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Lv 618,928 points

Rogue Bullies

Favorite Answers18%

"Im sarcastic and I have a smartass attitude. Its a natural defense against drama, bullshit, stupidity and I don't give a fuck if your offended" Interests include dogs, cars/trucks, art, beauty, music, travel and the outdoors. I am a bully breed lover/owner I currently own an American Pit bull Terrier and a Bull Terrier. I will be showing/working true APBTs in the very near future. I plan to start a reputable breeding program as this breed has been damaged immensely. I am 100% against BYBs, Peta, &BSL. I don't believe in bunny hugging training methods. Dogs are dogs NOT humans. If you still believe that "pit bulls" are monsters you need to get a dose of reality and your facts stright. Start here: If you plan on breeding do it right! Bully breed questions? Please email me and get some real facts/answers. Don't buy into the media or myths! DON'T email me with any drama!

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