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Lv 31,066 points

Rosie Minestocie

Favorite Answers13%
  • Should I brake up with my bf?

    My bf has sovial media and doesnt want me to have social media. He is not willing to give it up as much as I did. Should I just call it quits? I also feel like he is using me because he only comes around when I have $ to spare.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • What do you think about Walking Dead this past Sunday?

    Did anyone see the sneak preview of the 7500 Walkers that will be attacking soon?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • In the Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 1 what did the kid get sick from? Was it the deer he ate?

    At the end of the episode what did the kid died of?

    5 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Anyone listens to reggaeton?

    I'm diverse when it comes to music. Anyone knows of any new artist that sing reggaeton?

    2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • What charity would you donate 100,000.00 to?

    If someone gave you 100,000.00 dollars towards a charity, which charity or charities will you give it to?

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Do Icy Queen and Amy sound similiar to you?

    I love both but I will say they both sound a little similiar do you?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Can eating alot of mushrooms in your diet harmful?

    I eat mushrooms in almost anything. Can it be harmful to eat to much of it?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I was fired and need to know if I will be able to collect unemployment?

    I was fired due to lottery shortages that I couldnt pin point due to multiple cashiers using the lottery machine. So to cover up these shortages I was using the days after cash deposit to put it into the lotto shortages. It got to the point where the shortages where to high and when my boss did a cash audit I was extremely short. Now my company did not have a policy in effect stating who gets written up for the shortages. I have e-mailed and spoke to my boss several times about these shortages and he disregarded my questions and gave me no real explanations on how to handle this. I was told by my boss to never contact human resources first with any employee issues, that I was suppose to contact him first about it. He never really forward any disciplinary write ups that I have e-mailed to him. My boss was always worried about making his bonus if we kept our cash shortages under 100.00 monthly. My lottery shortages where about that much daily and sometimes even more. I was afraid to loose my job so thats why I covered them shortages up. By the way we had 2 lottery machines that generated the sales together not seperately and the cashiers rung the sales up in there registers but our company never had a seperate drawer for lottery. The 2nd lottery machine was taken out the store after I was fired. This company never had a policy stating that only one person rings lottery and they didn't have a policy in effect stating who was to be blame for the shortages. They only have a policy in effect stating that employees are not play lottery on the clock. Most convenience stores and even department stores that I go to have a seperate drawer for lottery but not this company they ring up everything together. My boss had the nerves to contact the police department to tell them that I was stealing. I then had to go to the police station to file a report. Thank God the cops understood what I have done and I can't believe my boss didn't understand not one bit. My boss at the time called me every swear word in the book it was horrible and now I'm sitting home jobless and awaiting unemployment but not sure if I will get it. Not only I was afraid to loose my job I was more worried about my employees loosing there job so I took all the blame for it. It came to the point where I was putting money out of my own pocket to cover these shortages:(

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • sick and tired of female reality shows?

    Im so sick and tired of watching female reality shows I wanna kno what goes on in men heads or when they all alone with a bunch of guys without the wives. How about a TV reality show about men?????

    1 AnswerReality Television10 years ago
  • what would you do if you found your bf emails and dating sites?

    Ok my bf left his email open and I found alot of pics of naked women while we where dating and he said we werent official when he was receiving those pics. Should i dump him? I been seeing alot of new dating sites he enrolled in on his emails. What should I do? Is this just computer gimmick or is this real? Am I in denial? When I bring this to his attention is like is my fault for ruining our relationship because I'm being sneeky. What should I do? Someone help me.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • BF leaving to NY every week.?

    Ok I met my current BF in NY and he moved all his stuff in my home in CT and he has been leaving to NY every weekend due to his kids living there and his mom and family too. Should I be upset that he goes every weekend out there? Alot of my co-workers and friends tell me that this isn't commitment or healthy. What do you think?

    3 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Should I even give him a chance even after divorce?

    My exhusband wants to take me out to dinner. He said there are things we havent resolved even after the divorce. Should I go?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Is there something wrong in my BF head?

    I get very defensive when my boyfriend thinks I am lying when I am not. Its like he plays these mind games to have me to confess to something that I havent done. Is like I have to say yes I am lying to satisfy him. When in reality honest to God I had never lied to this man. This is the weirdest relationship i ever had with anyone. We havent argued in so long because I try to tell him everything and anything as every minute goes by. Is there something wrong with him? Is he the one with the problem?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is watching porn cheating or an intent to cheat?

    My boyfriend is addicted to porn which at times makes me feel self concious about our sexual relationship. Is this normal??????

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Is it fair that he won custody even proved to court that he was a bad father?

    My exhusband was awarded custody of our son. I presented in court that a few weeks before the custody battle he was caught with a DUI with my child in the vehicle and he was arrested. DCF brought my son to me at work and told me that the case was under investigation. He has been unemployed for 3 years and abused my oldest son and there is police records and DCF records of this and I presented this in court. But yet this wacko of a judge awarded him custody anyways. What can I do?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Is it against child support guidelines to pay child support to someone who pays child support to someone else?

    I was ordered by court to pay 122.00 a week in child support to my ex who has joint custody of my child along with myself. He pays child support in the amount of 82.00 a week to his ex for his daughter. I personally believe this is not fair. So basically I'm paying childsupport for his daughter who is not my responsibility and for my son. Can someone let me know if this is illegal.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago