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Lv 612,802 points

Motörhead Fan

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I'm 26, an ex British Soldier and live in the North West of England I am here to share my knowledge. yes I know I often reply with witty answers, but most of the time, if I can help, I will. you'll find me answering the majority of stuff, if you want to join my contacts, then please send me an email, otherwise I will NOT add you

  • The North/South divide?

    Why do those in the south of England always see themselves better than their Northern counterparts? Why can't they give Northerners the same rights and privileges they the south enjoy? Why does the south continue to steal Northern money to pay for southern entertainment and then demand extra money from us up here in the North? For that matter, why is it, when someone on the news is representing the United Kingdom, why do they think a southerner can universally represent all of Britain? Why don't they think of asking a Midlander, a Welsh person, a Scot or even a Northerner

    12 AnswersOther - United Kingdom10 years ago
  • Do bullies have some secret to hide?

    Is that why they always single someone out? Because they don't want to be bullied themselves?

    I went to school from 1997-2001. I got bullied for liking things that were different, I got bullied for liking Rugby League instead of football, I got bullied because I liked to read and draw, because I had (at the time, and still to this day) a liking for classic rock rather than the mainstream dance/hip-hop music that was out at the time. I got bullied for my accent because I came from a different town. I was quite open about myself, thinking that if I had nothing to hide, I had nothing to worry about or fear.

    Thing is, I'm starting to wonder, did the person who bullied me have a secret to hide, or was he just an out and out coward who had to take his frustrations out on someone?

    Funny how he said I was worthless and a coward, yet I did 4 years with the British Army (of which I did a tour of Afghanistan) and have worked my entire life to get where I am now.

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Which classic rock song is this verse from?

    Have you seen her? So fine and pretty, fooled me with her style and ease, and I feel her from across the room. Yes, it's love in the third degree.

    10 points if you can tell me which song that comes from

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Why do people outside of Britain do this?

    Whenever a foreigner speaks to someone from the UK, why do they automatically think we're all from london?

    Not everyone in Britain is from london

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How did you meet your partner?

    I met my girlfriend at her place of work while I was out for the evening. Been with her for 2 years!

    How about you?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What everyday activities do you do while listening to music?

    I cook, clean, wash up and do my laundry and Ironing while listening to music.

    How about you?

    8 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • In the Call of Duty: World At War games for the PS3 and Xbox 360?

    Do I get to fight as different nations, and if so, which are they?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What was the name of that film?

    That featured the Monster Truck, "Bigfoot"? I can't remember at all.

    My girlfriend just saw an advert on TV for a Monster Truck show next month, and, like me, she remembers "Bigfoot", just not the film it was in.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Which fictional character and real celebrity do you have a crush on?

    I have a crush on Lucy Liu for about 3 years

    I have had a crush on Catwoman for longer than that

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • film based on the book?

    I heard a rumour that they are doing a film of Rainbow Six, based on the book by Tom Clancy.

    Is this true or just people blowing hot air?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Americans, what do you think of Britain's armed forces?

    that being all four of them, not one specific force.

    13 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • In a fight to the death between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, who would win?

    We've all seen it, that famous fight scene between Lee and Norris in "Way Of The Dragon", and I know Bruce Lee is dead, but if he was still alive, and took on Chuck Norris in an actual fight to the death, who would win?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • in a fight between Batman and the Predator?

    OK, I know the Predator is technologically advanced as far as weaponry and equipment is concerned but lets say he discards everything except for his mask and his wristblades and fights against Batman in a one on one fight, who would you say wins, and why?

    My money is on the Predator.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What is your favourite pub and tipple?

    you can have more than one (of each).

    My favourite drinks are:


    Green Man


    John Smiths

    My favourite places to drink are:

    The Railway Inn

    The Helter Skelter

    The Ferry Boat

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Why won't he leave her alone?

    Last month, myself and my girlfriend went to a party. During the night, we went our separate ways and spoke to our friends, we even made a few new ones. However, we did meet every couple of hours to let each other know what we were doing, even introduced each other to friends that both of us knew or were friends of friends. We later left together after having a good time.

    However, since then, one party-goer, has since kept hounding my girlfriend. I have to point out, my girlfriend is Japanese, and thus gets a lot of attention due to her heritage (I am fine with this as I trust her and know it's me she's coming home with, and she can trust me too, before you ask).

    This one person though, a Pakistani, refuses to leave her alone, even though I've warned him to keep away from her. I'm now considering the following three options: 1, backing up my warnings with force if he doesn't leave her alone, 2, get her family involved to persuade him to disappear (and they have offered their help too, I should point out) or 3, getting a restraining order imposed on him.

    Why won't this Pakistani accept she's just not interested in him? And what do you think I should do?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Aside from Warwick castle, what is there to see and do in Warwickshire?

    I'm planning a trip down that way in a few weeks, any places to visit would be good

    2 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Why do union supporters think they have the right?

    Why do rugby union supporters think they have the right to bully, threaten and interfere with the League code?

    Leave Rugby League matters to us, they do not concern you

    5 AnswersRugby1 decade ago
  • End of the world predictions?

    Does anyone else think those who predicted the world will end on May 21st will look like total idiots come Sunday morning? I cannot wait to see their faces!

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago