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Please Help! Boyfriend wants space?
So Last week my Boyfriends Grandpa Died! We planned together we would go for the weekend to see his family and go to mass and stuff.Well today we had an argument and he told me that it would be better it we went by himself and that he didnt want me there this weekend? It hurts really bad cause i want nothing more then to be there for him and his family.Now he wants space? Whats should I do Been crying no stop Feels like he dont care about me one bit!!
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoWhat new car should I get please help!! only got a week to decide?
So I'll be buying a new car in a week!! It will be Brand new right off the lot , the cars are a 2012 Chevy malibu lt with Bluetooth,remote start,sunroof .or a 2012 Dodge avenger sxt plus with a sunroof,Navigation system both are the same price need help Im 20 years old, want something good on gas but still has the looks
3 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years agoRelationship questions? what does this mean? Help please?
So me and my Boyfriend of 2 and half years just got back together after about a month we arent living together as of now. Its kinda different. Um why dont he text me right away he waits like 10 -15 mins to text back and we dont talk on the phone much and if it its late like 2am and only for him to say hes tired and wants to sleep. I feel like i bug him..He texts one words and it make me sad and on top of that we havent had sex sense we got back together? Why does it all feel so different! Please leave your opinons Thanks:/
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoBreak up need some advice!?
Boyfreind and i of 2 years broke up about 9 days ago today ..The first few days he ignored me and today he texted me and said i had mail at the house and i should go get it then it turned to i want some stuff back. whats he texting me for the day we broke he told me never to call or text him again so i didnt Does he miss me? I want to know whats gonna happen I miss him alot Im confused with what he is doing He has not went out nor mad a facebook yet. His he waiting for me? Shoudl i write a letter and tell him how i feel and what we can do to make this work? Hes the only guy i want ;( please help
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years agoBroke up? Confused whats going on? need lots of advice! please?
Okay so me and my boy friend broke up on Jan 6th Its now the 11th on the 6th he said was done and told me never to text or call him left him alone he called once but missed the call and today he texted me and just asked what i was doing and was in bed alone...i textd back and he didnt say anything? so at this point im hurt cause he texts me then he dosent? So i sent him a textd and said if you dont see us been togther again or dont want me anymore leave me alone and dont text me again.He never texted back .So his he done! he texts me first for the past few days and random stuff idk His he done or hes confused about what he wants should i just leave him alone Please help Im not even me anymore at all Im just sad and hurt mad too God Why dosent he see i care for him oh and on top everything not once has he said he missed me or loved me in any texts.Help!!!
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoBreak up! need some advice whats going on in his head?
Okay so me and my boyfreind of 2 years broke up on Jan 6 like 4 days ago and he called me last nite about 10:30 i didnt reach the phone in time so got a missed call ...but i did call him back and no answer so i texted him and said "hi did you call?" then no reply Why is he not responding now? like when we broke up he said never to text or call him again? but now hes calling me i love him and want him back.But whats he doing? please help Heart broken grrr =( Hes he realizing that he wants me or misses me?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoBreak up Why Is this like So hard on me? please help.?
So me and my boyfreind of 2 and half years broke up last nite ! He told me through a text why is this? Im so hurt i loved him so much all i wanted was a chance to prove we can be better and i can change.We never wanted to just let me work at he. why did he just fall out of love I cant take this whats the best way for me to deal with this? Im losing it My mom As cancer and Now this I want my boyfreind back now =(!! How can i get him back...?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agowhat was the renaissance? how did it emerge from the dark ages?
as well, what was its impact on western civilizations?
3 AnswersHistory10 years agoStomach Burning,Pain above Belly button,Nauseous!! Whats wrong?
Hi Im a 18 year old male Ive been feeling sick sense the day after thanksgiving.My stomach is burning,Pain above my belly button,Im nauseous.I feel light headed My stool is like Dark Brown almost black .I cant eat or ill throw it up Its been 4 days sense i felt this this way never have before. I don't have no problems at all Im healthy ,I just don't know what is it could be I don't think heartburn or indigestion is something thats wrong.When should i go see my doc? and what can i do till then for pain and symptoms go away? If someone feels this way or had please give me advice in lots of pain! Thanks Jay
5 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years ago99 lexus es300 Problems please help!!?
So we just got a 99 lexus es300 3.0 v6 fwd W over drive about 2 months ago and for the past 2 weeks its had problems. The car shakes really bad when your driving it will just not shift right and feel like it dies out but the engine never shuts off ,it jerks really bad to it has no power you can press the gas pedal all the way down and it wont go until a few seconds jerks then does it all over! When you start it idles by its self and shakes you can even see the hood, when you rev it and listen to the muffler it sputters So what is the shaking,jerking sliping, no power mean? we got a new battery new fuel pump and fuel filter ,spark plugs are good Were lost please help thanks
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agocar shaking and shifts funny?
i have a 1999 lexus es 300 and it has all of a sudden started shaking, and it shifts hard and wierd. im not sure whats wrong with it, can it be the transmission im not sure.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoGot a Cold Sore last night,ways to get rid of it please help!!! Sucks?
Ok so last night around 10pm i started feeling a cold sore coming on and I put ice on it right away and rubbing alcohol ! Then around 1am it started to come out ,it did a little bit its not huge but barley breaking though the skin.Now this morning its still the same.Problem, I have a family get together Friday the 23rd and I want to get rid of it by then? so what is the best ways to get rid of it and whats some good over the counter medicine to use for it ? All answers would help Thank you!!
5 AnswersAlternative Medicine10 years agoSick ,Stuffed up nose/sore throat need some info and opinions?
So i got sick about like 2 days ago yesterday was the worst day! so not sure what i have but my nose is really stuffy i cant even breathe my eye are like sore,Then my throat is really dry,rough and my tonsils are so swollen! Is it the flu ? im not coughing don't have a headache nothing like when im normally sick.So the problem, last Night i couldn't sleep i took some Robitussin and figured it would help but my nose was so stuffy and i was freaking out i couldn't breathe and i hate that feeling i got really nervous and i was blowing my nose really hard ,pushing it wiggling it but nothing helped i would toss and turn because each side of my nose was stuffy so why does it scare me to have my nose plugged ? lol i get so mad to i didn't even want to sleep i took 3 shots of medicine already and it don't seem like it helped me what is a good way to un clog my nose and be able to breathe! im home so it would have to be some house hold things i can use i want to find out before i sleep Tonight again thanks all answers would help
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years agoIs automatic transmisson going out? please help! 99 lexus es300 auto,V6?
So we just bought a used 1999 lexus es300 about a month ago! is in great shape outside engine is clean as new battery..Problem when reversing is jerks and almost sounds like the engine fell down ,when giving it gas the car don't go really go,The rpms don't move at all they stay at like 3k rpms when driving normal! So is the transmission going out?or maybe it needs new fluid or might be something worse then we think? all answers help, hopefully we didnt get our self into some major issues! Thanks Jay
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years agogas mileage on 1999 lexus es 300?
i have had this car for about a month, and the gas is okay...i was just wondering if anyone knows exactly what the MPG is of this car because online there were different answers. and also do you know how to get better gas mileage. ?
Lexus10 years agoWhy can't i watch Episodes of New Jersey Housewives on Bravo Network?
So for the past 3 weeks Ive missed a lot of Episodes ,On Bravo Network The Episodes are never in the Full Episodes Catogory .Its like they don't update it at all! I Want to Catch up on some Housewives.What can i do about this? What Website plays all Episodes without downloading or buying them Please help!!! Going Crazy Is there any way to Report it to Bravo Directly Thanks Jay
1 AnswerReality Television10 years agoWhy is my voice still weird? What can i do to fix! it pisses me off.?
So Im 18 and half years old went through all the guy stuff but for some reason my voice is still like high pitched but on the phone it is deep kinda? what can i do to help like im already a man not a teen i went through changes when i was like 14 and done at 15. can my doctor help with this its makes me really mad lol Thanks Jay
3 AnswersMen's Health10 years agoShaving ??After shaving i get red bumps why? I have to shave alot!?
After i shave i get red bumps and it gets itchy? i put lotion on after to so its not dry!Plus i have to shave alot almost like 2 times a week its bad should i just let it grow out or what?i grow it under my ching on my neck and on my jaw line.Thanks Jay
4 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago