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  • Have you ever had a foot cramp or leg cramp while having sex? ?

    If so, what do/did you do?

    do you just keep going or do you stop and start again after it goes away?

    I just wanted to see how common it is, my husband says it happens to him all the time and he just keeps going...LOL

    36 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need help about what to get for a father's day gift?

    Ok i know that people always seem to ask about what gifts to give to other people and most of us have no clue because we really do not know the person that they are buying a gift for. lol

    but I really am confused about what to get my dad for father's day this year. This will certainly be his last Fathers day alive as he has cancer and is only expected to live another 6 months and material items seem so much less important to buy someone who is about to die. so my question is what would you get for your father if you know he is dying and it is your last Fathers day with him?

    15 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • another question about gay marriage? Where do you consider the line to be that cannot be crossed?

    I know most of the people on here are for gay marriage and this is not a question of whether or not a person is for or against it but a question of the changes that should be made in favour of not just gay people but everyone who wants change. Under American law, certain conditions of marriage have always been nonnegotiable. A marriage joins (a) two people (b) of the opposite sex (c) who are not close relatives. since we are working so hard towards changing just a portion of that law are we going to change any of the rest of it?

    For example (A) two people-can we make marriage include 2, 3, or 4 people? What about not having it even be people at all? what about a person and an animal?

    (C) not close relatives-will we change it to include someone who wants to marry there brother or there sister? I am sure there are cases that people would want to change that part.

    Should the entire law be rewritten? Or should we just change certain parts of it?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How can i found out the status of an abandoned home?

    The house right across the street from mine has been abandoned...The original owner was delinquent on his mortgage and decided to abandon it and move to another state. The previous owner stated that he had no plans to ever pay on the mortgage again at this point.

    How can i find out if the house is even going to be for sale soon or within the next few years? If it is bank owned, in pre-foreclosure or even foreclosure? I am interested in purchasing the house if it is at a reasonable price preferably before or as soon as it is on the market...but would like to know how i can find out some information on the status of the home or how i would be able to even buy it. Where would i begin this research? Is there any websites that you can recommend? Also if they owed much more than the house is worth than would I have to pay what they owed or would it be listed at market value?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • strip club biases, what do you think?

    Women: Some straight women have gone to or go to strip clubs with their husbands and these are strip clubs which have female dancers. My question is…. Do you think that your man would go with you to a strip club (male review) that has only male strippers?

    Men: many of your girlfriends/wives have accompanied you to a nude female strip club. My question is …Would you be willing to go with her to a male review where there were only male strippers? It has been my experience that a completely straight man would never step foot in a strip club that has male nude dancers. So why do you think that a straight woman would go to a strip club that has female dancers?

    I just found this to be an interesting and different question… why do you think it is more acceptable and commonplace in our society for a straight female to go to a strip club which promotes female dancers and yet it is abnormal and taboo for a straight man to attend a strip club which promotes male dancers.

    37 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you think shows like Bridezilla and Platinum Weddings add to the divorce rate?

    Shows like Bridezilla and Platinum Weddings Glamorize the whole wedding process and make many women focus more on having a beautiful and expensive wedding than actually taking the time to think about the marriage that follows, including the men that they choose and inadvertantly choosing the wrong man, just to have the wedding. Do you think that these shows help in the divorce rate by placing so much emphasis and importance on "the perfect wedding" That women actually forget about the long term commitment and focus soley on their "special day"?

    I personally never cared about any of the wedding festivities, but do see a lot of women get so swept up by the thought of a wonderful wedding that it seems to be the only thing that they can think of. LOL

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago