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How to put thoughts in terms of song lyrics?
I have a ton of thoughts going on in my head about a guy, and i am a singer, and i play piano, but i'm a terrible song writer, and I know i could write a good love song based on all the thoughts in my head and the guy. but i've written like 10 paragraphs of lyrics, but they don't sound rhythmic or lyrical. How can I change this? Thanks :)
3 AnswersLyrics8 years agoHow can I add thickness to my thin hair?
I am a teenager and I have always had thin hair. I can seriously straighten my hair with out doing levels of hair. It is very fine as well. I just would like to make my hair thicker and more volume. I know of finding shampoo for that but anything else?
4 AnswersHair9 years agoAre pictures you send by your phone saved somewhere after you delete them?
like after you send a pic, and then you and the other person delete it? Cuz I sent a pic of my friends and I to a friend, and we deleted it by accident but we wanted to save it. can i access it again?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoWhat happens to your body when you don't get sleep for 24 hours?
I've tried sleeping all night. It is 5 in te morning and I need to be completely up and at them at 9 in 4 hours. and tomorrow I have a long day. It's been a looong time since I've had an all nighter. What usually happens to a body when you don't get enough sleep for a day?
2 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoWe were really good friends, I told him I liked him, now everything is messed up? Can you help me?
Ok, so to start off, this past year I have been interested in two guys at school. Each have a long story. let's start off with guy number 1:
We were really good friends by the middle of the year, because we were at school a lot of the time together and we got to know each other. He's never had a gf, but he is a bit of a flirt. One day I looked up, and I realized i thought he was perfect. And everyone, including our teachers, thought we were into each other. My friend helped me tell him I like him. I was aware that he liked another girl too. After that things got way weird, and he started to ignore me for a while. we slowly got back to normal. then the last week of school, he started teasing me to anyone who listened that I liked him, and telling them what happened. I was like, really, WTF? So now my friends are trying to figure out what he was doing that last week.
Guy number 2:
Is a bit older than number 1, and has had a gf. He is a good christian boy, but a bit rebelious sometimes lol. We started talking and texting around february. I began to like him around mid April. And he started flirting a LOt with me. We got close. he would always come up to my desk at school, and steal sips of my coffee. His really good friend told me that she liked him. She is my friend too. some stuff happened, and she told him she liked him, and he said it wouldn't work with them. and then I recently told him I liked him, but didn't go after him cuz I promised our friend I wouldn't get in the way if things were going well. But he basically changed the subject as soon as he thought the convo was over. ANd my friend and I (not the one who likes him) was trying to think why he tried to change the subject. He didn't even say if he liked me or not.
what do you think is going on with both of them? I know each of them have liked me this year. But I can't figure out if they still do...
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoHow do you record TV on a DVD/VHS?
My friend doesn't have internet, and her homework assignment asked for a step by step procedure for this. Keep in mind the class hasn't been changed since the late 90s. gotta love the public school system. THank you so much for your help!
1 AnswerOther - Electronics9 years agoShould I be less picky about guys?
Ok, so I'm almost 18, and I've never dated at all. It wasn't because I wasn't allowed to, but because I guess you could say my type is... limited. They always seem to be the same. (My crushes) this year, has been like the movie He's just not that into you for me. Coming from a private school, I tend to lead towards cute guys, who are a year or two older, smart, and who usually come from wealthy families (but not because I'm a golddigger by any means, but because they usually know where they're going in life and are well rounded blah blah blah) This year, I know of a few guys at my new school who like me, but sooo not my type. Should I just date the next guy who is decent enough that I'm friends with to just begin dating? I don't know what to do. I feel like if I just date the next guy, I'm being desperate. But by not dating, and going with the high expectations, I'm being picky and annoying. Ugh. I dont know, what would you do?
13 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoAm I having an allergic reacting to the pollin? (more sever than usual)?
Ok. I know that I am allergic to tree, grass, and weed polin (like weeds that grow in the grass or garden) I have been tested for it. Grass is the only thing that I get a topical reaction to. But today and yesterday, my throat has been awful.. I know I'm not sick with a cold, because it doesn't feel like a cold. My throat is very dry no matter how much water I drink, and my nasal cavity i think is what its called, feels a bit swollen. Its like, when I breathe air in through my nose, the passage feels trapped, and my nose isnt runny at all... (I'm not allergic to any types of foods) I took a benedryl this morning, and I've been sleeping with an air filter running all night... What's going on, and what should I do to stop it? No type of over the counter allergy meds usually help me any 'cept bennedryl. THank you
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoAre almond shaped eyes a French/european trait?
Just curious. I have a differentish eye shape from my siblings (yes we are biological completely) but I look apparently just like my great grandma who is 100% french. My friend has almond shaped eyes as well, but a bit wider than mine and she's Slavic.
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoHow do you know when a guy is about to ask you out?
So last night I became positive my friend likes me. my best friends from school met him last night and they were like Omg he so likes you! and they were embarassing him and stuff. He knew what was going on, but he got scared. I've never had a boyfriend and I'm so nervous if he asks me out. and I really want him to. How can you tell when a guy is about to ask you out?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes my best friend secretly like me?
This is a re asked question. I'm not so sure cuz he flirts a bit with some of our friends but you'll understand when you read.
Ok. Ive been really good friends with a guy since we were 12 and now we are graduating high school next month. We see each other twice a week but we are never alone. I have always given him hugs when we see each other and one time last year his mom was there when he and I were usually waiting and I didn't give him a hug and he said "what are you afraid to give me a hug because my mom is here?" he's grown up so much and is one of the nerdiest guys I know which is awesome. But lately I've been catching him looking at me more, and when we talk he has always looked into my eyes but now it's like after the conversation he just keeps looking at them. I wouldntve asked earlier cuz I just thought we were really good friends. What do you think?? Should I be looking out for more hints? Thanks. So confused :-/
Also he let's me poke his stomach when he puts his hand up when other people do, he always makes faces at me from across the room. I dont know. I'm also asking this question because I'm trying to figure out of after everything I like him more than a friend... What do you think????
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes my best friend have a crush on me?
Ok. Ive been really good friends with a guy since we were 12 and now we are graduating high school next month. We see each other twice a week but we are never alone. I have always given him hugs when we see each other and one time last year his mom was there when he and I were usually waiting and I didn't give him a hug and he said "what are you afraid to give me a hug because my mom is here?" he's grown up so much and is one of the nerdiest guys I know which is awesome. But lately I've been catching him looking at me more, and when we talk he has always looked into my eyes but now it's like after the conversation he just keeps looking at them. I wouldntve asked earlier cuz I just thought we were really good friends. What do you think?? Should I be looking out for more hints? Thanks. So confused :-/
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat kind of makeup to wear at an interview?
It's for a summer job cashiering at a pool. I was thinking a subtle, yet sparkly look. I was reading an article that said not to wear anything to distracting, would you call soft pinks and soft golds that are a bit sparkly too distracting? I never wear my eyeshadow to the point where its insane. And i have to go to school all day so it would have to be something that wont slip... Thanks :)
9 AnswersMakeup9 years agoWhat makes you decide you to date a person?
I asked a question earlier this week about two guys who are opposite. One is sexy, and seductive and intriguing. The other is super silly, a(dork)able, and nice. they are both two people i could see myself with. I just wanted to know what made you decide that you had to be with your partner? Like was there a moment where you just knew you had to date them, or was it a prolonged process where you were best friends first?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoIs coincidence really just what the universe does for fun?
So one of my best friends and i have a similar situation of a "love triangle" both of us are trying to decide which guy we like more to go after. and it turns out that her two guys and my two guys have similar star signs. So me, and the guy she likes are one sign, she and the guy i like are another, and the other guy she is attracted to, and the guy i'm attracted to have the same star sign. And we didn't realize it till this week. I mean, too much coincidence right? To quote my favorite Doctor "Its coincidence, its what the universe does for fun!" do you believe that as well? In our opinion, its just plain freaky. :)
6 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoI need your opinion. Sexy, or Sweet? Who do i choose?
So I kinda have a thing with two different guys. Not what you think. I mean im pretty sure each of them like me. But i kind of like each of them, but i cant decide who I like more because they are completely different people. Like as opposite as two people could be. One of them is wicked hot, perfect teeth, funny, outgoing, athletic, tall. The other one isn't bad looking, but not increadably cute either. he is like a little bit taller than me by like 2 inches, he is sweet, funny, smart, dorky, quirky, and loveable. The wicked hot one is 2 years older, and the other one is a year younger, but he is super mature for his age, he may even be more mature than the older one. But both of them have qualities i like most in a guy, and I could see my self with both of them. Its easier for me talking to the younger one and we goof around alot, but the other one i feel like i have to watch what i say so i dont sound stupid cuz i don't want him to think im immature. but i have a lot in common with each, and i like spending time with both of them. I'm so confused i don't know who to lean towards!
9 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoDoes my crush like me by when he asked this question?
So i kinda like this guy, but he is really attractive and a few years older than me and i always thought he was out of my league so i just kind of liked him from afar. 2 weeks ago he asked me if I think I'm ever gonna get married. Then he asked me if i've ever had a boyfriend. When I said no i havent he asked me if i've ever kissed a guy. when i said i havent he said "are you serious? not even like a little peck on the lips?" my brother was in the room and he was like "No, she isn't that kind of girl." and he has just been really different towards me than he used to. I don't want to read too much into it. But we hardly talk. sometimes we will talk on facebook or text, but its usually because one of us has a question for the other person. (Not a personal question just general ones) But i was like Seriously, who the Heck asks those questions? I sent him a text after he left and i was like hey wtf was up with those questions? and he said Oh Just joking. what???
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoShould I stop taking concerta?
I've just started taking two 36 mg of it after a week being on just 36 mg. i began taking 2 on thursday. I've noticed some more side effects. I get nauseous and lightheaded to the point where i have to lie down. And I have noticed my hands and fingers have developed a slight shake, like how i usually get when i'm nervous or hyper. But its like even feeling shaky when i type which never used to happen. I feeling more organized, and my mind has less thoughts going through and i've been focusing more on homework even after 2 weeks. Should I give it another few days on the 2 pills and if it still feels like that switch to just taking one? I am liking everything else about it except a few of the sideeffects. Do they wear off after you get used to the medicine? or does it stay there even after a month or two? By the way I am a 17 year old girl. I first tried vyvance for my a.d.d but i didnt like at all.. the sideffects werent as noticeable as concerta, but the overall performance is better.
2 AnswersMedicine9 years agoWhat are you supposed to feel while taking Concerta ADD med.?
I just started taking it last thursday. my doc put me on a 30 mg amount for one week to get used to it. i've taken another add med but it had bad side effects for me. My doc put me on concerta because my mind is just very unorganized, i have difficulty staying on one task, and my mind wanders a lot. Not too bad, but it is there enough to disrupt day to day activities. Yesterday I was told by my doc to start taking two of the 30 mg pills. Stupidly, I had a coffee drink with an extra shot of espresso. Needless to say i forgot about the pills in my system before drinking the caffeine. I'm one of those people who get a massive headache if i don't have at least one glass of something caffeinated a day. I'm not addicted to caffein, but i still get headaches if i dont have any. Anyways, before i drank half of it i was feeling jittery and i was speaking faster than usual. I shouldn'tve finished it but why waste 3 dollars of a drink. And i was just off the walls. Usually i dont talk much, but not to the point where i'm silent all day. I was more attentive at my school work tho.. WIth both this ADD med and the other one, my mouth gets very dry. I'm not hungry at all, and i get full after one bite of something then a few bites later and im ready to throw up if i have another one. Its only my second day on the 60 mg, but my emotion was calm for once. My brain wasn't thinking about much and i got a lot of homework done. Is this what i'm supposed to be feeling this early on?
2 AnswersMedicine9 years agoWhat are some strength training for off season snowboarder?
So, I'm a 17 year old girl who is a snowboarder. I can do almost anything on the mountain except the park. I always feel best about my legs during ski season because my i snowboard 3 times a week all day and my legs get really buff, but usually by june all my leg muscles are gone because all i usually do is go on walks or jogs. But i'm changing that this year. I don't have a gym membership yet but my mom has a pretty good at home gym i use including a leg press and row machine. I don't know what to do specifically to work those snowboarding muscles. At the moment i have been doing squats on narrow ledges for ballance and 2 sets of 20 on the leg press with an hour walk/ jog. what do you suggest i should do more of? I'm planning on getting a gym membership and swimming at least 3 times a week come june. Thank you :)
2 AnswersRunning9 years ago