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Somewhere in the middle of all the 'left' vs. 'right' bs.... but I feel very strongly about certain issues on BOTH sides. I believe people are being duped by a government that has us all believing they are polarized, when in fact, WE the people are the only ones that are polarized enough to hurt ourselves and help them ALL, to help themselves even more. Please do not e-mail me unless you are debating, not hating.

  • Does this mean anything to you?

    Being poor is knowing exactly how much everything costs.

    Being poor is getting angry at your kids for asking for all the crap they see on TV.

    Being poor is having to keep buying $800 cars because they’re what you can afford, and then having the cars break down on you, because there’s not an $800 car in America that’s worth a damn.

    Being poor is hoping the toothache goes away.

    Being poor is knowing your kid goes to friends’ houses but never has friends over to yours.

    Being poor is going to the restroom before you get in the school lunch line so your friends will be ahead of you and won’t hear you say “I get free lunch” when you get to the cashier.

    Being poor is living next to the freeway.

    Being poor is coming back to the car with your children in the back seat, clutching that box of Raisin Bran you just bought and trying to think of a way to make the kids understand that the box has to last.

    Being poor is wondering if your well-off sibling is lying when he says he doesn’t mind when you ask for help.

    Being poor is off-brand toys.

    Being poor is a heater in only one room of the house.

    Being poor is knowing you can’t leave $5 on the coffee table when your friends are around.

    Being poor is hoping your kids don’t have a growth spurt.

    Being poor is stealing meat from the store, frying it up before your mom gets home and then telling her she doesn’t have make dinner tonight because you’re not hungry anyway.

    Being poor is Goodwill underwear.

    Being poor is not enough space for everyone who lives with you.

    Being poor is feeling the glued soles tear off your supermarket shoes when you run around the playground.

    Being poor is your kid’s school being the one with the 15-year-old textbooks and no air conditioning.

    Being poor is thinking $8 an hour is a really good deal.

    Being poor is relying on people who don’t give a damn about you.

    Being poor is an overnight shift under florescent lights.

    Being poor is finding the letter your mom wrote to your dad, begging him for the child support.

    Being poor is a bathtub you have to empty into the toilet.

    Being poor is stopping the car to take a lamp from a stranger’s trash.

    Being poor is making lunch for your kid when a cockroach skitters over the bread, and you looking over to see if your kid saw.

    Being poor is believing a GED actually makes a goddamned difference.

    Being poor is people angry at you just for walking around in the mall.

    Being poor is not taking the job because you can’t find someone you trust to watch your kids.

    Being poor is the police busting into the apartment right next to yours.

    Being poor is not talking to that girl because she’ll probably just laugh at your clothes.

    Being poor is hoping you’ll be invited for dinner.

    Being poor is a sidewalk with lots of brown glass on it.

    Being poor is people thinking they know something about you by the way you talk.

    Being poor is needing that 35-cent raise.

    Being poor is your kid’s teacher assuming you don’t have any books in your home.

    Being poor is six dollars short on the utility bill and no way to close the gap.

    Being poor is crying when you drop the mac and cheese on the floor.

    Being poor is knowing you work as hard as anyone, anywhere.

    Being poor is people surprised to discover you’re not actually stupid.

    Being poor is people surprised to discover you’re not actually lazy.

    Being poor is a six-hour wait in an emergency room with a sick child asleep on your lap.

    Being poor is never buying anything someone else hasn’t bought first.

    Being poor is picking the 10 cent ramen instead of the 12 cent ramen because that’s two extra packages for every dollar.

    Being poor is having to live with choices you didn’t know you made when you were 14 years old.

    Being poor is getting tired of people wanting you to be grateful.

    Being poor is knowing you’re being judged.

    Being poor is a box of crayons and a $1 coloring book from a community center Santa.

    Being poor is checking the coin return slot of every soda machine you go by.

    Being poor is deciding that it’s all right to base a relationship on shelter.

    Being poor is knowing you really shouldn’t spend that buck on a Lotto ticket.

    Being poor is hoping the register lady will spot you the dime.

    Being poor is feeling helpless when your child makes the same mistakes you did, and won’t listen to you beg them against doing so.

    Being poor is a cough that doesn’t go away.

    Being poor is making sure you don’t spill on the couch, just in case you have to give it back before the lease is up.

    Being poor is a $200 paycheck advance from a company that takes $250 when the paycheck comes in.

    Being poor is four years of night classes for an Associates of Art degree.

    Being poor is a lumpy futon bed.

    Being poor is knowing where the shelter is.

    Being poor is people who have never been poor wondering why you choose to be so.

    Being poor is k

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really do any fact checking before they give distorted opinions?

    There are too many very misinformed opinions about where our (People who make UNDER 250k= almost all you on Y/A) tax dollars are being spent.

    The links below are just an idea of what true wealth distribution has become.

    Why doesnt this bother those of you that seemingly would rather just put people down for wanting to help others to have a life that isnt a constant struggle? I have to assume that most of you that do defend the wealthy have never been poor or had an experience with truly poor people.

    YES. I agree that there are quite a few people that misuse welfare, and there should be a different way for our government to go about handling the abuse, but it is not everybody that collects it! Especially now. Times are harder than ever, so the poverty level is climbing and more everyday working people are in serious need of help, while our government has been bailing out the spoiled, tax evading uber-rich people that will continue to take your money without a second thought and continue lobbying to assure the laws are made to protect them exclusively! Not you.

    Call this a rant or blame it on biased media. Im sure those of you that cant come up with a logical reason for your undying loyalty to the overpaid CEOS probably will, for lack of something intelligent to say..

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the Banks refusing to disclose where BILLIONS in bailout money has gone ?

    When asked where the billions have been spent, none of the banks can track where it has been spent, or they just flat out refuse to say. How do you (the taxpayer) feel about this?

    Interesting story link...

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What is the opinion of Pro-lifers on the millions of unwanted children that are starving in this country?

    I am not trying to start a fight.

    I am merely trying to understand how so many people can avoid the 'already here' crisis on this planet of so many unwanted, neglected, abused, unbalanced children born everyday into poverty that seem doomed to just repeat the same mistakes of their own parents. These children are here NOW! They are helpless and realistically have little or no hope now, much less if abortion were made illegal!

    In a perfect world- people would be responsible and practice safe sex or abstinence because they were taught well, but on this flawed planet, most abortion candidates are uneducated, already living in poverty and have some kind of addiction to try to cope with their misfortunes, whether they are self inflicted or economically pushed.

    What is your view on those born into poverty to women that just don't want them?

    Please don't suggest adoption unless you know something I don't... because the American adoption system is so broken, people are adopting foreign born children so there are no-strings attached....

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do people that have a few extra dollars capitalize on a recession?

    I have always heard the most people have made their fortunes when the economy is in a recession. Does anyone (SERIOUS & NON-CYNICAL please) have any ideas on where to invest what they mean by this?

    6 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What is the REAL payscale for UAW? ?

    Can I please get a real answer and not cynical views from those who chose to blame the workers, and not the damned CEOs and politicians that have allowed private companies to rape the people. The very same people blame the poor for being poor..... whom are only becoming more so and adding to their ranks from what used to be the middleclass daily.

    So I am curious to know the REAL amount that they are making being in a union.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the bailout for Citibank?

    Please read the following letter written By congressman Walter Jones to House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Franks....

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Whats your opinion in the case of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean?

    In 2006 both of these men were sentenced to 12 years (solitary confinement, due to threats from those they have previously arrested) for shooting admitted and now convicted Mexican drug smuggler Osvaldo Adlrete Davila and trying to cover up the incident. Do you believe that they should be pardoned under these circumstance, Or should they serve out their sentence due to police corruption & lies?

    15 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • A question for Democrats....?

    With all of the nasty name calling and smug attitude coming from those who support Republicans and the Bush Administration, dont you find it the least bit strange that they are still blaming Democrats while in the midst of begging the GOVERNMENT to bail out these PRIVATE companies with..... TAX MONEY?! Afterall, isnt it the Republicans that are accusing Obama of tax hikes and socialism and free entitlement programs for the "non-deserving" poor? Why in Gods name is it ok to give away all this money to these (perfectly capable)greedy companies that cannot even bring themselves to adhere to any regulations on how BILLIONS of our TAX monies will be spent?

    None of these higher ups have ever had to worry about personal financial burdens like MILLIONS of people now do, due to these private companies carelessness & irresponsibility.... and Im not even talking about those who have been on welfare in the past. I mean families that are losing jobs everyday because of 8 years of 'no-regulation' privatization, compliments of the right.... and those who voted them in.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • A question about The Fairness Doctrine..?

    Im just curious as to why a lot of republicans are so against a bill that is for a balanced perspective and different points of view, when they claim that the media is so far left?

    Are y'all afraid that hearing the other side might confuse those of you that would rather just be hateful and blame everything on the left?

    When the Fairness Doctrine was in effect, this country actually discussed politics rather than spew one-sided opinions that are just impossible to debate, due to obstinate stupidity & resentment. Which seems to be more plentiful then ever...

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • A question about abortion.....?

    Why is it that people are so quick to jump into a woman's private life and decide that she cannot have an abortion, yet I never hear about ANY solutions regarding what they plan to do with all of the unwanted babies that are already here. All I hear is how they want to completely cut funds for ALL of the poor and eliminate abortion. Are people so daft that they cant put two & two together and see that this would be a recipe for disaster? If abortion were to be overturned, there would only be more poverty.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Amnesty is so bad, what do you suggest we do to pay for all of the babyboomers that are retiring as I write?

    I am not happy about illegal aliens taking our jobs with the blessing of our government (Nothing has been done because of 'other' more pressing issues) because it suits corporate America to hire cheaper labor, while getting a slap on the wrist when caught! But why are so many people against making them legal, have them pay a fine and drive minimum wage up for the less fortunate legal AMERICANS that are accused of sucking off the system? Then they can pay into our countries deficit that they are partially responsible for as well as take the burden of paying some of the taxes that WE will be stuck with when all the boomers retire. .

    13 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why does the government continue to bail AIG out?!?

    First its 85B that we werent even privvy to, until after it was signed, complements of Henry Paulson.... Then they take their famous Spa resort vacation costing $440k... And now Im hearing another 40B or 150B is going to them... AGAIN! Please tell me why...

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • People voting for Hillary........?

    Why are you ok with more government control over citizens, and is that a good move for this country? If Hillary is elected, she plans on making Healthcare universal. That would require taxes being raised signifigantly. Can you explain what you think is positive about Universal healthcare?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why are people voting for Hillary?

    This is a serious question and I would really prefer that the haters not cluster their garbage here.

    I am truly baffled at what people think Hillary is going to do for this country. I want to hear something positive, intelligent, concrete and realistic please...... Not just that Obama or McCain suck.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you think of any obscure songs from the 80s that are all but forgotten?

    I have most of the popular 80s songs and more in my music library already. Can you think of any that I might not have or that might surprise me?

    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Can you think of any obscure songs from the 80s that are all but forgotten?

    I have most of the popular 80s songs and more in my music library already. Can you think of any that I might not have or that might surprise me?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago