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Lv 739,185 points

Rogue Christian: Lachrymose

Favorite Answers7%

^^Avatar is some rogue picture of an archer....obviously. Not my picture. ********* My name is Logan, but you may know me as the Lachrymose Lover. --R&S Regular, Liberal Christian, Mental Health Advocate I am the Lachrymose Lover. I'm generally a kind person and I hate debates even though I'm caught frequenting the R&S section of Yahoo! Answers. And for my friends who have my email, the facebook associated with it is a fake.I deleted my actual facebook a long time ago. What God is to me: My favorite Bible verse: Psalm 139:12: "Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee." © Official Yahoo Answers Profile. ✔ Verified Account. █║▌│█│║▌║││█║▌│║█║▌║▌ Original & Official, Celebrity

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