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  • Is my ex trying to make me jealous? ?

    My boyfriend and I are long distance but we were doing ok. The reason is the pandemic. So he texted me everyday and called me sweet names and told me he loved me. I was texting a little less since sometimes it took him long to return my texts. Also, he is extremely jealous. What happened was I praised a guy on my Facebook. The guy is gay and has a partner. I praised his skills. The next day, my bf announced an ENGAGEMENT with his business partner! There was no ring and the picture was not really intimate but that was that. And then kept asking me what I thought. I said I didn’t want to talk about it but he kept asking until I said, I really thought he could do better. He said he would think about everything I told him. The night before announcing the engagement he told me he loved me! He kept asking me to stay friends. You can imagine the shock and confusion. I know he does dramatic things when he gets jealous. He has also faked engagement before. They both are quiet since that time. Is he faking an engagement again? I am confused. I knew he would do something annoying around Christmas because he is not happy that I will be on my own on Christmas. So, let me know what you think and please be nice. I am not reaching out to him and when he texts it is just ordinary things we talk about. I don’t even feel romantic toward him. I feel cold and betrayed. I am just trying to understand what’s going on. He does try to shock me from time to time and does try deception.

    Singles & Dating4 months ago
  • Why would a guy do this?

    So I started talking to this guy only through text. We knew each other before but was never friends or close. Only 3 days after texting he told me to delete all my social media accounts. I was shocked! Why would he honk he had the right to tell me to delete my online life? My Instagram is almost my business through which I share my photographs and I have more than 100 friends who are all over the world and FB and Insta are my only ways to stay in touch with them. So I said that’s unacceptable and ended this little brief relationship. Why did he do that? I mean what in my personality gave him the signal that he could control me like that??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • “Volunteering” forever?

    So I started working unpaid in this place because they agreed to sponsor my visa. Now I have been working for 19 months still unpaid. It is now hard to pay the rent and my bills and they simply won’t pay me and if I leave, my visa will be in jeopardy. They pay some workers but those of us who are dependent on them for visa are unpaid. I work 40 hours per week and also sometimes work during the weekends. They promised me to help me find better positions which never happened. They promised to help me for a paid position but said there are more qualified applicants. I really don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?

    11 AnswersImmigration3 years ago
  • What to do when a beloved friend uses you?

    I love my friend, she is my best friend. But I know she is using me. Let me tell you that she is the only who checks on my multiple times a day, listens to me, is supportive, talks to me when I am sad and knows a lot about me. And she makes a lot more money than do and she knows it. But she asks me for little favors like buying this and that and she will pay later - she has never paid me yet. And once she tried to pay me but her accountant screwed up and her check bounced and because I had cashed it out, I had to return about $4000 to the bank. She was very apologetic and said she would make up for that. She might, I don't know but asking for favors continues and she knows I cannot afford. I am on one side afraid to get into more financial trouble and on the other side I really don't want to lose the friendship. What hurts me even more is that she doesn't want to hang out with me. But she is actually really cool and everybody wants to be her friend. What should I do? Please, thoughtful comments. Thank you.

    11 AnswersEtiquette3 years ago
  • Have I lost him?

    I really need serious and thoughtful answers here please. So I have been in a long distance relationship with this guy. He started it and he is the one who led the relationship. We both travel for our work and so we spend time apart. He texts me all day no matter where in the world he is and tells me everyday that he loves me. He has also involved me in some of his business. I am not as rich as he is. The woman is rich. After a long trip overseas, through which he talked to me at least three times a day, he arrived yesterday, to his state. One of his colleagues put a picture and a clip on instagram that a woman was accompanying him. It is not unusual. He has many business partners. He was clearly walking away from her and did not talk to her in that short clip. But they are now commenting that they are dating. This is while he gets up in the middle of the night to talk to me and also early in the morning. He told me yesterday that those people have a totally different world and I know how they are. I didn’t ask about that woman because I have lost a relationship before for being a little paranoid. He didn’t mention her either. When we talked yesterday he told me he loves me so much, called me “my love” as always. It seems like nothing has changed. But someone on the twitter of his company said they were in a relationship and then took that line off. I don’t want to shatter my pride and ask but do you think I should consider this relationship over?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • This girl pretend I have bad breath!!!?

    I am overall good looking and I am a few steps ahead of her in my career and more popular. I did all my best to train her and engage her in our projects. Whenever I train her, she s es the boss and has me kicked out of the project. Not w, her new strategi is pretending I have bad breath. Today I was talking the her and she covered her nose!! This is while I have regular check ups and outstanding oral hygiene. I know, I don’t have bad breath. How should I react to that? She is so disrespectful and offensive.

    7 AnswersEtiquette3 years ago
  • Why did he ignore my birthday? I am confused.?

    So I have been dating this guy for 3 months now. He has been traveling but on my birthday he posted a picture on facebook that showed he was in town. He is obsessed with surprises. But I couldn't hold back and mentioned that I realized he was in town. He asked me when I would get home and the next day also asked if I were home or if I had to work the next day and how long but now he keep posting pictures that he is back on travel and he told me also that he is back where he had a project. I even mentioned my birthday and he said I see. He is not like that. He is not rude or insensitive and I found this whole thing very insensitive. At first I thought he was planning a surprise but now I am almost embarrassed that I even mentioned my birthday. What do you think?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Did I get it wrong? Please help!?

    So I have been texting back and forth with this guy for months now and we have said we love each other and we confess we are good friends and we miss each other. It’s been three months. So the other day I sent him a picture of a Christmas tree in town and he was like I don’t think you should be alone be this Christmas. He easily gets scared off so I go what do you think I should do? And he goes silent for hours and then he goes I think you should find a friend or someone you are comfortable with. So this was not clear and I said I agree with you and he says I want you happy and I said you make me happy and since then there has been complete silence. Did I ruin it? Did I get it wrong? Maybe he didn’t mean to spend the time with me... what to do now? I sent a text telling him about a beautiful Christmas in the town next to mine but still haven’t herd back.

    7 AnswersEtiquette3 years ago
  • Is he asking me to spend Christmas with him?

    I don’t know how to go forward with this. My crush told me over text I shouldn’t spend this Christmas alone. He gets scared off easily so I kept it cool and light and asked what do you think I should do. Like 5 hours later, he said I think you should find a friend or someone you are comfortable with. I want you happy. I said that’s sweet, you make me happy. Then I asked how he wants to spend Christmas m. He has not answered yet. How should I take it from there? This is my first relationship in years, so please help me. Thank you!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • How to deal with a horrible supervisor?

    I love my job and I am very good at it. This is not my intention to sound arrogant, please be friends and listen to me. I am good looking and I have excellent interpersonal skills, I am very friendly and polite and hardworking. I take the hardest hours to work and I am available all weekends. Almost everybody likes me, except for my supervisor and one or two colleagues who do not like my level of performance. Due to a tiny little error that I brought to my supervisor's attention, she called me and yelled at me in front of everybody. And totally humiliated me. Then she started sending a chain of emails to me mentioning little things that were not gone perfectly here and there. I replied politely and professionally to all emails and mentioned every incident and how I took care of it. Actually, other coworkers don't tell her when something goes wrong. They also over-apologize and give her gifts and stuff which I don't. The other thing is she is not happy that the superiors talk nicely about me. Today, I went and complained to her boss who told me to try and talk it out with her. I am honestly, intimidated and I feel like I am being treated worse than anybody else. And I feel because I am close to a promotion - very close - she wants to somehow make me look bad. She takes responsibilities away from me and tells everybody I don't know how to do stuff. I need help. I want my job and I am scared that she is going to harm my reputation. Please tell me what you think and suggest.

    6 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • What to do about a crazy boss?

    So I love my job and I am really good at it. I can stay overtime and I am available through the weekends and nights. My supervisor is insecure about it and she has started to spread rumors about me. She has told my boss that I am slow and that is why I stay overtime. She has also spread rumors after the holiday gift giving that I was trying to buy people s approval. Gift giving is not a weird thing in my workplace we all exchanged gifts. And I saw people were very nice and appreciative about it. Now my boss tells me those who received gifts from me got "nervous"!!! That is absolutely not true and the gifts were so little actually and everybody did that. I feel unappreciated and been taken advantage of. I don t know if I need to talk to my boss or just let the things be.

    7 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • How can I apologize to a superior whose greetings I ignored?

    This is very important for me, so only serious answers please. One of my superiors at work was nice enough to say to me and at the moment I was all worked up with my boss and I ignored her greetings. Now she is understandably mad at me and doesn't even acknowledge my presence. I need to apologize but don't know how to phrase it. I prefer to apologize in person, but I find the words I am OK also with apologizing over email. Please help!

    7 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Should I invite her?

    I had a good friend that I still care a lot about. We are both girls. She once made a pass at me and I stepped back. I didn't feel that way. I love her as a friend and I am straight. Since then she has completely cut me out. But I know she cares about me. Like she changes her facebook profile picture only on my birthday. That sort of thing. My graduation day is approaching and I am thinking about inviting her. Should I? She never replies to my emails, and she even unfriended me on facebook.

    7 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Is it bad that I didn't wish my ex a happy birthday?

    So we broke up two years ago but we both have feelings I guess. I do at least. I sent him happy birthday messages and even Merry Christmas messages and never got a response. After a long time he opened a facebook account. I sent a friend request and after 5 days he rejected it. Then he mentioned on a public post that he doesn't use facebook. So I thought this year I shouldn't send a happy birthday message. I never got one anyway. I feel bad. Was it bad?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Is it me or were they kind of rude?

    So my friend invited me to dine out with her and her husband. They are friendly and nice and they were really nice. But she asked me a few personal questions in front of her husband which I met for the first time. Like are you finishing your studies? What are you going to do now? Do you have a job? I was like I am looking for internships before graduating actually and she was like what are you gonna do?? Such and such is not your field. And then her husband was like tell us about your boyfriend. Well, I have kind of broken up with my boyfriend but didn't want to tell them. And then at the end of the dinner, her husband left to the restroom and they brought the check. She was hesitating a bit and I paid because it was getting awkward. Dinner for three was like $80 and it was too much for me. I know I didn't have to pay but actually, I kind of did. Now, I really don't like to hang out with them again. I feel ... I don't know why people ask me personal questions, I never ask anyone anything personal. Probably I look a bit laid back and they feel free to ask anything. Should I go out with them again? I realy don't want to.

    9 AnswersEtiquette5 years ago
  • Why it happened and what now?

    This is important for me, so please only serious answers, and no harsh ones.

    I had this friend who was super supportive of me. Once when she was training me for something, she developed a crush on me. When she made a move I kinda did not show interest. And since then, she has stopped talking to me even though she promised we will see each other soon. After 3 years, she is on facebook and I sent a friend request that she rejected. Is she mad at me? Or does she still have feelings for me? I love her as a friend and would do anything to keep her around but I am mortified now. She didn't block me, and she posted pictures of her life and new achievement publicly so I have a feeling that slowly she is trying to reconnect. On the other hand people she work with who are on facebook do not like me much. Could that be the reason she didn't want to add me as a friend. I am sure since the last second she liked me. In addition to "not interested" what can you think of? Thanks for reading this.

    4 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Was I a bad tipper?

    I went with y friend to a nice restaurant. The service was fine. But it was pricey. For two salads and a cocktail (A salmon salad) we paid $58. I left a $7 tip. The waitress didn't say thanks and did not return to the table or anything. Just took the check and disappeared until we left. I'm worried maybe I should have left a larger tip. What do you think? Only helpful and serious answers please.

    28 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • Is this going to be a friendship?

    So this girl and I had a few courses together and we worked together on projects. Overall I like her. She asked me to hang out and I was like OK, so sometimes before class we hang out for like half an hour or so. I am taking courses to secure a career for myself. And I also have advanced French classes in which I am doing well. Since I revealed to her that I just learned French two years ago, she has started to pick at my French. Yesterday, we were buying coffee, and in the line and in a way that people could here, she was like so how do you feel about these long lectures in French? And stared into my eyes. She learned it from childhood, but it's not her first language either. Since there were people from my class in line I got embarrassed and said I like them.

    Another thing is she has been talking about her wedding for weeks, and although we hang out and text and talk, she well... not even mentioned if I would like to attend. But she constantly asks me what I have done the past weekend what am I going to do the next weekend. I am not currently in a relationship, and I am ok with it, because I am constantly work toward my future career.

    When we were getting coffee, she was a bit disrespectful. I paid for her coffee last time and she insisted to pay this time. But she was like WHAT DO YOU WANT? YOU GO! WHAT DO YOU WANT? I am wondering if I should give her a wedding gift and whether I should slowly back off from the friendship or just keep her as an acquaintance.

    8 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • What did she mean exactly?

    I am asking a question and I am looking for honest and respectful answers. Reading is my favorite pass time, and I read a lot. And my favorite place to hang out is the local bookstore, which is large. There are many usuals there who come get a coffee, sit and read. I prefer to contribute a little. So if I go there, I usually get something whether a paper, a magazine, a book or a CD. I live alone, and don't eat out or go to the movies, I usually save some for books and honestly to support my local bookstore, especially that I saw the other local bookstore went out of business. There is a mall next to the bookstore and most people hang out there. We live in a very cold area. Although I like to visit the bookstore like weekly. I usually buy something even though small, and get a coffee, hang out for an hour or so and leave. While most of the people don't buy anything and stay in the bookstore cafe for hours. Last time, I went to buy a puzzle. And the cashier asked if I have their discount card. I said no. The "discount" card is pretty pricey for me. She said, "Oh you should have heard about our discount card, I see you a lot." And then she laughed as if I didn't know what I was doing. Did she mean that because I go there usually I have to get the card? Or did she mean I go there too much? Honestly, after that comment, I don't go there much.

    9 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • How should I nicely say "No, thank you"?

    So I became friends with this girl who happens to be a "career specialist". She helps people make their resume better and so on. She also has publications. So I was very excited to have some advice. And I asked her for sessions and after lots of back and forth and being super nice she informed me she charges $125 per session. I am a bit surprised. She knows I am struggling in my career, and I am trying to get my applications work. Anyway, I really don't spend that much money in a week. I understand there should be a fee, but for me, it is insane. And I am also disillusioned that maybe the friendship was not a friendship but part of the marketing. So I need to say no thank you without burning bridges because her mother is influential where I study. So any advice will be more than welcome.

    17 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago