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When did New Found Glory...?
play their first show? i know it was in june like tomorrow some years ago
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoI need help with percentages.?
for a project we have to look at monthly incomes for certain jobs, and then do the budgets which include taxes and what not. but i completely forgot how to do percents. i need to know what 11.00%, 4.25%, and 7.70% of 3771.75 is. intructions would be great but answers would be better
4 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoIm a new coxswain and...?
i can steer the boat pretty well, i know commands on land and most on the water, but i dont know what to say during a piece. like i know stuff like drive with your legs, one finish, you own this, but what else can i say to encourage my boat? its a novice eight if that helps...?
2 AnswersWater Sports1 decade agoKings vs. Queens Tour?
Its not a real tour. but it just an idea. its my job to come up with tour ideas. and so i was thinkin about one for after warped and here it is
hey monday
versaemerge (Headliners)
The Maine
A Rocket To The Moon
Brighten (Co-Headliners named ofter one of their albums)
would anyone see it?
changes can be made
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoWhich look looks better?
my cousins are twims and they have VERY different styles. who is prettier? Theyre always fighting
19 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoI got it on june 25th...?
and my period still hasnt stopped. its july 12th.
is it normal to have a loooooonnng period? should i be worried?
it seems to be getting lighter so it should stop soo i hope but still.
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow do i remove pictures from my ipod?
i put pictures of my recent trip to belize on my ipod chromatic to show a few of my friends and now i cant get them off. i still want some of them on there. but not all of them. how do i get only certain one off?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoi need to do a project on how music was important during the civil war.?
it needs to be 3-5 pages long and what i need is website on where i can find the information. i have so much other stuff to do i cant ind any good ones. thanks bye! and please not answer "sorry. dont know any" or something like that.
4 AnswersHistory1 decade agobarns in delaware...?
i want to start riding again. i did for 4 years and stopped for six months because the barn i was at wasnt right for me. i cant find anything thats close and affordable.
this is what i can do
.jump up to 3 ft on a steady controllable horse
.training level 1 dressage
. walk trot canter
.get horses on the bit
.tack up and groom
. i did barn shows and always got in the top three
i just really want to start again and the barn would need to give lessons and have horses for me to ride because i didnt have a horse.
something close to wilmington delaware please.
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agowhat should i say to this guy...?
there is this guy. his name is max. he really likes me. he told and tells me almost everyday. it gets annoying after about 2 days. we almost got together a few times. but now i dont think i like him. but i do like this other guy named jack alot more and me and jack have alot more in common. jack has also told me he likes me and i like him. what do i tell max to get him off my back and i want to put it nicely because he is a nice boy and doesnt need his spirits crushed.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agosnakes on a plane...?
was the cobra starship song actually in the movie?
i just want to know.
for those of you who have seen the movies but not heard the song... here is the video
4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agomy hair needs to be darker?
it got bleached by the sun and im saving my money for a concert so i cant buy hair dye. any sugestions? it needs to be like dark brown like the color of Cassadee Pope's hair. cause i have the blode and stuff already. and my eyebrows are a darker shade so it looks funny
4 AnswersHair1 decade agowould this hair look right on my sister?
so my sister wants cassadee popes hair because the people in her band say its too boring. she asked my to do her hair cause im a hair stylist. would this look right?
this is my sister. she is older than she looks
and this is the hair she wants
8 AnswersHair1 decade agoDoes anyone else think that...?
Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday and Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low would be like perfect togather? they look so cute!
and here are some pictures for those who dont know who they are
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoanyone who knows the bands brighten and a rocket to the moon!?
ok so you know arttm has a new guitarist right? and its justin richards. well for those who dont aready know this, he was/is in a band called brighten and i REALLY NEED to know whats happening with brighten since theyre one of my favorite bands. are they breaking up? cause without justin, brighten is nothing
1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade agoi need sad slow songs...preferable acoustic?
for the end of the year slide show for my school. im in charge of picking the music for that and when the students walk. i want people to cry.its going to be and hour long so i need alot. this is what i have so far for the slide show
6 months-hey monday
miserable at best-mayday parade
stay-little big town
candles-hey monday
remembering sunday-all time low
beauty in the breakdown-the scene aesthetic
this is what i have for the walking
the graduation song- vitimin c
10 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agopeople that are obsessed with the maine!!!?
anyone who was pat kirch's friend on facebook that said his girlfriend was lainey phillips?
well that was a joke. i know her.
and does pat have a real girlfriend named lauren? thats blonde/
this girl anna said he did but i dont belive her
3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoPARELLI- NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP?
all of the halters are way too expensive. can i make my own? and if so, how???
10 AnswersHorses1 decade agoI need show names for my horse?
for a 15'2 palomino quarter horse. His name is Roy and i have some that i like but i still need more of a variety. I want them to have Roy or Royal in them. Here is what i have.
A Royal Affair
Roy G. Bive
Crown Royal
i need more
13 AnswersHorses1 decade agoIn Delaware, Penn. and Maryland....?
are you allowed to use draw reins at horse shows and horse trials?
im taking a very green horse to her first horse show and she acts very badly with out them
4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago