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I enjoy answering questions in here to the best of my knowledge..I enjoy helping and serving others...and like to be treated as I treat others..I have a kind to laugh. I dont like anyone Hurting or sad! I want and wish the best and Happiness of others Always from the bottom of my heart..I love and cherish friendships "from the heart"..I dont like "click it " friends..I love Down to Earth people who love to "be there for others" as well..and are caring and loving kind hearts as I have..All you take care and God Bless..;)
What do U do when your Man leaves U and U come out of Grocery Store and Cars not there?
I went into Store to get a few bananas, oranges and some Milk and come out of Store to find my Man and My Car missing...I was scared b/c it was dark out and all cars in parking lot gone...How would Y'All Feel,??, just curious...He did come back within Ten minutes...But no way of getting ahold of him..I had my phone on me..but did he??, who knows..Please Tell me what U all think ♥
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years agoHow do I handle this problem of what I call "disrespect" to me and my kids?
Where I live are not very many "house rules", One rule of safety really gets to me if it is not "delivered" on a everyday basis..and that is "Respect one another"...A Special person that lives w/ me sometimes feeds my kids expired foods waaay past their expiration..and that person has gotten food poisoning along w/ my kids..Ive had "food poisoning " in past and ended up in hospital and almost died from it...I dont care "what kind of food it is" Im very picky on what I feed my kids and I want that person to stay alive also..and nobody "get sick" How do you all "suggest" I handle this situation..Ive tried talkin to that person..Ive tried suggesting things..I have plenty of food that is available to that person as well as to my children..that I personally buy that isnt "expired" ..this Person that Im referring to also goes to food bank and picks up expired cans of food when I already have cans that arent "Expired".....Please need help w/ this...Thanx in advance..
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat would you do if someone in your household fed your children food past its expiration dates?
for example canned foods, frozen foods, Eggs, Prebottled OJ and Apple Juice, etc... it can be a year old or more..Me??, I throw all expired canned foods away, even if theyre a "day expired"How do you all feel about this situation?All answers appreciated, thanx in advance;)
9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoHow do you all feel about expired "Canned foods" any?
for example canned fruit that is more than six mos past its expiration date, canned tuna, chicken, beef, vegies, etc..whats the time line on expired Canned foods?
12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoI will be 12 weeks this comin up Monday, Could I have done too much;(?
I have a docs apt this comin up Tuesday ..I was packing some things for moving..and thats when the spotting started. Ive been spotting since this last Friday evening..and still am now..Ive had two previous Miscarriages last year, one in March and one in November..I got pregnant right away in December of last year...Could I have done too much?? Thanx in advance..God Bless you all...;)I already know about losses and sadness....Please just tell me your experiences in past or present tense youve had w/ spotting..and pregnancies..all answers appreciated..;)
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoMy bf asks my mom for advice on how to "handle me", shouldnt I be able to ask Advice from his mom"?
My mom loves my BF, and His Mom loves Me I have Yet to meet her in person, and talk to her on phone;) How do you all feel about this situation His mom lives across the US from where me, my mom ,bf live, I dont think this is fair that I cant ask his mom for advice, what do you think....
9 AnswersWeddings1 decade agowhat is consider perjury in court?
is just telling a lie? if the judge ask the question different ways and you respond with the same lie. i cannot go into detail. this person may be reading this and will try to delete it from this community.
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhen someone pretend to be nice to you before a court date, how would you handle it?
exfamily member
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhats your Fave Beer?
Heiniken, porter, some darks, and Full Sail Amber..are my faves once in a while..
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhats your definition of the word Communicate?
How does one communicate to an understand w/ one another..Share your experiences of the word..and how it affects you when youre either not listened to, heard, ignored, or just plain misunderstood, what changes can be made to be more understanding..thanx in advance;)
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAre any "type of Lies" acceptable in this culture, or any other
Everyone "lies" to a point..but to the ones you truly love, and on top of that One that has been lied to before and its still fresh in their minds, and others that 'love you" dont want to hurt you say the little small "avoidance" ones just to get out of "telling you the truth", whether it be a "secret", or they dont want to "hurt you"..Or the "lies" of why late for an apt, or just dont want to say the truth all together.for fear it will "burst their ego"....How far should one take "lies"? For example, I can see lying to a point of why late for an appointment.., To lie to your own "Significiant other", whats up w/ that? thanx in advance;)
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago"How do All You feel about the saying "Patience is a Virture"?
What say you? Question inspired by CJ, and JD...
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago"How do you feel about the saying "All Good comes to Those Who Wait"?
What say you?
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago"My Bf and I would love to Visit Kamiah ID..are there any great Places to Visit and Stay"?
We have an awesome friend that lives close to there..and would like to visit her and her family...Soon..;)
3 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago"How can you let a love one know that changes were made, they continue to blame you of the Past"?
my mom continues to blame me for things shes helped me and my ex w/ when we were together..a big one "money"..and doesnt understand that I am now w/ a different person..and that Im not the same person as I was then..I just want all of us now to be a family and move on from the past..Im still in transition..goin into the present..of happiness, and valued, and appreciated..on one end..and hurting and sad on the other because other family members and my mom doesnt want to see me happy??, I love all , my boys and new BF and close friends do make me one of the happiest on this planet..but my mom and other family members..and my ex..I dont know what to say through all this..I feel those members want to do nothin but hurt me..what say you?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoSince I have become free as a bird, How High Do I "Fly"?
Release from my tormented cage, of hurt and turmoil...for thirteen years.....
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHow many kisses is too many to give to your significant other?
I give mine alot.but dont really, truly know how he feels about "Toooooo Many"..".What say you?"
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow to deep clean a Barista Espresso Maker?
meaning taking the machine apart for cleaning. thank you
2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago"Have you ever fallen in love with the person behind their "Avatar"?
I look at the Avatar first because its there on the "net"..Its the frontal of what others see of a person before meeting them completely..what say You??
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago