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  • Anyone tried sheer cover makeup?

    Has anyone tried sheercover makeup? If they have what did you think?

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • I got a horrible door ding!!!?

    The other day in a parking lot a lady flug her door open and the wind caught it and slammed into my passenger side front door of my 2007 Nissan Xterra. It was so hard that it took the paint clean off and exposed the metal beneath. I need to get it fixed and she gave me her # so her insurance should cover it.....but I was curious if anyone out there would happen to know about what the cost is going to be and do they have to repaint the whole door or the whole side or just the spot? Its about the size of a quarter. I am going to get estimates tomorrow, but for now Im just curious. Thanks!!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I got a horrible door ding!!!?

    The other day in a parking lot a lady flug her door open and the wind caught it and slammed into my passenger side front door of my 2007 Nissan Xterra. It was so hard that it took the paint clean off and exposed the metal beneath. I need to get it fixed and she gave me her # so her insurance should cover it.....but I was curious if anyone out there would happen to know about what the cost is going to be and do they have to repaint the whole door or the whole side or just the spot? Its about the size of a quarter. I am going to get estimates tomorrow, but for now Im just curious. Thanks!!

    1 AnswerMazda1 decade ago
  • Anyone that got pregnancy carpal tunnel?

    I got the pregnancy carpal tunnel... Never had it before until the lat 5 weeks or so of my pregnancy. It was really bad, brought me to tears at night and I couldn't even use my hands because it was so painful. Well I had my baby 2 weeks ago and its not anything like it was while I was pregnant, but its still there and it hurts pretty bad. Has anyone else experienced this and how long did it take for it to go away completley, or did it go away. Is there any suggestions that anyone might have for me. Any advice would be helpful. Im crossing my fingers that it will pass!! Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I just have to say....?

    I just got home from the hospital, after 3 days of them trying to induce me and being in Active Labor for 24 hours with no chance in my cervix or anything. I originally had my due date as October 20th but with the 20 week ultrasound they dated me as October 6th...which now I found out that measurments at 20 weeks are not accurate anyway... Well I went in Friday morning to be induced and after 2 doses of Cytotech (sp?) and then 12 hours of Pitocin I am back home with no baby and they are saying well, maybe your due date is correct. So, I just want to say to everyone: If your baby is healthy and there seems to be no stress on you or baby and everything looks fine DONT INDUCE!! If your body is not ready then its not ready. Just wait, Its sooooo not worth it. I didn't want to in the first place but didn't follow my gut and let the doctor talk me in to thinking that it was the best thing for me to do at that time. Well......apparently not cause here I am at home and still no baby!! LOL!! They did all the test and say my baby looks great and there is no reason to rush it....AFTER I a told them to stop the pitocin and I wanted to stop. Just a little information for you, just hang in there I know some women ask to be induced...its CRAZY dont put you or your baby in this situation. Just wanted to share. Good luck to all!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Im getting induced tomorrow morning?

    Hi all! I am currently 41w5d and they won't let me go any longer on my own, and apparently baby doesn't want to come out. LOL! I don't want to be induced but don't have a choice any longer. I am ready to go so hopefully my body will just kick right in and take over without having to have too much help..... Anyway.....They are going to start with inserting a gel onto my cervix to see if that gets me going and I forgot what the doctor said it was called. If anyone knows im just curious. Also has anyone had the gel and did it work without having to get pitocin? (sp) I could call but its really not that big of a deal. I will find out bright and early in the AM. Good luck to everyone, and thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Beginning stages of labor?

    Im currently 40weeks + 1 day today. I have been patiently waiting!!! LOL!! As of last Friday I was not dilated or effaced at all. Have not noticed that I have lost my mucus plug, so we will say that I have not. But I am having a lot of crotch pain like a dull ache/burn sensation and its actually quite painful. As of last night I also am having low back pain that comes and goes, its not horribly painful but uncomfortable. Having contractions but they are not enough for me to stop and not be able to do anything, so I guess that they are just still BH contractions. Could this possibly be early labor even though I still have my plug, or am I just wishfully thinking. I am walking and moving trying to get things going, but i don't know. Any words of wisdom would be great. This is my first by the way. Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I haven't had any contractions?

    I am 38weeks+4days pregnant, and I really haven't had any contractions. I haven't had any braxton hicks or anything. Maybe a handful, but if they were contractions they were so mild I was second guessing thats that what they were, and haven't had any for a few days. But that is it. This is my first pregnancy and everything is great, have had no problems and baby is always active. I haven't lost my plug, might have had baby drop, but its pretty low anyway. There is lots of crotch pain and hip pain....bladder pressure, etc. But my question is because I haven't had any contractions, does this mean im going to be late, or could it all just happen all of a sudden. Im just sooooooooo done, but not rushing anything. Im patiently waiting until baby is ready to come out. lol ! Just want reassurance that the misery is almost over! Thanks and good luck to everyone!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Nextel/Sprint Blackberry 700i?

    Can anyone tell me how to send a text message on the Blackberry 700i for Nextel?? Im a little confused. Thanks.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • I have horrible heartburn....

    Tums just aren't cutting it anymore..... I have some zantac is this safe for me to take. 32 weeks pregnant. oh....and also are rolaids safe also?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Im 32 weeks pregnant and just got stung by a not allergic or anything, Should I worry or do anything?

    It wasn't a bee, so there isn't a stinger that was left in, and I feel fine. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be helpful.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gestational Diabetes?????

    I had my 1 hour glucose test yesterday and apparently I was boarderline high blood sugar....So they wanted me to go ahead and take the 3 hour blood glucose test. Well I scheduled it ASAP and did that this morning. Havent' gotten any results back yet...probably tomorrow. What should I start doing, and how worried should I be? I feel fine, but obviously might not be. Anyone know what I should start to watch out for, any other signs or symptoms....what foods and drinks to avoid....obviously chocolate cake...whaaaaa!!! LOL! Thanks to any information.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what bug/mosquito repellent is safe for me to use while pregnant?

    Im assuming that I should stay away from deet....and there was something called picardin? I was thinking maybe the avon skin so soft? But some of them contain the picardin...any help would be great!! Im getting eaten alive!!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am so sick of people?

    Im sick of people telling me that they "think" Im too big for my gestational age.....bla bla bla....Im having an ultrasound tomorrow. Im currently 20 weeks. Im not huge, but im in maternity pants....I can wear some shirts from before still, but im not huge. Im average size, not overweight and havent gained that much and all I have gained is my tummy and boobs anyway. What the heck. Am I suppose to have a flat tummy and a 6-pack still or what? Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I feel like I need to suck it in or something. Im so self concious now, I don't want to feel like this!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Im 20 weeks pregnant with #1?

    I had lots of movement a couple of weeks ago, but now it seems that it had slowed down a bunch. Is this normal. Am I just not feeling it like I was before? Could the baby be in a different position? Im just worried and don't know whats normal. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I will ask them then, but I was just looking for opinions. Thanks in advance.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 18 weeks pregnant.....?

    This is my first pregnancy....I was asked today if I had an ultrasound yet...and I said no its in 2 weeks, the lady said well "okay I just think that you look too big for your gestational age" Which really rubbed me the wrong way. What the heck? I don't know how big Im suppose to look, but Im not huge! I can still wear some of my normal little t-shirts I did pre-preg. Im not overweight, my tummy just started popping out the last couple of weeks to where I actually may look pregnant to some. Is this normal for me, or what the heck. My feelings were hurt a bit, but I am a little hormonal also. :)

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 11 weeks pregnant....?

    I don't have health insurance....I just found out that in my state you can apply for health insurance, but there is a 6 month waiting period for coverage for anyone that has not had prior coverage....if you have insurance already or you did have within 1 month you can get this through the state.....We make over the limit for medicare or CHP+. So pretty much they just told me that there is nothing I can get. I have to self-pay for everything...I am so frustrated and upset. I don't know what to do from here. Why does it have to be so hard to get insured???? If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I am desprate at this point. Im in Colorado, by the way.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I still havent been to my first appointment.....?

    Im just nervous, I think that everything is fine, I don't seem to be having any problems. But I am not a doctor, so I don't know everything. However I am 10 weeks almost 11 and havent been in for my first appointment because the insurance is taking forever to get squared away. IS this bad or has anyone else had to wait too? Help put my mind at! This is my first by the way, so i don't know how this stuff works...

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am 9 weeks pregnant today?!?

    I haven't been to the doc yet, they don't want to see me until later on I guess. Is this normal? I don't seem to be having any problems or anything and I am healthy, I just feel like I should have been to the doc by now, but I was just curious when its normal for them to see you??? THanks in advance!

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am about 9 weeks pregnant.....?

    I have morning sickness, really tired...bla bla bla. But my question is that my stomach seems to be bigger and it is uncomfortable to button my jeans...Is this normal. This is my first ( aside from a miscarriage at 7 weeks) and I hear that you don't show until later especially when it is your first. Just wanted to see if this was normal or am I just weird. LOL! I am average weight and height, im not a super small person or anything and my stomach is actually normally pretty flat.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago