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craigslist scam or not?
I put a radio on craigslist for $100. A guy textd me and said he will pay the $100 and send it in a money order. He also said that he would give an extra $30 for the wait. The next day he textd me and said his assistant sent the wrong amount of money and that she sent it meant for something else. He said to take out the $130 and send the rest back With the radio. Does this sound like a scam? If it does how would it effect me if i took the $130 out and sent the radio and rest of the money back?
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agocollege housing for freshmen?
I am goin to attend college next year and the deadline for freshman housing applications has already past. all freshman must live on campus unless they live close. I dont live close. Since i have not applied yet what would happen? Would i still get to live on campus? Would i not be able to attend that college?
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 years agowhat is more dirty a fingernail or piece of grass?
My sister says that when i pick my nails and throw it in the car floor that it is nasty. I reply that there are worse things on the floor than my nail. I say that a piece of grass on the floor is more dirty but she disagrees. What would you say is more dirty and why?
2 AnswersOther - Health6 years agobest breed of dog to get along with pit bulls?
My sister and her husband have a pit bull and they are wanting to get a friend for it to play with. They want something that will have fun with it n that it wont fight. What is the best breed of dog that gets along with pit bulls really well? If you know of a lot than can you give me your top 5 or 10?
4 AnswersDogs7 years agothroat and nose hurting when breathing in cold air while running?
I want to go running on my street but it is always so cold. Is there something i can do to keep my throat or nose warm so it doesnt hurt when running because of the cold air?
3 AnswersRunning7 years agodownloading minecraft maps onto xbox?
I download maps and mods onto my xbox 360 using a flash drive. Can i download more than one map or mod at a time? I use horizon on my laptop.
1 AnswerXbox7 years agomy dog has been sneezing all day?
I have a pomeranian n all day it has been sneezing. 3 or 4 times then bout 5 minutes later he will again. Why might this be happening?
1 AnswerDogs7 years agohow do i keep my dog from begging at the dinner table?
Every night when my family eats dinner our pomeranian dog begs at the table. He barks sometimes and jumps up and puts his front paws on our lap. My parents even feed him their left over food when they are done. I try to get them to stop feeding him but they wont. When the dog begs to me i push it down and it just goes to someones else. It is so annoying when we are trying to eat. Even my parents get annoyed but they still feed it. My parents also hate when i push the dog away because they say im being mean to it, but it has to learn somehow. Is there anything that i can do to get the dog to jus leave us alone while eating? I have other dogs too and they just lay under the table. I wuld love for the pomeranian to do as the dogs.
8 AnswersDogs7 years agowhat is the best things to do to get to sleep?
I often have a lot of trouble getting to sleep at night and end up staying up eithr really late or all night and i have to go to school in the morning. What is the best way i can get to sleep at night? Best medication?
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years agowhat is the best way to prevent motion sickness?
I get motion sickness sometimes in the car or on rollercoasters and i try to prevent it by taking some medicine but it never seems to work. I have to travel an hour away to soccer practice a few times a week and sometimes i get car sick. What is the best way to prevent this so that i am not sick during practice?
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases7 years agowhat is cookies on technology?
I hear or see the term cookies a lot when dealing with technology like my phone or computers. What exactly is cookies?
2 AnswersSecurity7 years agois it bad for you to fall asleep in the shower?
When i take a shower i love to relax and sometimes i even sit down. Sometimes i get close to falling asleep. If i ever did fall asleep would it be bad for my skin to be in water that long?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoI have a problem with installing apps on my acer laptop and it wont take me to the sign in page?
I recently got an ace laptop and want to download a music app. I try to install it but a message pops up and says, "something happened and your purchase can not be completed." I went to see if it this was because I am not signed in to my Microsoft account and it has a page that says to sign in but once I click on the sign in button it wont take me to the sign in page so that I can type in my email and password. can someone tell me how I can fix this problem?
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhy is there liquid in the peanut butter jar when i open it?
I open the jar of peanut butter and there is a little puddle of liquid. I was wondering what the liquid is and what causes it?
8 AnswersOther - Home & Garden7 years agoI trapped a live mouse and dont know how to release it without killing it?
I trapped a mouse under a CD container and it is still alive. I want to get it out of my house without killing it but dont know how. Does anyone know how i can do this?
3 AnswersZoology7 years agowhat are some good pranks for my friends house?
Im am going to prank my friends house by forking his yard, putting cotton balls in his yard, putting window chalk on his car, egging his house, putting toilet paper all over his yard and house, and saran wrapping his car. Is there anything else that i can add to that list?
3 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years agowhy do I hick-up when drinking a very cold soda?
I have pepsi in my mini fridge and i keep it colder than usual refridgerators. When i take a drink it is very cold and makes me hick-up. I was wondering why this happens.
3 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years agoI have a problem on bloons td battles.?
I was playing bloons td battles and once i sent a red blimp at my opponent my income went straight to $0. Can someone tell me why?
1 AnswerMySpace8 years agoI have a pulled hip muscle. help?
I pulled a hip muscle playing soccer. It was about 2 weeks ago and still hasn't gotten better. I have a game tuesday. Is there a way to heal it by then and still be able to practice tomorow and monday?
1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago