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  • Could this be labor??!?

    I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow. I'm 3-4cm dilated and my dr stripped my membranes yesterday. I've been really nauseous since I woke up this morning, have cramps, and my boobs are really tingly. Just wonder if I should start preparing(my bags already packed, I mean like the little last min things)??

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • I can't be showing already can I?

    I am 5wks pregnant with baby #4 and my clothes are already getting tight!! It's crazy! My mom web told me the other day that my stomach looked "all swollen". My oldest just turned 5, my son is will be 4 in june and my youngest is almost 6months. So I this is my 4th pregnancy in 6yrs. With that said, could I be starting to show already?!!

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Did anyone have any luck taking castor oil?

    I'm 38 weeks today with my 3rd. My dr stripped my membranes this morning and told me to take castor oil tomorrow to hopefully go into labor. Did this working for anyone?

    What about the stripping of the membranes?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How did you feel the day went in to labor?

    Tired, energetic,good,crappy?.

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How long afte u lost ur mucous plug did u go into labor?

    I am 37 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby. Had an exam yesterday and I am 1-2 and 50% effaced. Went to the bathroom today and lost my mucous plug(thick yellow discharge streaked with bright red blood). I know it can still mean labor is weeks off, but has anyone lost their plug and gone Ito labor shortly after??

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Do you think that our lil girl will be here soon?

    I am 37wks with baby #3. Had my 1st @ 37wks and 2nd @ 36wks. Went to the dr today and she said that I am 3cm, 80%, soft and baby is a +1 station. I know that she will come when she is ready, but do you think it will be soon???

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Just diarrhea or preterm labor?

    I have had diarrhea since 8am with horrible cramps and indigestion. I don't know if it's just a lil bug or preterm labor(which I have a hx of). The cramping is so bad I can't even lay down. Should I call the dr or just wait it out?

    I am 28+1 wks and this is my 3rd baby. Went for routine appt yesterday and was 20% effaced, soft, and the outer os was open but the inner was closed

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What do u mommies think?

    I am 27weeks pregnant with #3. Had preterm labor with both previous pregnancies. Had my 1st @37wks after being dilated 3cm at 32weeks. Had my son @36wks after having shots to stop labor at 32 and was 4.5cm.

    Went to the dr yesterday to find out that I am already 20% effaced, my cervix is soft, and that outer part is open but inner in closed. I am used to having issues with pregnancies an have been trying to take it easy as they put me on "home rest". But not this early on. Anyone else have this problem and go into labor really early??

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Braxton Hicks or preterm labor?

    This is my 3rd pregnany, I had pre term labor issues with my past 2 pregnancies. Resulting in bed rest and shots to stop my contractions. I am 22 weeks +5 days. I have been having "contractions" on and off since about 8 pm last night. I am also having pains in the lower middle part I my stomach. I don't know if I should call the dr or just try to hold off till my appt Wednesday morning??

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • What name do u like better?? ?

    Mallee Grace or Briella Grace???

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Waiting for the dr to call me back?

    But I am having Some type of contractions, a lot of pressure and some itching. What do u think they r gonna tell me?? Do u think they

    will be sending me to the hospital?? Wondering if I should start making arrangements for my lil ones?

    I am only 17weeks and have had pre term labor before but much later on in my pregnancy than this.

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Should I call the dr or Just wait it out?

    I will be 17 weeks tomorrow. I haven't felt good all day and now am having really bad cramping and back pain. To the point that I can't talk. It's not consistent and is coming and going. It almost really feels like contractions. This is my 3rd pregnancy do I know what contractions feel like.

    I am just getting scared I went into labor with my 2nd at 32 weeks and they stopped it. What do u think these pains could be from???

    7 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Should I be feeling the baby kick by now?? ?

    I am 16weeks and 5days pregnant with baby #3. Should I be feeling the baby kick by now?? I am starting to get nervous because I think that I should by now, especially with this being my 3rd pregnancy in 4 yrs! What do u think??

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What are the chances of finding the out the gender at 18wks?

    So my dr gave me my orders for my 20wk ultrasound at my last visit. If i have the ultrasound done at 18w and 2days, do u think they we will be able to tell us the sex?? This is my 3rd but my 1st two were at about 21weeks. I'm dying to know!!

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Experiences from other mommys?!?

    I am pregnant with my 3 child. And I had a ? About going in to labor, so any help help would be great!

    I had my first at 37 after being on bed rest from 32-36weeks due to dialating so early.

    I had my 2nd at 36weeks after going into labor at 33weeks and havin the shots to stop the contractions( I was also 5 1/2 cm dialated by 35weeks).

    With that said, do u think that I am going to go early with this baby too?? Oh and btw, my labor broke with both previous deliveries. I just want to kinda be prepared for this again. Plus with a 4 and 3 yr old, I have to make sure I have arrangements.

    So if any other women have any advise or personal experience, I would love opinions!! Thanks!!

    Ps my dr is already convinced I will go early again...

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Can stress cause contractions at 15wks? ?

    I has a horrible day yesterday. We found out that so done has been using my 2 yr old insurance some time ago and that my husband has a few medical accounts in collections because of it. They have his social security # and everything. This is stressing me out soooo bad and has me sooo upset. Could this be harmful to the baby and possibly be causing all the cramps and pains???

    Ps this is all fault of the Hospitl for not verifying any of this persons info, and we see a lawyer on Monday

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • what do you think about this name?/?

    I am currently pregnant with baby #3. I have a girl Makenzie and a Boy Jaxson now. What do you think about the name Mally for a girl?? Do you think it goes with the other too??

    I really like Mally-Lynn, but i dont wanna hyphenate the name. what about these spellings?



    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is it normal to cramp like this?

    I am 13w 2d with my 3rd child. Last night I had a some cramping almost like mental pain. Today I have really bad pains that keep coming and going across my lower belly. Idk if I should call the dr or just wait it out and see if it stops??

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • I need a name for this nickname ?

    So I really like the name Mally. But it is to short for the babies actual name. I need some poisons of names that we could use the nickname Mally with. We have a Makenzie(Kenzie) and Jaxson(Jax) now. Any suggestions,???

    5 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • When do Braxton Hicks contractions start? ?

    I am 13 weeks pregnant with my 3rd in 5 yrs. could I be feeling braxton hicks this early??

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago