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  • So, I made my MIL mad...?

    So my hubby and I got into an argument over the phone yesterday and his mom and grandmother heard me fussing and him yelling, and the issue was really 50% my fault and 50% his. He has told me that they are both now mad at me, and he has also told me I really shouldn't call either of them and let them know how my doctor appointment went today (I am little over 3 months pregnant w/ our 1st child, the 1st grandchild and 1st great grandchild) What should I do, if anything?

    P.S. She always thinks everything is my fault and nothing is his, but I don't want to be like the "evil" daughter in law when it comes to the big events of the pregnancy and of this baby's birth.

    Any help would be appreciated

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago