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  • Your opinion of each zodiac sign?

    Just curious once more... whaddya think about each of the twelve zodiac signs? The answers don't need to be long... just a short overview of your experiences with every sign. Oh, and please tell me what yours is...^^

    So, here goes for me:

    Aries: I like Aries. I always got along great with them. They're good pals.

    Taurus: Ah, I love Tauruses! My sister's one, and she's great. Well, she has some Sagittarius influence, which makes her a bit more agressive than most Tauruses. But she's ambitious and hard-working. But I always got along well with Taurus.

    Gemini: Hm... not met many yet. But with those few I know, I always got along with greatly.

    Cancer: For a Fire Sign, I get along unusually well with Cancerians. There was that one who came for a week working where I currently am working. We clicked instantly. I prefer them not to be too shy, however... they also can be too clingy and too moody. But else... nice fellas.

    Leo: My love-hate sign. I really don't now wether I like Leos or not. They have their good qualities. But they can have way too huge egos and can be too bossy. I know, because I am surrounded by Leos... Some Leos are the people I like the most but others are the oneswhich I had the most trouble with.

    Virgo: I have yet to meet a Virgo I really really like. So far, the Virgos I met (thinking of two specific ones) were weird.

    Libra: I like Libras. I got along with them well so far. One, however, was a bit too timid... but on the other hand, cute.^^ My cousin, also a Libra, is not this shy.

    Scorpio: Never got really to know any Scorpio. But so far I got along well with the ones I met.

    Sagittarius: Uh, my sign... need I really to elaborate? I love us... with one exception. There's one Sagittarius I wished would give more attention to my sister rather than hugging and hearting me... her godmother.

    Capricorn: Don't know them too well... but one of my cousins is one. And he's a gentleman incarnate. He's got that smiling face (leading me to invent the expression "Smile of Capricorn"), and as also a nice personality.

    Aquarius: Again, don't know any deeply, but so far I got along well with those I met.

    Pisces: I think I have a special link to Pisceans. I like them and get along well with them, despite them being a water sign. Maybe it's Jupiter...?

    So, now it's your turn, folks.^^

    7 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Your opinion about the three fire zodiac signs?




    What do you think about each of them? Which one is your favourite and why? And, what is your zodiac sign?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What are your opinions on Switzerland and the Swiss people?

    And from which country are you?

    3 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Which zodiac signs you think each Eragon character has?

    They are:

















    Queen Islanzadi




    King Orin





    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Which one of the three fire signs would you choose as a leader?

    If you had to choose between three leaders, one of each of the three fire signs, which one would you follow? And why this?

    Oh, and I guess there are people who would write a Sign of another element as an answer to this question. You may - but please answer the question nevertheless. And the question is about the fire signs. Thanks already in advance for your answer.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • To people with Leo parents: what is your relationship like?

    I am a Sagittarius, and my father and his companion are both Leos. And both can be the worst parents on the whole planet (especially she)! Of course, they have their good sides, but the problem is, the bad ones are way stronger. I hardly was as angry about them as the last two three weeks. They always manage to make me almost explode. See, there is a time I always think "now things are improving. Finally". But then, there is always again a sentence (mostly from her), and I almost explode again. Honestly, I ask myself how at certain words from her I could remain quiet and not yell out at her. Because it was never much left and I would have done it. Pure strenght of will, I guess. I admit that my father's companion did things others might not have. But few. And I always tried to tell me that it is difficult for her as she hasn't had children of her own and came as a "stranger" to our family (my real mother died - she was a Cancer. I wonder sometimes how it would be if she still was alive). But that doesn't work anymore. Her problem is, she alwas points out other's mistakes (and sees mistakes where none are), but she herself "does not make any mistakes". I admit that she's right about certain things, but not about all. And she does not admitt her own mistakes. Ugh. The only reason I always literally "abused" myself to contain myself is, that if I had started to shout back, it sometime might have turned out so nasty, she might have gone. And that I could not do to my father and sister. Nope. I couldn't have lived with it.

    My Leo grandfather on the other hand I like very much... So, to any people whose parents (or only father or mother) are Leos, how do you get along with them? And what is your own sign?

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on the Papal Swiss Guard?

    Oh, and please do NOT make fun of them! Because they are serious soldiers with a difficult task. I understand that their uniforms may seem funny to some people, but please, contain yourselves. The Swiss Guards are NOT about fun. They're trained soldiers.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on the zodiac sign Sagittarius?

    And what is your own zodiac sign?

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Your opinion on the zodiac sign Sagittarius?

    And what is your own sign?

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What do you like about each Zodiac Sign, and what not?

    What characteristics do you like and dislike in each Zodiac Sign?

    Which Signs do you like, which not?

    And what is your Sign?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn: What do you think about each other?


    Scorpios, what do you think about Sags and Caps?

    Sagittarians, what do you think about Scorps and Caps?

    And Capricorns, what do you think about Scorps and Sags?

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on each Zodiac Sign?

    And what is your sign?

    12 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Your opinion on the Swiss people and Switzerland?

    And where are you from?

    1 AnswerOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Your opinion on the three fire zodiac signs?

    Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    Which one do you prefer? And what is your sign?

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago