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Lost Girl *Forever Young*

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  • Can I take a different class as a retake for a fine arts credit and have it replace my old grade?

    I go to a community college in Texas. Two semesters ago, I took Film Appreciation for my fine arts credit. A lot of problems went down in that class, we had two professor switches and each professor had a different syllabus, guidelines, assignments etc. I did my best, but I pulled out a C and not to justify it or anything, but that was about the average for everyone in that class that semester. Anyway, Right now my GPA is sitting at 2.9 and I'm trying to figure out what I can take/retake to bring it up to at least 3.3 (I want to transfer into The University of Texas and major in English).

    One of the things I was thinking about was taking another fine arts class (maybe art or music appreciation) instead of retaking film appreciation again. My question was that would the other fine arts class just average out with my film appreciation class as a fine arts credit, or would the new fine arts class grade be my grade for my fine arts credit?

  • Should I take a Plan B?

    So I had a Nexplanon put in my arm three days ago. I didn t have difficult periods, I got it solely to protect me from pregnancy. My period ended on the 8th and I got it on the 13th. So my doctor told me to wait three days before having unprotected sex. So my boyfriend and I had sex this morning, unprotected and he came inside of me. So me being the worried little wart that I am, I looked into it to see if it needed to be 72 hours exactly because technically it wasn t, but everyone is saying that it doesn t become effective for a week. So... I m freaking out. I don t know if the Plan B hormones will react with the Nexplanon hormones and mess up my system or anything but I mean also really scared that I was not protected because according to my period tracking app, it s also the first day of my ovulation cycle.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • Failing a class in college?

    I'm in my first year of college and I am currently attending a local community college right now to figure what I want to do with my life. I'm currently just taking the general studies classes and for a fine arts credit I chose film appreciation. Going into this class I thought we would explore a variety of different films, which reigned untrue and wasn't clear until the first day of class. It was essentially a class based on journalism ethics. Also a lot of shady things were going on throughout the course of the semester, we had two faculty changes who each had separate guidelines so there was an enormous amount of confusion on everything turned in. This is also a course in our Honors College. So now we have a ten page research paper and I thought my topic was approved, but I just got back a graded draft and my professor rejected my entire project claiming that it wasn't relating to ethics in journalism (it was about the effects of journalists reporting stories on suspected criminals who haven't actually been proven guilty yet). So the paper is due in about two weeks and it's too late to drop so I can either essentially just improve upon what I have and hope for the best or stop showing up, either way the highest I will probably get in this class is a C or a D.

  • What can I do after phlebotomy?

    So lately I've been taking an interest in getting a career certificate in Phlebotomy. I think I'd be able to handle it, I've never been squeemish around blood plus the pay is pretty good. I know I'd eventually want to get a bachelors degree in something, but I'm also ready to have a real job and do something meaningful all day. Right now I go to a community college doing basic classes, and before I had never really even considered a medical career at all. I was just wondering what kind of career advancement phlebotomy has. Eventually I would need to move away and to a city for University anywah, so even if I don't continue down the medical path way at least I'd be able to support myself while finishing my degree with it.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • I need some research topics relating to food and water?

    I have to do a research project for school, we can do whatever we please as long as the topic relates to food and or water. I have some ideas on things I d like my project to be based on, but no set in stone topic, so I was hoping someone could help me establish it. I m interested in like obesity epidemics, which could contribute to food I suppose and maybe efficient and cheap ways to make cafeteria foods more appetizing since that type of food is suppose to be heavily regulated. If you have an interesting topic relating to food and water, I d love to hear your ideas and gain some inspiration.

    2 AnswersHomework Help4 years ago
  • Transferring into a University from a community college (Texas)?

    Right now I'm a student at a community college in Texas. I want to transfer into The University of Texas into the Radio/Television/Film major. I've always excelled at the History and English classes, but I've never been that great of a math student. I know when I take math I will have an incredibly hard time trying to get an A. My transfer GPA goal is a 3.7, which I know I could obtain if I didn't transfer with math credits. So I was wondering if I could transfer into the school without taking math or is there usually like a requirement of the classes you need to take before you can transfer in. I was put in developmental math this past semester, I missed the final due to a personal emergency and failed the class, but I know that it's not going to affect my transfer GPA. Will that look bad when I apply to transfer in?

  • I got a traffic ticket..?

    Okay so two days ago I was pulled over for running a red light. While I was pulled over the cop told me that he smelt alcohol in my car, I was not drinking at all and there was no alcohol in my car. The cop made me get out of the car and I had to perform a sobriety test which I passed. He asked me many times if there was alcohol in the car and I told him no, then he asked about drugs and I did have a small amount of marijuana, like less than a gram, which I confessed to. Anyway he searched my car, found it. He also took my passenger out of the car and questioned him about it, but I ended up confessing and saying it was mine. Thankfully, the cop didn't arrest me, but he did give us a lecture, and made me crush up the weed on the ground. I did get a citation for running the red light and I did not have my driver's license on me. I've been on the county website for the past two days and my ticket is not showing up and I'm concerned, I planned on paying the tickets no matter what because I don't want to go to court, fight the case and somehow get in trouble for the marijuana even though it's not even mentioned in the citation. The paper he gave me doesn't have like a dollar amount to pay, it just says my offences, the car information, my information and the officer's information. I just don't want to ignore it and then get in more trouble along the way about this and this is also my first ticket, pulled over experience...

  • I got a traffic ticket...?

    Okay so two days ago I was pulled over for running a red light. While I was pulled over the cop told me that he smelt alcohol in my car, I was not drinking at all and there was no alcohol in my car. The cop made me get out of the car and I had to perform a sobriety test which I passed. He asked me many times if there was alcohol in the car and I told him no, then he asked about drugs and I did have a small amount of marijuana, like less than a gram, which I confessed to. Anyway he searched my car, found it. He also took my passenger out of the car and questioned him about it, but I ended up confessing and saying it was mine. Thankfully, the cop didn't arrest me, but he did give us a lecture, and made me crush up the weed on the ground. I did get a citation for running the red light and I did not have my driver's license on me. I've been on the county website for the past two days and my ticket is not showing up and I'm concerned, I planned on paying the tickets no matter what because I don't want to go to court, fight the case and somehow get in trouble for the marijuana even though it's not even mentioned in the citation. The paper he gave me doesn't have like a dollar amount to pay, it just says my offences, the car information, my information and the officer's information. I just don't want to ignore it and then get in more trouble along the way about this and this is also my first ticket, pulled over experience...

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Hot Topic employees?

    Hey guys, I have been hired at Hot Topic and I'm suppose to go in tomorrow to do paperwork but they told me it would take a two hours. I've worked at a restaurant before and paperwork there takes an hour tops, I know I won't be training tomorrow too because I'm suppose to go in on another day to train. I was just wondering if maybe it's computer training, or what's going to take two hours?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How much money would I need to save to move out? (Houston, Texas)?

    I just graduated high school and I'm trying to get an idea on what to do with my life. Currently I have two jobs, my "main" job is at Hot Topic as a Sales Associate and then I have another job that I work here and there a few days out of the week at a restaurant where I am a shift leader. At Hot Topic I get $7.25 and at the restaurant I get $9.00. My parents have agreed to pay things like my car and insurance and phone as long as I am in school. Right now I'm in community college, doing the basic classes and after I'm done here I want to transfer into a University, one of the schools I'm looking into right now is the University of Houston because it's close enough to home to go whenever I want, but far enough to be a relevantly new place. I've been apartment hunting for a few months now and I'm trying to get an idea on how much I would need to move out. I have about a thousand saved up in my bank account, most of the places that I've been looking into are between $500-$700 for rent, not including utilities. I know getting a roommate would be my best bet, but I'm trying to avoid that. I know I'll need water, electricity, most places have AC included, cables not really that important to me because I have Hulu and Netflix, wifi. Can anyone give me an estimate on how much I would need to save to successfully make that move?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Spanish in retail?

    So I applied to work at a Hot Topic. I really want to do well in this job, I'm a huge fan of the store and the company and I really don't want to screw this up. During my interview, the manager told me that she was not going to hire anyone that wasn't bilingual, but she was going to make an exception for me if I learned some Spanish for the job. I know I'm capable because I did the same thing at my other job in a restaurant, I learned our whole menu in Spanish and how to say things like "anything else" or "your total is $_____," but I'm just worried it will be different. Like for example, band names, Hot Topic is huge on music and rock/punk bands, is the name of a band different in Spanish or is Fall Out Boy the international name? I was just wondering is anyone bilingual can write out some possible retail situations in Spanish and help me familiarize myself with them. Thank you!

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Tires for Honda Civic coupe?

    I recently got a new job that's about a twenty minute drive from home. My sister recommended I get some new tires, and I want to start looking into it. I have a 2008 Honda Civic Coupe, it has about 132,000 miles. I live on plenty of bumpy dirt roads, and the drive to my job is mostly highway. I just don't know what to even look for, can someone tell me what tires are good for a Honda Civic? Also I live in Texas, it's mostly just hot and humid, except for the recent flooding, but we're passed that now, so I don't think that that's too relevant information.

    2 AnswersHonda5 years ago
  • Hot Topic Employees?

    I just got hired today as a sales associate and I m really nervous. I really don t have a lot of experience in a store setting. I ve worked at Sonic and I worked at Walmart for two days. In the restaurant it seems like there s a lot of stuff to be doing all the time, and technically the whole crew was isolated from the customers and since I was a manager, I never really had to deal with anyone except for the crew and an occasional person or two complaining about food or asking where the bathroom was. Like how many people usually work on a shift, am I going to have to be doing everything or is there like one person for one specific role? Also how many hours do you usually work a week? What it training like? Anyone who used to work there offering anything would help me out. Thanks everybody!

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How to quit my job without feeling like a horrible person.?

    So here's the situation, I've been working at this restaurant for 3 years now, since I was 16. I've been promoted to manager. At first I though I had it all figured out with school and everything, but I'm ALWAYS working, I worked 11 hours today and all of my shifts are like that, I'm lucky if I get a day off and when I request one it's always a huge deal because they just "need" me, the main manager has no problem cutting out 6 hours early but when I want to come in an hour later on a day that's there's a full crew to sleep in a little, it's a huge issue. I never got proper training to be a manager, I'm constantly having all this crap thrown at me about how I'm not doing this and that right, but no one ever told me how to do anything to begin with and it's frustrating. They always leave me with the worst crew and it's just too much stress and I can't handle it anymore, especially with school starting soon, I'm going an hour away. I'm just overworked and stressed and I'm done, but I still feel really bad because the main manager and I do go back. She was one of my best friends through out high school, and I knows she'll offer me a raise and beg me to stay but I just don't want to get sucked into that because I know I'll give in and offer to stay, but I'm done. How do I just quit without feeling guilty?

    2 AnswersFood Service5 years ago
  • I need help figuring out what I need to make on a test?

    Okay so at my school 40 percent is quiz grades & 60 percent is test grades. For quizzes I have 4 100s, a 65 and an 89, averaging out to a 92. For major grades I have a 20, a 60 and a 53 averaging to a 44. I have the chance to retake the 53 for full credit, what do I have to make on that test to bring my overall grade to a 70 or at least a 67. I currently have a 64 in the class and I have another test to take in a few days.

    1 AnswerHomework Help5 years ago
  • Resume building, University of Texas, please help me be an adult!?

    Ever since I was in about fifth grade I've wanted to go to the University of Texas and be an RTF media production major. In high school I was a horrible student, my GPA was about a 3.5, I did maybe six AP classes, and I was really only actively involved 2 organizations; band and dance team. I've always had a passion for media and editing videos film things like that. I would have loved to have been involved in things like that during high school, but I went to a very small high school and we just didn't have those things. During my senior year we got a television class and I joined and that is how I learned Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, and After Effects. I've done a few local commercials exclusively for my high school, but I realize that after high school it's going to look a little bad to keep that on my college resume. I'm going to community college for my first year and I hope to transfer into the University of Texas, during my time in community college I will be taking film and production classes. But applications for the next fall semester are due in December, so I really need to start looking for experience to put on my resume like now. The problem is that I don't know where to start, I have a job at a restaurant and I'm totally willing to leave if I get a job in a media related field. I know the University of Texas looks for people with experience in their major and I don't have as much as I would like. What kind of things look good on a film school resume

  • Transfer into the University of Texas at Austin?

    I was a horrible student in high school. I did not want to risk my two times per student admission chances, so I decided that I would go to community college first and improve myself enough to transfer. I want to be in a film or media studies major and the Moody College of Communications only has a two chance limit for students to apply. I am extremely dedicated about this, the whole reason why I struggled so much throughout high school was because I had to get a job and work because my mother was diagnosed with cancer and paying bills seemed a little more important than my studies at the time. But now my mother is doing OK so I can definitely cut back my hours or even quit my job to focus on this. I could try to get a high GPA and your classes, but what other things can I do to stand out? Should I volunteer more, should I keep working, what I need to retake my SAT? Also does anyone know the minimum GPA to get in? Is it easier to get in applying for a spring semester or a full semester?literally just any advice on getting in would help me out big time.

    Thank you.

  • Going to the doctor, not sick..?

    Okay so I'm trying to get out of work tomorrow to go to a concert. This is a once in a lifetime thing, the concerts free, my two favorite bands & theyre doing a meet and greet, I have to go. But it was just announced yesterday & I have to work. My job has a policy about sick days, when you're sick you're suppose to bring a doctors note or you're fired. I don't know what to do, I was planning on blaming my period & then going to the appointment to discuss birth control options, I was also going to go with stomach cramps & diarrhea. I'm not sure though, at this point in thinking period is the best way to go. Also, when they test my urine, can they tell that I smoke weed? I'm a pretty regular smoker, but I'm not my parents insurance plan so my mom will come with me to this appointment & I can't have her knowing about it.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health5 years ago