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Lv 612,240 points

Paul S

Favorite Answers38%

I suppose that my greatest accomplishment is that my wife and I hitchhiked around the world in the 70s when we were in our twenties. In addition, I play guitar and drums. I played folk music and played lead guitar in a rock band. I was also employed as a Police Officer for fourteen years. So, I've got a well rounded background. I know a lot about a lot of different topics. In addition, I am a published writer, I do well advising others how to write. I think I'm going to enjoy Answers

  • British and Australian Sitcoms. Quick 10 pts.?

    In the early 1970s my wife and I lived in Australia for a year we use to watch a sitcom about two newlyweds named Jeffrey and Beryl. It might have been titled 'The Lovebirds'. I don't know if it was

    an Australian or a British production. Does anyone remember this TV sitcom???

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • Does anyone know of this Book?

    I think the title is "Survive" but I might be wrong.

    It is the true story of a guy who built his own sailboat in the U.S. He sails it to England and enters a race from England to the Caribbean. However a storm hits the racers near France and a lot of the entrants have to drop out of the race to repair their boats. Once this guy gets his sailboat seaworthy, he decides to follow the track of the race by himself. Once at sea, his boat is hit by a whale or some other object, and sinks. He is forced to survive for a year or more in a life raft. He is finally picked up by fishermen in the Caribbean.

    The book was published in the late 1960s, I think.

    10 points to whoever can name the book and it's author.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Does anyone know the name of this short story?

    I heard this story over a radio station several years ago when I was driving across the country. I think it might have been written by Robert Bloch.

    It is about three men that work operating a lighthouse on an island off the coast of South America in the 1950s. One day they see a ghost ship in the waters off the island. All of the sudden they see a large dark stain come off the ghost ship and start toward the island. As the stain comes ashore, the three realize that it is hundreds and hundreds of rats. The rats trap the three characters in the lighthouse with no way to call for help and over the next several days they have to move higher and higher up the lighthouse as the rats breech barrier doors.

    In the end, the three are in the very top of the structure and they are in trouble. Rats still trying to get at them and they are out of food and water, when another boat sails into the waters off of the island. The rats leave the island in mass, swim out to and board the new boat. The last thing the three lighthouse keepers hear is screams coming from the boat as it sails out of sight.

    The story was well written and kept me riveted as I drove down the highway. When it was over, I realized that I didn't get the name of the story. Any information about the title and whether Bloch wrote it or not would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Alcohol Distillation Question?

    I understand that it is illegal to distill alcohol for consumption but if someone just has a small home still for personal use, will the ATF descend on them and arrest/prosecute??

    Thanks in advance for any answers.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years ago
  • Looking for a specific folding knife?

    Looking for the type of folding knife that actor Scott Glen used in the movie, "Night of the Running Man"

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Why do fish jump out of water?

    I sort of thought that they might be running from predators but as I watched them today, they were jumping all over the place like they were doing it for fun. Does anyone know the real reason?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Locating Unit info on WWII Veteran?

    Does anyone know how to obtain information on what unit or squad a relative belonged to during WWII? I know he was with the 82nd Airborne,

    but nothing else.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Going to Alaska in August. What to See?

    My wife and I are going to Alaska in August. We will be in the Anchorage

    and Seward area. Can anyone suggest things to see and do? We'll have ten days to two weeks. We are older so hikes to mountain peaks are out of the question. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Question about Japanese Beef Bowl recipe.?

    Does anyone have a good recipe for Japanese Beef Bowl? I tried one but it was just so-so. Also, what is the best cut of beef to use for beef bowl.

    Thanks in advance for any responses to this question.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of a hand scanner for books?

    I have heard that there is a hand scanner that you can scan the bar code on a book's dust jacket and it will tell you what the book is worth. Anyone know anything about it, like where I can get one.

    3 AnswersScanners1 decade ago
  • Are Dirk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, the Life Extension people still around?

    They wrote the book Life Extension in the early 1980s. I really enjoyed it

    but have lost track of the authors.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Are the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico aligned the same?

    Saw a special on Egypt last night and the question came to me. I've been to both Egypt and Mexico, but the question never occurred to me


    7 AnswersEgypt1 decade ago