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  • Belnded family issues. What to do? My GF is constantly bringing up things that are wrong with my child and I?

    Been living together for nearly a year. We have his, hers and now our child. Her kids are constantly complained about by her and my child has issues according to her. Now I am a target that is a jerk, lies always, serves only myself and a pampering parent. I am at my wits end. I let her know it sounds like she wants me out. I am an emotional wreck this time. What to do? Work at it some more or walk away? Sadly the kids heard it all this morning.

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Child move away by ex-wife. Advice please?

    The ex-wife has pursued a relationship with a new man and wants to get married. Issue is, he lives over 500 miles away. We share joint legal custody of our 5 year old child. Court now gets to decide who our daughter lives with during the school year. I am an active father in school, dance class, life and community of our daughter. Mother just being selfish and never thought about our daughter's well fare and well being of having two active parents. She's tearing apart our child's life. Any suggestions on what to do? What to inform the court?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Is it possible to have friends/coworkers you talk to of the opposite sex and not have your partner get upset?

    Divorce is tough and losing a house makes it worse. been there recently. A coworker is going through the same thing and ask for some help and advice as I was leaving work. I ran about 10 minutes late for dinner date. A week later i mention the same person and I talked to my partner. She flew off the handle and said I was to close to the coworker and not respecting her and our relationship.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What you think? A lost love and dealing with the loss.?


    I lay waiting every night, to dream of you.

    Not to hold you, but to wrap myself up with you.

    I dream of a place at the bottom of darkness.

    At night, I tear myself to sleep, without remorse.

    Each endless night, my forever love dreams on.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How to deal with the exwife and coparenting?

    The exwife and I share our 4 year olds time. I am having issue with demands placed on myself not to go to our daughter's lessons. Even when the ex is not able to attend. Since it's not my aka day. Is this just the reality I live in or totally unreasonable? Thank u

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do I ned to do to show I care about my child?

    I have a controlling ex-wife. All she does is her own thing and leaves me out of decisions concerning out 4 year old. I want to be an active parent and I am when I have my daughter for visits. I am employed, a professional, live in a nice area, don't drink or do drugs and love my child. Our daughter and I play, read, I cook, we go to the bookstore, run around at the play ground, build with her blocks, we bake, and do most about everything together. And the ex paints me has a non-participating father. I even go to all the doctor and dentist appointments when possible. Only miss when I am not able to get off work. I drop off when allowed to at school. I go to dance class, watch and sit with the other Moms every week. The court and mediators see what is going on, but still don't allow me to have more time. The system is screwed up for Dads who want to be an active parent.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Child support issues.?

    My ex and I have a beautiful daughter, 3 years old. We share time 60/40. We share daycare and medical insurance 50/50. We both have good jobs. She makes about $80k a year working 30 hours a week and I make about $120K a year working full time. She gets to claim our child every year for taxes. Now she is asking for $1000/month for child support. Double the calculated amount. Should I worry?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bad ending to a short relationship. Help.?

    I met this chick a week ago online. We hung out and really got along well. We had a good deal of things in common. Went to the same College and like similar sports. She had issues in the past, well I thought they were in the past. So, we had dinner one night and she came over. The next thing I know she is begging to love me, calling her mom and arguing, wants to stay the night, says she loves me, and has me talk to her mother on the phone. I get the low down from the mom that the woman I started to date is a recovering alcoholic and been drinking again. that it was my problem now. So to settle her down we talk. next thing I know she has her clothes off and tells me to love her and make love to her. She gets demanding and freaks me out. Starts chocking me and begging me to let her love me. promises to do what ever it takes to make me happy. I get away and she starts to cry and blame me. I ask her to leave and she refuses for an hour or so. She attacks me once more and then finally gives in. I take her home and drop her off. Then she starts calling and threatening my family and me. Text me and abusive. then apologizes and says she loves me. i am freaking out here. Just got a message saying she is blasting me all over the net and posting what a jerk I am. What should i do? Call? Email? or just Avoid?

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Date ideas for San francisco, CA.?

    I am looking to entertain and wow my new female friend. I recently relocated to the area and need some assistance. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Holiday schedule for children of divorced parents, suggestions.?

    looking for some help with a holiday schedule for my three year old. recently divorced and ex-wife and I are trying to arrange a mutually agreed schedule. Suggestions would be appreciated. For holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays etc.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • First date after a year out of a relationship.?

    I have started chatting with a woman online and we appear to be well matched. We have talked and exchanged pictures. We set up a date at a local restaurant for drinks and appetizers. We both have been out of the dating scene for over a year. What should I expect. We are both in our mid thirties.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to give a 3 year old juice?

    I am a single father who gives my child a cup of apple juice a day when she is with me. Her mother is a physician assistant who believes that is to much. Her mother believes in NO juice ever. Is it ok?

    16 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Court and Custody of 3 year old child.?

    I have been in court for over a year regarding custody of my 3 year old. The divorce is final but the issues of time share are up to the court. I am a father, who works, wants to take care of my obligation but more important spend time as a father to my child. As a Dad, i feel the system is not reasonable. I was asked to go to mediation and made myself available with a high priority attitude. Made the very first appointment and left work to be there, ex wife decided to go three weeks later. I go to parenting classes on my own. I was the main house keeper and cook when married. I tried numerous time to discuss issues concerning our child with my ex wife. She is unresponsive. I went to co parenting counseling per the court recommendation and the ex wife never showed. Latest evaluation wants to keep time share open for discussion in another 6 months and asked for co parenting again. I feel like this is all unfair. I recently relocated to be closer to our child due to the mother's relocation over two hours away from our home town. I left a family and emotional support of home to be with my child. The court continues to limit my time to about 25 percent. What can I do? help please.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Searching for a new relationship after long divorce. Where to look?

    Was in a relationship for nearly 11 years. Divorced and now looking to find someone new. Tried the online thing, to many people want perfect people and never been married. Dated a few others friends set up, but those were more sympathy dates. Where do I meet a woman who is willing to get to know a 35 year old single Dad. Recently moved to the Bay Area in northern California.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My girlfriend asked me to help her finance her breast augmentation surgery, what should I do?

    I have been dating my gf for four months. I enjoy her as a person and I am very attracted to her. I find her gorgeous. She has an image issue and wants a bigger cup for her breasts. She is an A and wants a full C. Issue is, she wants the surgery and is wiling to do just about anything for it. She offered me whatever I want. I have concerns about this. What should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to get to the point of co-parenting after divorce.?

    My Ex-wife has been difficult throughout the divorce process when it comes to our child. She has done her best to limit my time and made hard to see our child. We were together for ten years, but married for the last three. She asked for the divorce and put my life into a tale spin. I have done everything asked by the court and mediators. She continues to change her mind and we keep going to court. All I want is for our child to have a schedule that benefits the child considering the situation. I moved and started a new job to be closer to the Ex's relocated town of residence. I wish to be an active parent and provide the best I am capable of. We are both educated and have good jobs. the Ex has been open about limiting my time due to her scorned attitude towards me. I've gone to counseling, but she refuses. It's been a tough year and a half dealing with her, I keep getting pushed around and the court system is failing. Will she ever think about our child first?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Ex wife refuses to share transportation of our 3year old.?

    Our divorce was finalized last month. Temporary orders were entered into judgment with regards to visitation for our child. Days and times were agreed upon as temporary till evaluation for the third time by a mediator. The exchanges were stated as pickup and return. Now the ex-wife believes this to mean that I do all the transporting. I've asked for a share in transport. She is refusing and with held our child one day till I agreed to do the transporting. What should I do. I want to see our child as much as possible, but feel like the Ex is using this to get back at me. The Ex was the one that pursued the divorce and asked me to leave the home.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Relocated, divorced and single for the first time in ten years. Where to look?

    After a ten year relationship, I find myself starting over in my mid thirties. Not into the bar scene. Just moved to a new town for work relocation. Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does coparenting counseling work?

    My soon to be Ex-wife and I are having very different opinions on what's best for our child. A counselor suggested co-parenting counseling. Does it help?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Trying to co-parent with my wife, but she avoids me.?

    Help. I have been in the divorce process for over a year. My wife is not easy to work with. Our 3 year old is lashing out and throwing tantrums when we drop her off at daycare or with each other. It lasts for 20 to 30 minutes. I asked to discuss it last week and now our daycare person has asked me what's the plan. The wife puts off scheduled times to discuss and avoids my questions. It's all about when it's convenient for her. What should I do?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago