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  • my 2 year old is so aggressive!?

    I am at my wits ends and don't know what will help my 2 year old, he is sooooo aggressive! He hits out at peers if he wants their toy, or simply at a park he will yell and hit them if they go near the swings ETC, he hits me and partner if we even try to help him for example pull up pants, And doesn't allow any one besides me do things for him without causing a major scene, I have tried everything showing him how to play nicely with peers, given him timeout for hurting peers, tried distracting him but its just gotten to the point where i avoid going out with him where there will be kids or i have to shadow him so he doesn't hurt them which has also lead to him being unable to play alone,

    I need help!!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 20 Month old is a bully!?!? What can i do?? please help !?

    my 20 month old boy has just begun lashing out at peers and in particular my friends boy who is the same age, mainly over toys he wants or if the peer isn't doing what he wants them to do, i know its a normal toddler behaviour as he lacks the vocab to express his wants verbally yet but he is a bit worse than the average child, hits often and HARD! I am so embarrassed when we go to mothers group as he constantly attacks kids, I use timeout method which makes him upset but seems to achieving nothing.. I am at my wits ends and am now not wanting to socialize.. please help..

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Developmental Concerns!?!?!? Asked earlier but got NO answers ?!?!?!?

    Developmental Concerns!?!?!?

    I was just wondering what my lil boy should be doing, He is 15 months???


    When do they usually start doing the following

    -Talking in sentences


    -Naming shapes and colours?

    -Able to draw?

    -Able to dress and undress?

    I know they all develop differently I just want to know if my 15 month old is on track

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Developmental Concerns!?!?!?

    I was just wondering what my lil boy should be doing, He is 15 months???


    When do they usually start doing the following

    -Talking in sentences


    -Naming shapes and colours?

    -Able to draw?

    -Able to dress and undress?

    I know they all develop differently I just want to know if my 15 month old is on track

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What Do you think of these 2 girl names?

    Ella- Beth



    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Old wives tales to conceive a girl?

    I Have a 1 and a half year old son and hubby n I are about to start TTC number 2 and I desperately want a girl... Does any one Know any Tips if there really are any on conceiving a girl

    Yes I know its really a 50/50 chance but if theres any inkling that helps conceive a girl I wanna hear about it.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • ??????????What is WIC??

    I have read alot of questions on here about mums recieved baby food vouchers, nappy vouchers, formula ect ect and have no idea what it is I am from Australia is it an American thing? What actually is it??

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you for your babies nap when you have to go out?

    My son who is 1 on the 19th of this month still has two day naps one 1.5- 2 hours in morning beetween 9;30am-1130am then another 230pm till 3 sometimes 330pm and I find it very hard to go anywhere, After feeding, bathing him and having a play its like 1230pmish and then I feel i have 2 hours to get home again to let him sleep, he does not sleep in his pram anymore, he will sleep in the car but only for like 30 minutes, I have ocassionally tried to skip the eftrenoon nap but 5pm he is screaming the place down, does anyone have any tips or ideas or know when he will need less day sleep

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Cry It Out Method ?????

    My son is nearly 11 months and I am having sleep troubles, he has never been a great sleeper and has pretty much always co-slept, and have to lay with him for 20 mins to get him to sleep which i dont have a problem with except my son only gets 10 hours sleep over 24 hours and is cranky all the time, I never ever wanted to do CIO method but am now just lost so this morning for his nap I just gave him a cuddle gave him his dummy put him in his cot and left him going in every few minutes to reassure him an it took 30 mins to get him to go to sleep crying his heart out, I feel so bad and cant stop crying myself, has anyone else gone therough this, have advice or have a better way to get him to sleep more??? PLEASE HELP MY SON :)

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the Name Ella-Beth?

    Myself and 2 friends all like the name Isobella and Elizabeth and are all expecting girls and are all wanting these names!! We only found out we all liked the same name once pregnant and I have already grown to calling my Lo a name along these lines, so i came up with ELLA -BETH, it combines both names but sounds different so they can both have the names they wanted, What do you think of this name? And do you think its a good idea or should i think of a completely different name, also I am due first,

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does Anyone else have a 10 month old that still night wakes?

    I'm just curious as I am feeling very alone on this one!! All my friends have bubs who are younger than mine and they sleep through!! My LO has a routine, is well fed before bed, a clean nappy, white noise but still wakes 2 - 3 times a night!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago

    My 9 month old is a gorgeous boy,, but his sleep patterns are terrible!! I have tried everything to get him to sleep longer than 2 to 3 hours at night, I have tried controlled crying, CIO method, patting his bottom and then lastly he now will only sleep in my bed, I have to lay with him for an hour just to get him to have day naps, I have tried not letting him sleep any later than 4pm so he will sleep at night but nothing works, he is perfectly healthy, eats plenty. I have tried pain relief for if he is teething and tried keeping to s strict bed time routine but he will just scream when i put him in cot. Last night i put him in cot at 730pm and he fought me until 820pm then was up at 1230am till 330am, then only slept till 630am... I dont know what else i can do:( I have read so many sleep books but nothing works :( PLEASE HELP!!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • IS my BaBy getting enough sleep?

    My nearly 9 month old gets up at 6am, then naps at 8am- 930am another nap at 1230pm for 30-40mins then another nap at 5 for 30 mins, then asleep by 830pm so only around 12 hours in a 24 hour period, I was told by a friend that he should be sleeping like 14 hours at the least,, He has never been a great sleeper but i thought he was doin ok,, wat does your 9 month old sleep and do you think my LO is getting enough sleep.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago