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I love harry potter and horse back riding. I hate Twilight and my bro. Horseback riding is totally my life and I am Harry Potter's biggest fan (although I have a crush on Neville!) I do not watch the harry potter movies they are way to different from the book. I think Edward is ugly!!!! I love to horse back ride. I love jumping!!!! I want to be a Herpatologist when I am older! HARRY POTTER ROCKS TWILIGHT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Suppose you took a random sample of 100 US adults. Is it possible to generalize from the sample to the population of all US adults?

    I don't have my textbook yet. I want to say no but why? Is it not representative? Is the sample size not large enough?

    4 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • What is this song?!?!?

    I can't figure out what song this is for the life of me. It's just ooh's and guitar. It's seriously driving me insane. Can you please tell me what it is?!?!

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago
  • Sparboe eggs cage free?

    I have resolved to eating cage free eggs. I want to know if sparboe farms are cage free.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • Need to sell corn snake?

    I have a 15 year old corn snake I got a couple years ago. I have taken good care of her but now that I am in high school I don't have a lot of time to hold her and or take care of her because of my involvement in other things. I want her to go to a good home but the problem is she snaps at me and would bite me because she thinks I am feeding her. So she can't just go to any first time snake owner. I also don't want her to go to a breeder who would just breed her again. I want her to be a pet. I can hold her fine it's just getting her out of her tank that is tricky. If you could give me ideas on where to advertise my snake where I know she would go to someone responsible that would be great! Also maybe if you could give me tips on how to stop her from snapping at me when I open her cage. I already started feeding her in a separate container but I don't know what else to do.

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Animal research centers in Hawaii?

    I am going to college for animal behavior/studies. Are there any animal research centers in Hawaii? I need to know if there is a place I can be employed if I live in Hawaii. It's a dream of mine to live there but I need to know if I will be able to have a decent job especially because the cost of living there.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Can't save Minecraft?

    I love the game minecraft and I build pretty cool stuff on the classic version the problem is I can't save any of it. I was told that the classic version was not able to save but thats not possible because I know someone who played the classic version and saved it on some sort of file. I don't know how to do that. Can you tell me how?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Active X and minecraft?

    I want to download the free version of Minecraft but the sheild on my computer wouldnt let me because it had something called active x. How do I allow the computer to download active x because I cant figure it out!!!

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Suggestions for easy Indonesian food?

    I have a project for school where I need to bring in food from a different country and my country is Indonesia. I have a rice cooker but I would rather just get something at a grocery store or something really easy to make. Any suggestions? I don't know if my grocery store will have any Indonesian food. If you give me a recipe please have it list the ingredients and steps and everything. Thanks!

    6 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Will a computer game on amazon that says windows xp work on a windows vista?

    I want to buy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the computer game. Call me a nerd but I love Harry Potter. So I looked on amazon and it says it works on windows xp. I have a windows vista. Will it still work on my computer? I have both the first and second Harry Potter Computer games and they still work. Please help.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Show name for my horse?

    I ride english and I started leasing a horse for the first time. His barn name is Orlando but he doesn't have a show name. Here are some characteristics of him:

    name is Orlando

    Bay color

    white heart shape on forehead

    good jumper

    good at lead changes



    Put everything you can think of!

    Also are you supposed to register the show name? I ride mostly in D series shows but I am going to start in the B series and A series this Summer! If I do have to register how do I do that?

    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Good comeback for an english rider?

    So I was at our state fair and you know how they have a lot of western riders riding around on their horses? I am an english rider and i went up to a guy on a horse with western tack. We were chatting and I told him I rode english. He laffed and said "sometime you might ride in a real saddle." (he was joking I wasn't offended.) I acted like I was offended but I had no clever comeback to dog on western riding. so I stayed silent.

    later I came up with this: "Well at least english riders don't need a handle to hold on to their horse." Do you have anything better? (just in case.)

    also. I hate it when people say horseback riding is not a sport! Almost every guy I know says sstuff like: Its not a sport all you do is sit your but down on a horse! The horse does all the work! I can't stand that! I don't say football or baseball is not asport. I 'm very accepting of other peoples activities so it makes me so mad when people say my sport is lesser than theirs! Any ideas of comebacks for when people say that?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • My corn snake drank untreated water!!!!!!!!!???

    Oh my god help my corn snake drank water without the reptisafe! The water was chlorinated and everything! She drank for like two minutes before I realized it! Will she be okay!?????

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Corn snake question ?????

    I want to know if I shredded newspaper in my shredder would it be ok for my adult corn snake to be in? I know that newspaper is ok I have just been laying the newspaper out for her.

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • I have sims 2 seasons and its winter but its not snowing?

    I just got sims seasons and I past summer and fall. Now its winter and it hasn't snowed yet. There is only three more days! What happened?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Who hates harry potter and loves twilight?

    If you do then why because I am the other way around I love harry potter and hate twilight. Harry potter is way more serious and twilight is just stupid compared to it.

    35 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Who are the awsome people who love harry potter and hate twilight?

    If you answer this question by saying search bar please then you are an idiot because there are millions of people on the internet so this question can't be asked to many times! Please tell me why you love Harry Potter and why or if you hate twilight (I do)! GO HARRY POTTER!!!!!

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • is there a way you can have unlimited levels on Sims 2?

    I have sims 2 for pc and i really want to build a really tall tower is there a cheat or something?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • In sims 2 is there a way I can build unlimited stories?

    I want to create a castle but I can only go up 2 stories!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Sims 2 question please help?????????

    So you know how if your sims aspiration is love and they want 3 woohoo's or make outs how do I do that without getting caught? cause I tried it and I got caught and it took FORever! I did'nt even succeed even. I invited 3 guys over and put them in a room without a door but some how they found out! What do I do.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is Sims 3 as good as sims 2????????

    I really want to get sims 3 but i JUST got sims 2. Would it be a waste of my money if I got it? Does it have all the game play from sims 2 expansion packs? Can i own pets. Can I live in apartments? Can I do ANYTHING from sims 2 expansion packs? If I can't will they come out with expasion packs soon and how soon?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago