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  • What do I feel for him?

    Well there is this guy in my school, He is so sweet but I really don't know how I feel. Every time I see him my heart beats faster and I feel my face start burning. When he is around I get clumsy and always have to stop myself from crashing into something. During break I want to be around him and every time he looks sad I can't help but feeling sad as well. His smile brightens up my day. I think about him most of the time and sometimes I feel like I can't stand keeping what I feel for him inside and it feels like I need to scream in out. It's like I when I close my eyes, I can imagine him perfectly, every detail about him. Stuff that I learned about him when I met him and forgot suddenly comes back to me. Every time he looks at me I feel... Weird. It's like the whole week passes fast and when it's the weekend it takes forever to end. The first thing I look for in assemblies and after school things is him. Whenever I hear a love song I think of him. Sometimes I can be talking to my friends on Facebook about hanging out during the weekend or something else and all the suddenly I start thinking of him. Also I know my friends have him in some classes and I am tempted to ask them what happened in the class. What do I feel?

    Oh, and also another question: how can I talk to him? The two best opportunities are : A party on Thursday in school for the people with 3.00 average and above or between classes (our lockers are next to each other)

    Thanks :)

  • What do I do or what can I do?

    Alright, so I am in high school first of all. I have this crush and I find it that everyday we don't go to school the day goes by slow and I find myself missing and wondering about him. So I live in the US so we have the week off for thanksgiving day and I am bored and wondering about him listening to music such as Taylor Swift. We also had a project for English class last week and the teacher filmed it and posted it online and I am so tempted to go to the class site and watch his project. So my question is what do I do to keep myself busy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • HELP?! I really need help!?

    Well first of all I am not very good at expressing my feelings or even knowing them. To me a liking someone, a crush, love, and in love are all the same thing. Okay so I like two guys and I don't know what the... I feel! so I thought I got over one, but I saw him and realized I am so not. So I need help in two things 1. What do I feel? 2. How do I get over both?!

    So for guy 1: I have liked him for 4 years. Every time I see him I have the instinct to run so I won't do something stupid. I wonder if he is at the same place I usually see him. Every time I try to forget him he appears. Yesterday I thought I was so over him and I saw him literally for 5 seconds and my heart started beating so fast I can't explain, and I was shaking literally and I don't know what that was about!

    Guy 2: Every time I am daydreaming it is about me hugging him and it is so comforting and warming and soft that I can't explain it is like I trust him and there is nowhere else I rather be. The weekend can't pass without me thinking and wondering about him. When he is near I want to hide, yet stand out. I want to scream at him what I feel for him. He can do the simplest things for me to notice him and laugh. And I had a dream where we were in a place that was sunny and filled with people including my bestest friends and when he talked to me everyone just disappeared

    Oh and this goes for both guys, what I like is not their looks every girl like them 'cause of that but I fell for their personality and all I want for both is their happiness.

    Oh yeah and last question is it normal for your heart to start beating so fast and for you to start shaking at the sight of that person. And is it normal to daydream about hugging that person and feel so warm, comfortable,happy and safe?

    So my questions are: What do I feel, How do I get over both, and Is feeling like that normal? Thanks so much I am so confused!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does He Like Me and Am I making it obvious?

    So, I like this guy lets call him C. And it's like the first guy I've liked in 4 years :/ So, I barely got over another guy, lets call him M, just 'cause of C. I know that is well kinda confusing so let me just say that I've like the previous guy for 4 years and I was broken hearted after everything. Well I met C on June and all I thought of him was as some other regular, normal guy. He was so nice and funny and I know he likes Tyga, and wants to be a professional basketball player that is all I know. I never really payed attention to him. This school year I was looking for everyone that I knew in my classes. I didn't have him in any. I kept seeing him around the school. So I kinda started feeling something for him and pushed that off. But he always stared at me so it was kinda hard for me to forget. So I stopped trying to ignore it. So my question is if I am making it obvious that I like him and Does he like me?

    Here are things I do:

    When I am walking with my friends and he is nearby me (my friends and I walk in a horizontal line ) I go to the end that is farther than his

    I am kind of quiet by him

    sometimes (rarely) I stare at him

    that is all

    Things that he does:

    Once I was sitting with my friends 3 of them left leaving me with one of my best friends, so I moved one to the side of the table (round table) and he was 1 table away and he also moved to the side except the side was facing mines

    He always seems to stare

    Once when I was heading to my last class (his was in front of mines) and he was already inside the room he stuck his head out to see what class I was going to

    When he was playing like a lot of sports (batting the ball, dropping the bat, kicking the soccer ball, getting the volleyball, hitting it etc) He was all smiling then a ball came my way and he saw and his smile faded and he went all shy

    Today I was standing by my lunch table with my friends and he was coming to pass by he did the same thing as I did he was walking with his friends in a horizontal line and he saw me end went to the far end -.-

    I catch him staring at me alot

    Things he does that make me think he doesnt like me:

    Once just once 2 days ago he was hanging with A LOT of girls

    That every girl seems to like him and he doesn't know what is happening so he just goes a long with it not knowing what he is doing!

    I like him for his personality not his looks I know every girl thinks he is cute I don't think he is :/ and he was so sweet this summer, when me and my friends asked him to do something he did it without arguing and didn't get upset. When he didn't know my name in the beginning he wasn't like " Hey you whats your name!" or anything rude he just made eye contact and said "_____ right?"

    so Does He Like Me and Am I making it obvious that I like him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to forget someone?

    I've liked him for 4 years. I don't even know what I feel for him well because I am not good at expressing or knowing my own feelings. Every time I saw him it was like I was looking at him for the first time but my feelings for him were always stronger everyday. He was smart, nice, funny, loved to argue and everything I like. I never cared about what he looked like only his personality. Now I learn he is a "lady's man" and every girl likes him and now that I look at him for his looks not personality he is kinda cute. Well he has a girlfriend. Before her he had another one that lasted a day over a month. He got the girlfriend he has now 2 weeks later which makes me sick because he said he loved her and now he says that to his new girlfriend.I know he had his month-a-versery and I couldn't help thinking "Well thats the longest relation-ship you've ever had just watch when she dumps you and you get a girlfriend a week later" The point is I need to forget about him but I can't and need advice. There is no other guy I know that is like him except 1 but he is my best-friend's crush and I am not even going to go there simply because the fact he is my best-friend's crush. She has the same problem as me too. Her crush is also a "ladies-man" they both have the same traits their funny, love to argue, and smart. Good thing they don't know each-other or if not we'd live in misery. I need help and don't tell me find another guy because it's not that simple forgetting someone I have known that long and have fallen really deep into. This advice should help me and my best friend. Thanks.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Cellphone issues? urgent!?

    So i have a samsung seek. i have tried everything rice, freezer(only 5 min), and charging but my screen wont respond to anything. i am going to try the silica packages but i need instructions. Meanwhile is there any other way to text instead of the touchscreen like you know instead of pressing send. maybe with they keyboard? thanks id appreciate it. its urgent left 4 people hanging already and need phone for emergencies. thank you

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Cellphone issues? urgent!?

    So i have a samsung seek. i have tried everything rice, freezer(only 5 min), and charging but my screen wont respond to anything. i am going to try the silica packages but i need instructions. Meanwhile is there any other way to text instead of the touchscreen like you know instead of pressing send. maybe with they keyboard? thanks id appreciate it. its urgent left 4 people hanging already and need phone for emergencies. thank you

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Help?! my phones touchscreen got wet?

    My phones touchscreen got wet. i have a samsung seek and ive had it for 3 years and this is the second time this happened. the first time it worked fine about 20 min. later but now it wont. please dont say rice or dont turn it on because it was on when it was wet. i i also need to text my friend because i left her hanging nd i really need the phone for school and emergencies

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Help!!! Please?! I will answer one of your questions! does he like me? do i love him?

    there is this guy Known for now 4 years.We always fought@first.I hated him and whenever I heard the phrase:hate comes before love, i said nuh uh i am not falling for him.but then i did.i liked a guy and for some reason i cant stand liking 2 guys at the same time so I "forgot" about him.I still saw him but I didn't feel anything but i only saw him twice after i "forgot" about him.Anyways i saw him a year after that and i couldnt help but feeling something as soon as he walked in the room.he sat behind me and my family and my heart beated really fast.when i saw him with a girl i couldnt help but feel hurt now knowing i didnt stand a chance.the bad thing is i knew his mom and she knew me.then my mom and his mom became friends.they saw eachother once(our moms) and started talking and i said "oh no" and walked away.then whenever i saw him i would catch him looking at me.i was alone@the store and i heard him tell his little sister is that her 1ce he was staring and we Held eyecontact for 10 sec then i looked away.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago