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Lv 42,570 points

little miss lily(:

Favorite Answers18%

Hiii, my name is Sapphire. But I go by my middle name Lily. I live in Texas. I'm 20. I have a boyfriend. <3 [10.25.06] My favorite color is pink! I like helping people. I always have lots of questions.

  • My dog got into my cup of almond milk and drank it all. What should I do?

    Will he be okay? I sat a whole cup of almond milk on my bedroom floor and heard my dog slurping on something from the other room. I remembered my milk and came back to an empty cup. I just read on another answering site that almond milk can kill dogs, so now I'm freaking out! :( My dog is like part of the family (I'm sure dog owners understand).

    He's a half German Shepherd half Beagle (odd mix, I know) and about 30 lbs. What should I do?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Help please! I woke up with a quarter-sized KNOT on my forehead. What could this be?

    I woke up with a big red spot on the top right corner of my forehead. I thought it was from pressure of laying down, because I only saw the redness. One hour later I look in the mirror and the redness is gone, but I can see and feel a huge knot! It looks like I rammed my head into something.

    I used a Vitamin C serum recipe on that side of my forehead (1/2 tsp Ascorbic Acid, 3 tsp distilled water) last night for the first time... BUT I have been using another Vitamin C recipe before that for about a week, similar but the only difference is it was included with Glycerin. I had no problems with that, so I have no idea what's going on.

    I have no remembrance of hitting my head into the wall or anything, but that's what it looks like. I'm pretty sure I would remember if I hit my head hard to do some damage like this. Doesn't look like a cyst or anything acne-related whatsoever. I've had acne for 8 years so would know the difference...

    I'm freaking out because it's badly swollen up and I don't want it to do any permanent scarring or anything. Any ideas? Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • Any ideas on how to cook chicken breasts with these ingredients?

    I want to make some skinless chicken breasts for dinner but don't know how I should season and cook them, what not. Any ideas would be appreciated! :)

    Here are the only ingredients I have in my kitchen:


    Green bell peppers

    Black pepper

    Sea salt

    Sazon (Hispanic chicken seasoning)

    McCormick Montreal Chicken seasoning

    Ground cinnamon, Honey

    Cane sugar

    Corn starch

    Self-rising flour

    Olive oil

    Sunflower oil


    2 cans of Campbell's chicken broth

    1 can of Campbell's tomato soup

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How would I get big hips and thighs?

    I've always had pretty much non-existent hips, but then again I've always had a small frame. I had big thighs at one point, but all I was really eating at the time was fast food and junk food. Since then I've slowly become a pesco-vegetarian for health reasons- ontop of that I LOVE all animals- so I don't see the point in supporting the abuse they go through. That's a different story though.

    Since my new 'diet', I've dropped 10 unnecessary lbs (still in my ideal weight though) and lost my thighs. I now have 'chicken legs'... I also have a smaller butt and pair of boobs, which I highly dislike. :( I definitely looked better and felt better about myself with curves.

    So how would I get big hips and thighs, but IN A HEALTHY WAY? Is it possible? Serious answers only please. Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Filling out an application online for a grocery store. One of the questions asks...?

    'Have you had any food, food plant or grocery experience not listed in the previous section'? (Previous section meaning Employment History), then it says to 'Please Explain'.

    Could I write that I study Nutrition and Diet on my own? As in I read several books for my own health as well as for the disabled people I care for? How would I make that sound professional? Or should I just check 'No'?

    Another question as well, how would I list I take care of the disabled? Disabled Childcare Provider, Special Needs Provider..?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal10 years ago
  • How much should I sell my Apple iPhone 3g 8gb for?

    I've had it laying around for awhile and I need some cash, so I was wondering how much I could get for it. It's AT&T and in perfect condition. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I'm planning on getting braces. But what color should I get?

    I'm 20 and I have little gaps in my teeth that I would like to fix. I've seen some colors that stick out (not in a good way) on people and some colors that are actually complimentary, but I forgot which colors. I know I don't want anything bright like hot pink, neon green, yellow. Perhaps a color that would make my teeth look whiter would be best, since I hear they get a little stained when wearing braces. I have brunette hair and dark brown eyes if that matters. Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How much protein should I drink after my workout?

    I work out once a day for only an hour (for now). I run for about 30 minutes and then do butt and thigh exercises for the rest of the time. I'm not very good at balancing meals or whatnot. I bought some Whey protein from GNC and was wondering how many grams I should drink after my workout to help build some muscle. My legs have been getting scrawny! Thanks a lot in advance. :)

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else having trouble with Facebook loading?

    I tried getting on it on two different computers, but they both won't load the page no matter how many times I press refresh. Anyone else having this problem? Thanks in advance!

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you come up with a good caption for this picture?

    There's a contest this site is having and I wanted to help my friend win it, but we both can't think of anything clever to write haha. Here's the picture:

    Here's what the site says:

    "Make a comment about this picture, and the comment with the most "Likes" will win a prize package! Funny, interesting, insightful - whatever it may be!"

    Please help us out of Christmas spirit or generosity :) Thanks so much in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Can you come up with a good caption for this picture?

    There's a contest this site is having and I wanted to help my friend win it, but we both can't think of anything clever to write haha. Here's the picture:

    Here's what the site says:

    "Make a comment about this picture, and the comment with the most "Likes" will win a prize package! Funny, interesting, insightful - whatever it may be!"

    Here's comments that have already been made (only viewable if you have a Facebook):

    Please help us out of Christmas spirit or generosity :) Thanks so much in advance!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • [SURVEY] What's more difficult for you?

    1. looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?

    2. being with someone you don't love who loves you, or being with someone you love who doesn't love you?

    3. saying something you wish you hadn't, or saying something you wish you had?

    4. telling someone you love them first, or telling someone you don't love them back?

    5. lie to someone about something big, or be lied to about something big?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What color should I dye my hair?

    I've had this hair color for too long, and I want to change it because I feel it's kinda dull-looking. Should I dye it all? With highlights? Two tones? What do you guys think? Thanks in advance :)

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Is Inception worth seeing in IMAX?

    Wondering if I should spend $15 seeing it...

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How much Vitamin D should I take daily...?

    I've been having health problems. My doctor took some blood tests and the only thing I'm low on is calcium. I'm thinking calcium and Vitamin D go together, and the problems I've been having would make sense if I did have a deficiency of Vitamin D. My doctor was thinking the same thing so he took more blood to check my Vitamin D; that was 2 weeks ago and I haven't had the money to go back and see him :/

    I'm going to be safe and take more Vitamin D anyhow, but I just don't know how many IU's I should take? I can't drink milk because it causes acne for me. I will be going to the doctor the week after next. His nurse won't tell me the results over the phone or let me talk to him... what a b*tch :)

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Is it okay to use anti-wrinkle creams at age 19?

    I don't have any wrinkles, but I do have lines under my eyes (even though I sleep a lot) and a super fine line on my forehead. I have bad genes and I'm honestly scared of getting wrinkles. Plus with years of retinoid use and it drying out my skin, I'm even more afraid I'll get them soon. I know there's really no way to combat aging skin in the long run, but there are older people who have less wrinkles than others and I would like to be one of those people :) So, is it okay to use anti-wrinkle creams at age 19?

    9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How do you entertain your boyfriend while you're shopping at the mall?

    I live with my boyfriend and we basically go everywhere together. I want to go shopping for clothes, jewelry... girly stuff, but I take forever and he insists on being with me even though he is nearly bored to death. I don't know if it's possible but is there a way to "include" him in my shopping? I don't know, lol but just thought I'd ask! Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do I get Yahoo answers back on US?

    I accidentally clicked UK & Ireland somewhere and can't change it back. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • PLEASE read ASAP. What's wrong with my hamster?

    My hamster started squeeking and now he feels cold - he is gasping for breath every second for the past 15 minutes. Is he choking? Is there anything to do? Please help and reply asap!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago