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    So, i wen to the interview yesterday, they called me today and say they wanted to make me an offer to start working on monday i said ok. so then they said they needed me to email them my references, ss & driver license. Does it mean i actually got the job? or are they still gonna check my references and then decide??

    Do all Law firms call references?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Does he likes me or is he playing me out?

    When we met he was a little mean to me but eventually we became friendly. When we met he had just moved to this state and had just broke up w/his gf and wanted to be single. we started to hang out as friends. He would always ask me to stay the night and i would say no. One day things got hot and we made out, touched and almost had sex. I stopped him and i said i didn't want sex. He was ok with that, but at the end of the night he told me he enjoyed my company but didn't want us to always be sexual. Ever since, he did not want to hang out with me. ...

    I would come around his desk once in a while and talk to him, but he would blantaly ignore me.

    i added him on FB but he would not accept me, everytime i asked him about it he would say he didn't use FB, it was a lie... then i stopped going to his desk. Weeks later he accepted me on fb, not only did he accept me but he also sent me requests for 4 consecutive days... I noticed that he had deleted his ex & pictures of her on fb by the time he accepted me.

    He stares from far w/a dreamy face, he gives me intense stares when i'm talking to other guys, when i catch him staring he looks away right away, he can't hold my gaze or look me n the eye. he stares from the corner of his eye when i pass by him. He talks to me in a very sweet manner, with a low tone and very nicely. He makes an effort to engage in a conversation w/me.

    We are both 24.

    At the beggining of everything i always told him i liked him as a friend only.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Paralegal Associates VS. Bachelors?

    So, i'm about to finish my paralegal Associates. Originally i had planned doing a Bachelors on Paralegal Studies, but i've heard that a Bachelors would be a waste of money and time, because most jobs don't ask for a certificate, they just want a certificate and only care about the experience. I really do not know what other jobs i can get as a paralegal other than at a Law Firm.

    Also, if anyone has an idea or knows what other bachelors would go hand by hand with my Associates in Paralegal

    What do you guys think??


    PS: I live in FL, but tell me about your experiences.

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal6 years ago
  • What can i major on, with a Paralegal Studies Associates??

    I just graduated with a Paralegal Studies Associates. I am trying to figure out what to major on. I've heard that majoring on Paralegal is a waste of money, because jobs do not require you to have a Major to hire you.

    I want to make good money.....

    Maybe i might even go to Law School one day, but it sounds more like a NO

    I really like the law field, reading, thinking and redacting all these law things

    Idk what else i could do

    I also enjoy dealing with money and finances

    Please help!!


  • to go or not to go?? to call him or not?

    there is this guy at work that i did not talk to. I honestly did not find him attractive and one time he was kind mean to me so i never tried talking to him again. A few weeks ago we happened to start a conversation out of the blue we immediately click and everything seem very friendly, playful and flawy. He would do anything i wanted,like i told him to stop parking at my spot and he stopped, i told him to send me emailed and so he started doing, i told him to stop chewing his pen and he did, etc etc, So he would even tell me he enjoy our little conversations, he liked when i yell at him lol. He even offered to give me a ride when i couldn't drive due a panic attack. This week my supervisor asked us both individually why we were talking all th time, so he told me he had stopped talking to me so much because of that. Now he ignores me all the time, he doesn't answer me. i asked him yesterday if he wanted to hang out on the weekend he said yes. Today i asked him if he was still up for saturday and he said yes. When it was almost time to leave i asked himf or his number and he wrote it n a paper and told me to come get it instead of getting up to handle it to. At the end of the day i got close i took the number him, he smiled when he saw my call, then he asked me who else was going?? i was like what?? i like him, so idk what to do now, pls help me guys!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • adult men, what signs do you who when you like a woman?

    So, there is this chubby guy i think i like at work. At first we did not talk, he was mean to me once. But last week i started talking to him i was being playful and i told him to get to work. Now he is very cute to me, he is playful and silly. He will make funny/cute faces when i look at him. he'll keep up with my silly comments and nonsense. Today, he asked me my date of birth cause he wanted to know if he was older than me. Our conversation now flow so easily. there is no effort to keep our conversations going. there is no fear no say something or uneasiness. My heart starts beating fast when i talk to him. Please men out there tell me what signs do you show to the women you like?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • why did he get mad?

    this male coworker was hired a few months ago, I remembered he would always exclude me from group conversation (we are all like a family at work) from the very beginning. he would actually act like if i wasn't there conversing too. We have talked only once, that time i was coming into the break room and he was the only one there, as soon as he saw he made an expression kinda like "ohh she..." I wanted to grabbed coffee so i came over and i asked him how was his training.. he was nice and told me all about his trip...and that was it. He is very friendly and outgoing with everyone. I have noticed that he purposely ignores my presence. He makes an effort to not look at me or to not look at my direction. If we happen to be in the same room he makes a huge effort to act as if i did not exist. The other day i started to walked in front of him, so he started to act desperate to get out of my way, he always trips over me. Yesterday, i was walking behind him, he open the door, went through and then let go the door...he knew i was behind. A couple of weeks ago we had an important meeting. Every single person had turn to stand up and introduce themselves...answer a few questions about themselves, but when my turn came around he started looking away and around like if i wasn't talking. i have been thinking that he dislikes me so i decided to ignore him. Yesterday, i walked into the break room and he was there with one of my dearest friend. so i said out loud for everyone. I got closer to

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • why is my male coworker purposely ignoring me?

    He has treated like I dont exist since day number 1. We will be in the same room and he behaves as he was very busy and I wasn't there. We only crossed a few words once since he was recently hired. Today I was carrying my heavy bags walking behind him, he open the door went through and then let go the door even tho he knew I was behind. I can be right infront of me and he would never turn to lok at me or acknowledge me. I can clearly tell he does it on purpose. So what are your thoughts??? He has a gf and does not work in my department.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • if a guy smiles at a girl does it mean he likes her?

    OK here is the story. We are not kids i am in my early 20's he is probably on his late 20's. we work at an office, iam inside sales rep, and i think he was just recently hired as an outside sales rep, because i have never noticed him before until today. I was sitting at my desk and he was sitting inside the office behind me. I turned around because i thought somebody was coming behind me so we happened to look at each other.. he smiled at me and i smiled back. i noticed he is very very attractive. All say we just happened to come accross each other's way and would only look at each other and smile and then look away. Do you guys think there might be a chance with him?? or was he just being friendly??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • ¿como conseguirle visa americana ami madre?

    Soy ciudadano Americano Estadounidense desde hace 10 anos, mi mama fue diagnosticada con cáncer de tiroides hace unos días. Tengo otros hermanos que no han podido verla en muchos muchos anos. Quisieramos traerla a que nos visite a todos. No necesariamente permanentemente. Incluso ala mejor hasta tratarla aquí en estados unidos. Nosotros somos de mexico y ella ya tienes mas de 60 anos. No se cual es tramite a seguir o el tipo de visa que se debe de solicitar. Honestamente necesitamos la solución mas rápida posible. Su cáncer es muy avanzado & casi no hay tiempo. Les agradecería todo tipo de consejos.

    2 AnswersEmbajadas y Consulados7 years ago
  • could i be pregnant?

    Me and my boyfriend had sex this pass sept 28, the condom fell off getting stuck in my vagina. He did not ***, but there was lots LOTS of precum some of it went down in the outside of my vagina and some just spill on the bed. I got up immediately, i cleaned my vagina until it was completely dry. i went to buy the pil "next choice 1 dose". So within 30 minutes of the incident happening i took the pill.

    I have irregular periods, but as far as i remember the last period i had was within the week of Sept 9-14. I had been taking "bust boom" (to enlarge breast, by the way it works!!!!) for the weeks before the incident.....

    12 hours after i took the first pill i took a second "next choice 1 dose" pill.....Next day (monday) i started having cramps in my left ovary, my breast got really heavy and they hurt so much the symptoms only laste until tuesday night.

    Now i have a constipation and it really bothers my left ovary

    what are the chances of being pregnant???

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • ¿hasta donde tiene derecho una novia?

    Resulta que he salido con este chico desde hace ya casi 4 meses. Hemos sido amigos durante 2 anos. En esos dos anos el llego a tener un puesto mas alto que el mio donde trabajabamos. Durante ese tiempo yo me enferme y el estuvo ahi todo el tiempo como mi amigo . Me apoyaba me escuchaba, me ayudaba a buscar ayuda etc. Despues de meses el me dijo que yo le gustab ay mucho y ami tambien me gustaba el para entonces. Pero cuando se me declaro y empezamos a andar era el el q estaba en crisis ahora. No tenia trabajo ni lugar fijo donde vivir, fue encarcelado como un mes despues de que empezaramos a andar, fue una equivocacion, y yo estuve ahi todo el tiempo. yo le mandaba comida y ponia dinero en la cuenta para que me hablara por teléfono. Despues de salir de la carcel tuve que ir a un programa de rehabilitacion por proceso legal, En la graduacion de este programa solo pueden ir 3 personas. El me ha dicho con estas palabras que solo sus padres y hermana van a ir por que ellos son familia y yo no, la verdad yo siento que yo deberi de estar ahí. ya se que solo hemos salido durante poco tiempo pero yo he estado ahi con en elas buenas y las malas. La verdad yo quiero ir!! =( yo quiero estar ahí cuando finalmente se acabe este problema. Yo creo q sus padres deben de estar ahí. pero y su hermana??

    ppor favor ayudenme

  • what type of master can i get?

    i am getting a paralegal degree (bachelors 4 years)

    what master could i get afterwards??


  • can you love 2 people at the same time?

    my new bf says that he loved his past fiancé, but he could never stop thinking about me. He missed me the whole time and he was looking forward to see me and have conversations with me. I t really seems like he had observed my actions and words a lot, because he described me the other day and yes i am exactly the way he said.....

    so what is the deal??

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • getting a bachelors is physics?

    I really really really love physics, i have been working really hard on math to get better and better. I know i like quantum, medical, and particle physics

    but what are my chances to be able to get a job after graduation

    what type of jobs are there??

    are they hard to get>>???

    i live in florida

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • why do i know when someone is going to die?

    the thing is that not only do i know someone is going to die i know who is going to die too. Its like if suddenly something in my mind click and out of the blue i just know x person is going to die. It has happened a few times now. I am not scared, but i'm trying to find out why do i get to know?? what's the purpose?? why me?? how come??

    idk i just want some type of info about this. I have know of other people who feel or sense dead, but mine it's different because i know who exactly will die; and when it finally happens i know too.

    Even if i dont know the person well or i haven't seen th person in a long time. I just know!!!

    help pls!!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • in your own words can you tell me what an attention hog is?

    I have never really heard this term before. So i do not know what it exactly is. Someone just called me that. Is it bad?


    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago