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Is the UK's NUJ still run by communists?
6 AnswersCurrent Events7 years agoWhy has the British mainstream media, MSM, said nothing about the EU's 'Austerity imposed government' decision to end democracy in Italy?.?
The EU wide elections are due to be held in May. The EU has imposed its own unelected 'austerity' government in Italy, as it has in Greece, which is causing hardship and social unrest in these countries!
In Italy democracy has been banned. The EU superstate ordered the Italian puppet regime to ban the Forza Nuova party, in English New Force, from standing.
It changed the need for candidates to collect 3,000 signatures to allow then to stand to an outrageous 300,000.
Despite this the FN managed to do so and just as their party workers were delivering them to the Town Halls throughout the country the regime police arrested them on the spurious grounds of 'crimes as yet to be committed'.
As the deadline to register passed the EU police freed the FN activists without charge meaning they prevented a legal anti-EU political party from participating in May's elections!
This is fascism at work, and a disgrace that the British MSM has kept quiet on this attack on democracy!
2 AnswersInternational Organizations7 years agoWhy does the US think the answer to Syria is to bomb it?
It seems the yanks want an excuse to attack Iran on behalf of the Israeli regime and what better way to do it than to interfere in Syria.
This from an ex soldier and supporter of the yanks in Vietnam.
US, stop involving your good people in others wars.
12 AnswersPolitics8 years agoWill champagne socialist and arch hypocrite Billy Bragg be pretending to celebrate Thatcher's death?
Bragg as you should know joined the army, found training too tough and bought himself out, he then reinvented himself as a 'socialist singer' ripping off his ' followers'. To cement his new found lefty status he sang songs in praise of the Marxist IRA and urged other lefties to violence against the old NF.
Coming from what he described as 'My beloved Barking' he welcomed mass immigration to the area until it became just too multi-culti for his liking so he abandoned those he conned into voting Labour and bought a mansion in whitest Dorset. Asked why he replied he had his kids to think of.
Does anyone still swallow his so-called leftie credentials or do you agree with me that he is a hypocrite of the first order?
His erstwhile mates in UAF have been taken for a ride by him, will those useful idiots ever learn?
9 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoRailway carriage builders?
in the Black Country? Can anyone tell me the name of the train maker that the Government let down by ordering train carriages from a German company?
2 AnswersRail8 years agoif Scotland is so poor?
and backward please tell me why British unionist parties are desperate for Scotland to remain in the YooKay?
Why would Tories in London beg Scots to vote no to independence if we are such a drain on England?
I don't trust any of the three main unionist parties, Alex Salmond is right. Lets dump Tory rule from Westminster for good.
17 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years agoSWP and nine allegations of rape.?
The Commie SWP, with its dwinding membership, is accused of covering up nine rapes. A Senior party official is accused of raping a Sheffield University student in 2011.Miss X said. That if she had gone to the police she would have been automatically kicked out of .
the party.
The loonies running the party, a very loose term for an outfit that wont fight elections, held a kangaroo court to investigate these complaints and acted as judge and jury. The party does not recognise the. ' Bourgeois' system of justice in Britain.
The. 'Emergency conference' held in Hammersmith Town Hall a week ago on Sunday was a farce. The leadership survived a vote of no confidence as critics branded the result as a whitewash!
Quesgion is should this party of failed politicians, with its very wealthy leadership, close down?
What is the point of the SWP for as a pressure group they have achieved nothing. Losing female members by the dozen suely it can only be a matter of time before it closes down?
6 AnswersCivic Participation8 years agoPaedophile Information Exchange. PIE?
One time Labour Party candidate and homosexual, the media luvvie Peter Tatchell, is on photographic record holding a placard claiming " Not all sex involving children is unwanted."
Harriet Harmen was also involved with PIE. Any further info?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoTudhoe ward, Spennymoor?
A local by-election was held there yesterday, Thusday, anyone know the result?
2 AnswersElections8 years agoFailed singer Billy Bragg?
Billy Bragg, the Communist who encouraged mass immigration into Britain, especially into his 'Beloved Barking' got his wish. The English in Barking are now a minority, swamped by Third World immigrants who have taken all the council homes and forced the locals out.
Bragg of course loves the 'enrichers' so when he abandoned his 'Beloved Barking' to a mansion in whitest Dorset saying he 'Has his children to think of' do you think we who suffer this invasion don't have OUR children to think of? To me he is a champagne socialist and disgrace.
4 AnswersSinging8 years agoMy question was removed why?
I asked if Halal ritual slaughter is cruel and backward, and it was removed because a Muslim complained! Is this right that they can dictate what can be asked on Answers?
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agoWhy do the fascist left?
spout their left-wing evil nonsense and denounce anyone and everyone who disagrees with their sick agenda?
Example, in the UK the so-called unite against fascist mob supports Muslim paedophiles when they appear in court. They support open borders to allow unlimited millions to flood in to Britain without the slightest thought of where to put them. England is already the most overcrowded country in the world.
Yet if anyone dare raise an objection on logical grounds they are denounced as evil nazi scum! This after the new Labour leader Ed Milliband said people have the right to ask questions, yet still the fascist left ramble on. They really are the sicko's of today.
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoHow long before Britain becomes an Islamic state?
The Blair/Brown Labour government allowed, no encouraged, 3.5m Third World immigrants into the UK in three years, the vast majority Muslims. Given that they all have between four and ten children each, who themselves will breed the same numbers, how long have we left?
What will we say to our children when they innocently ask " Why did you allow it happen MummyDaddy?
23 AnswersGovernment9 years ago