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  • Should I consider transferring schools?

    So I applied and committed to run at this d3 school that I thought was amazing. It is one of the most renound universities in my state and all of their programs are super successful. Initially when I went there, everything was great because everyone was nice (the fake kind as I've realized now) to everyone. Which made me feel like I loved my team and I had them to be friends with. After 1 semester, I've gotten to know all people live for is the weekends and partying which I'm not about at all and the only other person I know who is like me is my boyfriend. So I finally came home for the first time over thanksgiving and I realized I've missed being at home so much and I love being here. I've reconnected with my friends and I've felt like I haven't had connection like that in so long because I don't connect with anyone on my team, in my hall, and I don't have time due to my sport to connect with anyone else (I've tried joining a religious group on campus but I still haven't bonded). I know I've been so successful here. I've gotten straight A's all semester and I've dropped so much time in track but I feel like I just don't connect with anyone here which is strange because I'm such an outgoing person. It's come to the point where I eat in my room for breakfast and lunch and eat dinner with my roommate or with the team but never really talking to them, just being around them because I never relate to the constant partying they talk about. Please help

    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • Would I have a chance at any good college with my SAT score?

    I have an above 4.0 GPA (I don't know what exactly but last year I had 4.056 and I'm taking 3 AP and 2 honors classes this year)

    Next year I'm taking

    Ap biology

    Ap environmental science

    Honors chemistry 2

    Ap art

    Dual enrollment English (ap credit)

    Honors government

    Spanish 4 honors

    And regular analysis (im not good at math)

    I run XC and track year round I used to have a job (went out of business) and I intend to again in the summer. I do tons of community service with my church and school

    I'm in national honor society, science honor society, art club, and I am a STARS ambassador (basically I lead a class every week speaking out against bullying)

    However my first time taking the SAT in March I only got



    560-writing (10/12 on my essay)

    So even with my low SAT (obviously I'm going to try again next year to bring it up but just saying for my purposes right now in case I can't) will I be able to get into a good college? Any specific great ones in Virginia I would be able to get into? I also can't retake the SAT this year because I have a national qualifying meet on the date of the May SAT and the state meet on the date of the June SAT. I'm taking the ACT in June, however, to see how I'll do. Any tips would be appreciated as well! Thanks!

    3 AnswersStandards & Testing6 years ago
  • Do I have stomach flu or not?

    I was at school today and at the beginning of English I ate a package of cinnamon sugar pop tarts and had some water with it (like I do every day because I never can eat breakfast) about 30-45 minutes after eating this I started to cramp up which then proceeded to get worse until lunch when I had to text my mom to pick me up because there was no way I could drive home in that condition. After I got home I struggled to get up the stairs because my stomach hurt so bad and I barely made it up to my room before I threw up. It has been about 2 hours since that and I am fine other than when I move my stomach is still "sore" it doesn't hurt anymore and I've been able to keep down a bag of peanut butter pretzels and a whole Gatorade. I feel completely fine now. What was/is wrong with me? This has never happened before.

    1 AnswerOther - Health6 years ago
  • What are my chances on getting into a good college?

    So basically as of last year (sophomore year) I had a 4.056 GPA and I took the highest classes available (other than math but the math class I took was still advanced) I was ranked 6th in my class. Don't know what I am now

    This year I took (with grade I have included)


    AP art-a

    AP English-a

    Chemistry honors-a

    Biology 2 honors-a

    Algebra 2 advanced-a

    Spanish 3-a

    Next year I plan to take

    Dual enrollment English (take it through community college counts as ap credit towards your GPA)

    AP art

    AP Biology

    Chemistry 2 honors

    Physics honors

    Government honors

    Spanish 4 honors

    Mathematics Analysis

    Most of these are the highest I can take but I stepped down in government and math so I wouldn't be overwhelmed.

    I also run track and XC all year

    I'm a part of science honor society and art club

    I volunteer and do church mission work a lot

    I had a job until the place went out of business but plan to get one again over the summer

    I have not taken the SAT yet but plan to in March

    So ok basically do you think I have a good chance at getting into a college like William and Mary with an acceptance rate of 33% with these stats? I have only ever gotten 1 b which is this year in APUSH. Obviously SAT/ACT. scores would help with this but I don't have that yet. Any feedback on what I should do would be helpful as well! Thanks!

  • My best friend likes me, what do I do?

    So this guy has been my neighbor since I was in 5th grade and e drives me to school every day and such (He's a senior in HS now and I'm a junior) and we knew each other before thag because his grandma is my other neighbor and our families are really close. So we were really close and hung out all the time until this summer where we kind of grew apart and it had been like that until recently when we started talking and hanging out more. So the other day we were texting about how Valentines day was coming up and we were gonna make pizza and play xbox while other couples were being out there loving each other (and I thought this was a total friends thing) so anyways he told me to get him something in return for the pizza and he said it had to look like something a bae would get him but I would be "fake bae", the conversation went on and it turned into him giving me ideas of what his "real bae" would be like and he told me I met all his standards and such and there would have to be a test (if this convo sounds weird I totally thought we were joking the whole time so it kind of was) and he invited me to his bonfire tomorrow and asked me to come over and cuddle and watch movies on valentines day. What do I do? I don't want to mess up our friendship with this at all and if I said I was completely against us being a thing I'd be lying, but I'm not all for it either. I think it would be weird. I'm just so conflicted, any help would be great, thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I don't know what to do about this guy?

    So I've been talking to this guy since summertime. He always says I'm pretty but he claims he's never really liked me (I've heard from other sources that this isn't true.) anyways he goes around going on dates with girls and such but I'm still stupid enough to look over that and still like him. Anyways the other day we were gonna hang out at the record store but it closed early so he came over to my house and we chilled in my basement for a while. Then we turned a movie on and after 20 minutes he put his arm around me and we cuddled. And then he was like oh you know. I haven't kissed a girl in a while. So we made out. And then I got carried away and took my shirt off. And he took my bra off. And he was shirtless. But I made sure he kept pants on. So now after all this he's saying he wants to stay friends but he wants to go again. And I'm not about that friends with benefits life. And I know next time he's gonna want more than what we did. So what do I do about this whole situation? Because I still like him (stupid I know) but I don't want to be friends with benefits or used like that. And just btw we're both 16, juniors on high school. So I dunno keep that in mind. Thanks in advance to whoever read this all!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I'm 5'8 and 110 lbs is that too skinny?

    I'm 15 and I'm not anorexic or anything I'm naturally like this... And honestly I eat more than my dad on a regular basis and he's 6'3 and 200 some lbs sooooo yeah I don't have issues with that. I also run XC and indoor+outdoor track. But is that too skinny?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How do I ask a girl to prom?

    I was going to give her cupcakes with prom on it but when and how do I give them to her? I want to do it in a cute way but we are just friends so yeah...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Are my times good for a sophomore girl?

    My PR's 5k- 21:21 Mile(never actually raced in this, this is just my time trial time)-6:03 800-2:43 400-65 200-28.7 I'm more a mid distance runner but everyone says I'm good and I don't really believe them... I want to get better and all but like would I be considered good? Also I heard that most girls peak sophomore year? Is this true cuz I wanna do good junior and senior year!

    2 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • How to train for the 400 Meter dash?

    I am in the middle/end of my XC season. I really want to get a head start on indoor because my competition will be extremely tough this year. I usually run the 4x4 or the 500 so are there any work outs like with weights or leg work puts (not running because I run 7-8 miles a day and I don't want to overtrain) I have about a month maybe less until indoor starts but anything would be helpful! Also if anything that would make me a faster sprinter would be helpful as well! I want to get 62-63 and my PR is 65 so I really want to reach my goal! Thanks in advance! 😊

    1 AnswerRunning8 years ago
  • Which of these investments would have the least amount of risk?

    Real estate

    Municipal bonds



    1 AnswerInvesting8 years ago
  • Why is my butt getting smaller?

    I used to have a cute butt (in my opinion) like not too big or not too small but recently it's been shrinking! I looked at myself in my jeans today and it was totally flat :( I run XC but it helped my butt grow last year so is this what's causing it to shrink? I also have gained 4lbs so I'm 110 now... What's wrong with my butt!?!? And is there anything I can do to get it bigger again?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How do I gain weight?

    Ok So Im 15, 5"7' and I weigh 106... I have a really high metabolism and I also run track and XC so I run like 5-8 miles a day the majority of them being hard. A lot of the time people call me anorexic and I am just sick of it! I really want to gain weight (I want to be in the 115-120 area) so I can just be normal and get people off of my back! How do I gain this weight? And is there any way for me to do something to maybe make it go to my hips and arms instead of my stomach? Because right now I have anti hips and my arms are soooo thin and gross! Also I can't buy any foods because my family has money issues so like I can't choose what's for dinner or I don't have a wide range on what I can snack on... Please help!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Why do I throw up when I'm nervous or excited?

    So I've had this problem my whole life. When I was 6 and we would go to the beach, I would throw up the whole ride there because I was so excited. This continued until I was about 12 and then it got better! Now I'm 15 and over the past few months it has been coming back. I run track and sometimes I get so nervous for my race I'll throw up and I won't be able to run it! I went to a church camp and I had to leave for a day because I was excited for it and I threw up! Yesterday I went to an amusement park with my best friend and I'd never been to one before so I was super excited but I threw up the whole way there and I felt nauseous for the rest of the day so I didn't get to ride many roller coasters :( I've been taking prevacid a few nights before I go to things for the past few years but that doesn't seem to be working for me anymore! I also try to tell myself to calm down and breath in deep, drink soda, chew minty gum, pretty much anything you can do but it doesn't really help! If anybody knows something that will help me please say so because this is kind of ruining my life and taking away opportunities that I could have but I can't because I'm throwing up! (ps this still isn't as bad as it was when I was little and the doctor gave me the prevacid and I've been seen for this before and that's all they've said)

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • I want to get my cartilage pierced?

    I want to get it pierced but I run xc and track and you can't wear earrings during the races. so in like 3-4 months (if I get it soon) Will I be able to take it out for 30-45 minutes if I can put it back in afterwards or will it close up in that amount of time?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Why did I throw up? Am I sick or what?

    Earlier today (around 9:00) I had stomach cramps so I went to the bathroom and My stool was a bit watery but still solid. About 10 mInutes later I felt like I was going to throw up and 10 minutes later I did... I threw up twice (I was at a church camp) and then I was sent home to rest. I was feeling icky on the car ride home but it wasn't caused by the car and when I got home I felt bad for like 30 more minutes and then I was fine. Also when I got home I realized that I did have diarrhea but I only went to the bathroom for that once. I never threw up again and I've had a whole powerade bottle to drink. Was I dehydrated, tired from physically working and lack of sleep (church camp), a combination of the two, or was I actually sick? I have been feeling fine for the past 3 hours and I'm starting to get a little bit hungry but definitely not my usual hunger. Would I be fine to go back tonight at 5:00 or should I wait until tomorrow morning?

    1 AnswerOther - Health8 years ago
  • Was he flirting with me girls and guys opinions!?

    So I was at a church camp (i got sick so I'm home now but I'm going back later) and we all went to the pool! Me and a few other friends didn't get in the water and went to play volleyball! So after a while of playing some guy came over to play and when he came in he asked if anybody actually played volleyball and I did in 6th-8th grade and this year I did xc instead. Then we talked about how he played volleyball and how his friends call him gay (jokingly) and say it's a girls sport and all that. well, my dad played volleyball so I said that and I also said I thought it was really cool. And we talked about that for a while and when we had an "awkward silence" he was like oh by the way my name is (let's call him John) so I told him my name and we played volleyball for a while and we talked and had some good bump set spike action and he was always saying "nice hit Kelly or way to dive for it" or something like that. After a while my best friends came over to play and at one point they pointed out that he kept looking at me and stuff and apparently I was flirting with him but I wasn't trying to I was just really hyper because I had cookies haha anyways.... We had to leave all of a sudden so I didn't have the chance to say anything to him to see if he really weasel flirting or not :/ Any opinions? And advice on how to get his # by the end of the week cuz he was super nice and funny and one of those people that you can be friends with easily and I find those super attractive in a guy! I've got until Friday and I don't know if my group will be working with him or not so I may or may not be able to talk to him much!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to improve my 400 and 800 times?

    My PR's



    I am a freshman in high school and I did track in 8th grade and then xc indoor and outdoor this year. (I'm also a girl) my season ended at regionals where I ran the 400 and got 12th out of 18 but next year I really want to make it to states! (top 6 go and 6th place got 62 something) Im going to do the same sports next year so what are some things that I could do over the summer to improve or things I could do during the seasons to make myself better? Also for my 800 I don't see why I can't run faster! I can easily get 2 75 second 400's during practice but when I run it I totally die off and I don't understand! I want to get to 2:30-2:35 next year but I dont know how! Please help! Anything racing strategies, work outs, training anything that will make me better!

    2 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • Do I have potential to be a good runner?

    My PR's

    100-14.6 (I only ran it once in 8th grade)

    200-28.7 (same as above)

    400-65.38 (1:05.38)





    I just finished my freshman year and I'm still 14. Last year was the first year i did any real school sport which was outdoor track and i did volleyball at the beginning of the year! And i had no summer training for cross country. next year I will be doing cross country indoor and outdoor track again and I wanna know what good times would be or I wanna know what I should aim for! I especially wanna know good times for cross country because I want to be really good this year! Any tips on how I can be the best that I can be?

    2 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • How do I improve at cross country?

    I just completed my freshman year and I am getting ready to train for cross country (once my coach mails the summer training logs) this was my first year doing cross country and I went into the season without doing anything over the summer because u was planning on doing volleyball instead (I didn't make the team so that's why I did xc) so my PR was 24:26 and that was at regionals at the end of the season! Is there any way that with summer training I could improve a lot on this time? And what work outs can I do that will help me improve the most! My goal is to get 23:30! Is that realistic?

    3 AnswersRunning8 years ago