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Sunsets and Regrets

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  • Society has taken a major downfall.. Cut for bieber ?

    Has anyone seen this on twitter ?

    His fans have started cutting themselves to protest him smoking weed.. Honestly, what has the world come to.. Why risk your life for someone who dosnt even know you exist ? I cannot see reason in any of this..

    Heres an article on it

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Barn being messed with at night ?

    Okay, so over the past two weeks I havent been home much. I come home every two ish days to clean my stall and check on my horse (my moms been taking care of them while ive been gone). But while ive been gone things have been happening..

    Apparently, my sisters horse keeps getting locked in my stall during the day. But, thing is, no one in my house has been doing it.. We've found knives in their stalls, and a pitch fork in my sisters stall. There was blood on one of the brushes the other day, and the top half of the outside door on my horses stall was unlocked, while the bottom half still locked.. Last night the door frame was broken off my horses stall. The part where the latch sticks to keep it locked, so the door wouldnt lock. I thought it was my horse just being a jerk, but looking at the wood it was pulled off from the outside. Something my horse couldnt do, without making a mess. This was a clear pull. Nothing was split and all nails intact.

    Not only have things been happening but the horses have been sketching out.. My horse freaks out and bolts from his stalls in the mornings. Hes perfectly fine to walk out on lead, a little jumpy but still okay. Even my sisters horse runs out of her stall.. They use to walk out calmly.. Not only that but they panic at night, and freak out until let in..

    I dont know what to do.. This is sketching me out..

    13 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Sister wont take care of horse..?

    Okay, so this is a bit of a rant ill admit, but honestly im at my wits end here and need some advice or similar experiences ?

    I brought my horse home in june last year. He was the only horse at home at that point, and everything was pretty smooth sailing. Round bales would last us almost a month, and he didnt waste much food or hay. Four months later, my younger sister got her first horse, a 2 year old quarter horse. (shes only actually ridden 6 times, and knows nothing about ownership) The first month was okay. Her horse was extremely quiet, and didnt make much of a mess. And because she was "new" my sister actually took care of her. Now, she does nothing.. She leaves all my horse brushes, tack, halters, hay bags, whatever lying around. All my stuff has been destroyed because of her laziness.. Not only that, but her horse is a pig.. She rolls all over the hay bale and rips it apart. We went from one hay bale lasting a month to it now only lasting a week because she craps on it, and makes it uneatable..

    Due to her being in school, im expected to feed and let out both horses in the morning, which dosnt bug me too much. But, the only time she actually does anything with her horse is at night when i make her put hers away.. No one expects her to do anything because im the "horse woman" and im suppose to know everything. Meaning she apparently cant do anything nor even attempt to learn. She never cleans her horses stall, I havent been able to clean my horses stall properly in a week because we have no shavings. Why ? Because i was suppose to leave the last bag for her horse. Did she use it ? No.. Its still sitting infront of the stall. I said i was going to use it tonight because im not leaving my stall any longer and i got my head ripped off and told that if i used her shavings my horse was getting sold. Am i the only one who sees a problem with this ? I was so happy to have my horse at home, but now because im expected to take care of a horse that's not even mine on top of it i hate it..

    I want to board him out so bad, but i cant because i cant affored it.. Im so sick of everything being my fault or my responsibility. I just want to look after my horse, and only my horse..

    Thanks for listening.. If anyone has an advice or stories theyd like to share itd be appreciated.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Girls, Preferred Birth control ?

    Okay, so I know this is the wrong section buut i think ill get more help here then in the actual one. (hopefully)

    Ive had **** experiences with birth control.. Every pack puts me through hormonal hell.. I recently got a new pack a Marvelon and have yet to try it. Im wondering on everyones experiences with it ? Or what is their preferred birth control?

    Thanks :)

    4 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Last text message you locked on your phone ?

    What was the last text message you locked on your phone, and why did you choose to lock it ?

    10 AnswersTeen & Preteen8 years ago
  • Anyone need to vent ?

    So for weeks ive had a trip planned to go to my boyfriend's college. And honestly, i was stoked. I was coming up for our 8th month anniversary. And then last minute he completely changed plans, and when i didnt agree with him he told me to stay home.. I was really looking forward to coming up too.. :/

    Has anyone else's plans been killed lately ?

    7 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Teen's I need opinions.?

    Okay so two nights ago, my friends boyfriend was ignoring her text messages. He would answer her friends, but not hers. So, my friend got the idea to start texting him off of my phone as he dosnt have my number. She talked to him for a bit (not letting him know it was her), and then asked him if he was single. At first he was like maybe.. Then she asked again and he said ya. Then texted again saying yes. When she asked him if he was serious about being with her (on her phone) he said he was, and that he knew it was her texting him and that was why he said it as a joke. She was upset for the night, but is now back to the way things were with him.

    This does worry me only because he's not very public about their relationship, and does in fact try to hide it as much as possible.

    So could this really be taken as a joke ?

    6 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Barn sitting ? How much would you pay.?

    If you were leaving for two weeks, and had someone barn sitting how much would you pay them ?

    They would have to:

    Put horses out in the morning

    Bring them in at night

    Hay, grain, water

    Clean stalls

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How much can you drink ?

    Every time i go to a party or drink i often get laughed at for how much it takes me to get drunk. Which dosnt bug me too much, because drinking isnt really a competition to me. Buut it does make me wonder how much everyone else drinks.

    Generally for me it takes a full 26er (750ml) of vodka, and then a few coolers on the side to get me right smashed. How much does it take you guys to get drunk ?

    14 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Losing yourself while trying to keep a relationship ?

    So today ive realized that while chasing, getting, and keeping my boyfriend Ive lost who I use to be.. Which sounds stupid, but it is true. Before him, i use to be so sarcastic and was just really open with people, I enjoyed alot of things too. And i was much happier. Not only that, but i had alot more friends.. Ive realized that once i started liking my boyfriend (before we started dating), my main focus became getting him. And once i got him, it was all about keeping him. He is my first love. So i guess that's why ive gotten so caught up in it all. It had a breakdown a few days ago over something stupid, but its made me realized how much ive lost trying to keep him. When in reality he was going to stay anyway. So now im focusing on getting the old happy me back.

    Anyway, my question is has this ever happened to anyone else ?

    4 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • UTI lasting over three months..?

    Since September first i have experienced Uti symptoms. With burning while, and after urinating and constant need to urinate. The first time it happened it lasted a day then didnt come back for about two - three weeks. The second time it came back I went to the dr and tested positive for uti. Got antibiotics and went home. After taking the anti biotics it seemed to have cleared up, but came back for round three two weeks later.. The second time i went in and didnt test positive but got anitbiotics anyway. then another two weeks later i started experiencing lower back pain on the left side of my back. It was diagnosed as a pulled muscle (i think it may have been pulled during sex.. tmi sorry) anyway. Ive been on naproxen for it. about half way through my bottle of naproxen the burning started again. This time it was much worse then it had ever been. I couldnt stand, walk, sit, all i wanted to do was cry.. The only thing helping it was hot showers. but even that didnt do much. I noticed at first that when i drank water it didnt burn, only burned after drinking tea or pop anything not plain water.. But after a week of that even drinking water burned.. I recently bought a box of cystoplus and completed the treatment (for utis), its just an over the counter med. once i finished the box i felt better. But after a day of feeling better the burning has started again..

    Has anyon had this ? Or know what i have ? Im really getting tired of visiting the dr..

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Bad mud fever, no dry land..?

    In 2009 my horse developed a rare case of mud fever, where mud and the bacteria from the mud got into a cut which resulted in both legs swelling badly. He was swollen from hoof to hip, and could hardly walk due to it. He hated having his legs touched and would kick out because of pain. This was treated with a few penicillin shots, constant cold hosing, and lots of walking. It went down within a few days.

    Last week it came back due to overly muddy environment, and it wont go away.. It dosnt have all the same qualities as last time. This time, its just above his hoof that is swollen, and it is not touchy. He also can walk, run and still keep up with the other horse. There is no limping or signs of pain what so ever. The only time he gets touchy is when you apply a spray to the back side of his leg, just above his heel. (im assuming thats where the cut is). The first time it came we cleaned and put a blue/purple anti bactierial spray on it. And after a day of applying it the swelling went down. We then stopped applying it (which i regret now) and the swelling came back, not as bad as the first time this week though. I washed and applyed the blue spray twice after that. Then i washed his feet again. This time with dish soap, then rising and soaking his feet in warm water with epson salts. Then i dried and loaded zinc on his legs. The zinc didnt last long due to wet and muddy conditions.. A small enough coat stayed to keep water out though. Today, his leg dosnt look that swollen, not sure if im still seeing it swollen due to the fact that ive seen it like that off and on for a week now.. Anyway. I washed the bottom of his legs, trying to get the left over zinc off. I couldnt get a good wash in due to it being a one person task, with a hyper horse and well me with a pulled muscle in my back. I got a good amount off though, and sprayed his lower legs with the blue/purple spray, covering the tops of his hoof as well.

    My problem is, with all the rain we've had there is no dry places.. My paddock is like a swamp. Which is proving to make getting rid of this a task. Even my stalls are wet. Has anyone ever delt with this ? Im at the point of plastic bagging his feet just to keep them dry..

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How have horses saved your life?

    Ive been having a rough time for awhile now, and i finally reached my breaking point last night.. Ive had frequent thoughts of suicide, have for years. But, ive never even come close to acting on it, except for lastnight.. But before i went through with anything, i wanted to say goodbye to my horse. I went out to the barn, and sat in the corner of his stall like i normally do. I started crying, and at first my horse watched. But then he came over and put his nose on my shoulder and started nudging me and playing with my hair. After a bit i realized that i cant just leave him.. That stopped me from doing anything stupid.. I love the guy too much to leave him alone.

    So my question is, has your horse ever saved you from anything or changed your mind for the better ?

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Short quotes on love ?

    I plan on getting a tattoo next month, its something small but extremely meaningful. I really want a short quote on love overcoming an obstacle.

    Background info, For a long time people have constantly come in and out of my life. Ive never had a bestfriend or boyfriend for longer then a year basically.. I got use to saying goodbye, and basically just started pushing people away as soon as i got close to them. Just so when they lest it wouldnt hurt as much. Generally my relationships would last a month, because as soon as i got close id push them away in fear of getting too attached. It never took long for people to leave. Generally takes a week tops and theyd be gone. But, with my current boyfriend no matter how much pushing i did he stayed, and seems determined to stay. :) So Im wanting a tattoo to signify that.

    Any ideas on what i should get ?

    1 AnswerTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Days events occurring in dreams.. New thing...?

    Recently ive been having dreams about my occurrences during the day. This is something new, my dreams normally never make sense, but these ones actually connect to my day. For instance, my boyfriend and I recently go into an argument and almost ended up breaking up because of it. (Hes in college, and distance is starting to scare me) And we almost ended up breaking up over it.. Afterwords we made up and got along just fine. But, when i fell asleep I started dreaming we were in a car fighting, then he pulled over and jumped in another car with some girl..

    During the actual fight, we were texting. He was in his dorm and i was in a car driving to my cottage.

    Any ideas on why this is happening or what it means ?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Distance is a killer... Relationship advice please ?

    So i need a little advice, or someone to vent to..

    My boyfriend and i have been together for six months now, in September he left for his first year at college. Which is in a town three hours away.. In august, I was basically having a breakdown about him leaving, because i knew what was going to happen. He'd always comfort me and go on about how things were going to work out, and how he wasn't going to let us fall apart. He even got pissed at me once because i mentioned how slutty most of the girls were, and that its almost impossible to keep a relationship going while in college. But he was dead set on it working.

    The first week was okay, he still texted me cute messages and actually took time to text me just in general. Now, four weeks in he dosnt have much time to talk to me. He does text me every day ill give him that much, and he has managed to come down every other weekend to see me. But, while hes there, hes constantly busy and dosnt actually have time to have a decent conversation with me until midnight.. He takes hours to answer text messages, and he dosnt talk to me like he use to.. No more cute messages or even nick names.. I understand hes busy but is it that hard to put some time into having a conversation with your girlfriend ?

    So much has changed since the summer, not only with him but with myself as well. I never text him first anymore, nore do i bother sending him messages about my feelings for him, i can hardly even say i love you first anymore.. Ive told him how i felt with the not being able to talk to him, and he just gets mad because hes just trying to fit in, and get use to things. Im not ready to break up with him, because i do still love him. More then anything.. Im Just so unbelievably frustrated..

    Has anyone gone through this before or have any ideas on what i can do ? I really Appreciate it.

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Not sure what i might have... help ?

    a little over the past few weeks Ive been having new symptoms so to speak. (TMI i apologize) but, after my boyfriend and i had sex, and he gave me oral, i started having a burning in my vagina. It only lasted a day. then shortly after, i started getting the chills and slowly lost my appetite., and constantly had that barfy feeling.. Im always tired now, and keep getting migraines.. Today i woke up with the burning again.. but, with the burning im now peeing constantly. When i pee its in small amounts, so the constant running to the bathroom is pointless..

    Does any of this sound familiar to you ?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Horse and rider portrait ideas ?

    So, i plan on doing a photoshoot with my horse. Ive done quite a few already, and looked on google millions of times and still come up with nothing. I would love some ideas on something that would show our bond. Not the average kissing nose, or swinging around neck pictures. I need something that shows how much i trust him. Hes my boy, the one ive learned quite a bit from. So, he means alot. And i would love some great pictures and portrait ideas to show this. Thanks (:

    2 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Tattoo ideas ? (20 characters)?

    So ive been thinking about getting a new tattoo. I plan on having it on my upper rib, just under my boob. I wanted something to reflect on my year. Its been a rough one, and ive definitely learned alot from it.

    I was thinking on getting "Just breathe" mostly because I get worked up really easy instead of just slowing down and thinking things through. But, after looking around on google ive noticed that many girls have it.. so its not really personal anymore.

    So, does anyone have any quotes the basically mean slowing down and i guess taking it all in before reacting ?

    And yes, i know how horrible it will look in 50 years. But honestly, that dosnt bother me at all.

    4 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago
  • Your thoughts on this ?

    Has anyone read the Toronto shooting survivor/ bat man death artical ? For some reason it kinda reminded me of final destination, the whole not being able to avoid death situation. What are your thoughts on this ?

    Heres the story.

    3 AnswersTeen & Preteen9 years ago