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  • Are my best years gone?

    I used to think the best years of my life would be my teen years. Like I thought when I'd be teenager, I'd have lots of friends and spend lots of time with them and go on night-outs and meet and get to know girls and have lots of girlfriends and have the time of my life.

    But unfortunately I was wrong because instead the opposite happened. Like I got bullied a lot as a teenager and hardly had any friends and hardly got to know any girls and I never went on night-outs or had any girlfriends. I'm 26 now and I know I'm still young but it's just I can't get it out of my head that the best years of my life are gone and they didn't turn out the way I hoped they would at all.

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Do girls like shy and quiet guys?

    I ask this because when I was 16, I knew these two girls who criticized me because I was shy and quiet and they thought I was anti-social and they said that if I don't change I won't get good with girls or have a girlfriend or get married or anything.

    I'm 26 now and I haven't really seen those two girls since and I know it's stupid but I often think about what they said to me because I often wonder were they right about me because the truth is I've never been that successful with girls. I mean I used to think girls like shy and quiet guys like me (or at least that's what people say) but it seems I was wrong. It seems like girls prefer guys who are confident and outgoing.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I stop being a loser with girls?

    I'm 26 and I've only had one girlfriend in my life (but it didn't last long) and I'm still a virgin and most girls that I meet don't seem to be interested in me. I used to think getting a girlfriend would be easy for me because I was always told that I'm a nice and handsome guy and to get a girl to like me all I had to do was just be myself but it seems I was wrong unfortunately. I mean I don't even drink or smoke and I can be social when I want to be. People tell me that the right girl will come along eventually but sometimes I get tired of waiting for the right girl. I feel like I'll never meet the right girl or get married or start a family or anything. I don't know what I'm going to do because I feel like all other guys are being successful with girls while I'm failing with girls. Like one of my cousins and his girlfriend are now engaged and are getting married next year and my brother and his girlfriend are expecting their first baby.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I stop being a failure with girls?

    I used to think getting a girlfriend would be easy for me because I was always told I'm a handsome guy and I thought to get girls to like me all I had to do was just be myself. But it seems like I was wrong because I'm 26 and I've only had one girlfriend in my life and most girls that I meet are stuck-up and don't seem to be interested in me at all. I mean why can't girls be happy, lively and easy to get along with instead of being so stuck-up? I don't know what I'm going to do because I feel like I'll never meet the right girl or get married or start a family or anything. And I also feel like all other guys are being successful with girls while I'm not. Like one of my cousins got engaged to his girlfriend and are getting married next year and my brother and his girlfriend are now having their first baby.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why am I such a failure with girls?

    When I was younger, I thought I'd be very successful with girls because I was always told I was a handsome guy and I thought to get girls to like me all I had to do was just be myself. But it seems I was wrong because I'm 26 now and I've only had one girlfriend in my life and I'm still a virgin and most girls that I meet are stuck-up and don't seem to be interested in me at all. And I feel like all other guys are successful with girls while I'm a failure with girls. Like one of my cousins is now engaged to his girlfriend and they're getting married next year and my brother and his girlfriend are now having their first baby. And I often feel like I'll always be a loser with girls and I'll never find the right girl for me and I'll never get married or start a family or anything.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Do you think I'm a failure because I've never been successful with girls?

    I used to always think I'd be very successful with girls and have lots of girlfriends because I was always told I'm a handsome guy and I thought to get a girl to like me all I had to do was just be myself. But unfortunately I was wrong because I'm 26 now and I've only one girlfriend in my life and I'm still a virgin and most girls that I meet are stuck-up and don't seem to be interested in me at all. I often feel like all guys are succeeding with girls while I'm not. Like one of my cousins is now engaged and getting married next year and my brother and his girlfriend are now having their first baby. I feel like I'll never meet the right girl for me and never get married and have a family and end up alone.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is having too much dialogue in a book a bad idea?

    I ask this because I'm now trying to get my first book published and it's a children's fantasy book. But unfortunately it got rejected by the first publisher it was pitched to because they said my book has too much dialogue in it. But that's kind of my writing style; I let the dialogue tell the story. But do you think I should edit my book and have less dialogue and more descriptions because I don't want other publishers to say the same thing?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • How do I stop being a failure with girls?

    I'm 26 and I've never been that successful with girls for most of my life. I mean I've only had one girlfriend in my life but the relationship didn't last for very long. Most girls that I meet don't seem to be interested in me at all even though I've been told that I'm a handsome guy. I mean I used to think to get a girl to like me all I had to do was just be myself but it seems I was wrong because apparently most girls like guys who are confident and outgoing which I'm not. But people say that the right girl will come eventually but sometimes I get tired of waiting and I feel like I'll never meet the right girl and I'll always be a failure with girls.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I get confident around girls?

    I used to think that girls liked shy and quiet girls (like me) and I thought to get a girl to like me all I had to do was just be myself. But it seems I was wrong because a lot of girls I meet are stuck-up and don't seem to be attracted to me even though I've been told I'm a handsome and polite guy. But the problem is I don't know how to get more confident and outgoing around girls.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How do I find the right girl for me?

    I've always dreamed about finding the right girl for me but the problem is I've never been that successful with girls. I mean I'm 26 and I've only had one girlfriend in my life but the relationship only lasted a few months. And most girls that I meet these days don't seem to be interested in me at all even though I've been told that I'm a nice and handsome guy but it doesn't seem to be enough. People tell me the right girl will come along eventually but sometimes I get tired of waiting or I feel like it'll never happen to me and I'll end up alone and I'll never meet the right girl or get married or anything.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should I become an actor or a writer?

    I want to become either an actor or a writer. Like I was writing even at an early age but I never tried to get anything published. I took a break from writing and decided to give acting a chance because I attended a drama school and was told that I'm a good actor. But I found acting to be quite tough so I'm now back doing the writing and I'm currently writing a children's fantasy book. I know acting and writing are both competitive fields but if you ask me, I think acting is much more competitive because you're in competition with literally hundreds (or even thousands) of people who want to be discovered. I know this because when I was trying to become an actor, I got rejected at pretty much every audition that I went to. And I think I'm better-off doing writing even though I know it's very hard to get a book published but most people that I've showed my book to, seem to enjoy it. So I guess that's a good sign.

    8 AnswersTheatre & Acting4 years ago
  • How do I come up with names for the characters and locations of my writing?

    I like to give the names of the characters and locations of my stories strange but exotic names like they have in other book series like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia or The Lord of the Rings. But I'm running out of ideas for names and I was wondering could you give me some advice where I can get inspiration for names?

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Are the best years of my life gone?

    I ask this because I used to think that the best years of my life would be my teen years. Like I thought when I'd be a teenager, I'd have loads of friends and spend a lot of time with them and get to know girls and go out and have the time of my life. But unfortunately I was wrong because instead the opposite happened because I got bullied a lot and had hardly any friends when I was a teenager and hardly got to know any girls and hardly went out and I kept to myself most of the time because I was friendless. I'm 26 now but I can't get it out of my head that the best years of my life are gone and they didn't turn out the way I hoped they would at all.

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • What do you think of the Nickelodeon show, Zoey 101?

    I used to like Zoey 101 and used to watch it all the time when I was a teenager. But a lot of people seem to hate it and Jamie Lynn Spears. Like on IMDB it only has a rating of 5.9 and a lot of the reviews called the show cheesy, predictable and unrealistic. Well, I mean other Nickelodeon shows like Drake and Josh and iCarly had a lot of cheesy moments as well but they weren't as hated as Zoey 101.

    1 AnswerComedy4 years ago
  • Which is more competitive: acting or writing?

    I know both businesses are competitive. Like it's very hard to find a publisher to publish a book but if you ask me, I think acting is more competitive because you're in competition with literally hundreds (or even thousands) of people who want to be discovered. I know because I used to want to be an actor but I got rejected at pretty much every audition that I went to.

    6 AnswersTheatre & Acting4 years ago
  • Which business is more competitive: acting or writing?

    I know both businesses are competitive. Like it's very hard to find a publisher to publish a book but if you ask me, I think acting is more competitive because you're in competition with literally hundreds (or even thousands) of people who want to be discovered.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Why are some girls so stuck-up?

    I often have trouble finding a girlfriend because most girls that I meet are very stuck-up and unfriendly. I mean why can't girls be happy and lively and easy to get along with?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What years do you think are the best years of your life are?

    I ask this because I often ask myself have I wasted the best years of my life? I ask this because when I was younger I got bullied a lot and had a lot of trouble making friends in my childhood and teen years and I pretty much kept to myself and watched TV since I had no one to hang out with. But I'm now 26-years-old and I know I'm still young but I just can't get it out of my head that the best years of my life (my childhood and teen years) are gone and they weren't so good when I could've been hanging out with friends and going out with girls and having the time of my life and I feel like I'll never get those years back again.

    2 AnswersPsychology4 years ago