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Hi, I love to come on answers for both my questions and to solve other peoples!! I try not to over-react to questions (that sound overwhelming) because I know how hard it can sometimes be when you are stuck in a slump on your homework (you keep blanking), or you can't find the last answer... I try to come on every day to help as many people as I can, and get answers to my questions... I'm sometimes too busy to come but I still try for at least one question a day! I hope I help you out on your questions, or give you some insight or ANYTHING at all! I just hope it makes your life easier/stress less...! Well, this is just about everything I can think of... when I find something better to do I probably will be obssessed with that... but for now... I think Answers will hold my intrest long enough for me to keep what I promised above... (I didn't promise but I am making it one) So, I hope you help me, too! And I'm off to answer questions (not helpin to type stuff... LOL) :3, Bi

  • After 80 uses, can you replace the batteries in a Zeno Hotspot- pimple correcting?

    I really want to buy one, especially since the price is marked down at Target, but at some places I heard you couldn't replace the batteries in a Zeno after it died after 80 uses, and in other places that you could. . . I don't want to spend $40 on it if it's basically useless after 80 uses. But if you can, the AA batteries it uses are inexpensive and it'll be worth it..?

    1 AnswerMakeup10 years ago
  • Period comes-on average- every 18 days..?

    I got my period on August 26th last year, and since then my period has been somewhat irregular. I have an app that says that I get my period every 18 days on average... Previously, there have been different numbers- 21,18,17,26, and my last cycle was 22 days long.

    Should I wait and see if this regulates itself, since it has been getting more and more "normal"- closer to a 28 day cycle- or should I talk to my mom about taking birth control pills to regulate it?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • I can't take my clarinet barrel off DD: !(it's new)?

    I Have taken ALL other parts off just the barrel is stuck on DDD:

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Is a tampon enough? Help!?

    Can you use ONLY a tampon? (with like a pantyliner?)

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What are some good books for me?

    I want some good books before I go on vacation to Europe this summer, June 8th is the last day for book shopping and I would like to get some GOOD books. Here are my rules for the suggestions:

    >No Stephen King (Been there, done tht)

    >No teen books about fitting in


    >No Romance

    >NOTHING about Vampires, Twilight is the first AND last vamprie book I'm reading...

    If you havent been discourage thank you very much

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do I add pictures to my music downloads?

    Ok, I have an iPod (I also have a phone that plays music, but my question has nothing to do with that), and to get my Music Downloads I use MP3 Rocket, how do I add pictures to my downloads, so that when I look at coverflow I see the pictures of the albums!?

    (I already have pics I just don't know how to get them onto the song!)

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Paper Mario Questions...?

    Where is the Darkly dude?!?! Im totally lost... =( I might add more to this, so if you know lots about paper mario, please check back...

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, how do you smash BIG yellow blocks?

    Hi.... Im stuck waiting and trying to find out how to smash these blocks... help?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, where can you buy contact lens?

    OK, im trying to get into West Rougeport, but I squashed the guys contact lens... so now I have to buy him a new one... WHERE can I find one of those!?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Where is Mario's letter in Luigi's Mansion (on gamecube)!?!?

    Hey, I've been trying to beat my luigi's mansion game, for gamecube! And I have NO idea where Mario's letter is!! HELP!!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • TOTALLY DESPRATE!! I'M ALMOST BEGGING!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Help! This is a crossword! PLEASE, scroll all the way down, and read this all or at least answer one that isn't already answered!

    Across 8- 4 Letters) When engineers first started to worry about earthquakes shaking, they drew on their experiences in designing buildings to resist _____.

    Across 26- 4 letters) It's important to focus on planning for an earthquake ahead of time, or ____. (slang)

    Across 32- 7 letters) It's important not to____, even if the ground shakes!

    Across 34- 3 letters) Some businesses apply to this U.S. agency for wintriest loans following disasters such as earthquakes. (initials)

    Across 37- 7 letters) Most damage in earthquakes is caused is caused by ground_______.

    Across 44- 3 letters) The governor's ____ (initials) is the emergency response arm in California.

    Across 46- 10 letters) Both the Kobe and ________ earthquakes occurred on January 17th!

    Across 48- 4 letters) People too scared or unable to stay in their homes may end up sleep in _____ cities.

    Down 2- 4 letters) Liquefaction can occur if loose and water- satured _____ is shaken in an earthquake.

    Down 4- 9 letters) The fault which runs along the Hwy. 680 corridor in central Alameda County is the_____ fault.

    Down 8- 11 letters, 3rd letter is T, 5th letter is R) It is very important to strap your home's _______(two words) to the wall si that it won't fall over, breaking the gas line and perhaps starting a fire.

    Down 9- 2 letters, 2nd letter is E) As scouts say "__ Prepared".

    Down 10- 5 letters, 3rd letter is O, 5th letter is S) The shaking is amplified the higher up one goes in a building; equitment on _____ is particualrly susveptible to damage if not properly tied down.

    Down 11- 7 letters) The most important word in real esate is "location", thile the most important word in home and apartment retrofit is "______" (a buillding material).

    Down 23- 5 letters, 1st letter is a L) The tops were snapped off redwood ____ in the Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Down 24- 3 letters) Don't shut off ____ unless you smell it; utility crews may take weeks to relight pilots.

    Down 25- 7 letters)The most dangerous fault in the Bay Area runs along the denselt populated eastern side of the Bay, the ____ fault.

    Down 27- 7 letters) Apartment buildings with tucked-under ____ or a full floor of (same word) are more likely to be damaged than those without (same word).

    Down 32- 6 letters) Another type of fault less common in the Bay Area is a_____ fault, where the ground on one side moves up and over ground on the other.

    Down 42- 4 letters) Preparedness can only make a ____ in the earthquake problem; it is also important to take action to correct those problems.

    Down 43- 4 letters) ______ through chemicals in your garage and keep them on shelves with lips so they don't fall during an earthquake.

    Down 45- 4 letters) Many problems after an earthquake ____ from people denying that we live in earthquake country.

    Sorry, I have so many! I'm TOTALLY clueless! I appricate your help!!

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago

    Help! This is a crossword! PLEASE, scroll all the way down, and read this all or at least answer one that isn't already answered!

    Across 8- 4 Letters) When engineers first started to worry about earthquakes shaking, they drew on their experiences in designing buildings to resist _____.

    Across 26- 4 letters) It's important to focus on planning for an earthquake ahead of time, or ____. (slang)

    Across 32- 7 letters) It's important not to____, even if the ground shakes!

    Across 34- 3 letters) Some businesses apply to this U.S. agency for wintriest loans following disasters such as earthquakes. (initials)

    Across 37- 7 letters) Most damage in earthquakes is caused is caused by ground_______.

    Across 44- 3 letters) The governor's ____ (initials) is the emergency response arm in California.

    Across 46- 10 letters) Both the Kobe and ________ earthquakes occurred on January 17th!

    Across 48- 4 letters) People too scared or unable to stay in their homes may end up sleep in _____ cities.

    Down 2- 4 letters) Liquefaction can occur if loose and water- satured _____ is shaken in an earthquake.

    Down 4- 9 letters) The fault which runs along the Hwy. 680 corridor in central Alameda County is the_____ fault.

    Down 8- 11 letters, 3rd letter is T, 5th letter is R) It is very important to strap your home's _______(two words) to the wall si that it won't fall over, breaking the gas line and perhaps starting a fire.

    Down 9- 2 letters, 2nd letter is E) As scouts say "__ Prepared".

    Down 10- 5 letters, 3rd letter is O, 5th letter is S) The shaking is amplified the higher up one goes in a building; equitment on _____ is particualrly susveptible to damage if not properly tied down.

    Down 11- 7 letters) The most important word in real esate is "location", thile the most important word in home and apartment retrofit is "______" (a buillding material).

    Down 23- 5 letters, 1st letter is a L) The tops were snapped off redwood ____ in the Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Down 24- 3 letters) Don't shut off ____ unless you smell it; utility crews may take weeks to relight pilots.

    Down 25- 7 letters)The most dangerous fault in the Bay Area runs along the denselt populated eastern side of the Bay, the ____ fault.

    Down 27- 7 letters) Apartment buildings with tucked-under ____ or a full floor of (same word) are more likely to be damaged than those without (same word).

    Down 32- 6 letters) Another type of fault less common in the Bay Area is a_____ fault, where the ground on one side moves up and over ground on the other.

    Down 42- 4 letters) Preparedness can only make a ____ in the earthquake problem; it is also important to take action to correct those problems.

    Down 43- 4 letters) ______ through chemicals in your garage and keep them on shelves with lips so they don't fall during an earthquake.

    Down 45- 4 letters) Many problems after an earthquake ____ from people denying that we live in earthquake country.

    Sorry, I have so many! I'm TOTALLY clueless! I appricate your help!!

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Examples of Slapstick Comedy?

    Hi! I REALLY REALLY REALLY, need some examples of slapstick comedy! Can some please give me a joke or a link OR ANYTHING!?

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Where is your femur?

    4 AnswersBiology1 decade ago