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Magic Pirate Monster Unicorn Cupcake
Appropriate weight...?
What is an appropriate weight for a girl who is 5 feet 4 inches?
I currently weigh 153.2 IBS (I was at the doctors this morning).
And maybe a good diet sorta thing that may help me loose some weight?
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoMiddle school relationship advise? NEED SOME PLEASE!?
I am sorta in NEED of some advise, please help me!! Thanks in advance! This is why I love you guys! :) :p
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoHow to tell if someone is lying over text?
I have had a suspicion that my best guyfriend has been lying to mr when we txt, but other wise he just avoids that how do I find out?
1 AnswerFriends8 years agohow to break my wrist? Please read why!?
i want to do this because i sprained my wrist like 2 years ago and it never healed right, so i'm thinking that if i break it, it will be set in the right position so it will heal probably, so i dont have server pain constantly! And it's night, and my mom isn't home for another half hour so it kinda needs to be a sorts, easy/quick way. and my dad is at work. and sure i will miss softball season but that's ok, if i can heal my wrist right. And sometimes the pain goes up into my elbow, but that's when i didn't take any pain killer that morning.
5 AnswersInjuries8 years agoPlease read!!!! Mixed messages! I need Help with guys please? Did he really break up with her? How to find out?
First.. Im in junior high. (middle school) I'm sorta "good" friends with my crush, in the fall (like august 29, second day or school)and he rejected me. But he told me that he was goin to break up with his GF and he did but she told me(I'm friends with both of them(Bette friends with crush) but yeah) she said he said he
was just kidding and wanted to know her reaction???
So I'm scared to ask him out. How would I find out If he was really serios when he dumbed her (he doesn't know I still like him) or if so when should I ask him out (my school is having a dance march 15) my bday is march 18 so could I ask it from him as a present to go to the dance with me?
So over all I need help!!! I'm horrile with guys! And guys (if ur a male reading this) u don't want. To understand girl, girls understand girls and we hate each other!!!!!
Ps the guy who broke up with my friend but the. Said was kidding is my crush
4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoGuy help please??!!?!?
First.. Im in junior high. (middle school) I'm sorta "good" friends with my crush, in the fall (like august 29, second day or school)and he rejected me. But he told me that he was goin to break up with his GF and he did but she told me(I'm friends with both of them(Bette friends with crush) but yeah) she said he said he
was just kidding and wanted to know her reaction???
So I'm scared to ask him out. How would I find out If he was really serios when he dumbed her (he doesn't know I still like him) or if so when should I ask him out (my school is having a dance march 15) my bday is march 18 so could I ask it from him as a present to go to the dance with me?
So over all I need help!!! I'm horrile with guys! And guys (if ur a male reading this) u don't want. To understand girl, girls understand girls and we hate each other!!!!!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoOk, so, does the potato method of breaking your wrist or ankle?
Potato method-tie potatoes to your wrist(or ankle) over night the in morning take them off and whack it with a spoon. It should snap like a twig.
If you know other way of breaking my wrist quickly and easily, please leave them! Thanks(in advance)!!!! P.S. I'm extremely pain tolerant (and I mean it, when I was younger I had colon problems and that was camps 24/7 any way, I'm really pain tolerant)
I'm breaking my wrist tomorrow
Can you lt me know the complete details on this method?
I'm not crazy or depressed
I just want to beable to experince pain, I mean REAL pain. Something that is doctor worthy!
Pls don't try to talk me out of it, I will just still do it now matter what,
6 AnswersInjuries8 years agoa broken wrist?!?!?!?
i would like to know how to brake my wrist on purpose., i'm at home, in the morning i'm over weight and every body picks on me for it, i just would like to have sympathy for once in my life, but please don't try to talk me out of it and please don't call me an attention whore.
P.S. im extremly pain tollerent
2 AnswersInjuries8 years agoHow to identify a player?
Player as in a guy player
3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agowho was in the Beauty contest that started the trojan war?
i know Aphrodite was in it and i have to write a report on aphrodite (not asking to write a report about her in the answers) and she won the contest, but can you tell me who was in it and what happened?
2 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years agois this ok?!?!?!?!?!?
im going to dance with a guy whos 4'11"(im guessing by vision) and im 5'2" im a girl, will it just be weriod or what
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agois this a good idea?!?!?!?!?!?!?
so I'm planning on asking my crush to a dance by email, the email will look alitle like this,
to:bob (<-- fake name)
so, I was woundering if you would like to go to the semi-formal with me?
your truly,
Natalie ******
**if not a good idea please tell me another way to ask him out.**
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agodoes he like me or not?
ok so, i've caught my crush staring at me, we sit next to each other so its easy to figure out if hes staring at me and he passed at note to me today in a class where its strict no note passing or a detention, and out of the girls hes nicest to me. i dont know if hes being friendly or not, so please let me know if if possible can you tell me how 8th grade boys flirt.
thx love you all (not really but it like thanks but more meaningful)
5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agowhat ia some crearive ways to ask a boy to a dance?
we r friends but i like him and wsa planing to ask him to semi just dont know how to and p.s. im in middle school
2 AnswersDancing8 years agohow ask a boy to a dance? (semi formal)?
middle school
l "like" is dude
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago