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Favorite Answers26%
  • Tips for renting with multiple pets?

    I've got seven months to find a new place to live (my current roommate and I have outgrown each other and he would prefer to stay in our current location).

    In many ways, I am a good tenant. Reliable income, clean, quiet, introverted, single, responsible and I don't ask for much.

    My only drawback is that I do have multiple (caged) pets.

    I am determined not to have to rehome anyone, so am hoping if I give myself enough time to look that I will not have to.

    I understand that with a parrot, a ball python, a bearded dragon, a hamster and four rats that I am certainly not every landlord's dream and most would rather take the lady with three cats lol.

    There is also the matter of a collection of twenty arachnids...yes, tarantulas.

    That said, everyone is up-to-date on vet checks and barring the rodents (who will be very old by the time I am moving) everyone has been with me a number of years.

    I do understand though there is a lot of prejudice and misinformation out there about the pets i have.


    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • What to do about friend/roommate?

    I currently live with a person I've been friends with for a couple years (we've only been living together about a year) and at this point I'm beginning to realize that he's a good 'hang out' friend but a terrible person to be actual close friends with and certainly roommates with.

    -He never picks up after himself---ever, his room smells and has trash in it.

    -He feels like he can order people around/take their things (I need your XYZ, so go get it for me).

    -He always has an excuse to why he can't be relied on or help you whilst simultaneously expecting and assuming you'll just fill in the gap (ie he'll just take off for days and I'll be texted a 'to-do list' for his animals----yet he never returns the favour and if I attempt to call in a return favour there's always some huge sob story about how he would but it would be risking his car, his livelihood, his safety....yet if he wanted to go or do something it 'd be done--even though the same weather conditions were happening).

    -He is the most forgetful, irresponsible, lazy guy I know. Doesn't clean the bathroom unless you get up his *** about it and then does a so-so half-effort. He can't keep track of when he last cleaned...or his animals. One of his snakes escaped and died but the only reason he knew it was missing was because *I* found it dead and called him over. He hadn't checked on it in nearly 5 days.

    -It just seems like he's always taking advantage of people and that you have to nearly rip his teeth out with pliers to get him to hold up his end....and he knows it and banks on the fact that he figures it's too much hassle----like an out of control toddler allowed to get his way. If I fork out a deal with him (we both have reptiles---so I agreed one time to make a big batch of frozen vegetable mix for both of us with the agreement he'd get the next one) magically now he doesn't have the cash/is waiting on a mythical payday that never seems to come or just 'forgets' and hides in his room hoping no one will come after him.

    -Now of course he's moving out because he doesn't have enough space (try cleaning -_-) and wants *more* animals (he can't take care of the ones he has) so needs a new apartment.

    Completely screwing over me and the other guy he lives with. Remind me never to be a freaking sucker again and *ever* you know...make adjustments in my life for the people I live with (and am close friends with) and their well-being. Nah man, we just get dropped and left behind when no longer convenient.

    I just....I wonder if confronting him would make any difference or if it's just kick his *** to the curb and take this as a lesson. Like I said, awesome pizza and beer night hangout buddy----terrible as hell roommate and close friend.

    Every once in a blue moon he'll suddenly randomly be nice---like he's cashing in currency to be a miserable jerk later with the claim that 'no, I give and do tons of things!'

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Is this too much noise in an apartment?

    We recently moved into an older style apartment block and are on the second floor.

    The only thing that could make me an unpleasant neighbour is my parrot.

    However, I don't think she is excessively noisy but I do worry about becoming 'that person' or receiving notices or complaints.

    Our apartment is an end unit, and the bird is in the back bedroom with no shared walls (minus the ceiling and floor as we have neighbours above and below us).

    Her cage is covered and she is quiet from 8-10 pm to 8-10 am.

    I have heard her (at her loudest) while standing in the building and at its worst she can be heard at a low (quiet conversation) tone in the hallway outside our door/in the stairwell.

    She isn't a particularly vocal animal, and unless something is wrong (she is frightened, something unusual happens) she has a 5-15 minute burst of noise (whistling, talking, barking etc) 3 times a day. Most of these noises are quiet, but sometimes she gets loud.

    When we moved in we asked if that was ok, and the landlord is lax and said that they expect people to live their lives. That if the bird squawked for fifteen minutes every three hours etc it wasn't an issue and they weren't going to do anything. My bird is quieter than that.

    The family upstairs has a few young kids who stomp around all day, so I can't say I'm *overly* concerned about them.

    There's a single older lady downstairs but I hope we're not disturbing her too much.

    I don't think its excessive or unreasonable noise....but I'm just curious as to what other people think.

    In the future we may consider a ground floor end unit as noise seems to be heard more from above than below---i.e I haven't heard the lady below me ever but I hear the above neighbours all the time

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • If humans are supposed to be vegetarians---explain me?

    I'm not here to debate morals or ethics---I see nothing morally wrong with eating animals. Plenty of other predatory animals do it and need to do so to survive. Myself included.

    My question is this then:

    Some vegans/vegetarians claim that the human body is designed to be vegetarian/vegan and that we are only polluting or damaging our bodies by being meat-eaters. That better health is to be achieved and that those who do not eat vegetarian are lazy, cruel and self-indulgent people with no self-respect because if they had some they'd eat 'properly'. That fat and meat are terrible and will kill you.

    So where does a being like me fit in? Explain me. I am, due to my physical reactions to certain foods, a nearly obligate carnivore in order to remain in good health. Like a cat or dog---I *can* eat grain products or legumes/soy etc and some veggies---but I suffer health consequences for it.

    I do best on small meals of lightly-cooked meat and fat---sometimes I don't eat for days and then I'll gorge on some rare steak though depending on my body's wants. Grains/legumes/soy/dairy/fruit and nearly all veggies (except for rare portions of well-cooked greens) cause me to gain weight, break out in acne, be exhausted, be stiff, be sore, constipated and cause my blood pressure to soar as well as constant lower back ache etc---interestingly I also pee dramatically less even if drinking tons of water. This persists even if following a healthy, low-calorie sensible diet---even with hours of exercise.

    I'm not asking anyone to change themselves, just saying perhaps re-examine the dogma---vegetarianism/veganism IS NOT how every human being was designed.

    25 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation? Please help?

    My current partner and I have been together for a little over a year, and we've lived together since three months into the relationship and I got pregnant unexpectedly (my IUD slipped).

    He was adamant that he didn't want the baby, but I kept it. Sadly (or thankfully since I'm 21 with a disability) I miscarried just before the start of my second trimester.

    Things only went down from there, but either out of guilt, devotion, or some weird sort of love I stayed.

    I don't want to hurt him, I never did and when he cries or acts sweet it pulls at my heartstrings and I just want to hug him.


    He's very distant and prefers to go play D&D or video games or lose himself in his computer (even though I wait all day for him to get home and depend on him to get around since I can't drive and where we live has no public transport).

    He says he loves me but I feel like I have to ask him for hugs and wtv.

    He has said that the only reason he doesn't want me to leave is because he won't know if I'll be safe, yet when I try to go he cries and says he loves me and I feel shitty and sad that we aren't working.

    I suffer from depression and this nagging feeling of unease, like something isn't right. But with the miscarriage, my chronically ill mom attempting suicide etc I don't know whether to trust how I'm feeling since I've lost hope or joy in everything else as well.

    I'm having a hard time feeling connected or attracted to him physically. The spark has absolutely gone out but I know that can be normal in long-term relationships plus we had a lot to go through.

    Even though I feel nothing at all some days, I do get jealous or hurt or sad when he talks to this other girl (who he admitted to wanting in the past) or goes out all night, or just rolls over and goes to sleep.

    I feel like I'm being a naggy clingy ***** every time I ask for us to make some plans together or maybe try to plan a future (I feel stagnant and want the relationship to progress...I want to do all of that terribly cliched girly stuff like decorate with him or pick out bedsheets or wtv...he just doesn't care).

    Big thing is his anger scares me. He either checks out on me emotionally or he explodes (last night we 'talked' and then all of a sudden he was like 'imma prove how much I love you!!!' and snaps all his video game time I said I was missing some excitement in our relationship and he was all like "is THIS enough excitment for you? and sped up really fast like he was gonna crash the car). He also turns his back on me and gets really quiet and then I get scared and when I try to hug him or hold his hand and ask him whats wrong he pushes me away. Also, sometimes if he gets upset and wants me to sit down and talk and I don't he'll block me from leaving or grab me or something...

    The first time we made out believe it or not I got scared. I felt really nervous and was like 'oh ****' and didn't trust him, so I just played along. I know I shouldn't of gone further with him then but...

    I don't like making him out to be like this. I want to believe the part of him thats good and sweet and dependable and loves me. Like he can't be that much of a monster. I want us to be ok. Reading this all back I know I have to go....but its never that easy

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Would you go or stay?

    My current partner and I have been together for a little over a year, and we've lived together since three months into the relationship and I got pregnant unexpectedly (my IUD slipped).

    He was adamant that he didn't want the baby, but I kept it. Sadly (or thankfully since I'm 21 with a disability) I miscarried just before the start of my second trimester.

    Things only went down from there, but either out of guilt, devotion, or some weird sort of love I stayed.

    I don't want to hurt him, I never did and when he cries or acts sweet it pulls at my heartstrings and I just want to hug him.


    He's very distant and prefers to go play D&D or video games or lose himself in his computer (even though I wait all day for him to get home and depend on him to get around since I can't drive and where we live has no public transport).

    He says he loves me but I feel like I have to ask him for hugs and wtv.

    He has said that the only reason he doesn't want me to leave is because he won't know if I'll be safe, yet when I try to go he cries and says he loves me and I feel shitty and sad that we aren't working.

    I suffer from depression and this nagging feeling of unease, like something isn't right. But with the miscarriage, my chronically ill mom attempting suicide etc I don't know whether to trust how I'm feeling since I've lost hope or joy in everything else as well.

    I'm having a hard time feeling connected or attracted to him physically. The spark has absolutely gone out but I know that can be normal in long-term relationships plus we had a lot to go through.

    Even though I feel nothing at all some days, I do get jealous or hurt or sad when he talks to this other girl (who he admitted to wanting in the past) or goes out all night, or just rolls over and goes to sleep.

    I feel like I'm being a naggy clingy ***** every time I ask for us to make some plans together or maybe try to plan a future (I feel stagnant and want the relationship to progress...I want to do all of that terribly cliched girly stuff like decorate with him or pick out bedsheets or wtv...he just doesn't care).

    Big thing is his anger scares me. He either checks out on me emotionally or he explodes (last night we 'talked' and then all of a sudden he was like 'imma prove how much I love you!!!' and snaps all his video game time I said I was missing some excitement in our relationship and he was all like "is THIS enough excitment for you? and sped up really fast like he was gonna crash the car). He also turns his back on me and gets really quiet and then I get scared and when I try to hug him or hold his hand and ask him whats wrong he pushes me away. Also, sometimes if he gets upset and wants me to sit down and talk and I don't he'll block me from leaving or grab me or something...

    The first time we made out believe it or not I got scared. I felt really nervous and was like 'oh ****' and didn't trust him, so I just played along. I know I shouldn't of gone further with him then but...

    I don't like making him out to be like this. I want to believe the part of him thats good and sweet and dependable and loves me. Like he can't be that much of a monster. I want us to be ok. Reading this all back I know I have to go....but its never that easy.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Should I even bother learning to ride?

    I did some theurapeutic riding as a young child (so as you can guess I have a disability), and from there I really liked horses, always wishing I could ride.

    Fast forward a decade and change (I'm 21) and I'm dying to try to learn to ride. I always put it off because I figured I'd never be able to---that and somewhere along the way I picked up a habit of being nervous around horses (that might have something to do with being familiar with prey animal mentality, being aware of my own physical frailness and some riding disaster stories from friends lol).

    However, I'm gonna just try n go for it.

    I am, however, a huuuge beginner and am pretty clumsy (my balance is terrible and if frightened/stressed my whole body goes painfully rigid)---but nothing, and I mean nothing helps the spasticity and pain like riding a horse. Despite being scared of their size, I love them and their energy.

    Knowing that most lessons are offered for a specific discipline, and way further down the road for me, that stables offering boarding train in specific disciplines...I'm a bit discouraged as I know that I'll never be doing anything more than plain riding at a walk, on a very small horse or pony (im 4 '11 and at a healthy weight about 105)---a trot if I'm very lucky. No dressage or jumping for me lol I'd fall right off the bat---even though I'd *love* to try.

    A friend who owns her own horses has offered to teach me what she knows so I could go with that. I guess I was looking more towards the future in the regards of if I should bother?

    I'd love to own my own someday, but worry that without being able to be trained in a discipline that I will not have the skills or help to do so. Like...I don't think any trainer would work with me etc given that I wouldn't go anywhere :(

    I could be wrong, I'm just a beginner and don't know anything---so please feel free to enlighten me :)

    12 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What would you do with this dog?

    I live with my partner and his family, and we are both 21.

    Due to financial issues, the family is having to move out of our current home. BUT, the issue is with his younger sister's young golden retriever who is *completely* unruly and out of control---(she basically did the whole omg cute puppy in a pet store thing) and who she pretty much leaves to his own devices in the house and neglects to pick up after him, brush him or walk him. He lies around in the house all day unless she feels like petting him or *maybe* taking him for a walk. Due to this dog, his mom is adamant that we *must* find a house to rent, and cannot go into an apartment.

    The problem I have with this is that my partner and I must pay 600 dollars of rent in order for that to happen, while she gets 'to save for university'. Meanwhile, his mother is frustrated with us for not going back to school or having any savings--we can't. Yet it is us who end up having to pay for things as his sister gets to save and his mom is adamant on being her own boss and working nice hours working for a call centre. We can't even save to move out right now as we are struggling to pay rent some months.

    It's a frustrating situation, and as much as I like dogs (I'm a huge animal person) I cannot help this dog, I don't have the time (I have pets of my own, a gecko and an african grey) or money to help him, plus his sister gets defensive if you try to offer advice or if you're 'mean' to him i.e. discipline him.

    Should we tell her to pay rent as well seeing as I don't think its right that we have to pay for the bigger house that her unruly neglected dog 'needs'.

    I am completely in agreement that my partner and I should pay rent, but its just a little excessive right now (I am disabled and make about 700 a month, he makes 1200--but we have phones, gas, other car bills, credit cards and etc to pay for---most debt is his due to the fact that when he was in school he was still having to give his mom 600 a month and he was making less)...

    He would like to go back to school (he graduated from CEGEP--which is sort of like grade 12 here--but could not continue on as I got pregnant unexpectedly--but I miscarried) and we just haven't been able to get back 'in the game' so to speak.

    I personally think that if she's not going to help and provide for her dog that no one else should have to suffer the annoyance and responsibility of him---all he does is make other people in the house miserable and he is miserable himself. So I would think that being given to a good home or rescue would be the smart and responsible thing to do, rather than being unable to admit that she doesn't have the time, means or motivation in her life right now to care for him. If not, its time for everyone else in the house to stop enabling her (everyone else makes sure he's fed, walked or picked up after) and that she care for him properly.

    11 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Need help---can't feel love for him, want to!?

    I'm struggling with feeling love and attraction towards my partner. He's a wonderful, charming, loyal and dedicated man and has put up with all my drama and health issues (mental and physical). But its like there's this wall of anxiety that wants me to get out and feels no attraction towards him and feels relief but loss when we break up, like when we're in the moment of breaking up I feel numb but guiltly happy, but then once he's gone I miss him so much and feel sick at the thought of him with anyone else. But then I go numb again.

    I just, I can't kiss him or let him cuddle me. I feel so spacey and numb I just want everyone to go away and I hate admitting I feel no love anymore. I want us to be together again. I do.

    Everything went bad after I got pregnant and unexpectedly miscarried, I feel so numb and we've only argued and fallen apart since then (almost 8 months ago) but we're trying to hang tough. Even though we've drifted apart, gotten emotionally and sexually attracted to other people...there's just some sense of we have to be together or things don't seem right. But...I can't kiss or make love to him. I just can't. Following my miscarriage my mother (who's had open heart surgery after being near death with an aneurysm) has only spiraled and I am simply put. Drained. My doctor recently started me on celexa (an SSRI) and of course the side effects aren't helping.

    I just, I don't know what to do. He's here and I'm constantly checking how I'm reacting or feeling or thinking or obsessing and feeling guilty and I want him gone, he leaves and I realize how much I need and love him. Help me, I don't want to give up a good man.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Small companion animals in public buildings?

    I'm not talking dogs/cats---but geckos, pet birds.

    Just curious---but

    Obviously you wouldn't be allowed to walk your 100 pound dog in a mall, or bank etc. But *apparently* while stopping to grab a bite at the local tim hortons---some friends of mine brought their leopard geckos (kept on their persons at all times---like on their hats and in their sleeves) in and sat down. (I actually brought my leo in once---but she was kept under my buttoned up coat---I was transporting her and it was winter---couldn't exactly leave her in the car)

    My reaction was one of disbelief---I figured it was illegal. Anyway, apparently they were approached by a girl who brought her cockatiel everywhere and told so long as the animal was small and could be held in your hands (like a small dog, gecko, rat etc) and properly contained on your person and not walking around on the floor that it was ok to do so as she had done the research and found no laws saying otherwise.

    My friend's father, who is a veteran on the policeforce also agreed when asked if this was true and said he believed it was true---which is why i'm wondering---ordinarily just some stranger saying it would give me doubts.

    I'm really curious to see if this is the case as I have a rescued timneh grey who loves to travel and hates being alone---so if its ok I would like to purchase a small purse-like carrier for her and bring her around so she isn't left alone and starts plucking her feathers (as she often does). I also suffer from PTSD and depressive/anxiety issues so she is a great emotional/mental help to me both in the home and outdoors so that I can control the paranoia, hypersensitivity and be more stable.

    Any ideas? I live in Montreal, Canada.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Bringing small pets in public places?

    I'm not talking dogs/cats---but geckos, pet birds.

    Just curious---but

    Obviously you wouldn't be allowed to walk your 100 pound dog in a mall, or bank etc. But *apparently* while stopping to grab a bite at the local tim hortons---some friends of mine brought their leopard geckos (kept on their persons at all times---like on their hats and in their sleeves) in and sat down. (I actually brought my leo in once---but she was kept under my buttoned up coat---I was transporting her and it was winter---couldn't exactly leave her in the car)

    My reaction was one of disbelief---I figured it was illegal. Anyway, apparently they were approached by a girl who brought her cockatiel everywhere and told so long as the animal was small and could be held in your hands (like a small dog, gecko, rat etc) and properly contained on your person and not walking around on the floor that it was ok to do so as she had done the research and found no laws saying otherwise.

    My friend's father, who is a veteran on the policeforce also agreed when asked if this was true and said he believed it was true---which is why i'm wondering---ordinarily just some stranger saying it would give me doubts.

    I'm really curious to see if this is the case as I have an timneh grey who loves to travel and hates being alone---so if its ok I would like to purchase a small purse-like carrier for her and bring her around so she isn't left alone and starts plucking her feathers (as she often does).

    Any ideas? I live in Montreal, Canada.

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • Vegetarians/vegans---what say you to obligate carnivores?

    A lot of the radical vegans and vegetarians would accuse me of disliking animals and hurting my health by eating meat.

    Now---I would love to become a vegan/vegetarian---if it wouldn't kill me.

    I am largely grain and bean intolerant, and have bad skin reactions to soy. I even limit sweet potatoes and potatoes (other starchy veggies as well) as they cause me to gain weight and be very bloated and unwell. Also lactose intolerant.

    So I ask you, what does someone like me do? How does the veg community respond to someone like me? Obviously eating veg isn't an option for me, but I'd like to think just because I'm a carnivore that I don't hate my fellow animals.

    16 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Is there any hope, or are we best left in the past?

    We broke up (again---we've had a lot of should we call it quits and 'breaks') yesterday and I'm sad that we can't be back together. I iniatiated it though and realize that if we ever do, that I've got alot of issues to work through. Of course that leaves me scared that in that time I'm trying to fix myself the desire to be with each other will fade and we will both move on.

    I did it because I'm one of those 'push-pull' sort of never can be happy people. He's there, I feel smothered and angry and want greener pastures, he leaves and I feel so alone and empty and grieve because he really is a nice guy and has been great and put up with all my crap. He's the most comfortable I've been with anyone.

    But, once we get together, all I do is feel irritated, moody and find him sexually unttractive and keep 'innocently' finding ways to talk about, 'well you know, if we broke up...' then he finally says fine, I'll let you go' and I freak out. When he's not around I'm thinking and saying 'gods i'm free' or 'yeah he's great but X'....but as soon as he's gone...or if he's here all I can do is cry and think about how royally I ****** up. soon as he's back I'm complaining to friends about him.

    I know the behaviour isn't healthy. I know, I have a history of slashing and burning bridges be it with family, friends or lovers. I just don't know what to do about it. Because I can't go back to him and keep doing this, so if I go back this must be dealt with.

    We have had our problems...very early on I got pregnant accidentally and subsequently miscarried and we couldn't agree on what to do about the pregnancy, and from there...well...the 'spark' just fizzled out. My mother was also hospitalized.

    I'm just really sorry things turned out this way, and even though yeah I'm excited to be out and about and feeling like I can be myself again (and again, not because he prevented me, but because I changed and prevented myself from being me inside the relationship and plus got all paranoid and insecure and demanding and feeling unloved etc.) I just really feel like I might of missed the right exit so to speak, like I had this great dude and I messed up. I'm angry and sad that I can't be happy with him and love him. I'm mad that I just at this point want mindless good sex that I havent had in months with an ex.

    I'm a terrible person, gods I know, there something I can do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I broke up with him because its best for him, but I want it to work?

    We broke up (again---we've had a lot of should we call it quits and 'breaks') yesterday and I'm sad that we can't be back together. I iniatiated it though and realize that if we ever do, that I've got alot of issues to work through. Of course that leaves me scared that in that time I'm trying to fix myself the desire to be with each other will fade and we will both move on.

    I did it because I'm one of those 'push-pull' sort of never can be happy people. He's there, I feel smothered and angry and want greener pastures, he leaves and I feel so alone and empty and grieve because he really is a nice guy and has been great and put up with all my crap. He's the most comfortable I've been with anyone.

    But, once we get together, all I do is feel irritated, moody and find him sexually unttractive and keep 'innocently' finding ways to talk about, 'well you know, if we broke up...' then he finally says fine, I'll let you go' and I freak out. When he's not around I'm thinking and saying 'gods i'm free' or 'yeah he's great but X'....but as soon as he's gone...or if he's here all I can do is cry and think about how royally I ****** up. soon as he's back I'm complaining to friends about him.

    I know the behaviour isn't healthy. I know, I have a history of slashing and burning bridges be it with family, friends or lovers. I just don't know what to do about it. Because I can't go back to him and keep doing this, so if I go back this must be dealt with.

    We have had our problems...very early on I got pregnant accidentally and subsequently miscarried and we couldn't agree on what to do about the pregnancy, and from there...well...the 'spark' just fizzled out. My mother was also hospitalized.

    I'm just really sorry things turned out this way, and even though yeah I'm excited to be out and about and feeling like I can be myself again (and again, not because he prevented me, but because I changed and prevented myself from being me inside the relationship and plus got all paranoid and insecure and demanding and feeling unloved etc.) I just really feel like I might of missed the right exit so to speak, like I had this great dude and I messed up. I'm angry and sad that I can't be happy with him and love him. I'm mad that I just at this point want mindless good sex that I havent had in months with an ex.

    I'm a terrible person, gods I know, there something I can do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Abort/keep/adopt, what should I do?

    Now, before any of you get on your religious/moral high horses---I was *NOT* irresponsible or lazy.

    I am twenty, currently living off bursaries and going to college, hoping to get into University with two degrees to really widen up my avenue (pet-assisted or creative therapy---hence the double degrees in creative arts as well as psychology). My family is pretty scattered and I more or less am estranged (live with my grandparents but they're more landlords than family). I have a physical disability and quite a bit of emotional baggage from my background (which makes employment difficult).

    Yet, here I am currently 5 (or 3 depending on how you count it) weeks with my first child. I had a copper IUD placed in about a year ago as I am allergic to condoms (all of them more or less) and a history of blood circulation issues and physical issues that would make hormones or diaphragms etc difficult. And still, I conceived with the IUD in place. The father knows and he will support my choice regardless and we are very happy together but still have only been together a few months.

    I am opposed to abortion emotionally most of the time and morally all the time. I know/feel it is murder. However, adoption does not seem a viable responsible choice for me either as I personally have family members who grew up in foster care and I am well aware of the abuse they suffered and feel it wrong to put this child in the same potential spot. As well, there are so many unwanted children.

    Honestly, what it comes down to is I never really wanted kids. I don't. I had an IUD placed for a reason. I respect this little soul's right to life but am unsure of what to do in the face of that I don't think I want it or that I will be able to function and raise it properly considering my emotional trauma. I respect its right to life and wouldn't want anything bad to happen (I am eating very well, no smoking/drinking/caffeine etc and taking my vitamins) to it. But really, I wanted to have a very free sort of creative life without many long term plans or investments, and I struggle as it is to have enough energy to bond to my parrot (who I am also worried about if i have this child) and to my partner---and feel I want to achieve 'success' with them before adding another life. Like I finally felt like I was digging myself out of the hole financially etc and now I'm throwing myself back in to the hole with this child.

    Truth be told, I flip flop alot due to the hormones and that I had a pre-existing depression. And sometimes I think this child may be the thing that gives me purpose and lifts me up---but then what of my parrot, my aspirations and my dreams?

    I have a plan in place and support to assure the child would be ok if I decide to keep. I just don't know what to do. Everything has felt like just too much energy and effort in the past year or so.

    8 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What do I do about this rent issue?

    Last summer-ish I moved into my paternal grandparents home.

    The agreement was my rent was to be $100 dollars a month to pay for what I ate.

    Now, here's the issue. I eat Paleo, which basically means I only consume meats, veggies, nuts and fruits. And although $100 a month is a slim bill grocery-wise it should assure me at least something on a daily basis.

    BUT THERE'S NOTHING. My food money is going to buy their bread and beer and cereals....I just gave them rent two days ago and there's nothing in the fridge for me to eat and yet!! there's 3 new cases of beer and 2 loaves of bread and 4 new boxes of cereal!!!

    I'm really frustrated and angry that I'm scrounging off bacon, lunch meats, eggs and (omg) occaisionally a bag of spinach. This isn't any healthier!!

    I want desperately to keep the rent money and do my own groceries (or *something* at least) but am unsure of how to bring up this issue with them in a productive way.

    FYI: I have to eat this way as I am intolerant of dairy, certain grains and indeed sugars and etc---I was insulin resistant and always tired prior...adhereing to this regime has brought me a 40 pound weight loss that continues and much more energy (I can now go 16 hours fully energized and get 8 sound hours of sleep).... so really this is not just a me being weird and picky but a 'i need to do this for my health!' thing.

    I just don't know how to bring it up without getting into a fight or etc. Any ideas? In my mind I could just buy my own groceries and add that to the out to the same.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What should I do about him? What does he want?

    About two months ago my boyfriend left me giving me a few random and ever changing reasons....everything from that young adult life crisis to him no longer being in love with me to my cockatiel being too much baggage.

    Fast forward to now and he's kept in close contact with me (he literally said we're over but i want to be friends in the same sentence)... he says we're done but I'm confused.

    -he contradicts himself a lot, like saying i wish we could be together so we'd both be happier and then when i express hope for the future he snaps on me and says i dont want to be with you

    -sober he's cold and aloof, but if he's tired, drunk or stoned he acts very sweet and like he did when we together and its very touchy feely and flirty (altho he then blames it on me and says he was just playing along)

    -he drunk texts me at like 3 am and says he's sorry he hurt me and he never wanted to cause me pain and etc---but then says he finds me sexually attractive and loves me just not romantically but he's not into one night stands so he doesnt want to lead me on especially becuz (he claims) he is asexual (he is NOT).

    -if i cut off all contact he finds reason to contact to tell me his phone's working etc. or to ask me what garlic bread is in french.

    -he's constantly saying he met these new girls who 'ironically' look like me or have the same name

    -he always wants hugs

    -he has said i miss sleeping with you just not sexually or romantically (?)

    In a way im happy we seperated bcuz we both had alot going on and couldnt give the relationship the attention it deserved and we had a lot to work on (and the relationship became the thing that brought out the worst in us---and it became something we took for granted and we ended up just venting to each other andd stuff)....but now that we're both back on track and know what went wrong i'd like to try again. I just need to figure him out.

    Any ideas?

    -the only other piece that doesnt fit is he's tried to set me up with a) my childhood friend and then b) a friend of his...this suggests he's moved on...but the rest doesnt.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Stocking for 20 gallon?

    I have a twenty gallon that I recently cleared out and cleaned up---(its still cycled though)

    Im at a loss as what to put in it (I bought six rummynose tetras to keep it going--but otherwise the tank is empty minus the plants)

    The tank runs at about 82 F and has an aquaclear 20 (might be 30) and a biowheel 150 running on it.

    What can I add to the tank fish-wise? (The water around my place is about neutral ph-wise and sort of soft)

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Expensive but low-maintenance pets?

    Long story short my bf and I ended up with just over a grand of 'in-store credit' at a local pet store that unfortunately cant be used for anything but another 'livestock' (this doesn't include the accesories said livestock would need) purchase--so we'd need it to be a fairly expensive pet.

    When I say low-maintenance its in terms of attention. I dont mind doing maintenance like cleaning and etc.

    I just need something that doesnt want attention and that wont kill my parrots----so a snake is out of the question obviously---I was thinking a large aquarium.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Pervasive personality issues---destroying my life?

    I'm uncomfortable around strangers, family members (most of the time) and just find people in general to be horribly intrusive, anxiety-provoking and if I'm having a particularly Sartre-like day frankly a waste of time. Most of the time I just really, inherently do not know what to say or how to say it with any genuine enthusiasm or interest.

    I have a few, very few solitary interests that I do in my own really...I don't feel like I have much to say because I don't have much in common with others in my age group (I'm 19).

    I don't read tabloids, don't ask me about the latest music and its highly unlikely I've seen the latest videos, movies or tv series.

    You would think that yeah, that being said I'd be happy to be alone and off doing my own thing because I'm convinced I'm just not cut out to be social. I mean well.....but lets face it certain people are not meant to be sociable.

    But, whenever I see either my partner, or an acquaintances pictures of them out having fun with 'real' friends and things like that man I get jealous. I wish I could be like that. But...let's face it, I'm a bit awkard, disabled and certainly not secure or attractive enough to get anywhere near a camera.

    It would be so much easier if I could just be alone and like it---instead of wanting to be something I'm not

    If it helps...professionals have suggested everything from complex ptsd, borderline personality, attachment disorders, social anxiety and heck---on screening tests for asperger's I scored 40 (32 being the cut-off point for not being suspected of aspergers---with the neuro-typical score being 15 or so).

    I just...I wish there was an answer to this.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago