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ahaaa giggidyyy
Explain what the appellate court is limited to in reviewing the record of trial?
for my Laws and Rules of Evidence class!! My book is not helping and neither is the internet!! helppp please! I am just exhausted and drawing a blank and this is my last question, go figure!
Please and thank you!!!
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoHow to not act so shy around a guy?
I'm kind of talking to this guy we are both in our mid 20s....he's super attractive (and he knows it) I'm a pretty girl and I have a lot of confidence.... Here's the twist....ive known this kid and his family since I was 4...he was my childhood crush until I was 15! We haven't talked in a few years and randomly a little over a month ago he got a hold of me wanting to hang out.... When I seen him I was instantly intimidated because he had grown up so much and was so gorgeous... Sooooo we have more along the lines a friends with benefits relationship(we have not had sex)... And he always makes comments about how shy I am...I want to change that... In my head many handling him is's putting it into actions that's hard.....any helpful non judgmental serious advice would be helpful!!!!! Please and thank you!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoTwo year relationship ends.....out of no where?
My boyfriend and I have been together for about two years and I've lived with him for about a year and a half ( it's worked out so well for us) well I recently just moved up to school about an hour and a half away! Well we've been doing great,we've both made efforts to come and see each other...and nothing has changed between us...and he always tells me he loves me so much we talk about our future and marriage practically every day and he callsme randomly just to tell me he loves me.....also he has been going through some life decisions about college or going to a golf academy school (golf is his life and he wants to teach little kids how to golf) well he came up and seen me on Saturday and stayed till Sunday...Sunday and Monday we were still great and he kept telling me he loved me as usuall....Tuesday comes along and he tells me he can't be in this relationship right now because he "doesn't love me anymore" <-- I call bullshit! But anyways, he also stated that he just needs time to figure out what he wants to do and needs some time to himself... And he also told me that in the future we can be together and he doesn't want to lose me and he still wants to be on my life and talk to him everyday..... What the helllll am I supposed to think about all of this? I don't believe that he doesn't love me (I'm his first girlfriend) so those feelings don't just disappear....and we have been doing so good so I never seen this coming???:(
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoIs seperation anxiety normal?
My boyfriend and I have been together for two years now and we've actually been living together for a year of our relationship! We moved sorta fast but it was one of those things where luckily it worked out! So we haven't had too much separate time from each other minus our usual I have my girls nights and his guy nights and a couple weekends here and there! So,he is leaving tomorrow for California with a friend to see another good friend of theirs and he will be gone for 12 days.....I know that's not a lifetime but I'm having serious seperation anxiety already! We have never been apart for this long....I know I'm being a big baby, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do to make this easier on myself? Thanks so much!
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoIs this even possible?
my boyfriend and i have been together for a year and a half.....when we first BBC starting dating we had a pretty could sex life!!! but he was never that interested in it alll the time, LIKE ME!
we still have sex here and there.... if i could have-not my way I'd have sex every day a few times a day....and hes the complete opposite,and we have talked about this before many times and he tells me im attractive and this and that but sex just isn't that important to him....
I just want to it really possible for a guy to be more interested in the relationship than sex? should I be worried? is this a good quality in a guy ?
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoMy jealousy is becoming an issue!!!!!?
my boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years and we live together, ....and way before him or any of my past boyfriends I've had jealousy issues....and now that im in a relationship it has just gotten worse! something as simple as my boyfriend going to visit friends at college which just puts me in like a meltdown to him just casually talking to a girl he went to school with( he shows me the messages and all that so I know everything that is being said) orrr him accepting a friend request on fb from a girl ......i just get so overwhelmed and stressed and put in a bad mood! I have no reason to not trust him. im freaking out because even when it doesn't involve a relationship I find myself getting jealous over other's starting to overtake me and if i don't get control over this soon I have a feeling it might break my relationship to pieces!
haven't talked to my boyfriend in two days all because he was just casually texting a girl he went to school with....and i know what all the texts said( nothing bad) what the hellll am i supposed to do to get this undercontrol????
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoPublic Speaking Speech!!?
For my public speaking class (college level) I need to write a 7 min speech on puppy training!!! (I recently just got a puppy) .....what are some topics and ideas I could talk about to make this speech last 7 mins?
anything will help:)
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years agoHistory questionnnnn! helpp?
Did the entrance of the U.S into WWII six months after the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, make the defeat of Germany inevitable? why or why not?
In detail describe the significance of the Battle of Midway and Stalingrad!!!!!!!
anything will help!
1 AnswerHistory9 years agoIs my birth control causing this?? if so,whyy!?
ever since I started on birth control(the pill) i have been discharging a white thick fluid allll the time& also my vagina has had this weird smell that only started when i started the birth control.....I've been on this pill for 3 months now and i don't know what to do! it's grosss
im not dirty either i wash my vagina daily!!!
1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years agois it cheating when my boyfriend randomly messaged girls he doesnt even know on fb?
like the messages just consist of "hey" "whats up" and usuallly the girls dont ever respond!! but some do! nothing he says to these girls is "badd" just it kind of bothers me that he tries conversing with random girls he doesnt even know???? and as of now i dont consider it cheating but it really just irritates me!:(
and if it matterssss? weve been together for almost 9 months now....
2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agois it dumb to feel this way already?
ive been with my boyfriend for a little over 5 months now and ive been in previous relationships actually just got out of a 3 year relationship about a year ago buttttttt with my new boyfriend i feel so different with him like the workd love means something to me when i am with him
i just dont know if its dumb to feel so committed and in ,love with a boy at only 18...??? and he is 19. like being together is a long timeeeeee and just wanna know if its stupid or dumb to feel this way like wanting ti be with him for a long time?
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agowhat kind of fun ingredients can i out in brownies?
peanut butter
c. chips
any other ideasss?
5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agowhat can i get my boyfriend for valentines day?
been together for a little ober 2 months
hes a cowboys and yankees fan
he golfs and surfs
he loves candy
he loves the movies
any ideas? or suggestions?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHOW DO I KNOW IF IM ADDICTED TO SEXXXX?
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agothis is not how a relationship should be!!!!!?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost four years, first things i really do love him to death. however, i honestly cant tell you why?
the best part of our relationship was the first two months we dated it was just amazing and then all of the sudden he did like a 360...he was telling me i couldn't wear makeup(till this day i still cant) i want allowed to straighten or scrunch my hair (today he lets that go) when i was in high school i couldn't wear low cut shirts, skirts, shorts, sweats, OR flip flops!!!!! and also he pulled me away from my family and friends and i he wouldn't let me play softball and i had to quit twirling (i was in it since i was 4) and girl scouts. AND before i even met him i was saving for a trip to japan and he tried telling me that i couldn't go (i went anyways)
even though he was and still is a complete control freak i still find my self with him?!?!!!! i did have the courage to break up with him once and that lasted about four months during my senior year at h.s and to be honest they were the best four months of my lifeeeeeee. during those four months i got my nose and tongue pierced and i highlighted my hair (all things he would never have let me done)
one day he text me and just started talking to me next thing you know i fell into his trap all over again and we started dating within a week i had to take out my pepiercingsnd he wowouldn'tet me go get my hair re highlighted and i haven't seen my best friend since then..
its obvious plain and simple that i shouldn't be with him but im sucked back in all over again and i just cant get the courage to walk away again!!!
the sad thing is i do love him because he has been there for support for the past 4 years, but were always fighting over stupid things and he has rlly bad anger..
i just need some tips or ideas on what i should do,,trust me i know i shouldn't be with him but i just doon' t know how to walk away again.
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoI know what i should do but i just cant do it?!?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost four years, first things i really do love him to death. however, i honestly cant tell you why?
the best part of our relationship was the first two months we dated it was just amazing and then all of the sudden he did like a 360...he was telling me i couldn't wear makeup(till this day i still cant) i want allowed to straighten or scrunch my hair (today he lets that go) when i was in high school i couldn't wear low cut shirts, skirts, shorts, sweats, OR flip flops!!!!! and also he pulled me away from my family and friends and i he wouldn't let me play softball and i had to quit twirling (i was in it since i was 4) and girl scouts. AND before i even met him i was saving for a trip to japan and he tried telling me that i couldn't go (i went anyways)
even though he was and still is a complete control freak i still find my self with him?!?!!!! i did have the courage to break up with him once and that lasted about four months during my senior year at h.s and to be honest they were the best four months of my lifeeeeeee. during those four months i got my nose and tongue pierced and i highlighted my hair (all things he would never have let me done)
one day he text me and just started talking to me next thing you know i fell into his trap all over again and we started dating within a week i had to take out my pepiercingsnd he wowouldn'tet me go get my hair re highlighted and i haven't seen my best friend since then..
its obvious plain and simple that i shouldn't be with him but im sucked back in all over again and i just cant get the courage to walk away again!!!
the sad thing is i do love him because he has been there for support for the past 4 years, but were always fighting over stupid things and he has rlly bad anger..
i just need some tips or ideas on what i should do,,trust me i know i shshouldn'te with him but i just dodon'tnow how to walk away again.
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agohow do i get through this?
okkk, so me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years...that rlly has nothing to do with it but anyways...his uncle has been in and out of the hospital for the past two weeks because his body is plugged up with cancer and they just found out that his kidneys are only working 5% so its been a hard time for him and i completely understand because my uncle who i am rlly close to has poor health...anyways for the past two weeks he has been rude, snappy, and always fighting with me over nothinggggg!!!!!! if he is so angry and stressed out who doesnt he just talk to me about his feelings instead of lashing out at me...i just want to help him cope with this in a different way(like talking to me) but every time i make the effort to talk to him bout anything im just the object he releases his anger on?! whyyy?! i feel like this is getting too much for me but i obviously am not going to leave him but its just hard right now, and im a bot confused on how i can help him and get through this!
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoguyssss:) what do you think?
do you have something against chunky girls?!
well im just asking cuz, i am a beautiful girl (natural) but im a little chunky and i feel like guys don't look at me or flirt with me because of me being chunky..
but we all know if i was anorexic skinny guys would be all on to me then?!!! tthat'sjust how i feel.
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agopleaseeeee dont laugh?!!?
what is "spooning"
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agodo you think he will ask?!?
me and my ex were together for almost four years before a 4 month break up...well we have been talking latley and he still has my heart.
were trying to be just friends for now but he has made a move here and there:))
we have hung out and went out to eat, watched mnf together at his gmas, and he brought me down to the lake when it was raining just to give me my FIRST kiss in the rain:D :p :)
tommorrow his uncle leaves for costa rica and he gets his house for 6 weeks, do you think he will ask me to stay with him?!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago