glue around the edges.
For the record, we do try to keep the place clean, I mean, it's not like we're hoarders or anything, we sweep, vacuum, mop, wash our dishes, etc. But even then, I don't find it necessary for him to be putting up signs on the wall like it's a public bathroom or kitchen or whatever, especially since we're paying our rent and it's *our* area.
I don't know, maybe we're in the wrong here, how would you feel?
9 AnswersEtiquette9 years agoWhat are my chances of getting into George Brown College if I've been waitlisted?
I applied to George Brown for Practical Nursing (highly competitive) for September 2012 and I have been waitlisted. I called today asking how far down I am on the waitlist and I'm #89. I asked the admissions lady what my chances are of being accepted and she said that she really couldn't say because it depends on how many people would still be interested by the time they send their offers out again (which is some time after May).
If anybody knows anything about George Brown's waitlist and/or their Practical Nursing program, please let me know. I don't know if should wait for them or not and I need to make a decision soooon.
Thanks all.
6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoWhich of these two colleges should I choose?
*Keeping in mind, I live in a low-income family.
College A: It's in my city, so I'll be able to save a ton of money living at home. They have waitlisted me though so I won't find out if I've been accepted or not until the summer. Tuition would only cost about $4,000 a year.
College B: It's a few hours outside of my city, so I'll have to pay more for on-campus housing and trips home. The campus is located in a town of about 21,000 people. I like small towns but I don't have my own car and they don't have regular running buses so transportation might be a problem. They have accepted me but are asking for a $500 deposit by May 1st to guarantee myself a spot in residence. Tuition + housing would cost somewhere between $11,000 and $14,000 a year.
Here's the main issue though: The deadline to confirm a college offer is May 1st, so if I wait until the summer, find out I didn't get accepted to College A, I will have lost my spot in College B. If I were to confirm College B's offer, find out I got accepted to College A later on, and confirm their offer instead, I wouldn't get the $500 deposit from College B back.
Any help?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoIf you were on The Voice, which judge would you choose as your mentor?
Assuming all four of them turned around during your blind audition, lol.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoTell me what you know about dreamin', dreamin'?
You don't really know about nothin', nothin'.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoHow do electron configurations work?
I understand what the superscripts are and how they add up to however many electrons there are in the atom but I'm not getting how the 1s, 2s, 6s, 3p, etc. stuff works.
Explain it as if you're talking to a 5 year old please, because I've searched this on websites and I still don't get it and I'm set to cry.
4 AnswersChemistry9 years agoAre these marks good enough to get into a Practical Nursing program in Ontario?
I applied to 4 colleges for Practical Nursing and I should find out whether I've been accepted or not in March but I'm kind of worried since it's highly competitive.
The prerequisite courses are Math, Biology, Chemistry, and English. I've completed the Math, Biology, and English, and I'm just working on the Chemistry now. Here are my marks so far...
Math: 76 (B+)
Biology: 90 (A+)
English: 84 (A-)
I'm aiming to get at least a 75-80 in Chemistry.
Do you think my marks are good enough for Practical Nursing? And should I try to aim higher for Chem?
2 AnswersOther - Education9 years agoAny advice for a high school student who's about to begin a Chemistry course?
I am about to begin night school for chemistry. It's two nights a week and I don't have any other courses so I'll just have this one to focus on.
I'm really terrible at it. I took it once when I was in grade 11 and ended up dropping it because I was failing and did the same thing for grade 12. It's a prerequisite course for Nursing, which is what I want to do, so I'm gonna have to take it, and this is probably my last chance.
I know chemistry involves some math and I'm fine with that, as long as I know the formulas, but all of it just seems really confusing to me. Some people say it's really easy and I feel like it should be but maybe I just panicked and convinced myself I couldn't do it or I didn't study or ask questions as much as I should have.
Can anyone give me tips or advice on how I can get through the course and end with a great mark?
3 AnswersChemistry9 years agoWhen the TV stops, where do the tiny people go and are they okay?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhen would be a good time to exchange my American money for Canadian?
I have $32 USD and I would like to exchange it for Canadian money. Would this be a good time or should I wait a while? Are there any fees I have to pay to make the exchange?
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years agoWho are you to blame?
When we all navigate through fields of popcorn located in the depths of fried pepper-jack cheese, as the falcons from Wisconsin show us the way to your manipulative chesterfield? I believe there are many ways to categorize flaming hot raccoons but only if they surrender to the warnings given by an army of shampoo bottles.
Do you initiate the goals made to combat their solitude or do you simply just fall back as you become mesmerized by the country's pencil sharpeners?
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWhat would you do if you noticed a stranger taking photos of you from their phone?
My friend and I noticed these two girls taking photos of us from about 20 feet away at school yesterday and it kind of pissed me off because they were laughing and they appeared to be making fun of us for some reason. I was too scared to confront them so I just stared them down to let them know I was aware of what they were doing.
Next opportunity we get though, I want to do the same thing to them, but make the phone more obvious and laugh loudly, to mock them.
What would you have done? Or if you've been in a situation like this, what did you do?
10 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago