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  • The opposite of suspended sentence?

    Is there a term for the opposite of suspended sentence, i.e. when the sentence imposed has to be served immediately, without any probation period?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Traditional cooking fats in Indian cuisines?

    So usually when you open an Indian cookbook or an Indian cooking website, it tells you to use cooking oil. By this is meant a modern refined vegetable oil. Obviously, this isn't and cannot be a traditional cooking fat since refined oils have only been around for around a century only.

    In the north, many cuisines use ghee, that is butter gently fried at a low temperature to clarify it. Southern states use coconut oil and sesame oil. Bengal uses mustard oil. These oils have naturally high smoke points so are suitable for cooking (unlike, say, canola oil, which has to be refined).

    But what about other states?

    The reason I'm asking is because I want to avoid using modern oils in cooking - they're tasteless and therefore boring. I believe in cooking with flavourful fats.

    Can you recommend any books where I can learn more? Or perhaps photocopy those few pages for me (yes, a few pages are legal)?

    7 AnswersEthnic Cuisine8 years ago
  • Traditional Catalan, Valencian or Balearic recipes using picada and/or sofregit?

    Whatever comes to your mind, even names of the dishes in Catalan will do. Soups, stews, rice dishes...whatever. Thanks.

    1 AnswerEthnic Cuisine10 years ago
  • What to bring home from Zakynthos, Greece? Things that can be eaten?

    My family is on Zakynthos and I already told them to bring plenty of local olive oil. I am also thinking about issuing an order to bring some kefalotyri. What else is worth buying there?

    2 AnswersGreece10 years ago
  • What to bring home from Zakynthos, Greece? This that can be eaten?

    My family is on Zakynthos and I already told them to bring plenty of local olive oil. I am also thinking about issuing an order to bring some kefalotyri. What else is worth buying there?

    1 AnswerGreece10 years ago
  • European (EU) green cofee retailers wanted?

    Hi, I'm kind of new to the coffee world and need your help. I'm from Slovakia and over here the market for GOOD coffee is so small that the prices are unbearably high. Moreover, there's no coffee shop (well there is, know) in my town so I have to order everything from a retailer from the other end of the country and that means shipping every three weeks (before the coffee starts resembling Lavazza), and I also have my doubts about the freshness of the roast when receiving it and the coffee looks more like Vienna-roasted (too much for my palate). I'd therefore rather invest in some roasting machine and learn to roast myself, since green coffee costs much less. For the sum I paid for 100g of Sidamo (from the cheapest retailer here), I'd get about 350g of Yirgacheffe (I comparable type I'd say) at Sweet Maria's - they, however, don't deliver to my country.

    So I've searched for some retailer but haven't found any. Could you recommend me some? Thanks.

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • Please TRANSLATE a borscht RECIPE from RUSSIAN to English?

    I understand a bit Russian since I'm Slovak, I've also used google translate, but I just want to be sure I got all the nuances right. The language might be a bit dated since it's from a 19th century cookbook. Here it is:

    48) Квас для борща.

    1) Употребляется квас от моченой свеклы, см. часть II № 3975.

    2) Берут ½ фун. самаго простаго, чернаго, солдатскаго хлеба и ½ фун. кислаго, чернаго хлеба побелее. Нарезать кусками, залить 3 бутылками тепленькой, кипяченой воды, положить 6 шт. очищенной, ломтиками нарезанной, сырой свеклы, дать постоять два дня, днем на солнце, а ночью в летней, духовой печи, чаще мешая. На третий день квас готов и, варя борщ, употребить все 15 стаканов этого кваса, если будет приятной кислоты, если же будет слишком кисел, то разбавить кипяченой водой.

    3) Квас трет. ман. Очищенную свеклу натереть на терке, залить кипяченой водой, поставить в теплое место на 3-4 дня, процедить.

    Примечание. Ко всякому роду борща подаются тоже поджаренные сосиски, каши и крутоны, какие указаны в примечании о щах.

    49) Борщ малороссийский.

    Сварить бульон № 1, из 2-3 ф. говядины от грудинки, от тонкаго или толстаго края или завитка, но лучше всего пополам со свежею свининою, налить 15 стаканов не воды, а процеженнаго вышеприготовленнаго кваса, если он будет приятной кислоты, если же будет кисел, то раз вести кипяченною водою и тогда уже взять его 15 стаканов. — Вскипятить его с мясом, снять накипь, опустить пучек связанных, между собою основых кореньев, букет зелени, 6-8 листочков свежаго свекольника и зеленаго луку от одной луковицы, положить еще 2 луковицы, англ. перцу, лавр, листу, сварить, процедить.

    Между тем ½ ф. кислой капусты выжать, обдать кипятком, выжать.

    1 ф. красной свеклы испечь, очистить, нашинковать 2-3 помидора, вычистив семячки, нарезать ломтиками и ¼ стак. белых бобов отварить в бульоне отдельно. За 1½ ч. до отпуска, положить в процеженный бульон, ветчины, шпеку, капусту, сварить ее. За ½ часа положить, помидоры, бобы, несколько картофелек, ½ стак. муки, размешанной с ½ стак. остывшаго бульона, прокипятить, влить ½ стак. сметаны, опустить разрезанную на порции грудинку, можно прибавить куски жареной утки, подлить по вку��у квасу, добавить соли, вскипятить. В суповую миску можно влить сок натертой красной свеклы, сок сырой или раз вскипяченный, некоторые кладут и самую натертую сырую свеклу, зеленаго укропу, залить кипящим борщом. Подавать к нему ватрушки с творогом № 358, мясныя пышки № 353, или пышки с грибами, или с говядиной № 351, 352 или крутоны из гречневых круп и пр.

    Вместо муки можно взять ½ ложки мелко изрубленной зеленой петрушки и ½ ложки селлерея, кусок свежаго свинаго сала, величиною в пол куринаго яйца и ¼ стакана пшена, все это истолочь, подправить борщ.


    P.S. I know I already posted it, but it already allows me to choose best answer and I'm not sure if my previous question can still be answered.

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • How do I make mustard oil for cooking?

    Anyone knows how?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Seasoning boar braised with bell pepper, carrot and maybe a few other vegetables?

    I've got boar meat, will be braising it with some vegetables - onion, bell pepper and carrot definitely, perhaps even celery or tomatoes - and need some seasoning ideas. I am considering something Mediterranean, like baharat blend perhaps? Any ideas will be appreciated.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Chinese black bean paste - how do I make it?

    How do I make my own black bean paste? Thanks

    3 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • How long can rice wine last after being opened?

    After I open rice wine (for its use in a recipe), how can I store it and how should I store it??

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Any listenable recordings by Jean de Reske?

    Anyone knows of any recordings of Jean de Reske where I could actually hear his voice and not the cracking?

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Anyone knows this orchestral piece?

    The melody sounds very familiar, it believe it's either a film score or some 19th century classical piece. Anyone? Thanks.

    2 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • Two tenor saxes - brass and bronze - DIFFERENCE?

    I'm reposting the question because I made a mistake in the previous one. So it's between two Bauhaus Walstein tenors:

    Bauhaus-WALSTEIN ts-p Tenor Saxophone - Bronze - Real Italian Leather Pads (the 2nd one)

    Bauhaus-WALSTEIN Tenor Saxophone - Lacquer Finish - Real Italian Pads (the 3rd one)

    The first of the two is bronze and is more expensive than the brass one. So are there any advantages to the bronze one?

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Best beginner's general back workout?

    I've been neglecting my back in favour of chest and arms for many weeks and I feel it's starting to take its toll now.

    I'm looking for a single (preferably) exercise suitable for beginners that focuses on general back. Possibly, there could be two: one for upper/middle and another for lower back. And I'm only able to use free weight and dumbbell exercises. Thanks for your advice.

    PS: No pills, no TV shopping bullshit...I DON'T WANNA LOSE WEIGHT!! GOT IT?? I'm sorry for putting it a bit harsh, but I've been on for long enough and know those people who will write anything just to get two stupid points. Thanks for understanding.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Indian classical music - books dealing with ragas?

    Can anyone recommend or send me some good introductory book into Carnatic ragas?? It must include all 72 parental ragas, and some theory behind them, as when to used them etc. I'd be great if some additional ragas were included as well. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • McLaughlin pronunciation?

    How is this surname actually pronounced?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Pronouncing Swedish names?

    How do you pronounce these names (in Swedish):

    Anders Vilhelm Lundstedt and Karl Olivecrona

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago