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  • Help finding k?

    For the first-order decomposition of N2O5 at a high temperature, determine the rate constant if the N205 concentration decreases from 0.88M to 0.32 M in 175 seconds

    I keep getting it wrong and Idk how.



    k=5.78 x 10^-3

    but the answer is 3.31 X 10^-3

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • Rate law question?

    The rate constant of a first order decomposition reaction is 0.0456 hrs^-1. If the initial concentration of the reactant is 0.072M, what is the concentration of reactant after 27 hours.

    The answer is 0.012, I just keep doing something wrong to get it. Can you please show step by step? Thanks!

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • What can I do now until I can see the vet? Pooping blood?

    Long story short, my puppy isn't potty trained and my one year old has separation anxiety. I put both of them in the crate and my puppy broke the crate. My boyfriend and I came home and found that the dogs got into the trash (where there was so old chicken).

    Every time we came home, there was poop in the kennel. We assumed it was my puppy because she isn't potty trained.

    Today, I took my one year old outside to potty and she squirted out BLOOD from her butt. I called the vet asap and theyre going to look at her tomorrow

    My puppy is throwing up and has diarrhea.

    Other than these symptoms, they are active and acting like normal.

    I'm giving her rice for now. Today is the first day she has ever pooped blood like this.

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • A sample of an ideal gas at STP has a volume of 8 L. After the pressure has been doubled and the temperature has increased to 546 K, the vol?

    A sample of an ideal gas at STP has a volume of 8 L. After the pressure has been doubled and the temperature has increased to 546 K, the volume should be:

    Im having a hard time coming up with an equation.

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • A sample of an ideal gas at STP has a volume of 8 L. After the pressure has been doubled and the temperature h?

    Would this use avagrdos gas law? if so, how do you form an equation?

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • What is this question asking me?

    For the compound HNO3, which of the following reaction equations is used to determine the standard enthalpy formation delta Hf





    Am I just balancing them?

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • The shape of an orbital is based on?

    a) set of quantum numbers,

    b) 90% probability of finding electron

    C)wave equation

    d) all of these?

    I feel like it's b but I want to be sure

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • Old school dark magician girl deck for xyz?

    I LOATH xyz so much. My deck is really good against non xyz but they have so may affects that it really gets me mad lol. Do you have any suggestions or can build me deck for this? lol I was trying a dark magician girl lock down deck but still with their stupid effects and summoning a million monsters at once its so hard.:(

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • What is the legal issues in moving my stepbrothers stuff out of his house?


    Well my step brother lives in our guest house, or was. He hasn't live there in over a month. My mom and I keep asking my step dad if I can live in there and he keeps saying that my step brother will return.

    The thing is, my step brother is in his 30s, on probation, and works with his dad.

    My step dad says he pays rent but he works with him (this is my step dads company)so....we don't believe it.

    This has been a constant issue because im 20, going to school, and I am willing to pay rent but my step dad is stubborn.

    This house is under my mom's name as well.

    My step brother is not under a lease.

    If I were to move his stuff out into storage. what would happen legal wise?

    I feel like my step dad would make a fake lease if I were to do this.

    This is very frustrating and has caused many issues with my mom and step dad.

    Please any advice would be great

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • What is legal issues in moving my stepbrothers stuff out of his house?


    Well my step brother lives in our guest house, or was. He hasn't live there in over a month. My mom and I keep asking my step dad if I can live in there and he keeps saying that my step brother will return.

    The thing is, my step brother is in his 30s, on probation, and works with his dad.

    My step dad says he pays rent but he works with him (this is my step dads company)so....we don't believe it.

    This has been a constant issue because im 20, going to school, and I am willing to pay rent but my step dad is stubborn.

    This house is under my mom's name as well.

    My step brother is not under a lease.

    If I were to move his stuff out into storage. what would happen legal wise?

    I feel like my step dad would make a fake lease if I were to do this.

    This is very frustrating and has caused many issues with my mom and step dad.

    Please any advice would be great

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Where can I get a Dark Magician Girl Cosplay wig?

    I looked online and I can't find one. Is there any blonde wigs I can find online that are similar?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • What is the best thing I can do for my friend?

    My friend Mikey and I have been friends since our sophomore year of High School. Throughout the years, he would be a jerk to me. An example was when I was looking through his music and he would yell at me. He would block me off of facebook and other things.

    Despite that, I still tried to be good friends with him.

    I'm 20 now, and about 3 months ago he confessed that he has been in love with me all these years.

    This confused me because I honestly thought he hated me.

    I told him things would be different if he wasn't such a jerk.

    He has had an on and off girlfriend from out of state. When he confessed to me, he was broken up, the day after I rejected him, he made up with his girlfriend and she came over for about 3 months.

    This monday she left town and last night he started hanging around our friend circle again.

    I didn't really talk to him. I feel that his confession was a prank. You don't hurt the ones you love. He walked out of my life the day after I rejected him.

    He was texting my friend last night how seeing me hurts him.

    I don't know what the best thing to do for him is. I feel like us not talking is really hurting him.

    Please help.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What is the best thing I can do for my friend?

    My friend Mikey and I have been friends since our sophomore year of High School. Throughout the years, he would be a jerk to me. An example was when I was looking through his music and he would yell at me. He would block me off of facebook and other things.

    Despite that, I still tried to be good friends with him.

    I'm 20 now, and about 3 months ago he confessed that he has been in love with me all these years.

    This confused me because I honestly thought he hated me.

    I told him things would be different if he wasn't such a jerk.

    He has had an on and off girlfriend from out of state. When he confessed to me, he was broken up, the day after I rejected him, he made up with his girlfriend and she came over for about 3 months.

    This monday she left town and last night he started hanging around our friend circle again.

    I didn't really talk to him. I feel that his confession was a prank. You don't hurt the ones you love. He walked out of my life the day after I rejected him.

    He was texting my friend last night how seeing me hurts him.

    I don't know what the best thing to do for him is. I feel like us not talking is really hurting him.

    Please help.

    2 AnswersFacebook8 years ago
  • I need help making a decision on a convertible laptop?

    So, I already have a laptop, but I would really like a tablet to take to school with me since it is smaller. I was thinking of getting a convertible laptop, but I kinda feel like it is a waste since I already have a laptop.

    My friend made a good point that with a convertible laptop, I'm spending money on it just being convertible, and not money with how well the computer actually is.

    I was also thinking of getting a tablet with windows 8. Those run a little less, around 400 like the surface.

    If you can help me making a good decision, I'd appreciate it! thanks!

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • dark magician girl deck help!?

    Here is my deck. I know it needs to be cut down. Any suggestions?

    Dark Magician x2

    Sorcerer of Dark Magic x1

    Dark Magician Girl x3

    The Tricky x2

    Skilled Dark Magician x3

    Defender, the Magical Knight x2

    Magician’s Valkyria x3

    Breaker the Magical Warrior x3

    Phantom of Chaos x1

    Marshmallon x1

    Penguin Soldier x2

    Apprentice Magician x2

    Magical Undertaker x3

    Sage’s Stone x3

    Heavy Storm x1

    Dark Hole x1

    Monster Reborn x1

    Mystical Space Typhoon x2

    Magical Citadel of Endymion x2

    Secret Sanctuary of the Spellcasters x1

    Magic Formula x2

    Mirror Force x2

    Miracle Restoring x1

    Dimensional Prison x3

    Spell Reclamation x1

    Fiendish Chain x2

    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • dark magician girl deck help!?

    I have a Dark Magician Girl deck and it's at 49, I know I should keep it at 40. Can you give me suggestions on my deck?

    Dark Magician 2x

    Dark Magician Girl 3x

    Sorcerer of Dark Chaos 1x

    Tricky 2x

    Skilled Dark Magician 2x

    Defender The Magical knight 2x

    Magician's Valkyria 3x

    Breaker the Magical Warrior 3x

    Phantom Chaos 1x

    Marshmallon 1x

    Penguin Solider 2x

    Apprentice Magician 2x

    Magical Undertaker 3x

    Sage's stone 2x


    2 AnswersCard Games8 years ago
  • yugioh devpro duel question?

    I saw online that people can duel a pc? I dowloaded it and I can figure out how to do that. Was it taken off? I go to offline and the only thing that shows is lan, puzzle, and edit deck. I tried lan thinking maybe I had to host my own thing? and that dosent work.


    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • Opinions on my video I made for my speech class?

    I wanted to make a video for my attention getter for my speech on animal cruelty. This video is to reflect on how I see these abused animals as strong as they keep moving forward.

    Any tweeks or suggestions would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets8 years ago
  • Pursasive speech video help?

    I want to make a video for my speech using clips on youtube. I never did this so how do I start? Also, the video is about animal cruelty and I want music from Rocky Balbaos speech. The same music from this dragon ball z video.

    The reason why I want to use his speech is that I want to motivate my class to help out. In his speech he says to keep moving forward, I want to show that even when these animals are being abused, they still move forward

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago