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Lv 56,607 points

Amily C

Favorite Answers21%
  • How can I sell Pharmaceutical products in USA?

    I need some step by step instructions about selling Pharmaceutical products in US from other country. Do I have to sell those to distributors or start my own company and sell those to retailers?

  • Can I take FMLA after a week?

    My daughter had to go through an emergency surgery. I had to take one week off to take care of her. She was hospitalized for 3 days. That happened last week. I am back to work this week. Can I apply for FMLA for last week? My employer said that it will be an unpaid leave if I use FMLA. Will I be paid from state for that week? I live in NJ.

    2 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • Snoring in 5 year old. Doctor prescribed Prednisolone?


    My 5 year old daughter started heavy snoring since 2-3 weeks. She doesn't have any other problems like lack of sleep or fatigue etc. Yesterday I took her to the doctor because she was going to bathroom very frequently and mentioned to him about snoring. He checked her throat and told me that her tonsils are swollen and adenoids may be affected. So he prescribed Prednisolone for 3 weeks. She doesn't have any other problems or sore throat or anything. Should I give her steroids? Doctor mentioned that if that doesn';t help, he will send her for sleep study.

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Sooo confused- Chid with gender identity issue?


    My daughter is 4 and she is facing gender identity issue. Since last 6 months or so she tells me she loves to be a boy. She loves boy toys. When it started, I use to buy her a buzz lightyear game or lightning mcqueen toy once in a while. Things started changing fast, now she asks us to call her "he". She says she hates pink color and all the girl toys. She says boys are much better than girls and thats why she wants to be a boy. I started talking to her about it and she tells me that "Mom I know I am a girl. When I was in your tummy I felt I was a boy and I love to be a boy. ". I always say to her, that no matter what she is, I love her the most. She is trying to pretend very much that she likes only boy things and hates girl things. Sometimes I can see her face and make out that she liked some girl thing and then she would pretend that she cant like that. My husband is not so supportive and undestanding with this issue. When she says such stuff, he would go around and tell her very rudely that "You are a girl and behave like one", I told him that if he forces somethign on her, it will not work as I know how stubborn she is. I am so confused. People please dont get me wrong. I want her to enjoy her childhood. With all this confusion she is not able to enjoy her childhood. She is evaluating things all the time boy/girl/boy/girl. I dont want her to be bullied. Please advise. NO RUDE COMMENTS please. this is a serious thing and I am so confused.

    12 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • So confused - Child with gender identity issue?


    My daughter is 4 and she is facing gender identity issue. Since last 6 months or so she tells me she loves to be a boy. She loves boy toys. When it started, I use to buy her a buzz lightyear game or lightning mcqueen toy once in a while. Things started changing fast, now she asks us to call her "he". She says she hates pink color and all the girl toys. She says boys are much better than girls and thats why she wants to be a boy. I started talking to her about it and she tells me that "Mom I know I am a girl. When I was in your tummy I felt I was a boy and I love to be a boy. ". I always say to her, that no matter what she is, I love her the most. She is trying to pretend very much that she likes only boy things and hates girl things. Sometimes I can see her face and make out that she liked some girl thing and then she would pretend that she cant like that. My husband is not so supportive and undestanding with this issue. When she says such stuff, he would go around and tell her very rudely that "You are a girl and behave like one", I told him that if he forces somethign on her, it will not work as I know how stubborn she is. I am so confused. People please dont get me wrong. I want her to enjoy her childhood. With all this confusion she is not able to enjoy her childhood. She is evaluating things all the time boy/girl/boy/girl. I dont want her to be bullied. Please advise. NO RUDE COMMENTS please. this is a serious thing and I am so confused.

  • Where to sell a brand new refrigerator?

    I have a brand new refrigerator. Actually we did remodeling and this one did not fit. I bought it from a place which was taken over from other company and they did not take it back. Now I am stuck with this one. I tried to sell it on Craigslist, Ebay but no one is even inquiring. I bought it for $1400 and now I am asking $900 but still no response. Does anyone have idea where to sell this?

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • My 3 and half year old girl acts like a boy?

    I have a 3 and half year girl. She was a typical girly girl till she turned 3. Since few months, she asks for boys clothes and says I like to be a boy. She tells me all the time that she does not like princesses or dora. she likes spider man and lightning mcqueen. She asks me to get spiderman stuff for her. She wants all the boys merchandise. She goes to school full time and there were boys in her class who were too much in characters and was talking about it a lot. And somehow my daughter was influenced so much by them and thinks girls clothes, characters are not great. I try to tell her how much I love her the way she is. I dont emphasize on this whole matter but she keeps on insisting that she likes to be a boy. Now she started referring herself as he. I correct her but she tells me she is a boy. I know so many people here wil tell me to accept the way she is and let her dress however she likes. But my big concern is when she goes out in those clothes and talks about spiderman all the kids laugh at her and tell her you cant wear this because its for boys. When she hears it, she feels bad and she does not talk to the kids freely. I am afraid she will become so lonely. I am too much concerned about this whole issue. Please no negative comments. And dont judge me...How can I explain to her how great it is to be a girl.

    10 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Please help. 3 and half years has diarrhea and is very weak...?

    We came back from vacation. And my 3 and half year daughter started vomitting last thursday. She stopped eating and started throwing up 2 times a day. I took her to the doctor on saturday and he said he can not give any medicine as it seems viral infection and it will go on its own. after saturday she is throwing up once a day but she hardly eats anything. I am trying to give her electrolytes and liquids but she is not taking much. She has lost a lot of weight. Since yesterday she did not throw up but had diarrhea and went twice within 12 hours. I called the doctor and he said i should not worry. I am so much stressed out. I cant see her in pain and like this. She does not have any energy and has been lying on the couch all day long. Please advise. Should I take her to the emergency?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Question for all SAHM with a toddler & baby. How do you spend your day?

    I have a 3 year old & a 6 months old daughters. I am working full time and now taking a break from work to spend time with my kids. my 3 year old has summer vacation so she is going to be home full time. How you all spend your day? Do you follow any routine? I want to enjoy as much as I can with them as well as I want to teach my toddler too. Please share your time table.

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Two kids, how do you all handle?

    I have a 3 year old and a 6 month old daughters. I get up at 6:30, feed my younger one, dress up my elder one and feed her breakfast and drop her at school. Reach work at 9 and then go home to feed my little one at 12. go back to work at 1 and at 5 pick my elder one from school. In the evening, I give them bath, prepare dinner, run errands and spend some time with them. By 8:30, I get so much tired. I hardly can stay awake after 10. By the way, my little one gets up every 2 hours for feeding most of the time. So I cant have sound sleep. I feel extreme fatigue. I am taking prenatal vitamins still as I am breastfeeding. Did anyone else feel the same? Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Red dots around eyes...?

    My 3 year old cried very hard yesterday when she was very tired and still wanted to play. I noticed after she calmed down, she had red dots around her eyes. Its not spreading or anything but what that could be?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • 3 year old refuses to eat?

    My 3 year old daughter is a picky eater since beginning. She goes full time to school and now she totally refuses to eat. The school was providing food so I thought she does not like it so I started making it home and I send it. Teacher is so nice and she tries her best to feed. My daughter tries to make herself sick and throws up. At home too, at dinner time she would hardly eat anything after I struggle a lot. I had taken her to the doctor and he said that dont fight with her about food. Just let her choose what she wants and do not offer junk. He suggested to give 3 figer gummies a day as my daughter is constipated most of the time. I have tried everything from bribes to time out. Nothing works. I make so many different things and she does not even touch it. She is not even interested in junk food. I am totally lost. Please advice and give me some tips. I am so much worried.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Mothers of only girls, do you feel father...?

    If you have only girl children (doesn't matter) one or many, do you feel the father has very less role in upbringing? Do you plan for having a boy? I have two daughters and I am not planning to have any more kids. I have already done tubal ligation and I always wanted two healthy kids. But lately I feel my husband does not take any responsiblities for their upbringing. For shopping he says, its all girl thing, for playing with them he says its all girly thing so I should be playing with them instead of him. It really pisses me off. My father never did this to me. When my second one was born, my husband said he wished it was a boy that I understand and then he said, as these are two girls he does not feel much connected. I felt very bad about it. Did you experience such thing?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Did your child's eczema go away?

    My 5 month old daughter has eczema. I took her to dermatologist and he said it can be eczema, seborrheic dermatitis or psorisis. She has rashes on eye lids and scalp. I am using the ointment the dermatologist suggested and it worked wonder. But the eczema came back as soon as I stopped. What did you do with it and did it go away when the kids grow?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • All inclusive vacation carrabean?

    I live near NYC and wanted to go for vacation to carrabean with 2 children age 3 & 1. I was searching for all inclusive vacation package. Can you please let me know how much would be considered as a good deal? Good destination? Sites to book the vacation?

    2 AnswersOther - Caribbean1 decade ago
  • How long breast milk can be stored?

    How long breast milk can be stored at room temperature, refrigerator and freezer?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Infant with red itchy scaly eyelids?

    My 3 month old daughter has red itchy and scaly eyelids. She has a big rash with scaling on back of her head. I took her to pediatrician and he says it can be seborrheic dermatitis and asked me to use hydrocortizone for scalp rash. But that did not help at all. I am applying petroleum jelly on her eye lids. But it is not improving at all. Has anyone faced similar situation? Its so awful :(

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Full time or part time school for toddler?

    My daughter will be 3 this January. I am working full time right now and she goes to school. She likes it there. But now I am pregnant with my second one and will be off from work. So instead of full time I was planning to put her half days. Which is 8:30 to 11:30. School is 15 minutes from my house so I will have to go back to get her 2 -2.5 hours. All my friends and family are suggesting to continue her full time as I would be able to spend some time with my newborn. Otherwise it will get very hectic. But I feel bad that my daughter will have to spend the time at school when she can spend time at home. For full time school, all they do after 12 is nap, play in park and watch tv. So she is not going to learn much after 12.

    What you all mothers out there think???

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How much organic food you give to your kids?

    I give my daughter organic milk, organic strawberries and few other fruits/veggies. I am wondering how much other mothers out there are using organic products. Sometimes the prices are so high for organic food, I end up buying regular fruits.

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Disneyland tickets in California?


    How did you buy Disnelyland tickets? Online, at the entrace or from any other website/resources? How much did it cost you?

    3 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago